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So, you want to create an extension of the Church? Awesome! Feel free to start your branch whenever you like. Congregations are built by local members working under the supervision of our Father Church, which you are vising now for this information. Starting a new congregation of The First Church of Druwayu can be very rewarding and fun if done correctly.
Do note that there is no fee to be a member. Any donations to support the Church and its branches are welcomed but not required by all members. You do have to be a currently active register member on our website, however, before you can proceed to establish a church. It also requires substantial time and effort as well as a thorough understanding of the mission, values, and history of the FCD. Familiarize yourself with our teaching and concepts thoroughly is necessary. Everything you need to know is already here, so we have done that work for you.
There are four primary things to know:
The FCD is not Satanic, is not based in any concepts of Satanism, and is not derived from or out of such things as mysticism, occultism, paganism, heathenry, 'Wicka,' Druidry or anything particularly monotheistic or atheistic.
Though the FCD has a sense of parody present within it based in the embracement of humor as well as logic and absurdity, it is not a parody or mockery of other spiritual or religious identities.
Be aware the FCD is also not based in or supportive of any form or expression of racism or ethnocentric rhetoric and will not support or advocate such claims or views.
We do not recognize claims of 'inherited' titles, identities, or so-called bloodlines as claims to rights of being recognized as either a Warlock or Witch, or such nonsense as 'how to tell someone is or isn't."
Once you have taken time to learn everything, we require that you have:
At least one Warlock or Witch recognized by us who is 18 years of age or older, and a current active member of this website (we reserve the right to discontinue recognition of anyone who violates any of our policies and terms, so be sure to keep up to date on those).
You and your members are solely held liable for any legal actions taken against you for which this Father Church is held exempt and not liable, especially in any cases involving criminal activities and other violations of local laws.
You will be expected to provide at least 10% of any funds you collect through your local church using any of the information and/or content of this Father Church and maintain an active, current, and updated linked registration on this website for redirection to your personal branch website pages.
You will also need to establish a visible link to our website from your webpage (a link share).
If approved, we ask each chapter and/or branch to send a contribution of $5 a month or $60 for the year to maintain a listing and to show us your branch is still active.
If you have specific additional social links, you will need to provide their linked addresses. Again, you must be a member of this parent website to be considered to have such a listing.
You will also be responsible for making sure those links do not redirect people to non-related or restricted content, especially those that violate our terms and policies.
Be aware that you cannot refer to your local council as the Drusidu. There is only One.
You can refer to your local administrator council however else as you wish including simply a council of elders.
You will also be held solely liable for any activities and abiding by your local and state laws, and any violations thereof, for which this Father Church is not liable and exempt from.
Creating Clubs instead of Church branches
If you rather simply create a local club, you don't need to worry about having someone who is recognized as a clergy member.
Any fund-raising events will need to be approved by the Drusidu of this Father Church and or the High Elder Warlock.
If approved, the required provision of 10% will be required, and you will need to provide the same information such as a web page linking to your local club and a link of our site from your webpage (a link share).
You will also be held solely liable for any activities and abiding by your local and state laws, and any violations thereof, for which this Father Church is not liable and exempt from.
Be Aware:
We do, also reserve the right to take over or discontinue any branch, group, club or organization that uses anything that is specific to our religion or uses any specific terms or namesake that are directly related to those things pertaining to Druwayu by way of direct or indirect references. We also do reserve the right to take necessary legal action against anyone that misrepresents Druwayu and/or the Church and its members. Any misrepresentations by any such branch, group, club or organization will authorize us to seize any and all assets acquired for such violations, including but limited to our own terms and policies. Familiarize yourself with them before proceeding.
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