This code of behavior should not only be seen as an important safeguarding measure but should also be about modelling positive patterns of Druish and applies to the behavior of our Clergy of Warlocks and Witches as well.
Our goal is to create, maintain and preserve a reasonably open and welcoming environment for visitors and members alike. Healthy debates and inquiries presented respectfully and without hostility is a must, however, general kindness is required. We come from all over the world, so not everyone is going to agree or want to see what is outside the descriptions of this culture, tradition and religion.
This is clear and expected to be applied to everyone. This means any anti-newbie sentiments are not acceptable. It does not matter if you identify or reject the identities of Warlocks and Witches as we define them within our tradition or not. It does not matter if you are of any other religious or non-religious identity or of a different nation or culture. All are expected to welcome and respect one another and their differences and any anti whatever views, especially those outside of Druwayu, are not permitted here. Otherwise please feel free to continue to share what you love. We enjoy seeing what you create and share as members of this Church.
Here, we are clear on what is defined as hate speech and will not acknowledge any other claims that are outside of this scope as so defined. We define hate speech as anything pertaining to sexist commentary, 'jokes" or passive aggressive commentary or insults that are intended to belittle, insult and disrespect men, boys, women, girls, a person's sexual orientation as in heterosexual, homosexual or bisexual, against one's skin color, race or ethnicity, or nationality, social or political status or affiliations, and or cultural, religious or non-religious identities. Simply put, you are to treat all fellow human beings as equals "full stop."
Being part of Druwayu as a Druan and or Warlock or Witch requires a community mind set of complete mutually reliable trust, and that trust includes the respective of others privacy. Authentic and expressive discussions make communities stronger when all are being respectful, however this trust also includes not seeking or sharing private information of or about others without their permission or presumed permission. As such, what may or may not be shared within this community among members or in private confidence shall be kept private and all shall be expected to also maintain the same standards of our privacy policies.
Furthermore, at no point in time shall you or should you seek to submit or solicit any minors (persons under 18 years of age), especially if you intend to secure or coerce minors into providing you personally identifiable information. Furthermore, no aspect of Druwayu should be directed at or towards minors on purpose so as to set them up as "potential converts" into Druwayu and shall be left solely to the discretion of their parents and or legal guardians and no others to educate them about Druwayu. Otherwise, knowingly engaging in any communications with minors that are not your own children or in your legal care is strictly forbidden.
Multiple posts, as long as they are different subjects and content, such as in the forum areas is not regarded as spamming. However, repeatedly submitting the same post or comment constantly and overloading the different areas for member communications is not tolerated and recognized as spamming.
To avoid being blocked from communications or potentially being banned as a member, keep posts different, consistent and specific to its particular topic, but do not simply plagiarizer or resubmit something that has already been placed in the forum from someone else. This will not be applied as spamming if you are simply updating and expanding or editing your own posts such as correcting spelling errors. Be mindful.
Multiple posts, as long as they are different subjects and content, such as in the forum areas is not regarded as spamming. However, repeatedly submitting the same post or comment constantly and overloading the different areas for member communications is not tolerated and recognized as spamming.
To avoid being blocked from communications or potentially being banned as a member, keep posts different, consistent and specific to its particular topic, but do not simply plagiarizer or resubmit something that has already been placed in the forum from someone else. This will not be applied as spamming if you are simply updating and expanding or editing your own posts such as correcting spelling errors. Be mindful.
Simply put you are not permitted as either a member or visitor to advertise your third party private/public business to other members or visitors. Unauthorized ads are simply any attempt to provide links and visual content or notices about other products or services without clear and written permission from the founder or the Drusidu that is the council and administrative body of Druwayu and its church, or to present such content or communications to visitors or other members in violation of your membership as a 'back door" to submit such content. Doing so will result in an immediate ban and block, and you will be reported through our various network channels and locations to worn other members and visitors of such violations which will also be treated as scams.
Regardless if you happen to be an actual medical doctor or other medical professional, you are not authorized to give any medical advice of any kind to members or visitors. You can suggest someone seeks medical attention pending the situation in question and unless you are a recognized clergy member with an accredited therapist license that has been verified do not give any other such recommendations. Any other types of "advice" such as acts of fortune telling should only be considered for entertainment purposes only and not to be taken as medically or scientifically legitimate practices even in regards to such content as traditional medicines.
Regardless if you happen to be an actual attorney or other legal professional you are not authorized to give any legal advice of any kind to members or visitors. You can request that your services be offered as a potential future list for members to refer to within your town, state or country that can be verified and proven, however it will also be made clear that we have no authority or control over the quality of such services proved or rendered and that the Church is in no way liable for any dissatisfaction. Should such be offered, end users will also be allowed to rate such legal service providers and that means pad for listings to support the church and its options for members. Just do not directly solicit and advertise without such permissions granted.
We do allow healthy and civilized, non-hostile political and religious discussions among members but will not tolerate anyone being attached, threatened or insulted for holding either popular or unpopular political and or religious views. There is no reason to tolerate otherwise uncivilized and hostile arguments or allow the perpetuation of mainstream weaponized mainstream media designed to distort, confuse and turn people against one another and prevent them from thinking before they react emotionally so as to perpetuate needless divisions and violence. Remember, they are fully aware that a divided people are a conquered people. We must not allow ourselves to succumb to such insanity.
No member or clergy shall seek to solicit any content pertaining to Druwayu without written permission by the Founder and/or successors within the Drusidu (council and custodianship of Druwayu and its Church.
No aspect of Druwayu or the Church shall be directed towards persons under 18 years of age (minors) intentionally and any illegal activities committed by members or clergy shall be their sole responsibility and for which Druwayu and the Church shall be held immune to liabilities and shall result in the revocation of membership and clergy status.
Acts of aggression such as but not limited to bullying or harassment are not acceptable and may result in excommunication.
All members, including clergy, are not to preach or teach Druwayu to any minors other than their own children if they are so inclined to do so but otherwise Druwayu shall not be directed towards minors.
No unwanted or unprovoked or forced physical contact between members or clergy shall be permitted at any point in time, including but not limited to hand shakes or hugging.
All acts of greet and welcoming of members and clergy and guests shall be kept as only verbal or by no contact gestures such as a nod or wave of the hand in observation of this custom.
All actions of discipline of such as minors shall be solely up to determination of the parents, legal guardians, or if necessary, law enforcement.
Members and clergy may defend themselves from assault by minors, such as teens or other adults if such becomes clear and necessary due to their own actions of physical aggression.
Verbal harassment or menacing of members or clergy through any of our online communication channels shall not be tolerated by adults or minors.
No one may seek to contact or acquire the personal identification of members without their permission and we shall maintain a rule that one only has to answer "no" once to such inquiry, otherwise repeated requests or even demands, shall be considered acts of cyber-stalking, bulling and harassment.
No adult members, including clergy are authorized to preach to or teach children and not authorized to communicate with minors other than in cases of a clear emergency.
If any minors do access under false credentials and pretense our online communication sources and attempt to solicit adults for adult based "private" communications of a sexual nature, it shall be regarded as entrapment, the communication will be entered into our legal archives and the proper authorities will be notified.
If any adults knowing engaged in or present themselves to be and therefore pretending to be a minor with the clear purpose to attempt some type of relationship with minors of an adult nature, including but not limited to seeking to encourage "private" communication, such shall be regarded as a sexual predator who will also be traced and reported to the proper authorities.