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The conceptual image of the Hermaphrodite that is common to nearly all the various expressions of Medieval Alchemy and Occult ideology that proposed the concept that the primary goal was to overcome particular states of matter through the union of opposites (male and female, light and dark, good and evil) in a sense of "transcending" the physical and ascending to a Divine Androgynous State. 


Part of this comes from two primary sources: a mistranslation of the of man and woman in Genesis, and therefore by intent to claim the first man Adam was a hermaphrodite before Eve was created (which is a bluring of two different stories, and the intentional distortions of some Rabbis on purpose to then claim their deity was and is a He-she so "it" needs no mate or consort thus imposing monotheism, and the other from additional outside Greek sources such as Pythagoreanism. 

For sake of Argument, the original singular word Adam is ancient. The plural is Adamu/Adama with the feminine being Adamah and can be found in such as ancient Sumerian Texts. Second, the singular name for the male deity was El, the feminine Elah and plural Elohim, however, the same Rabbis imposed the deception Elohim could be used as a plural or singular yet does not apply such to other entities with the "im" plural suffix. 

The reality is, all the references to said deities forced into a fictional singular one when there are clear and well plurals, and the same then being imposed upon people ignores the language of the source materials and factual archeology that shows these are dictions perpetuating the deception that the "first mythical man, like their deity were both dual gendered as in both being a He-she. The dual-gendered nature of the human or deity in both cases are blatant frauds. We can, however, find some sources for these concepts being pooled together to remake a religion with a single deity represented by a single ruler over the people, represented by a clergy that would proclaim said ruler and incarnation of such a fictional being based solely on "reproductive prowess."   We can break this down most clearly here in this example of how this has been pawned off for centuries. 

A lot of examples of Occult Idiology stem from taking the concept of Aion, originally represented as a male deity, applying it as more of an abstract concept meaning life-span, which is where both the words Awen and Eon originate with the same meaning and coming up with the idea of a male side as Theo, a female side as Thea, that their union called Enosis which means Union brings "secret knowledge and "knowing someone" also used figuratively for sex, are likewise broken into other concepts such as the One Theo/Male/God (Divine Masculine) side linked to Samael and the Devil, the Thea/Female/Goddess (Divine Feminine) side linked to the darker concepts of Samael and Lilith as well as The Devil and The She-Devil. This is carried on in the Pythagorean cult concepts that eventually came to be remade and redesigned to be the twisted backdrop of what came to be known as Kabballah or Jewish Mysticism. These in turn produce a Third Person, often called the Demiurge.


As we can see, the characters are presented as Aion as "The Divine Essence" and the two persons are presented as Kronos the father and Rhea the mother. The Demiurge wo then creates the "imperfect world as the Logos" intended to be his own future wife and bride. Yet it is still essentially the third person of the One Aion has to eventually try and reconcile the world and humanity back to this Divine Order. In this case, it changes slightly where the man and the woman actually reject the Divine Will and do not desire to be mere hosts or shells through which the deity incarnates through simultaneously as a "holy redemption. It is this very basis of concepts which do have echoes among 1st century Christians, for example, is by large where the idea the "Holy Spirit" the active feminine energy, person and expression of the highest and holiest but in female form and likewise linked to the "Lady Wisdom texts that extreme feminists yellow about.


In this example, we have the common "idea" where on one hand the Jewish concept of Deity is considered both masculine and feminine in quality yet beyond the confines of gender in a "human" binary sense. Yet the same will contract themselves going back to the previous nonsense and claim their deity is reflected in the human and the first human was a he-she which is a known fiction. However, in several of the various mystical writings of much later Jewish mysticism such as the Kabballah (Kabb-allah), the singular name for the male is El, the female version is Elah and plural Elohim applies to both. As such some will go as far as to note that Elohim can be considered a masculine singular applied to a feminine plural while some completely delete the male and call it a feminine plural alone based on the masculine plural Elim. In any case, the same sources tend to not "like" a third being added so create this duality concept for their Yahu/Yahweh. 

Drawing from these concepts as often presented in such as the Kabballah (Kabb-allah), that the Jewish Deity, or the Deity of Monotheism in general is a He-she, concluded that 'It' is a hermaphrodite. It was Eliphas Levi, a French Catholic and occultist, that in 1854, created this image of the so-called Baphomet, pronounced Baf-oh-may, which is something most get wrong, as composing that he also called the ‘Sabbatic Goat.’ It was meant to represent the union of opposing forces which in itself is a concept of chaos rather than order and was later adopted in 1966 as a symbol of the Philosophic Satan for the so-called Church of Satan created by Anton LaVey. Previously, the Occultist and mentally ill Aleister Crowley was among the first known occultists to have connected the Baphomet imagery with Satan and also proclaimed Satan is not the enemy of mankind, but an ally. However, this connection goes back even earlier and appears on several old tarot decks which themselves also are based on old carvings representing 'devils' as hermaphrodites in early Italian Tarot cards representing the confusion and corruption of nature. Rather than goat horns, antlers were attached to a cap, with its brim is folded to look like animal ears on Jean Dodal Tarot, 1701.  All of this is derived from concepts of the 1300s. 

We find this obscured yet present in the primary symbol of Freemasonry and various Masonic Temples. It's one of the more well-known fraternities of its type before it allowed for the inclusion of sororities, but all retain the same "he-she" concept of deity which is expressed in the symbolism. While not being the only Occult Order, this concept of "Deity" also includes the concept as the "Deity" of all mystical, occult and magical arts and sciences. This is where we see the clearest example of corruption of True Sacred Geometry by only referencing some of the rules while avoiding following them from start to finish and the basis behind most of the so called "sacred geometry" pushing the same twisted ideologies entwined into it, along with various elements of Pythagoreanism and Gnosticism. For clarity, the compass represents the tool used to draw out circles and circles or curved lines are female and feminine. The square, also called the ruler, is used to draw out straight lines which are as such male and masculine. The G in the is for Geometry and God, but also the deceit that God as a "A He-she Deity."

There are many, many more examples of these concepts of a single deity being both male and female under the assumption that a deity has to possess both the reproductive powers of the male and the female binary genders. This is at the heart of all this mystical occultism and the basis behind the more extreme concepts that the female should strive to become androgynous, and the male should strive to be emasculated and more feminine through self-castration. We find similar concepts pulled from such as the mystery cults within the ancient Roman empire, such as the Galli. The Galli were priests who formed the cult of the goddess Cybele and her consort Attis.


A similar concept has been watered down in several modern "goddess" cults of extremist feminists" that perpetuate false history and impose the idea the male gender is an aberration of nature. Some consider the image of the Statue of Liberty to be similarly inspired since Attis is often represented in women's clothing with the same Sun Rays crown. Of course this has been applied to other claims. In actuality it's a statue of a female deity called Libertas to which the primary designer of the statue also applied his brother's face which also makes use of he-she imagery but also very much a deity of prostitution, and thus, the connection with the Mother of Harlots.


The Galli’s were and are notorious for the adoption of women’s clothing and jewelry, self-castration, and preference for homosexual/anal intercourse, which contrary to many modern sources that claim Ancient Rome was all for it is actually entirely false. In fact, these activities violated Roman senses of gender norms and behavior. To simplify this myth, basically Cybele was a he-she, got castrated, Attis was born as a result of this, and Cybele lusted after Attis having originally been part of "her" body. Thus, a cult of effeminate homosexual men and masculine homosexual women. It's from these kinds of ideas a lot of modern occultisms is spun from and demonstrates the insanity behind many of the various "social engineering" efforts to normalize this and even more extreme activities such as infanticide and cannibalism. It's unfortunately nothing new. 


Yet this is also behind much of the distortions of Sacred Geometry which when looking at how such is presented, it cannot and does not actually connect with the natural world and the associated divine sphere of things. It should also not be ignored that The Statue of Liberty was a Masonic concept conceived from within Freemasonry. The chief promoter and fundraiser for the project was Edward Laboulaye and he collaborated with the sculptor Frederic Bartholdi to develop a statue of Masonic enlightenment. It is also specifically through and from various Masonic based occultism that the distortions of Sacred Geometry are most perpetuated though they are not the first. They merely adopted these twisted concepts and ran with it all. The following shall cover this. 

The first stage of the True Sacred Geometry with God self-manifesting and creating his purely masculine geometric, Octahedron shaped body. This is where most will start with and when they become aware that the next set of stages would result in three coequal and simultaneously generated female shapes as the Spherical Bodies of Three Goddesses, they stop and skip over this and start over with more or less stating "God" or "Nature" as if synonymous, abandons the male shape and proceeds to focus indefinitely on the feminine form which is used to more or less create a sense God becomes female suddenly to the less aware of how this is false. So, it proceeds as follows:  


The second state, instead of including all three axes and instead only focusing on one, creates a completely different approach starting over withe the creation of the first central point and then starts drawing things out in a host of other processes as demonstrated here. Be aware this is in fact a violation of the rules and backtracking which is also unnecessary and misleads the observer.  


To try and "prove" a universal connection between this process of clustering, which when properly considered does not remotely demonstrate a point in which it collapses inward or forms a true torus shape, and the necessary conversion of the non-physical with the physical, such will call these stages the "6 days of creation" and the "one day of rest" to try and link it to the Genesis story, and then often apply other traced out symbols over the top which is little more than a game of connect the dots rather than connect concept with reality or spirituality with nature other than superficially. For example:


Others try and skip the first process all together and start with a dot, expands it out as a circle so as to completely remove any visual expression of the male, and then proceed to create a similar "Divine Feminine" only structure choosing to ignore nature and the resulting rules of true Sacred Geometry so as to push their anti-male misandry, and promotion of female homosexuality as a tool of manipulation and in many cases, grooming of minors. For example: 


This is then claimed to be "evidence" that the "True Supreme Being" is female only, the basis of the so called Divine Feminine primarily being pushed along with other pseudo-histories, and used as a demonstration that it is properly natural that the female can create without a male mate by "giving birth" to all things, and without a male quality at all (which counters the demand for female androgyny that is often perpetuated with these concepts). This is often claimed to be Parthenogenesis, which means "Virgin Birth/Virgin Creation." 


However, in reality, such a process in actual nature is the rare, but known case of two eggs within the same female only to merge and produces only a female offspring. So, this being used as a claim because of ancient ignorance to allow for both male or female or dual gendered offspring is nonsense. Some also try and tie this to the concept of a Supreme trinity female deity which is something that was more or less an imposed all female counterpart concept to the Catholic based Trinitarian concept previously shown and was started in the 1960s. Obviously, this doesn't fit in either as a concept much less within the framework demonstrated. 

In any case, the Male is again necessary as a foundation point because even the point or dot representing mind as the active masculine would still apply as a first principle. Additionally, this process would apply to the male as much as the three females simultaneously, by being demonstrated as follows and without all this backtracking and skipping around that has been shown here and what most tend to encounter. The following clarifies this once more for the sake of simplicity and presentation of the reality of the harmony being ignored:


If we were to be just as deceitful, we wouldn't need to include the female shapes at all other than as the outer circle simply used as a containment of the design which as also has been explained before, could just as easily be a square and as a container has no actual meaning because you cannot represent true infinity or eternity as a concept or as a reality. The following shows for sake of argument using only the male shape: 


We can see it takes less duplication of the previous to create a denser image in which the lines become less visible until they cannot be observed at all. The last one before completely covering any empty spaces has the hexagram placed in the center for clarification. However, it cannot be ignored either that we can also create ever contracting or ever-expanding representations or the circles and lines from the center inward or outward, yet if one is truly contemplating this, even using the hexagram or its closed form as an octahedron, or other angle as a cube, the end points eventually fade into all the various angular rotations to eventually form a circle. However, a circle does not eventually form the end point. What does occur if we use the following method trying to impose a purely feminine approach despite having to use straight lines of orientation which is then often used to impose the deception through visual trickery of the concept of androgyny is that these clusters always lead into the shapes of triangles, cubes, hexagons, and octahedrons, and in some cases pentagon. 


What we end up with here is a foundation concept of a shape known as a hypercube, also known as a Tesseract. This is of course by the same actual rules of Sacred Geometry a male shape when we remove the clustered 19 spheres in this example which is in turn are also often applied in a bit of psychological trickery to connect with the 19-year Metonic cycle (simply because of the application of the number 19 and nothing else, though this is claimed to be related to the 12 months of a year and 7 days of the week. However, this falls apart when it is pointed out that the Metonic cycle is based on a 13-month lunar calendar rather than 12-month solar calendar). In any case, this Hypercube is applied to the concept of 4 dimensional concepts of 3D space combined with 1D Space-time continuums.    

Eye of Herm

Some also ignore the rules entirely and will either use two circles as one representing male and the other female, and then use the shape in the center called an almost shape as representing a Single Eye and call it the "Eye of Deity" or "Eye of Providence" and "Eye of God" to name a few, or present the concept of the upright triangle being male and the inverted female, and then combine them as a hexagram to represent the same concept of a He-she deity. In other cases, some will use a single triangle and use one point upright or inverted to represent the concept of Deity or Divinity as a "nature of being or use an infinity loop and call it Godhood/Godhead" and use the other ends for male or female. Others use the symbols shown here with Mercury as a He-she.

Using the Mars symbol for the Male and the Venus symbol for the female and the Mercury symbol for the as a Hermaphrodite in these positions is in part a two-fold method of manipulation. It represents the concept of the imposed idea this nebulous concept of Deity in its formless state can be considered Androgynous/Asexual, that then divides itself simultaneously into the distinct male and female to then recombine as a Hermaphrodite to then perform the "works" of creation. In other senses, this Third is also more of the concept of a Demiurge as the philosophic term goes that is a force of chaos and "denies it's true nature" to create a world of ignorance and then splits souls into male and female so they also remain in a divided state of ignorance which is a concept taken right out of Gnosticism. It's all rather contradictory even from those presented ideas but is a basis for the whole "all physical existence is bad, so the destruction of the physical is a holy and good deed of liberation" and return back to the purity of Oneness and oblivious of self. It's basically a cult of death, suicide and annihilation. Of course this is then pointed out as coming from Zoroastrianism.   

a zoeodeus.png

Contrary to what is claimed, Zoroastrianism is not actually monotheistic. It only focuses devotion on one deity, however, and is called henotheistic or henotheism. Rather than go through all of it, the basic concepts were that a single source, again being neuter and neutral develops in itself both masculine and feminine polarities and creates the world more or less. Within it develops twin offspring and of them the Evil twin forces its birth to be First Born. The Good One waits to be Born when its proper to do so. The Evil One as a result corrupts creation and limits its time of immortality leading to its own eventual end of existence, and eventually the "Good One" will take over that will not have that limitation and redeem the world by cleansing it of the corruption. Both are presented also He-She beings also but also manifest in sets of three male versions and three female versions of themselves that then produce all good and evil beings by these other embodiments procreating. A literal fucking themselves thing. 

What about their mutual He-she parent? Some consider even mentioning it a heresy called Zurvanism. In any case this "being" is remote, rather indifferent and somewhat falls into the concept of Deism where the deity created everything and then more or less abandons it to run itself through its own course without imposing its desires or will upon creation or any creature. Gnosticism more or less draws from this and Pythagorean concepts which also show bits inspired by this and throws its own distorted spin. In any case it's from all this we see and hear the most common examples of the collective insanity when the so called "Divine Feminine" is spoke of with very little to nothing spoken of the male unless the male is presented as "all bad" and leads into the insanity of extremist feminism. 

Why there is such a preoccupation with these things that eventually lead to the promotion of the destruction society, civilization and eventually speaks of or promotes the complete destruction of the world, actual nature and ultimately the universe as all part of true liberation, which then also includes complete destruction of what is natural to the human being as either male or female in rejection of the reality we are a binary species of male or female with the periodic birth defects which include from time to time a person being born with both, often to their detriment of survival without medical intervention, is its own category of mental illness that tends to go hand in hand with "gender dysphoria" and the nonsense that "gender is assigned at birth" rather than the reality gender is determined by biology, not a piece of paper that simply records it for birth and census records.   

Actual history shows that when such distortions of reality and such cultish ideas and religious ideologies embrace this kind of insanity, the culture declines, relationships and family and social bonds fail, disease and mental illness increases and the civilization comes crashing down from within rather than being caused from external threats, unless those external threats were adopted and brought into that civilization freely and insuring its own ultimate doom and destruction. The ones that survive are the ones that pull out of that self-annihilating nosedive, of which very few have, and sometimes the solutions to purge themselves of such insanity and crisis can be at times extremely violent. Even the Romans that some of these insane occultists tend to glorify also considered a hermaphroditic birth a bad omen and a symbol of corruption of the natural order of things, and even a curse being leveled by their often already perverse deities that tended to be cruel and downright evil in many respects.

For many involved in the medical sciences even in the Victorian Era and onward, attempted to ascertain whether or not humans could be hermaphrodites, adopting a precise biological definition to the term. Later on, doctors introduced the terms "true hermaphrodite" for an individual who has both ovarian and testicular tissue, verified under a microscope, "male pseudo-hermaphrodite" for a person with testicular tissue, but either female or ambiguous sexual anatomy, and "female pseudo-hermaphrodite" for a person with ovarian tissue, but either male or ambiguous sexual anatomy. Those of more perverse interests and corruption of the sciences of biology and chemistry have actively sought to pursue the goal of changing entire population of species into hermaphrodites to which it is not natural with the goal of trying to turn all humans into hermaphrodites, or at least androgynes, believing it to make humans closer to becoming deities themselves based off all this, while those in various psychology centers and producers of various journals push the idea by trying to normalize the concept one's "true gender" is all in their head. It's entirely based in occultism and less in actual natural sciences.  

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