Welcome to the more specialized section of different types of Wights, or if one chooses to call them, Fairies or Vættir. As stated and previous presented, these are just different and generic terms for the same basic concepts. That in itself is at least generally understood. However, the controversial information presented here is caused because of centuries of errors, intentional misrepresentations, or simply poor and shoddy scholarship which has contributed to even more modern fallacies to be heaped upon this subject that creates such controversies fueled out of ignorance and blind arrogance. It is unfortunate, however, that is the tendency. The rest is the result of fools dumping everything into the garbage bin of occultism, shaking it all up and see what mix of trash comes out. That is not what will be presented here. Also be mindful that seeking accuracy of information such as this is not a personal attack. It is striving for impersonal facts so we can better understand these concepts and not be misled by anyone.
We often see it being pushed that Angels are good, Demons are evil and that is that. Saying or presenting anything contrary to that narrative is deemed "blasphemy or sacrilege." Here is the reality. Angel is often claimed to mean messenger and demon "evil spirit." It's all garbage. The word demon didn't even exist in various religious texts till after the 16th century CE. Before that, 'demon' was only used once in reference to 'wild creatures' associated with deserted places. Otherwise, the word devil pr devils in the plural were used; and even then, was not a proper name or identity holding the simple meaning of outcast. So, let's just get to the actual etymology.
ANGEL: An- 'without' + gelos 'cheer/laughter.' The name implied sense of stern seriousness and often a sense of looming discomfort as in causing a sensation of panic, fear or terror in their presence. An- is well known to be the Greek Prefix meaning 'not, lacking, without.' Gelos as a suffix means 'yell, cheer, laugh' having in common 'gēola' which also became Yule and yell also meaning cheer, laugh, etc. This is because it evolved over time as ġēol, and from geoli became the word Jolly with a similar sense and meaning. It's not uncommon, depending on the dialect, to see the 'g' shift to 'y, i, and j' over the centuries, as it is to see 'd' to become 's,t,' and so forth. The form An- still uses this sense of 'Not' and Gelos for 'Cheer/Laugh.'
DEMON: Dae 'shine' + monos 'one' with the literal meaning shining one and likewise applied to anything associated with being a source of light, such as the Sun, Moon, Stars, fire, lighting, etc. which is the basis of their celestial associations. The word Dae/De and also Dei are all sources akin to the word Dag, day, and the plural Dagan (days) which is seldom noted. In proper concept they are more akin with the Devas (male) and Devis (female) of India when the more modern form demon for the male and demoness is used for the female. It's also from Greek.
DEVIL: From dēofol, dafval, diufal, deuvil, devel, and several other varients into devil. The word forms of ofol, afval, ufal, and uvil to name a few are shared words for offal and evil (off fall as in fallen off as a term for scraps, especially waste meat products from butchering and processing, usually burned or fed to dogs for example). De as a prefix and its variants sometimes as 'te' and 'thi' mean "the-." The context came to not mean just "the fallen" in the sense of outcast in a generic figurative sense, it was also often used as a term for those cast aside and forgotten by surrounding society, and as such was used at times in such phrases as "poor devil, silly devil, and foolish old devil." It does not, however, as some claim, have any connection with the concept of a lesser deity, nor as a proper name. It was heavily influenced, of course by the Greek word that became diablos with the base meaning of thrown through/thrown across. Otherwise, the more native words like outlaw and outcast were utlog and utkast. Utkast for Outcast is likely a hybrid of Scandinvian derived ut for out and Latin castus meaning cut off or cut away more or less.
Originally the term Demonology included the "study of angelic and other entities. Either concept of the angle or demon in the original Greek concept could be benevolent, indifferent or malevolent depending on his or her "higher" appointments or orders, or percieved personalities. However, things are reversed factually. Demons were one of the 'deities' as a secondary power with the male term being Deos/Theos with the plural being Deoi/Theoi and for the female being Dea/Thea with the plural being Deae/Theae. An Angel was considered a more specific class of such 'Demons' rather than a separate species. The term Demi- was added in most cases if a person was considered half human and half deity, or two thirds a deity and one third human, or in reverse one third a deity and two thirds a human (at least in the so-called classic sense).
As such, the whole concept of the various "orders of angelic hierarchies" was invented in the 6th century CE by the theologian Dionysius the Areopagite, and an outline by Thomas Aquinas. There was no such "Demonology" because as stated, Demon was not rally recognized as much of anything other than a reference to old deities of a sort, so it didn't exist. That was another medieval imposed invention, which makes even less sense than that of the so-called hierarchies since not all such in that list are called 'angels' other than angels and 'archangels' as among the lowest classification. Formed and arranged into the nine choirs, which are grouped into the 3 hierarchies of 3 classifications, it was intended to be somehow aligned (though never clarified how) with Trinitarian concepts.
If we were to include, for example, the recognition of The One God as the All Father (Father and Creator of Everything) and then acknowledge the Three Goddesses as we should in relation to these claimed orders, then we would get the following distributions which will also include how they are actually associated with other types of characters in ways most do not realize or simply do not comprehend. I use the color coding to make it easier to see the different groupings. It's not intended to hold other contexts or associations in this case just to be clear.
The basic meaning if Burning or Fiery Ones, often associated with Winged Serpents and Dragons and among their forms.
Seated Figures often represented in similar ways as higher deities and often associated with those as more like Emperors.
The basic meaning is carrying ones from the original root kara- where we get words like cart and car. Often represented as sphinx like beings.
These tend to be represented in a manner similar to wizards (wise ones) and elders (priests) having associations with worship and rites.
Seated Figures often represented as a middle class of deities often linked in concept and representation as king like characters.
These tend to be associated as beings of the various forces of nature ranging from storms to quakes often represented as giants.
More often than not, though they may deliver messages, they tend to have more associations with foot soldiers and appointed temporary tasks of guardianship over persons, places and things.
Seated figures often associated as a lower-class of deities closer to humans, they are more often than not associated with princes as the name suggests, and rulers of specific cities or towns.
More often than not, Archangels are less involved in delivering messages as they are in carrying out orders as generals leading others in armies or 'legions' as it were resulting in their representations as knights.
GENDER: Yes, they have distinct genders just like any other spiritual or more earthly beings, including humans. It is a fallacy that these entities do not have and are not represented as having distinctly male or female genders, have been encountered in ancient tales as either male or female. The claim that they are "pure intellects" which really doesn't say anything and that they do not have physical forms is nonsense. Plenty of examples demonstrate they do indeed have diverse forms and diverse kinds as species. The whole set of claimed arguments to the contrary and pushing the no gender bit is based in bad interpretations and theological idiocy.
The reality is, this was a medieval invention again to avoid dealing with theological concepts or questions such as if such beings reproduce sexually, or other silly things like whether they can or do eat, excrete and so forth.
Part of this is the false association of gender distinctions with such things as marriage, which was a completely different argument about when does the marriage oath end (which the obvious would be at death for everyone) but also never took into consideration such things as divorce. It was never a 'gender' debate.
Those who try and get around this and many other examples that counter such silly claims include the innumerable and immortal bit. Various deities of various ranks and kinds, though they are immortal, can also be destroyed, often by other deities and can (do) reproduce sexually.
Such also ignore another theological concept which does in fact apply which is avoided being dealt with because the "lack of gender" bit would also be thrown out by this particular factual concept. It's the so called 'glorified and immortal spiritual body' which is described as like the base earthly body in every way (which includes gender distinction) but without all the defects or 'blemishes' such as scars or missing parts, and free from and immune to all illnesses and infections.
While such are mostly referred to in later sources they were adopted into as 'he or him or his,' none of them were called a he-she (it) or she. However, in older sources we find he or she stated, not anything that would indicate any being both a he-she or neither as in genderless. Like many things, later sources adopting them into their theology chose to more or less not bother mentioning any females among various entities other than humans and the animals for which they were familiar. This again does not indicate lack of gender or lack of gender distinctions.
Another attempt to avoid all this is to push the notion "all such beings" were created all at once at the same time before human people. This is actually an imposed assumption as there is no actual reference to when or how exactly such entities came into being or at what stage of the "creation" process they came about. It is merely assumed. Some also impose the fallacy of language usage form older times with completely lack of facts. .
Example: People formerly used male pronouns such as "he, his and "him" to refer to any person and male-specific language for both men and women (e.g., "mankind"). This is pure fiction.
Anyone actually doing real research finds when speaking of an Indvidual female character/woman "she, her and hers" are used, and along with the term mankind was also the term womankind.
Mankind is only used more frequently because the necessity to include female specific references were simply not all that much of a concern for such writers or translators and the texts were predominately written for men by men at a time when women were not even allowed to have leadership or teaching roles, and in many cases not encouraged to participate in or gain any kind of academic education such as basic reading and writing.
This was an imposed culture from Old Roman sources carried on through various theocracies especially in such things as a theological capacity as part of an imposed less egalitarian culture that most cultures, especially Old European ones, actually tended to be. Note the modern matriarchal fiction often imposed these days is false history perpetuated by occultist feminist extremists pushing misandry or more or less "toxic femininity."
So, one should not trust any sources that use such claims or excuses without doing better research of the same sources those who present such fallacies do knowing most won't actually research it themselves, but more than happy to run with it without verifying the accuracy or validity of such claim.
Indeed, it's the same kind of nonsense where such strip all beings of any gender distinctions theologically, then carry this on to deny the existence of gender distinctions in people and now even claim such distinctions in other species is false which are all blatant lies pushing occult driven delusions and perversions of reality to make the majority dumber for it.
Finally, there is the other example of modern stupidity when all that has been stated here has been demonstrated. It's the excuse or claim based on literally nothing but personal speculation which does not even make any bit of sense whatsoever, that some may be beyond the two genders about which we know. This is truly idiotic. Gender is male/masculine or female/feminine, applied biologically as well to factors of sexual reproduction. But let's examine this and make it simple again to show why such a conclusion or assumption as this is stupidity.
Male is one Gender and Female is the other Gender.
A being with only one gender is either Male, or it is Female.
A being with both genders present in one body is both male and female.
If a being is both male and female and reproduces A-sexually without a mate it is called an Androgyn (which is the whole meaning behind the term as androgynous).
If a being is both male and female and reproduces with a mate sexually it is called a Hermaphrodite and can reproduce Bisexually (mutually impregnated and siring) which was the original term for a bisexual being before it came to be applied mostly since the 1980s for a person sexually attracted to both persons of the same or opposite gender whereas the terms for one attracted only to the opposite gender is heterosexual and one interested in the same gender is homosexual. (Not complicated).
A being that reproduces without gender does so through segmentation/self-division as a form of self-replication. It does not, then, use sexual means to reproduce itself and as such reproduces without 'pro-creation' referring to the usage of sexually differentiated reproductive qualities of the male or female.
As such there simply is no "genders beyond male or female" so the very statement demonstrates the rampant stupidity and intentionally perpetuated delusions and ignorance of the completely idiotic and mentally ill at best. Those who get offended by this will also often mention fish who can swap their genders which demonstrates their stupidity as such fish still swap to either male or female based or talk about self-replicating "lesbian frogs." It holds no relevance to actual human beings other than in the minds of the stupid and delusional.
CONTEXTS OF USAGE: There is also another factor here most also tend to overlook. Even though these more or less 9 different orders or classes or even species of such entities are not "sexless" beings in origin or concept, it must also be understood that sometimes the term "angel" was often applied loosely for all sorts of things other than a classification of beings.
Sometimes the word was applied to men, sometimes to women, as in real people, sometimes to experiences of individuals like a situation or even some physical pain or some sense of peace in a less personified sense, to various forces of nature or behaviors of animals such as a swarm of insects.
This is because of both bad translations, bad transliterations, lack of indication if the word is being used figuratively or a replacement for another which it mostly was, especially between such as Hebrew, Greek and Latin primarily, to complete errors and intentional distortions to change narratives and conform to personal biases, assumptions and inaccuracies. Those are the problems most don't consider when they spout their nonsense or "assumed" tradition. This is all the more reason we must demand for accuracy and consistency in place of later or modern imposed fictions and fallacies.
Aesir: The most common fiction is to claim this Icelandic word means 'gods.' It is repeated time and again and it is in reality completely false. The Icelandic form of 'god' is goð with the plural as goðar. The feminine form is gyðja with the plural as gyðjur and holds the same sense of 'goddess.' I go over the various spellings under the section for 'deities' which can be reviewed.
So, we can cut the bullshit with all the other various words from just this Icelandic source often claimed to mean or be 'god or a god' of some kind, or the dumber ones that call a female deity a god to more or less intentionally cause people to unconsciously apply the word in a false gender-neutral sense as a noun or pro-noun. It only applies in such a case when the word is used as an adjective for 'good.'
Actual Etymology:
The oldest source of the singular Aes to the plural Aesir is actually from aise, the Norman Frankish word source of Ease.
Its base meaning is "help, comfort, please, and even opportunity and also has a sense of well-being such as "being at ease," as in relaxed as well as comforted.
It is likely to have been an import from later 12th and 13th century CE authors as a basis for importing Roman Latin ideas. If not, that we have to conclude that it was an imported idea from the Greek and Romans by way of the Gauls/Galatians.
'Ais' is a singular word that has its direct link to the Etruscans in the plural aisar / eisar with the same base meaning and the same base associations.
It is actually none other than Snorri Sturluson, who in the 12th century assumed in error the word had its roots in the word Asia and Asian which is actually an old Greek word referring to Anatolia and the territories of the Persian Empire in contrast to Greece and Egypt and akin to the word East in reference to the direction of the Rising Sun. (Note, he never referred to his unorganized notes as the Eddas. Someone else called the collection of such written works by that name around the 14th century CE).
When applied as two classifications of such entities, Etruscan derived aiser si (light court associated with the Sun and Day) and aiser seu (dark court associated with the Moon and Night).
This has its direct application to the so called Irish and Scottish Aos sí and the two different courts known as the Seelie (those as being of the light) and Unseelie (those as being of the dark) courts. This duality of light and dark from Latin authors is repeated over and over beyond the point of ridiculous.
Seelie from Scottish sources comes from Old Saxon salig, which where the word silly comes from originally meaning in the context of 'playful, harmless, and good natured' before later being used mostly in the negative sense of feeble in mind, stupid, lacking in reason, and foolish.
Vanir: Vanir is derived from Vanus (Vane/Vanity) and akin to Wana (Wane), such as found in Old Norse vana.
This is proven by the fact that Asgard (Ais-gard) as the Yard of the aiser /eisar is often associated with catacomb tombs as "halls," and the land of the Vanir is called Vanaheim (home of the vane).
Even Valholl/Valhalla is falsified in meaning. The word Val means fall, sometimes applied as the same as fallen in the sense of dead or slain and Holl or Halla still retains the sense of Hall or Halls.
This has direct connection not with some place in the sky, on a mountain, or anything of the sort. Instead, it refers to tombs/graves often within a burial mound. The association with burial mounds is a constant in all these things.
Such were more or less created to be the polar opposites more or less of the Aesir, however, it's never truly spun that way when such were more or less invented to fit the above narratives as it is sometimes presented more in the reverse.
When one actually sets aside all the nonsense which has mostly been perpetuated since the 1800s onward, the facts such as these become obvious, and also puts an end to much of the puritanical nonsense of modern idiocy, illiteracy and bigotry. For example, when one looks into the Etruscan references from a 3rd century BCE artifact called the Liber Linteus, it becomes laughingly obvious where all this was imported from. Cases in point which will in part repeat some of the previous:
A deity was called an ais (later eis), which in the plural is aisar / eisar.
The words to distinguish "deities of Light" as aiser si from "deities of Darkness" as aiser seu is noted.
Offerings were made for both groups with oil from the 'Chi' and from the 'Esvi' rituals."
The abode of an ais was a fanu or luth, a sacred place, such as a favi, a grave or temple which is where the offerings had to be made.
The word used for 'offering' was fler (plural flerchva).
When such were associated as ancestors, they were called man or mani (Latin Manes), and the tombs were called a mun (plural muni) which is associated with burial mounds.
When it comes to such deities they are classified in three types: Primordial, Divine, and those associated with the "Underworld" which represents the catacombs as burial sites and as temples/cities of the dead.
A mysterious or unknown class of deities were often presented as prior to even the primordial ones called the dii involuti or "veiled/covered/hidden deities." It is used figuratively to mean unknown or unknowable.
When it came to the dead being buried, some were placed in boxes with their more youthful representations placed on the top as carved sculptures, some were cremated and their ashes and bits of remaining bone placed in urns, while others had their remains wrapped up in linens and laid out on benches.
As to Other Characters:
Draug: The oldest source of Draug (also Draugr) is the same as Drag. In fact, it literally means Dragger. It is likewise related to dragan "draws, drags," which is the source of dragon despite many "objections" to this fact. Case in point, it is also spelled as draugen, draugur or dreygur which again retains a sense of dragging something (or someone).
When used in reference to a reanimated corpse, it is not uncommon for such an entity to also be described as "taking on the form of a dragon since both are associated with graves, burial mounds, caverns, catacombs and ancient offerings as "burial hordes" they guard jealously.
The oldest recorded sense besides that of "pulling" is of "drinking" such as in draught and offerings of drinks as part of old customs honoring the dead in which some of a drink is poured on a grave or the ground and then some is consumed by the participants as a type of communion.
One can also see it's also connected to the word drug in reference to some sort of intoxicant and also with a hallucination. Ghost is a later association with a Draug, also spelled Draugr among the many variations between dialects.
Dwarf: The oldest source of the word Dwarf is actually duerg. It’s a compound of du + erg with the base meaning of "do work and to work" and can also mean 'the worker" and akin to the word demi-urge as "secondary worker."
It has nothing to do with any sort of context meaning a diminutive size.
In any case this association with working has to do with manual labor and part of the reason why Dwarves still retain in concept the association with "working in pits and mines and caves, as well as crafting tools and weapons, among other such things.
Elf: The oldest source of Elf is actually Ulf which is the same source as wolf. This is almost never mentioned and if it is it is only in a vague foot note. Proof is enough by tracking down the roots that include such as ulf, álf, olf, ulv, áv, olv, and included the 'w' as wulf, wolf, walf to name but a few of these variations.
There are many variations of this that one can find which also is one reason why one will often find shared characteristics of elves with wolves, and even concepts such as werewolves in older sources.
The most common associations are the moon and hunting. It also all shares its form the same roots as the word wool and wooly, specifically from wulfel as wool + fell a term for a skin from which the wool/thick fur of a hide has not been sheared or pulled off from a wolf hide and also used as a term for a "feller of wolves" as in a wolf hunter.
Wulfel survives to this day in the surname Wolfel which dates back to at least the 13th century CE.
It has no connection in any case with words like alp in associated meanings such as white and the actual reason for that being suggested is questionable for many diverse reasons, though can only be in itself speculative.
Ettin: Ettin literally means Eaten and Eater. Used as a term for cannibals and cannibalism it sometimes also was applied to animals as man-eaters. Sometimes it is also, though rarely, expressed in the context of a rotten corpse eaten by worms and or insects or invertebrates of land and sea.
Variations of this word also include eoten, etun, Iotan, jötunn, jötun and the plural form such as jötnar or ettins from ettin.
There were also alternative names such as þursar (sing. þurs) which means thirst and used in the sense of blood thirsty when applied to such entities, and risar (sing. risi) meaning simply to rise as in get up. Referring to such as Risers was used figuratively in reference to being 'awakened from sleep' and 'standing up' in an aggressive manner and ready to attack.
Sometimes these secondary terms were combined in ways such as þursarisar roughly meaning 'thirsty risers' and in a sense tended to have a roughly vampiric connotation to it when used in such a manner.
The association with the word for Giant is a much later addition of concept and has led to many later erronous representations, as in many cases such terms were predominately used to refer cannibalistic reanimated corpses, which in turn has also been overshadowed in representations of a Draug.
It’s often applied to and shares etymology with another word known as Juten or simply the Jutes.
It is also sometimes applied with the same concept as Goblin, which is from the root gob meaning mouth. It’s akin to such terms as gobble (meaning to eat in a greedy or in a gluttonous manner) as well as such words as Goblet.
It was and is sometimes used as an alternative word for Ettin in a few cases as there is also often the association with cannibals and the act of cannibalism with Goblins as well.
Ghost: The oldest source of the word ghost is gāst as the same source giest originally applied in the sense of "stranger" as a common root for both the words gust as in a sudden movement of air, and guest as someone to be treated with proper hospitality and respect.
It is from the association with air or wind that it also has been used as an alternative for the word spirit which also means wind, air and also used as a term meaning breath, and also holds concepts such as a "presence" or "power" rather than the concept of personality.
It’s within the concept of Ghost that the personality element is shared with the connection to guest.
It didn't originally apply to but did come to include a concept of the mind, memories and personality of the dead that somehow has a continued existence after death of the base bodily form.
It’s much later still that the addition concept of an apparition or appearance came into play.
Giant: This isn’t even an unknown one. It comes from Gigant as a short from of the plural Greek Gigantes from the base giga akin to mega, both of which are Greek and have the meaning of huge, big or large. All of this is of course said to be pre-Greek though what source is deputed.
Gnome: The word gnome is from Medieval Latin gnomus used by the 16th-century Swiss alchemist Paracelsus in reference to the term pigmy (in Latin as pigmaei) that he also referred to as gnomi. It's more likely, considering his association of this character with "earth" in the sense of land, rock and soil, that he used the more Greek sense of genomos, which is often translated roughly as earth dweller, though it is inaccurate.
Goblin: This word is actually derived from the 1540s Irish word gob meaning "mouth," and thus related to the other English noun gob, and akin to 'gab' used for 'idle talk,' though it originally was used in the sense of taunt or mock. The "-lin suffix is like the 'ing' suffix, a reduction of 'ling.'
Usually, it is used an indication of "descent" as an offspring or in the sense of "belonging" and as such in the sense of "species."
The main thing Goblins are associated with as such is greed and gluttony, however, there are some examples where they are also associated with cannibalism and even used at times as an alternative term for such as Ettin or simply "devourer" in general.
Ogre: One of the most common questions tends to be “why Ogres are always or mostly represented as green giant type characters?” It’s literally in the name. It comes from the same source as agri, agre and agro from Greek and Latin into French ogre meaning field as in an open field of green grasses and shrubs.
Sometimes this also applied to marshlands and swamps which clarifies some of the other later more fantasy-based additions.
It is not related to Latin Orcus which comes from Older Latin arca where the word ark comes from and means a box or chest, though it also applied to the sense of a casket holding the remains of the dead.
. It’s also known an orca and the word arcane meaning hidden, secret and obscured are shared before Orca was used as a name for a type of whale.
Troll: The oldest source of Troll is the same as Thrall with the simple and base meaning of capture and captive. It is akin also to trawl.
Trolling is a term used in such a context with fishing using "dragnets" and the term "enthrall" meaning to 'capture one's attention.
It has often been confused with the source words from trail and track resulting in such as trolley being applied.
Troll and Thrall also share in being used as old terms for slave and servant as someone who is taken captive and reduced to little more than cattle, and sometimes less than cattle.
It's often confused with the word Trow which actually is another spelling of the word meaning true, and alternatively spelled Drow. Of course, all versions of the word true also are akin to tree in a generic sense and not a specific species of tree as has been claimed in the past.
The Tuatha De Danann/Danu: It actually means "People of the Danes."
Dane originally meant Danish tongue or language and was used to describe the ancient seafaring warriors and colonists from Scandinavia who founded the Kingdom of Denmark. Danann is an Old Saxon form of a plural which is also Danu = to Latinized Dani = Danes. The whole context meant foreigners who speak the Danish/Scandinavian languages.
It is a combination of Old Irish tuotha, which evolved into Old Lithuanian tauta, Old Prussian tauto, Oscan touto, which is an adaptation of Latin Teutoni, Gothic þiuda, Old English þios/theod = Those, thias = this/these and eventually theg = they, and thiu, thou/you.
This directly links to þessi, Middle Dutch dese, Dutch deze, Old High German deser, German dieser, and disir and not a term or word for female entities as many sources like to be deceitful about. In fact, the words are barely mentioned. It's a later assumption based on hypothetical nonsense.
Disir is a masculine word and the feminine would have been along the lines of disynjur which all indicate a very different and more figurative usage. De' is another Latin into meaning "of the/of/from."
Disir and Dani, also become Danar and Danir, which in turn is used as the actual inspiration for the word play of the invented Vanir by simply changing the D to a V but playing off the same basic theme of "foreign invaders or rivals."
This last part was well understood because when you compare all this also with the Aesir vs. Vanir fiction, you can see the whole basis behind British colonists of India inspiration for inventing a fake history the Aryan = Aesir invasion of the so-called Vanir = Dravidians, and the preoccupation with trying to proclaim even the language of Sanskrit originated from European sources instead of internation between India and Ancient Rome for example lending Hindi words from Sanskrit to such as Latin and others, making the reverse in this case the fact. But the whole point of that was for other ulterior motives of British Imperialism.
Valkyrie: The claimed meaning of Valkyrie as "chooser of the slain" is in fact false as the word for slain alone is actually 'sla' just as sua/swa is the source of the word sway, which was also spelled sweg to name some variations. I am personally of the opinion that the alternative actual prefix is from Valk preserved in Dutch and was applied as Valkr (confused with Volk and Folk) which would mean 'falcon' and have the feminine/female indicative suffix as Valk-yrie to simply mean a female falcon. This makes the most sense for several reasons.
Falconry was a very important concept among many European cultures and a common sign of royalty.
There are images of Falcons being sacrificed and offered as companions for the heroic and royal dead.
There have been found Falcon remains buried with people within these same cultures along with other items.
Valkyries are most commonly associated with the dead and with royalty as well as choosers of heroic dead.
Valkyries, like Facons, are often shown to be companions of particular heroes and heroic royalty.
The only other sensible translation that is more consistent with the language sources is Val, a source of the word fall, being combined with Kyr (a common source for the words car and cart) with a base sense of carry and hence it also being used for cow, would be combined as Val-kyr and then have the -ie suffix as a feminine/female indicative, wherein this sense it can mean "carrier of the fallen" rather than "choosers of the slain."
Considering all the associations, I would be open to considering both the associations with a falcon and as a carrier of souls would make sense, because another usage of falcons, as with other trained birds, was to carry messages (rather than souls in a more literal sense), which pigeons later became more commonly used for, while falcons tended to be used more commonly as hunting companions.
As to those associated most with said Valkyries, that brings us to the so-called Einherjar. This is a feminization imposed as a veiled insult as the word itself actually means 'One of the Harii' as Anharii or Anharan. Harii does not mean "army." It has been used in that way figuratively but is inaccurate. In fact, Harii is Latin, based on Hara, the source of the word Hare and where the word Harrier originates. It's base meaning is presumed to mean Grey, and though later sources assume it has some association with a species related to Rabbits called a Hare, it is more likely it was a reference to Grey Wolf pelts as part of the clothing of such a clan or tribe.
They are referenced by a Germanic tribe attested by Tacitus in his 1st century CE who states:
As for the Harii, quite apart from their strength, which exceeds that of the other tribes I have just listed, they pander to their innate savagery by skill and timing: with black shields and painted bodies, they choose dark nights to fight, and by means of terror and shadow of a ghostly army they cause panic, since no enemy can bear a sight so unexpected and hellish; in every battle the eyes are the first to be conquered.
Noting in any of this specifies coloring themselves as in "painted their bodies" with this or that. However, it is well known among many ancient cultures, including some tribes as recent as the 1800s from North America and modern Canada, that those wearing wolf hides also painted their bodies and faces black with soot from fires to hide their scents from the animals they were hunting, and often some sort of prior ceremonial rite and dance was part of the preparations a means of asking for a successful hunt. Painting black around one's eyes is also known to actually help with seeing but also has an effect to make one's eyes, especially lighter colored ones, to stand out, which can unnerve some people. However, that is simply an observation.
I have found more often than not so many words and concepts such as these were mistranslated on purpose by more than one source again by those who involved themselves with intentionally misleading readers and students with what seems to be shoddy scholarship at best. However, it becomes apparent at this point when we cross reference these things, we can see specific Latin trained authors, new and old were and are imposing fictionalized divisions as presumed cultural distinctions that are not truly as distinct as far too many have been led to believe because of this. The reason is obvious:
If people don't know their roots, others can control their present and future who do.
A people without knowledge of roots that are shared in common with others around them are disconnected and vulnerable to intentional division and conquest, are easily inundated with fear and paranoia.
Once the fear and paranoia set in, superstition can be imposed upon the heirs of the conquered which makes them easily redirected to hate their neighbors.
When they hate one another to keep their numbers down so they won't revolt against those who inherited the reins of their own suppression and oppression will be easily directed to destroy one another by the same.
The rest was and is historically a bunch of childish 1-ups as smear campaigns of men against other men and women, women against men and other women, others still with all manners of racist garbage then and now, and all not giving any real care or concern about how their nonsense would impact the future because, after all, they'd be dead already. A few are noted for more or less saying as much rather directly. Only fools would then assume they could get anything reliable out of those sources.
As A Closing Note:
The so called Nine Worlds model often claimed to be Norse/Germanic tradition which stems only from Icelandic texts as already mentioned that do not make such a limitation, is mostly modern invented contexts. There is no such 'standard' model or clarification in such 12th century CE sources. In fact, the so called Nine Worlds model is based on two main things; the 8 directions of the compass and its center; and an attempt to tie it into the so called Nine Angelic Hierarchies, albeit very loosely.
In fact, the associated so called "World Tree" that contains such "worlds or realms" isn't even described as to how it came to be, when it came to be, how it came to contain such worlds, and who arranged such connections in the first place. Furthermore, one will find many of the so-called Norse/Germanic "lore" of the so called Eddas to be nothing more than re-written works from Greek and Roman mythologies given a more Icelandic, but disorganized spin. It's just a set of facts regardless of who can accept it or not. It's irrelevant of the objective and impersonal truth of it all.
Just because one group or another claims certain things to be central to whatever claimed beliefs they perpetuate, always dig deeper. If a given claimed meaning is applied, see of the etymology matches the proposed language branch as often one will find the claims are actually false regardless of what the cause of the fallacies were or can be demonstrated. It is enough to dig deeper and always remember that 'research' means 'look again.' It is not just "study" as a practice though the word itself simply means "eager" funny enough. Study is also not the same as proper 'education' which had the original meaning of "bring up" as in bringing out and forth one's potential as well as train more or less; not brainwash or indoctrinate. It's just like the word Government literally means "rule the mind" so it's up to you who governs yours.