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What is Druwayu?Druwayu (pronounced droo-way-oo) means True Ways. It is a modern philosophic and polytheistic religion that was introduced to the public in the 2014 by Raymond Foster. It focusses on personal growth, community connection, and spiritual enlightenment, and recognizes the harmony between the essentials of theology, philosophy, science and geometry present in and expressed through all things. It honors and recognizes One Supreme God and Three Great Goddesses and considers contemplation of their Divine Unity and expressions through Geometry and three cosmological principles collectively called the Druwayu a true act of reverence and worship.
Who are the Druan Deities?The One God and the Three Goddesses. The most common reference to them is simply the One and Three. They are four beings, not a mix of diverse personalities in an undefinable nebulous mass. This means our polytheism is called Quadrotheism(four deities). It is to be understood that the One is the source of all things, and the three are coequal, cooperative, and consubstantial, as well as three separate and distinct beings each unto themselves and distinct from the One. What they are is unknown and unknowable, however, their reality is expressed through all existence and the things we do know, and not by the things we do not know, nor used as a filler for holes in any area of knowledge or inquiry. As far as names go, they can be given any name since names are expressions of concepts and associations, so the meaning of the names given by human languages are simply that. We do not speculate what they do or do not call themselves and reject any concept of any human language being superior to any other. It should be understood that the One and Three are the primary deities of Druwayu, however, there is no rejection of other diverse kinds of deities as lesser ones, because all others are subject to them and the same cosmic laws, dynamics and essence as all other things are, and unlike the One and Three, all other deities are themselves part of diverse creations and realities.
What do Druans Believe?All have their personal beliefs, disbeliefs and approaches to Druwayu and their relationships with its concepts. However, the main, or shared things recognized are: The One and Three as in the One God and Three Goddesses above all. The Drikeyu (Dreh-kee-yoo) meaning Three Keys as cosmological concepts. Innumerable beings and expressions of reality. Recognition of both the simplicity and complexity of existence. Recognition the universe's existence is not contingent on our existence. Recognition that there is no objective purpose for all things other than to be. Recognition any choices that can be defined as good or evil is up to us. There is also a recognition of the importance of sciences and technology for the benefit of all people rather than a few, and also a recognition that over reliance on autonomous technology is much a threat to our existence as rejecting sciences and technology that can ensure our survival and must therefore never fall into a condition of over reliance on one hand or undermining on the other. There is a recognition of spiritual gifts, however, the context of those gifts is different and more philosophic in nature rather than what some may deem as supernatural or metaphysical, though there is an element of these perspectives as well. So, the recognition of such things can be considered perceptual more than anything else.
Can anyone become a Druan?Yes, just as anyone can choose to be whatever else they choose to identify with. So, simply put, if you wish to be a Druan, you can consider yourself one now. There are no special initiations, rites, or unrealistic expectations, and you are not required or demanded to renounce anything. It's a choice and commitment. It's not a demand or expectation. However, being recognized as a Druan by others means one has actually researched and reviewed and learned all the basics about Druwayu as presented here on this website for the general public because Druwayu isn't secretive.
How do Druans practice Druwayu?The most basic practice is something lived and expressed. The practice is as such, in the context of the meaning of Druwayu as True Ways, is to be completely honest with yourself and others, and when it becomes difficult to be honest, to avoid saying anything than to deceive oneself or others because the truth of something is unpleasant. If the situation is one where another is clearly seeking to manipulate and misrepresent a Druan or Druwayu it is enough to excuse oneself from discussions and request a change of subject, not out of an intention to hide anything, because nothing is hidden about Druwayu. It's simply to avoid wasting one's time with being led into some sort of needless conflict or sensationalized nonsense. One should simply say to one who tries to engage them in such a way is to 'read up on Druwayu' from the source, not second or third hand external commentary or opinions. Otherwise, it should be understood that practice is not the same as celebrations we have and develop on our own as part of our own observances or those that may be adopted as others bring their own ideas into Druwayu to enhance it and build upon the foundations consistently and properly. In that sense Druans practice Druwayu by living it, not by various 'rituals' or ceremonies that must also be rooted in specific meanings or such is pointless.
What unites Druans most?Our refusal to be forcefully or passively imposed upon by others and holding one another accountable to avoid forcefully or passively imposing oneself upon others. Our recognition we all have different life experiences and not all of us individually have all the answers. No one does. Never trust anyone who claims to. Our general view that every individual possesses their own natural sovereignty as in free will to autonomous self-determination which also includes freedom of speech and expression publicly, even if such speech and expression is disagreeable to us as groups or individuals. Our appreciation for reasonable authority that can demonstrate reasonable facts and the rejection of tyrannical authority that demands devotion without question. There is a difference even if most do not comprehend this distinction. Our basic recognition of the freedom and dignity of all human life including the means and rights to defend and protect oneself by whatever means deemed necessary for a given situation and for their particular survival. That regardless of if good or bad or perceived as good or bad, everything has a consequence, even on a subtle level as part of the inevitability of the reciprocal nature of all things seen and unseen, here and beyond. That all have a right to find their way and connection with the things of the spiritual and Divine and should be allowed to do so while being cautious about what they participate in and have the courage to say no and reject what does not work for them.
What are some Misconceptions about Druwayu?Misconceptions are created by those making false claims out of willful ignorance and intentional disregard for the facts. There are many causes for this, however, the more common is personal bigotry and a desire to make everyone paranoid so they are easier to manipulate and control. A lot of it also comes from personal perpetual persecuted victim complexes and those who seize on such and use them for their own ends. That said, some of the false claims include: It's Pagan or Heathen: We reject being called Pagans and consider it an insult. Polytheistic does not = pagan, and such sources that talk about polytheistic cultures in such a context are being academically lazy. We reject heathen for similar reasons. It's Satanic and Occult: We do not derive our concepts from monotheism and the concept of Satan and Occultism stems directly from monotheistic sources. This does not mean we do not recognize the existence of good, evil or even indifference. It just means we do not accept or recognize such a hybridized character or set of concepts regardless of whether it's called 'philosophic, atheistic, or non-theistic." It's Anti- This or that: Our intention and purpose was not and is not intended to be, nor inspired to be an antithesis of one thing or another. As such, many will claim Druwayu is hostile to the beliefs of such as Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, or whatever else such slaps the word Anti- in front of. As a general rule, Druans do not particularly care what religious or non-religious identity someone has been raised with or has adopted. Druans only show concern when such use it as a justification to impose themselves on others, just as much as Druans will not tolerate someone claiming to be a Druan trying to impose Druwayu on anyone else, otherwise it would be hypocrisy which is one of the things Druans tend to have the greatest dislike for and are reasonably intolerant of such regardless the source of such hypocrisy. It's a Pacifist Religion: This would also be a misrepresentation. Unlike so many others that claim their religions are all about peace, love, tolerance, respect, and so on, but in many ways express the opposite, Druwayu makes no claims. It does seek peace first; however, it is intolerant of abuse. If one has taken the time to review the teachings along with the foundations, one would see that one has the right to protect themselves, and as an example, a Druan is never expected to be a law-abiding victim. The value of life is high in Druwayu, and that means to protect life, including your own, you cannot always be peaceful and saying otherwise is unrealistic and certainly not natural.
Is referring to Druans as Druish a mockery of Jews?No. Only some ignorant buffoon will make such a claim. So, with that being said, let's get into the facts so that if anyone else comes along to push some new brand of stupid in the mix, and they will, we cannot the history very clearly. A: Several words of European roots add "-ish" as a suffix to their prefixes such as: Ir-ish, Scott-ish, Swed-ish, Span-ish, Turk-ish, Finn-ish, Engl-ish, Pol-ish, Dan-ish and so forth. The spelling Jew-ish didn't even come about till after the 15th century CE and was a European adaptation. B: Since no one else uses the word, I personally chose to refer to the culture as Druish for Druans as the people of the religion of Druwayu as a reasonable linguistically sound enough expression based on the first part of the -ish added to so many diverse European names and terms. C: The first time the word Dru-ish was ever used was in the 1987 parody of sic-fi movies of the time called Spaceballs; a film co-written, produced and directed by Mel Brooks. Rent and watch it sometime. First, it was a reference to people on a planet called Druidia (home of Druids). Second, it was used in a line by the character called a Mog (man-dog) named Barf played by John Candy. The line was, "funny, she doesn't look Druish?" A pun in itself with its own history about someone not "looking Jewish" though they are a Jew. It should be noted that the majority of the cast and producers were Jews. C: There are many who call themselves Druids in the real world, however, they do not refer to their culture and religion as Druish. They refer to it as Druidic and the practice and religion as Druidry (and there isn't just one variety of it).
What does Hallowed mean to Druans?Hallowed means "make whole" as in "heal" and "holy" in the sense of elevated, respected, or set apart as in the sense of sacred and sanctified. The main thing to understand is heal and holy both mean the same thing and derived from the common source word hali/heli such as in Old English and Old Saxon to name a few, while sacred and sanctified are more or less Latin. When used of people it is used in the sense of those who have earned their worthiness of great honor and respect. It is the term we use predominately when 'blessing' someone or something or more or less 'ordaining' a member of our clergy as "hallowed" in addition to their specific clergy titles. In our case those titles are Warlocks for male clergy and Witches for female clergy.
Isn't Druwayu the same as Witchcraft?No. The reason is simple. The over focus on the term Witchcraft is based in sexist concepts that have existed for far too long and is a term specific to a 'Witch's craft' as in a trade or job description that has been heavily distorted over the centuries. It is not Warlockcraft either as a so-called counterbalance as a 'Warlock's craft' as in a trade or job description which has also been heavily distorted with just as much sexist nonsense imposed, more so in modern times than previously. What is often defined as so called "Witchcraft and Warlockcraft" are far removed from these simply being specific duties as any priestess or priest, these two words also simply meaning elder in the feminine or masculine from Greek, whereas Warlock and Witch is more directly derived from what has come to be called Old Saxon with their own specific meanings, none of which are negative. For example, as Warlock was claimed to mean oath breaker. Witch was also claimed to mean 'twisted' in the sense of perverse. Neither of these are true and they are very much gender distinct and specific contrary to what modern frauds still argue about and continue to try and push despite such claims being known nonsense by actual academics and scholars in the areas of linguistics, though such still keep it vague. Much of the false etymology claimed by other sources trying to reduce either as gender neutral words try to make connections that don't actually exist and basing much of their assumptions on nonsense invented by those with different agendas and use it as a cover for Warlock = man = bad, and Witch = woman = good. In other words, its feminist-based nonsense and occultism. One can learn the true etymology of Warlock and Witch here. In the same etymology source and proper historical records cited, it will be made clear that indeed warlock is and was a male title, applied in the same way as priest in concept, just as it is clear witch is and was a female title, applied in the same way as priestess, and much of the ignorance and cofusion came from and continues to come from the academically lazy, as well as culturally, and linguistically illiterate and ignorant.
Why are clergy called Warlocks and Witches?The reason is simple. Most will use terms like priest/priestess (which means elder) which is from Greek and Minister which is Latin, or some other such titles or terms mostly based in Greek, Latin or Hebrew. Virtually all titles of Old English and Old Saxon origins and so forth were smeared centuries ago devoid of their actual meanings and given false definitions by associations of which Warlock and Witch are two of those and the main two. While we still use the word elder in different ways, the most common simply means someone who is older and does not imply a specific duty or job description. Warlock comes Warlog pronounced Ware-low. The plural was Warlogan. It's from Old Saxon and meant Lawman as used as a reference to Pharisees in the Heliand composed around 830 CE. It's a combination of War, akin to Vir in Latin meaning Man, and Log, akin to Latin legalis and its older form lex. This can be confirmed by other words such as Utlog meaning Outlaw and Byrlag meaning Town Law and from which Bilaw is derived. It is possibly by way of German or Irish into German that it became Warloche from Warloghe giving way to the present form Warlock as it has remained and normalized as. It is from Wicce pronounced Wech. Its plural was Wiccan. Later the plural was reduced to Wicca and confused by some with the singular Wicce. It's from Old Saxon and meant Speak as in Talk, Tell and Call. It's akin to the singular Veche, and plural Vecha sharing the same base meaning. It was used in the sense of female oracles in the Domboc, an Anglo-Saxon legal code composed around 893 CE. Dom is pronounced Doom and meant judgement. Its form changed in German as Witch from the slightly older Wicht, possibly by way of Russian.
How does someone identify a real Warlock or Witch?Forget all the usual mumbo jumbo both from those that lay off old medieval style nonsense and still perpetuate modern paranoia. There is no "special marks, signs, signals" or whatever that "qualifies anyone as anything" regardless of what title or descriptor someone else applies. Any of those "how to know if you're a (whatever)" is all nonsense as you can literally at any claimed identity and not be anything but a child playing pretending games or some goof ball talking about "sexual empowerment" garbage. While some organized spiritual groups may have initiation rites or hold the opinion that all that you need to become a Warlock or Witch is yourself or play the nonsense of "you know when you know" is smoke out the backside. A lot of what is claimed to be Warlockry and Witchery is also in reality just nonsense based on occultism and folk charm type practices. Just because your great granddaddy or great grand mommy may have been or identified as such or was accused of being such is not proof, they were, or you are which is usually that hereditary bunk. If you do have certain, shall we say, spiritual gifts, that doesn't make you a Warlock or Witch either. It's just an ability, but even what is often claimed to be spiritual gifts is more fantasy than reality. The bottom line is Warlock or Witch is frankly just a job description or career choice for a more modern clarification than anything else, and the first step to becoming an authentic one is to forget the majority of what you have been conditioned to assume or think one is, regardless the sources and later poor translations and foolish associations.
How can I become a hallowed Warlock or Witch?At this time, we do not have the means to provide all the necessary credentials online. We would like to be able to provide such when the means become available to do so. However, we will need more active participation for that. All the same, as far as the legalities, according to the US Supreme Court: BECOMING ORDAINED In defining who qualifies as a minister/clergy, the United States Supreme Court unanimously ruled in January 2012, "It is impermissible for the government to contradict a church's determination of who can act as its minister." The court was also careful to state that just because a church ordains you, does not mean that the state will automatically recognize it either. So, in defining a minister the court relied upon many facts and circumstances and refused "to adopt a rigid formula for deciding." when a person" . . . "qualifies as a minister." Cramer v. Commonwealth, 202 S.E.2d 911 The court ruled that the "selection or election must be a considered, deliberate, and responsible act." The court looked for a process that was in writing and which required a minister to be someone specially selected through a formal process that scrutinized him/her and granted him/her authority to perform the normal duties of an ordained minister. The court further made a point to clarify that the state couldn't give unconstitutional preference to a more established church/denomination over a newly established small church. As long as the church has created a real process based on the church's rules, clergy order, doctrines, and sincerely held beliefs, the state must recognize it. We call it Hallowing, but will include in the language the words ordained and ordination just as we apply Warlock and Witch as titles of clergy and elders as members of the council we call the Drusidu. So when we are in a better position to do so we can then look into sources for producing credentials and a means to create such as an online ordination option for members worldwide. This also means that within the United States of America the idea that religion and government should be strictly separated and that government should make no law infringing on religious freedoms is central to the First Amendment of the Constitution and its Bill of Rights. Therefore it’s generally not up to the government to say what is or is not a religion and if that religion can decide who is ordained as a minister, warlock, witch or whatever the specific title is in that religion. As such, most states allow those given recognized "ordained" status the authority to preside over weddings, funerals, and baptisms as specific practices of that religion. Some states are sticklers though on who they choose to acknowledge as having legitimate authority and what requirements are necessary, so it is recommended that everyone check with their state's county clerk office first before seeking to officiate anything. Let us know what those expectations are.
How do Druans engage in protests?Peacefully, as in without violence or vandalism. We will defend ourselves if physically attacked, however, we won't initiate that. There are some basics to comprehend in this which unfortunately far too many disregards and intentionally abuse with the clear intention of trying to compel this freedom to be taken away. First: Use your brain for something other than space filling in your head and not your emotions and actually kook at the facts and their consequences and have clear and open dialogue without threats or insults about the specific issues. In other words: Rejecting anything that clearly is directed in the deprivation of rights and liberties of the individual or promotes the dismantling of the US Constitution that protects our rights and civil liberties. Understand the issue properly and determine if a protest as in an objection to the subject is even warranted or just some other source trying to create problems where there are none. Be specific about what you are protesting and be able to explain and articulate a well defined statement why you are protesting something and what the reason or goal of the protest is. Stay focused on specific issues and do not adopt issues that you think are somehow related by analogy when they are not. Protest based on policy and laws and their clear consequences, not the identities or parties of candidates or whatever as such things are entirely irrelevant. Stand for and only address the specific issues and principles at hand and do not blindly support the entire package of agendas of and parties, organizations or individuals. Focus on specific and demonstrable facts, not arbitrary and often sideline invented and distracting narratives being pushed. Don't just engage with those who have chosen blindly to believe in the principles of your movement but restrict your movement to people who have a clear and honest understanding of the facts and concerns in question intellectually rather than emotionally. Second: Have this list of things we will not advocate, support or engage in as part of our gatherings for the purpose of protesting are but not limited to: Shouting over others. being loud does not make you righter. It just makes you loud and a rather useless annoyance. Supporting or regurgitating clear and obvious lies with the express purpose to misrepresent and lander others to excite riots and violence. Supporting anything that prevents one from protecting themselves or others from physical harm at the hands of a small or large mob. Blocking pedestrian or vehicle traffic which prevents others from doing their normal activities and blocks people from getting to emergency situations and puts everyone at needless risk. Engaging in any acts of vandalism, such as the destruction of public or private properties for any reason or promote or encourage others to engage in such militant actions. Resorting to actions of intimidation, harassment, threatening and attacking others (which are violent actions of terrorism) to force their support and silence their objections. Attacking or demanding the attack of and 'elimination' and termination of the life of lives of law enforcement and first responders or engaging in any activities that prevent such from doing their jobs and counters their ability to maintain civil order and peace. If your protest calls for these things than as far as we are concerned, you are an enemy of freedom and individual autonomy no matter who you are or what party color coding you or particular group identity associate yourself with. In other words, you are the problem, not the solution to a problem and it really is that simple. Engaging in, promoting, inciting, and or celebrating physical violence that deliberately targets citizens and civilians is never justifiable. Defending oneself from those types by any means on the other hand is and that is the reality when others get violent. We will not support, as such, any policies or laws that demand one to be a law abiding victim because of some idiotic ideology that is especially disconnected from reality.
What about creating Propaganda?If you want to help create propaganda for Druwayu don't do that annoying stuff like putting notices in windshield wipers of cars or shoving flyers in people's doors, or doing that door-to-door thing, or being irritating to people by telling them they need to or have to "whatever." There are plenty of other less annoying and "less garbage producing" means by which to help get the word out. Like for one, talking about it if someone asks; have some sort of something that represents Druwayu that invites conversations about it, get some merchandise to help support our efforts and have such conversation pieces that invites discussion, and so forth. It doesn't have to be an "in your face" kind of thing. Far too many others do that. Let us all avoid that as much as possible. Also, unlike others that intentionally go out of their way to "get under the skin" of different religious identities (which we do anyways simply for existing so it's unnecessary) by the usual means of objections and jumping on the Controversy bandwagon, find other ways to go about it. We don't need to play off the anti-religious nonsense by pretending to be a religion based on superficial rhetoric and bad arguments.
What are the views about other religions?Each Druan will have his or her own individual opinions about this, and we are fine with all that. However, there are at least Six primary factors that are common to the majority of Druans who come from different backgrounds and walks of life. We respect all religious beliefs and traditions right to exist, change, adapt and evolve even if we do not agree with them in various things, however, this is also our general view about anything and everything ultimately. We do not tolerate anything used to justify needless violence for what they are and what they teach, and we do not respect those that are clearly based on occultism, especially those that pretend to be something else. Otherwise, we promote mutual respect, understanding, and dialogue among and between diverse faiths without trying to force fit them together, respecting their distinctions as much as their similarities where those similarities actually exist. Otherwise, it is our view that they are their own distinct and unique paths specific to those cultures in the times in which they came into existence regardless the particulars of how they came about and that they are as such central to the spiritual growth of those who are adherents of them. We encourage learning from diverse traditions and value mutual respect and cooperation, recognizing every historic religion has its own insights and contributions to humanity and do not impose Druwayu upon or in place of them just as we do not allow others to put themselves in place of or impose themselves upon us or Druwayu. Respect must be mutual and maintained especially against extremists regardless of what identities they proclaim themselves to so identify with as many times such extremists do not truly represent the views of the majority of such traditions. Generally, we do not seek any conflict with any traditional religions or religious views. As members of such other religions own views or opinions about is does not truly matter to us, there is no need to slander or misrepresent the religions of other people with is unfortunately the preoccupation of far too many and a preoccupation we should and must decline in engaging in. This is what actual respect is. We do not need to misrepresent anything in order to have civilized debates and discussions, however, when such things are used as tools of hate and social/political leveraging, that is where we must speak up and stand against such activities. In this, we seek to uphold the purpose and spirit of such as the First (1st), Second (2nd), Fourth (4th) and Fourteenth (14th) Amendments of the United States of America, with the First (1st) Amendment in particular which not only defends the freedom of religion but also freedom from a theocracy being imposed in whole or in part at either the state or federal level. On the other hand, we do not support "religions" that are based on the mockery and parody of religion in general or claims religious recognition when such things are based in philosophic occultism and the misrepresentation of cultures and religions and fictious claims of origins. Otherwise, what other opinions are in opposition about Druwayu is irrelevant to us because such are simply not Druans and their claims are irrelevant of the facts. Therefore, it is recommended that Druans who encounter such 'invented controversies' or blatant fallacies wave off and disregard such complainers as a waste of one's energy and time.
What's the general view on Hate Speech?The concept of so-called Hate Speech is extremely vague and because of that it is a huge risk to the protected freedoms of speech. In fact, because the term Hate Speech' is vague and arbitrary anyone can claim something is "hate based" and then take the leap to apply it as some sort of "hate crime" and call any disagreement "hateful" when in reality it isn't. Without any clear actually reasonable and clear and specific definition extremely slippery slope that could lead to further restrictions on speech over time. We already had reasonable anti-discrimination laws bases of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, or age. As such if hate speech is to be defined it must be clearly stated that it is more or less any specific action or form of speech that specifically targets someone with hateful commentary and explicitly promotes discrimination against others based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, or age and then must specific what is or isn't to be considered "hateful" and how it will be applied equally and non-selectively. One can look this up with the EEOC. The same also in some cases use to also include non-discrimination against someone based on their political party affiliation. We don't see that anymore. But that's why we all have to keep an eye on such things because there are many who indeed want nothing more than to dismantle all our protected rights as afforded to us by the constitutions. In addition, calling someone a racist who isn't can itself be considered hate speech though its more specifically slander and misrepresentation.
If I don't see it mentioned, is it permitted?It's neither a permission nor a condemnation. Just because we may not "list every single thing," does not mean it's the same as an endorsement or prohibition of anything. Many will play off the claim that "if it's not written down" then it must be okay or if I don't see it written it must be condemned! The reality is it's an excuse rather than a justification, and such people really need to knock that stuff off and stop being childish about such things. If they don't want to do or observe something they don't have to. They do not have the right to deny others freedom to do what they will do so long as it is not directly involving them. And if such directly involve themselves than they have only themselves to blame and need to go somewhere else and do something else and leave others alone. We do not advocate pettiness.
What's the view on Abortion and Parental Rights?This is a twofold question with many things to be considered. The Question of Abortion: Our primary view is it is between the woman and her doctor and not a particularly religious or political issue. It is also our view that a pregnant girl/woman should be made well aware of all the risks and be shown exactly what is done and what will become of a fetus and by the principle of complete and gull disclosure, and that none should be allowed to hide or impede any access to such information. My Body My Right: Often pushed as a feminist-based rule, our view is this applies to all people that what is or isn't done with their bodies is personal and their individual body is subject only to their own rights of autonomous self-determination. Otherwise, it's no one else's business. This means: 1) If someone chooses to treat their body like an amusement park, so be it. 2) If someone chooses to treat their body as a sacred space for their soul (mind) and spirit (life), so be it. 3) If someone chooses to treat it like a condemned building, so be it. Parental Rights: Our primary view is one's gender as male or female, has no business in being considered as a qualifier of parental fitness and should be completely equal down the line. There are too many false and imposed myths that even enter into the legal landscape that should not exist. All laws must be and need to be egalitarian. What one does or does not have between their legs has no bearing on what goes on between their ears. 1) The biological father must and should have the same considerations as biological mothers. 2) Fathers should be provided the same access to options to care and tend to the needs of their children alone as is often afforded to mothers by default. 3) Mothers should be expected to abide by the same demands and expectations as is demanded of fathers in regard to child support and other such matters of parental rights and laws. 4) The judicial bias used against men in the legal system across the board, including in state, federal and international laws must end and never neglected to be addressed and countered when such biases are clear and obvious. Domestic Violence: Often pushed as a feminist-based arguing point that is a known fiction is men are the primary aggressors and initiators of some form of domestic violence. This is a known myth. Abuse can and does happen to people regardless of race, gender, sexual origination, religion, or lack of religion, or any other often used superficial nonsense and extremist feminist rhetoric which is also used often to deny men their parental rights or to be considered as an afterthought for such rights because of such myths and biased reporting tendencies. 1) The perpetuation of the male aggressor and female victim-imposed fiction imposes such biases across the board which are often presented in various outreach and public assistance-based agencies ads and campaigns which is in fact gender-based bias and discrimination. 2) Statistics are also warped because of these biases, including the fact that 75-90% of reports of alleged domestic violence are women and neglects that the majority of the time that 75-90% of reports by men of allegations of domestic violence is often ignored, not taken seriously or simply not reported. 3) National reports have also shown that predominately the most occurrences of violence in gender segregated shelters occurs more often in women only shelters, and more so if there is no immediate supervision of such women, often defined as in part having to do with what is known as 'Queen Bee' syndrome. 4) Studies report that women use much more physical intimate partner violence (IPV) as men. Part of the fiction, which was initially done away with, especially by the 1980s was the claim women are more likely than men to be injured from IPV and that many of the 'studies' where being conducted by extremist feminists perpetuating misandrist biases which has once again been reintroduced but comes down to the same fictions. 5) The bottom line is No one should be ignored, male or female, as victims of domestic violence, and that the specific gender of said aggressors to be counted as irrelevant, and to also be noted that more often than not, due mostly to imposed culture, men are left in a catch 22 game that 'if he defends himself from a female aggressor, he is a woman beater and abuser. If he does not defend himself, he is less of a man and a complete coward." This mentality has got to stop all around. Other than in the physical process of procreation and the physical realities of such distinctions between men and women, when it comes to parental rights, and all other basic civil rights and liberties and personal autonomy, men and women are equal even though anatomically different.
What's the view on celebrating non-Druan holidays?I have and do so don't worry about it. Druwayu is not an advocate of pettiness. participate if you want or do not if you don't wish to. The choice is entirely yours. If someone invites you to participate in their seasonal religious and holiday events and it's not something directed against you specifically or even intended to try and convert you, have at it. If someone says to one of us Merry Christmas, we will say it back not because we are mocking Christians or that we have created some sort of false hybrid with Christianity, but because t isn't actually harming us any. If someone has such a phrase or has it on their personal business displays, we do not take it as "offensive" and find those who do as petty or says something like "Jesus is the Reason for the Season" we simply take it as its true for Christians for their particular seasonal observance and shout out to other Christians. We do not need to be childish and claim its some sort of attack on Druans with different beliefs. that's just silly. So frankly if no one is being aggressive over such things, we have no reason to be aggressive and if they are not actually threatening us, we do not need to be threatening either. Its simple.
At Open Religious Displays, can we demand Equal Billing?I'd rather you didn't, and for good reason. These reasons come down to the following: Far too many use that as a means to mock, insult and slander other religions. We need to avoid that because it does not build peaceful bridges of peaceful coexistence and instead drive in much wider wedges. Most who engage in such acts are doing so not as a demand for equal recognition but shut down of the freedom of religious expression which is incompatible with Druwayu. When it is acceptable is when it comes to any religious identity imposing itself into government blurring separation of Church and State which violates the First Amendment and imposes a Theocracy in its place. If that is the case than: There is no issue within Druwayu for one to demand that Druwayu is given the same recognition as those trying to impose themselves as part of equal right and civil liberties and as a protest against those who seek to dismantle the separation of church and state. If it's something being forced as well into the classroom than it is appropriate to be so equally recognized and it to be demanded that such matters be allowed only within the confines of a World cultures course that takes time to acknowledge and teaches the basics about all diverse belief systems and even parody movements for purely educational reasons. Otherwise within Druwayu, Druwayu is not generally taught to and for the most part not directed at kids. Because kids may come across something about Druwayu, we also tend to keep content more 'G" rated since even "PG-13" is often highly questionable with what it promotes or allows to "slip through the censors" as it were.
Is there anything like human and animal sacrifices or Orgies?No. We so not ritually kill anything or anyone, especially for the sake of killing alone. Our general view also is if something is claimed to demand and require blood as an act of devotion or required service, it is unworthy of acknowledgement and more than likely based in more or less malignant and malevolent things we cannot and do not abide. We only kill things for food and seek to do so as swiftly and cleanly as possible if its involving hunting or farming. Most of us in modern times get our food from the same places everyone else does. We will give tanks for our food and drink as anyone else, and we may have some that feel they should give some of it as an offering such as pouring a drink on a stone or toss some of the meal into a fire or whatever. Yet that is really as far as it goes. As far as orgies, no, that is not a religious or cultural observance in Druwayu. Also, people will get into that if they want too regardless, though smart people who rather not be exposed to a higher chance of STDs will avoid such things and people. Otherwise, like so many other things, what someone does on their own time is their business. Also remember, every action has consequence and one of those for engaging in such things can send you to an early grave and a very slow and painful death.
What's with Mondy Night Pizza, Heavy Metal Music and Stripping?The Basic History: Strippers and heavy metal music have been associated with each other for a number of reasons in the heavy metal scene from the early 1970s and 1980s and well into present, and the genre's association with party culture also makes it work nicely with the concept of the Pizza Party! In fact, it's got a microgenre of the heavy metal scene as a term that originated at the start of 2000s characterized by its high-octane styled tunes influenced by the 1980s and 1990s sounds and aesthetics. It also has its lyrical themes about partying, pizza, beer and strippers. Monday night was chosen as a weekly observance beginning 6 O'clock at night till 3 in the morning to set the tone for the rest of the week to be enjoyed. The Basic Reasons: We see all art as sacred. By and by default we consider all things a gift of the Divine through existence. We choose to embrace specifically these two forms of art and entertainment for specific reasons. Heavy Metal is Sacred Music because of its energy, strong lyrics, and personal empowerment. Stripping is Sacred Dance because it shows freedom, confidence, and pride in the body. Both help with expressing a sense of spiritual liberation and building deeper connections, making our spiritual space more inclusive and removing the stigmas of false shame in such things and are also part of the celebration of life here and now. Pizza embodies our core sense and belief in the importance forging our bonds through the act of sharing food that answers our need and expression of mutual acceptance and importance. It also reinforces those bonds as a gesture of mutual trust and t shared comfort of mutual provision and reliance. We gather virtually and even in person when situations permit it to break bread as it were in the form of pizza as an expression of these values and sense of unity. Sharing a meal online and in person reminds us of our interconnected life as well as spiritual journey. This practice begins our week with mindfulness and reinforces our sense of a strong and supportive community and culture in which we are all valued collectively and individually.
Can I use Druwayu observances as an excuse for non-participation?Generally speaking, no. At Druwayu, we value personal religious participation and their role in your spiritual journey. While we encourage participation, we respect the need to prioritize your practices. We do not encourage one to use "religious reasons" as an excuse from fulfilling such as job obligations or used as a means to try and sidestep particular laws. Druwayu is dedicated to a respectful and inclusive environment for all members and instead we understand that there is a necessity for most to miss an activity for many diverse reasons that are not particularly religious. We do recommend better planning on your part and your responsibility of informing others of your requirement to attend religious observances prior to making any other commitments.
What about reasonable accommodations for religious attire in the workplace?Our view is simply that if you apply to a job and know there is a dress code and accept employment as an agreed contract which includes accepting such dress code, than you need to abide by the said dress code as expected. If you do not like the dress code requirements do not take the job or try and force employers to submit to such demands and instead start your own business with more lax dress code or no dress code requirements. We do not advocate being petty or harassing anyone. It is not our way. It is true that some courts in the United States have held that workplaces are expected to provide reasonable accommodations for their employees when it concerns religious practices, especially when that involves religious attire of a cultural significance. In some jurisdictions it may be considered a legal obligation. However, Druwayu is more laid back than most in such regards in that as Druans we abide by what is agreed upon with employers and with what has already been stated. While we do expect such workplaces to uphold such religious freedoms of expression for all equally, we won't advocate anything that puts anyone in needless risk of injury or worse. We will support faith-specific clothing items or jewelry as expressions of one's Druish devotion as such things develop over time so long as such things do not interfere with job performance or safety concerns such as potential injury and strangulation hazards and so forth. If you refuse to abide by the safety requirements you have no business working in such a location and should be released from such employment post haste.
What is a man or woman and views about sex changes according to this religion?One's biological sex as male or female is their gender defined as XX chromosomes = female and XY chromosomes = male. The differences are also hormonal, structural and mental as it involves the whole person, not just parts of them. This is a biological and spiritual reality and not the same as social roles which alone can be called social constructs. Nor is male or female as sexual gender in the reproductive processes synonymous or alternative terms for sexual origination as heterosexual, homosexual or bisexual. Even if someone is born with both male and female reproductive organs as on one called a hermaphrodite in which the reproductive organs are predominately external and has the possibility of procreating through the act of sex, or androgynous being in which the reproductive organs are internal and do not procreate but rather reproduce spontaneously, there are still only two genders of male or female. There are also plenty of diverse deformities as in birth defects that occur due to many diverse causes. Pretending this is not a factual reality is itself self-deceit and delusional and denial of clear, obvious and observational reality. In that we will not and do not cater to one's mental and emotional illnesses. We only support their proper and not social-political treatment regardless the pressuring and coercion. Otherwise, any kind of so-called "sex change" in all reality is ultimately cosmetic and uses synthetic means to chemically create the illusion on a superficial level. If one goes for that then so be it as long as they are an actual adult, however, it should never be allowed to be done to children and any parents or adults that convince, compel or coerce children to be more or less mutilated, because that is what it is and is irreversible, should be imprisoned for child abuse and mutilation.
How can I best help Druwayu and the FCD?There are several ways already covered in these FAQs. However, the main things would include helping fund the website to keep it live, and regularly updated, and improved upon when necessary so others can learn about. Yes, it sucks, but funding is simply a reality for such things as this as it is with most anything where the intention is to preserve and provide accurate information about any subject, especially its original source. Otherwise: Share this website with your various friends, family and associates who may show some interest in what your 'newly found faith' is all about. Create a video or public stream or podcast discussing Druwayu with others and why you find it interesting or count yourself a member. Help create and refine content for better presentation of the concepts as updated information for current audiences. If going the more public promotion route, always remember to not engage in, or respond to clear and obvious hostile commentary or respond with verbal retaliations to someone's demand you need to convert, or some sort of condemnation. Block and ignore features exist, so get familiar with using them. It's not the same as censorship. Do not ever support or engage in censorship. Additionally, if someone is clearly stating or claiming or associating Druwayu with things Druwayu is not, counter it with facts, not assumptions, presumptions, opinions or anything else that isn't relevant. And if someone tries or inserts some sort of sideline debate tactics, disregard them and stay on point, including any personal attacks such use all the time. If it's a question why someone else should believe this or that, it is enough to reply that what one chooses to believe or not believe is up to them and what one considers personally reasonable or unreasonable is simply personal and therefore it is up to them to determine such dispositions on their own. No one else can do that for them.
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