To get right to the point, I do not believe "aliens" as they have been presented or claimed to be actually exist. I am not saying there is no alien life on some other planet, and that there are not things we've yet to discover right here on our own planet, however, if it's here on our own plant and evolved on this planet, it's not an alien; it was simply a previously "unknown" whatever. Furthermore, when someone actually does a real In-depth investigation, everything about so called space aliens is a combination of assumptions, fiction, hallucinations, and occult ideology being pawned off in the mix as 'other worldly wisdom.' Not to mention all the various claims can be debunked when one employs actual intelligence and avoids willful gullibility and then demands everyone else submit to and cater to it, less it "outrages and bruises" their fragile little egos."
Also, just because you and I are not familiar with some secret government black opts project or technologies developed some 30+ years earlier that still has remained classified doesn't mean what isn't identified automatically equals beings from other dimensions, realities or worlds. It's also not unlike the warnings about the "gay agenda" being denied as nonsense only for it to be shoved in everyone's face through DEI and other insane nonsense. That said, I shall highlight some very simple points from known history to demonstrate what all the various parts of this comes from. Paying attention to the Years things are presented is important as it will demonstrate some of the evolution of the nonsense still pushed even now.
One of the First Religions connect the concept of Aliens to Religious Character
Mormonism is the theology and religious tradition of the Latter-Day Saints movement of Restorationist Christianity started by Joseph Smith in Western New York in the 1820s and 1830s. While a lot of modern Mormons deny such things, reading the Book of Mormon and listening to their teachings demonstrates the whole bit of space traveling alien spirit beings coming down to the Earth, creating the ancestors of humanity, and periodic cross sexual procreation processes mostly banned but otherwise in other cades imposed out of "necessity," to even giving a name and presumed location what "Star System" they all originate from, along with a lot of other obvious fraud, fiction and fanaticism. And yes, this following cartoon/video was actually shown at Mormon schools that is now "banned." While I don't care about the "Christian Objections," the main points are covered, and blatantly racist which was taught clearly.
Myth of Martians
In 1877, Mars was "only" 35 million miles away; Asaph Hall in the USA discovered its two moons, and Giovanni Schiaparelli in Italy drew the best map of Mars of that time, also inventing the modem naming system for Martian features. He named and connected hypothetical lines and spots of light and dark, referring to such lines as Canali – which in Italian means channels. Past astronomers also observed the "canali," but it was Schiaparelli to draw attention to them.
During the oppositions of 1879 and 1881 he "refined them" to make them look significantly straighter and narrower; the intention was to make them look artificial. Although they remained unconfirmed, his observations were not dismissed because of his high reputation, gained in the 1860s for his work on meteors. In a short time, most chose to "present it as science fact." His "findings" were reported in the prestigious journal Nature (3 June 1886). By 1890 the existence of canals was generally accepted by astronomers.
Then the fictional claims started further embellishing the bullshit as every so-called scientist wanted to lay claim to all sorts of "discoveries" that were not actually being made. Edward Pickering at Arequipa in Peru reported seeing lakes on the Martian surface. Other astronomers reported high altitude clouds, and some publicly claimed that these were attempts by the Martian inhabitants to communicate with Earth. In 1892 the French astronomer Camille Flammarion published La Planete Mars. A believer since the 1860s in life on other worlds, he interpreted the canals as proof of Martian habitation.
In his book he assumed the canals were indeed waterways, and described how Mars, being an older world, might contain a more advanced and wiser human race. The second event was a paper published in 1893 by Schiaparelli, in which he argued that Mars had a significant atmosphere, ice-covered polar regions and temperatures similar to those of Earth. It was after 1894 that one named Percival Lowell drew from all the above to more or less condense the science fiction being pushed as science fact into the whole "Martian Civilization" bit. Basically, mainstream sciences and scientists lied for a cash out. So that's not a new phenomenon either.
Yellow Journalism
This was an 1800s term for more or less "junk" journalism. Some things haven't changed much in that regards. "Yellow journalism" was in full swing in the late 1800s, with reporters regularly embellishing and even fabricating stories to boost sales. Today we would call them "tabloids" in the pejorative sense. A mysterious wave of airship sightings took place in the U.S. between 1896 and 1897. This is very important.
So called Cigar Shaped UFOs
The first powered and steerable airship to fly was the Giffard dirigible, built in France in 1852 by Henri Giffard. The Aurora, Texas, UFO incident reportedly occurred on April 17, 1897, that is claimed to have resulted in the death of the pilot. Aside from the modern retellings it was described as cigar shape and having wings on the back. In otherwards, it was an airship which at that time were not as well-known other than the earlier incarnations of hot air balloons at that time. Alien at that time was simply used as it is now as meaning a foreigner. In this case it was probably a French Pilot. In addition, the most common average height for Europeans was 5'5 to 5'6 for men and shorter still for women, as it is today in many parts of the world.
Contribution from Occultists

In 1918, the Englishman and Occultist Aleister Crowley, a self-proclaimed Satanist and Atheist (and a host of other nonsense that he used to play off the ignorance and mental deficiencies of others), and all-around drug addict and bisexual pervert, created a character he called Lam where he more or less created an image as a self-representation of a "big head" based on the fiction of the time an "egg head" like this was believed to represent superior higher intelligence and "psychic powers."
Flying Wings, Discopter, Embellished Radio Incident, False Alarms and More

While Flying goes back much further than all this, the more direct military development of various forms of them began around the 1920s. At this same time, a man named Alexander Weygers designed what came to be called the Flying Saucer in 1920’s and later, in 1944 patented his flying disc he named “The Discopter.” He imagined them being used mostly for conventional purposes, not unlike the concept of "flying cars" type things, and even included a set of drawings of a futuristic aerial version of the city of San Francisco to which these were linked as docks. He tried to convince the United States Government to fund the development of the Flying Discs as search and rescue craft. Many tended to plagiarize his concept in many science-fiction shows and movies not long after. In fact, many shows around the 1950s and 1960s was featuring one version or another of flying discs often having human pilots rather than "men from Outerspace."

During this time, October 30, 1938, over the CBS Radio Network for Halloween, Orson Welles produced an adaptation of H. G. Wells's novel The War of the Worlds (1898) for his "Mercury Theatre on the Air." It has been embellished and claimed there was a huge, massive panic caused from the show. It wasn't actually that large, and a few drunks were shooting at water towers based on artwork they had seen of what "Invaders from Mars" might look like, though it was in one part inspired as a fiction deriving from the previous Myth of Martians and used as a protest against British colonialism by H. G. Wells. It's no shock that it was papers like the New York Times that embellished much of the claims of mass panic. Did the 1938 Radio Broadcast of 'War of the Worlds' Cause a Nationwide Panic? Not really. Most were well aware it was a faux newscast.

In other words, Contrary to popular belief, the 1938 War of the Worlds radio program did not cause widespread panic. While there were exceptions, most listeners understood it was a dramatization and were aware that the events were fictional. At this time, not many were all that aware of the bazaar things of people like Crowley, and things tended to be culturally isolated in concept as being either people, ghosts, angels, demons or fairies.
As such, much of the so called sci-fi drew from those same themes and simply added the art deco and technology as people knew of and imagined it "might be like" in the future as the backdrop. No one, as such really had much of an idea of what a "proper Martian" should look like so there were all sorts of things, some really ridiculous ones at that, envisioned, till the concept of little green men with antennas sticking out of their heads as a more popular fairy like cartoon character merged with the concept of Martians.
Though this is what it came to mean in the 1940s, the inspiration for the term Little Green Men referred to Little Green Army Men as toys from the 1930. These Plastic little green army men became especially popular in the 1950s because that’s when parents began to worry about their children playing with toys made with lead and represented infantry soldiers primarily.
It should be taken notice of that at the same time Crowley came up with his "Lam" character, was around the same time that gremlins may have been mentioned for the first time in The Spectator, a British magazine, which noted just after World War I that “the old Royal Naval Air Service in 1917 and the newly constituted Royal Air Force in 1918 have detected the existence of a horde of mysterious and malicious spirits whose purpose in life was…to bring about as many as possible of the inexplicable mishaps which, in those days as now, trouble an airman’s life.”
This new myth of the times known were then mentioned in April 1929 in the journal Aeroplane that published a poem that called gremlins, a flyer's nemesis. In the 1920s, sporadic reports began filtering in from RAF pilots in Malta, the Middle East, and India of “gremlins” attempting to harm them and their flying machines. This is where we get the bit of UFOs and their occupants messing with aircraft and causing "all sorts of mechanical and electrical malfunctions during an encounter."
HP Lovecraft created his mythology of the Elder Ones in his novella At the Mountains of Madness, which was published in 1936 but written in 1931. These beings are fictional extraterrestrials in the Cthulhu Mythos. This inspires many other such concepts at these times.
Some of it inspired some of the intentionally reworked crossed lights of the incident known as the Battle over Los Angeles on February 25, 1942, an infamous false alarm, and more or less trigger-happy soldiers on edge about a possible invasion from Japan or Germany, or both since Japan and Germany were allies at the time. They were shotting at clouds more or less and the image has been touched up from the original to make the picture look like such a "flying disc." Part of what set some of the "alarms" go off was a report of sighted airplanes which were identified as private civilian planes. Basically, idiots not respecting or taking seriously notices to stay grounded.
At this time, the US was fully involved, along with allied forces in World War 2 and with Germany. This brings us to the Horton 229 of 1944. A successful creation in Germany at the time created the first Jet Engine and it was applied to the design of this flying wing, designed by the Horton Brothers. One can look up all the details about it, but suffice it to say, a lot of nonsense was going on with the "brass" as it were which was fortunate. Otherwise with such craft and had it gone into full production without said brass focused overly on dive bombers it could have changed the tides of the war to favor the NAZIs, especially if the plans for them to carry small nukes was implemented.

Otherwise, regardless of if it's believed or not, he's dead now, but it was claimed Hitler more or less put a bullet in his own heading April of 1945. By the first part of May of 1945, Germany fell to the allied forces who then rushed in to try and grab "secrets and scientists" to their countries (including the USA) as a way to more or less try and get a one up on the other. That's when the USA acquired more than a few things from Germany such as these jet powered aircraft, the so-called NAZI Bell which was likely a bunch of objected wired together that chimed, or a nuclear reactor using Mercury as a base substants for weapons great Uranium or Plutonium. Of course, the Ho 229 as it called for short, was transported without its wings attached which just so happened to start matching up with other cartoon images of "spaceships" and other sci-fi based things. It was kept secret from the general public for almost half a century. It was also claimed nothing was "really" done with the craft other than using information gleaned from the engines. You can bet that is bunk. And here is why.

Pilot Kenneth Arnold was flying near Mt. Rainier in Washington state on June 24, 1947, when he witnessed nine shiny aircraft unlike anything he had seen before. Arnold described eight of the objects as thin, flat, pie-pan, or disk-shaped, while the ninth was a crescent coming to a point in the back. In other words, he was describing both a Ho 229 style flying wing and 8 apparent Discopters. Both of which were claimed to have never had "successful flights" by the US military. However, it was also claimed that the same were aware that these prototypes actually did fly successfully but because of the developers being forced to constantly scrap one design for another is the real reason they never were used in combat. If not a Ho 229, then the only other design would have to be a Ho VI "Flying Parabola."

The key factor here may have been slipped in as well since, as he stated, there were 8 pie-pan like crafts following the one that clearly was a poorly drawn version of the Ho 229 or something close to it at the very least. While my initial thought a long time ago was these 8 craft were successful Discopters, it was the pie-pan description that that caught my attention when I was researching all of this. I remembered seeing them online on display at a museum, at least the declassified ones.

They were initially designed 1942 and called the Vought V-173 which did crash a few times as show here. As one can see in the bottom middle image, you have a downed one upside down. It clearly matches the thin, flat, pie-pan description of Kenneth Arnold. Indeed, from 1942-1943 there were at least 190 test flights with a significant number of test flights working out "engineering bugs" along with an increase in reports of flying "disc like" UFOs in Connecticut. Without the rotating propellers, it only looks more foreign in nature as this incomplete old one on display here demonstrates. We see a lot of fictional versions based off this in modern UFO type BS shows.
This is around the time another scam comes about not more than a month after Kenneth Arnold makes his report. This is the Rosewall New Mexico "crashed" UFO which was stated to have occurred specifically on July 8, 1947. The report was the military indicated that a ‘flying disc’ had been recovered of "unknown, alien origin." Then it was immediately redacted to claimed to be a weather balloon, then a spy ballon, and a host of other nonsense. What was it if it wasn't all the other nonsense? Another of these designs.

it has been suggested, not that only that maybe the Roswell crash was a Vought XF5U-1 which just so happens to be listed as having had its last flight in 1947. The problem is there was only one model made, the project was already long over its expected development time, and well over budget and, the Navy finally canceled the project on 17 March 1947. There were also issues overcoming vibration problems. Yet, it's also said that the only completed XF5U-1 proved to be so structurally solid that it had to be destroyed by a wrecking ball. So, this model was destroyed "4 months prior" to the Roswell incident. It's more likely it was something like the "Disc-Jet" type aircraft that has been reported to have had various versions flying between 1945-1967, and other refined models as late as 1978-1980. What they actually look like or did look like has never been truly declassified and all the various images of them are computer generated mock-ups based on "released" sketches and diagrams that are likely intentionally falsified. There has been also sorts of odd aircraft created that even now look like something from another world and time, and yet they're actually old designs. Take for example the Russian "EKIP" craft based on aerodynamic ground-effect which is based on a number of original engineering ideas. Look it up. In any case, it's just more examples of old tech significantly older than is in the public eye or access for several decades.
We were sending airplanes up to low Earth Orbit by the 1950s
Everyone talks about the former Space Shuttle and the mishaps eventually shutting it down (at least publicly," especially affect the fatal Challenger explosions and impact. A horrible event of the 1980s indeed. However, we had airplanes already able to enter low Earth orbit, and probably even higher than is still ever told by at least 1955. Pilots had to wear pressure suits for those spy-planes and were in existence earlier than the spacesuits associated with the Apollo Missions to the Moon, and so on. This is known as the U-2 spy plane, once called the Angel, and also the Article, and also the Dragon Lady. You can watch this video that covers this. (they still don't say exactly how high it can actually go).
Now, it will be stated that the Miliary scrapped research on things like the Ho 229. Its stability is noted as far more than is often claimed. So, there is that. However, it becomes obvious to any intelligent person there were more than likely still classified variations of it leading up to things like the B-2 Stealth Bomber and B-2 Blackbird, and a lot more after these were declassified.
The Occult side pushed through Sci-fi

As the images including the one called "LAM" show, they were among the primary inspiration sources for all the so called "Grey Aliens" concept and their variations since the 1960s which inspired the characters of the Star Trek pilot, The Cage, aired November 1966 featuring an "androgynous" alien called "The Keeper," assumed to be male but was played by the actress Meg Wyllie. The voice was done by Malachi Throne. This completed they Androgynous/A-sexual quality. The myth these beings needed humans as a breeding servant species becomes a basis for much of the later added crap from the occult insertions into this mix.It also just so happens this is when the book as a big deal for ignorant fools was written and published called Chariots of the Gods, a book by Erich von Däniken, was first published in 1968. It's after this that another author named Zecharia Sitchin's first book in the Earth Chronicles series, The 12th Planet, was published in January 1976 playing off the same theme the idea of humans made a servant/slave species after these "aliens" as Sumerian deities mixed their own DNA with that of the proto-humans to create a superior race of the Homo sapiens, to work for the mining enterprises they had set up on Earth, specifically for Gold and coming from a planet called Nibiru, and all the rest of the crap that goes with it.

And what is one of the main cult concepts that gets pushed through all of these? A Twisted mix of "Satanism, Gnosticism, and Jewish Mysticism" associated with the Kabballah which itself is rooted in Pythagorean mysticism and a common theme to all basic occult ideologies. In fact, the medallion worn by the "Keeper" represents the "unknowable Aeon" by the black gem, the Aeon splitting into a male and a female polarity, and reuniting into a third as a "Divine Androgyne or Hermaphrodite" able to "procreate without a mate" and therefore the whole bit of the "Perfection of Union of the Divine Masculine and Femine as two sides of One Whole." This calls back to old Tarot Cards from as early as the 1700s representing a Hermaphrodite Devil to which "man and woman" are bound as the counterfeit deity based within the gnostic concept the creator of the world is the devil and the "true Divine source" is beyond such things, but created the flesh also as a trap of souls an split them into separated male and female bodies when the soul was originally "one and androgynous." This becomes the basis behind the delusional view that the "inner self identity" is different from the "binary body," which encourages a whole range of delusional conclusions. This all goes into other expressions often as "Spiritual Alchemy" which was actually recognized as fake alchemy which became a major factor behind the moves to change the names and separate from these association giving us names like Chemistry, and from astrology to Astronomy as well as many more later and modern sciences. This also is much of the basis behind other works at such times as self-named Eliphas Levi's writings of Occultism inventing the fictional side of Knights Templar and more, along with the creation of the so-called Baphomet goat of Mendes.

Spoofing so many aspects of Occultism, Satanism and more, and openly mocking all these crazy things was none other than the TV Show called Mork & Mindy. It first aired September 14, 1978, through May 27, 1982. It has so many spoof references, most of which the majority of people didn't realize or know entirely, included a heavily amount of mockery of Crowley based concepts. For example, Mork (played by Robin Williams) wore a red jumpsuit done up as a spaceman but also playing off the classic images of the Devil in a red outfit, using the inverted triangle of the Cult of Lam with the above-mentioned associations and "anti-Trinity" jargon, traveling in an "Egg Ship" and many of the other various references carried on by the cult called the O.T.O. and its connections also with Thelema, both being created, among others, by Crowley. There were, of course the more obvious jokes including "pull my finger" references and other strange things involving the finger of "Mork from Ork." The "never seen" superior he has to report to named Orson as the Invisible voice is a reference to Orson Welles. How Mindy runs into "The Alien" as he was trying to figure out how to blend in, because he put some of the clothing on backwards in a specific way, she mistook him for a lost Catholic Priest and was moved to help him. This pretense and Catholic reference also have a lot of occult-based undertones. This intro to the show reflects many of the visual spoof references in question including in a sometimes not so veiled manner, an acid trip. However, the way it was done it was able, for a time, able to pull off the Family Friendly vibe as it were.
I don't feel like going through all of it, however, once you read this from another site, it will become a bit more obvious. If one is not paying attention, they will miss the actual sexual references which goes back to a bunch of other older garbage about more or less fictional black masses. Typhonian Ordo Templi Orientis — Kenneth Grant — LAM. One can also look into the fact that his same occultism is what much of Feminism comes out of in its own occult roots leading its followers to misandrist inanity and extremism, and other ties to the foundations of modern psychology (and not in a good way either) as part of the coercion tactics using narcissistic methodology.
Debunking Ancient Aliens and Bob Lazar
One of the more well-known convergences of all these things into a confused mess of incoherent gibberish is an old series called Ancient Aliens. This is a case where someone else has already covered this so I will not need to regurgitate such things myself. Again, learn from it and get past the presenter's particular religious views. I try to find those where it's at a minimal to no mention of such things since such things are irrelevant of the demonstrable facts that counter the nonsense.
It all comes down to a modern Myth based in madness
The fact is, nothing is "leaked" by accident when it comes to Government Agencies within or external to the USA. The intentional back and forth created distractions, nonsensical claims and all-around confusion is by design and using the tendency of those who "want to believe" as blind perpetuators of the nonsense that becomes the heart and soul of this madness. Even things like Scientology are rooted in this.
The connections of occultism with NASA are well known, though NASA still tries to erase the history, has to do with people like John Whiteside Parsons (born Marvel Whiteside Parsons October 2, 1914 – June 17, 1952). He was an American rocket engineer, chemist, and Thelemite occultist and one of the principal founders of both the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) and the Aerojet Engineering Corporation. He frequently mixed sciences and occultism, and eventually it led to himself dying in an explosion as a result of one of his careless actions.
This is also true of things like the CIA, FBI, NSA, Pentagon and more who have never been opposed to use people's beliefs or superstitions to weaponize them and demoralize their intended targets. Even Sigmund Freud was an Austrian neurologist and the founder of psychoanalysis, a clinical method for evaluating and treating pathologies seen as originating from conflicts in the psyche, not only integrated occult ideologies into psychology, but also told other, such as Carl Jung, it was important to keep sexuality at the center of the human psyche. It's called Psy-Ops. It's a game of mental gymnastics and fear pushing.
It's now being used to try and convince everyone it's all true Aliens
We have already heard about so called Whistleblowers going before congress making all sorts of claims about different things, yet when you actually break down each and every part of those claims, and having researched the subject remaining reasonably skeptical and not willfully gullible, you find they are often simply repeating the same garbage that has been claimed elsewhere and then simply "piece parts together that are inconsistent "trying to make the pieces fit" by force. There are articles, for example, that have to always circle back to Mars. Among these things include:
A scientist recently claimed that NASA may have inadvertently discovered life on Mars almost 50 years ago and then accidentally killed it before realizing what it was.
As usual, the "scientist" or "experts" are not named, and there is not enough actual evidence to support such a claim or hypothesis.
Soil samples have been brought back from Mars. The Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover Mission allowed scientists to retrieve handpicked samples, including rock cores and fragmented rocks and there haven't been any signs of life. So what?
It's completely irrelevant for what is being claimed about intelligent entities flying around in spacecraft of their own. So, even if microbes are found on Mars, in it or in its soil, it's not relevant and doesn't prove, but rather disproves, all claims of "intelligent beings."
Then there is the joke that I have stated many times before that people have these idiotic ideas that if its blurry, it must be authentic, yet if it's clear it must be fake. Now, with all the irresponsibly applied AI, you have to really look closer at the imagery to sort out of its an AI fever ream or reality.
All the hoaxes and nonsense show more than reasonably that all these so-called aliens from other worlds or dimensions or under the surface of the land or ocean waves are nonsense. Nor are they ghosts, or demons, or angels or devils or deities or whatever. They are made up from a diverse mix of nonsense, intentional distractions and as coverup inventions for secret real projects we do not get to know about for "national security reasons." Does this mean there are no such things anywhere? No. It just means all we are being shown as evidence and claims of evidence isn't evidence of anything but mind games and fiction. I can add more, however, this should suffice.