Prayer is one of the most common and basic practices shared by all people in all cultures everywhere, regardless the religion, culture or tradition, pose or content thereof. It is intrinsically a human action and behavior. Regardless of what some will debate over its effectiveness or its particular emotional and psychological benefits and how these effect the overall physical health of the ones engaging in such prayers are frankly irrelevant. What is relevant and unacceptable is when those claiming to defend religious and cultural diversity twist it into an excuse of condemnation of religion in general and it becomes at that point a civil rights and basic human liberty issues and trespasses against one's autonomy.
Perhaps one of the greatest and most moronic claims of those promoting the erasure of religion and prayer all together and advocating what is more or less thought crimes as something that is only fundamental to Christianity, such a claim is truly idiotic. Such statements also tend to come from the very same hypocrites that demand for equality and condemn "perceived misogynist comments" as hate crimes but then in the same breath perpetuate clearly misandrist comments as "justifiable outrage." These are the same that demand for and seek to "force equality" when engaging in slanted favoritism that isn't equal. There are points in which restrictions and bans should be applied. However, sweeping bans are completely unacceptable, often vague/unclear and criminalize people more so than murderers. That is also truly insane.
Acceptable Bans
Prayer In Schools: This is a poorly written definition and itself should be repealed. It is reasonable for a ban on schools themselves through their boards, administrations, teachers and so forth to play the role of clergy of a particular belief system regardless of what it is. It should instead be defined as Public School Lead Prayers. If it's a Private School specifically created by a religious community, such bans should not be demanded or imposed as that violates religious freedom. This is not complicated.
Local, City or State Government: Regardless of if such is "Traditional or Not," starting or ending any sort of governance-based meetings with prayers which are clearly specific to particular religious sects or identities is exclusionary and is in fact a trespass on the First Amendment which insures both religious freedom and the separation of Church and State. However, having a moment of silence allowing all to pray in their own thoughts as it were according to their beliefs or traditions, and if they so wish to do so, should not be banned or restricted. Those that claim to represent religious freedom and deny this basic fundamental human right is entirely unacceptable and they are not truly representing religious freedom.
Here, in the United Sates of America as well as other parts of the world, insane and occult driven Marxist based ideologies through various bureaucracies that trespass freedom of religion, individual expression, freedom of speech, freedom of press, and many more basic human rights and freedoms are not "privileges" yet are being treated as such and increasingly imposing tyrannical dictatorships under a more or less oppressive and suppressive Globalist Socialist Communism wearing the mask of Civil Democratic Republics. The attack on religion and prayer is an attack on all religions and we have seen this throughout history as nations that embrace such madness decline and tear themselves apart internally and enslave their own citizens and others of those nations they seek to subdue and absorb like a ravenous parasite. All the same twisted ideologies found in occultism finds expressions in all such perverse and inhuman things.
Unacceptable Bans
Prayer In public: This is insane. If someone or a group of people are gathering together and not blocking anything or anyone and choose to pray rather than engage in more militant protests with the whole picket signs bit, arresting such people and even throwing them in jail regardless of what their religion happens to be is unacceptable. If the excuse is that such openly public prayers make others uncomfortable then the problem is with the sense of guilt and paranoia on the part claiming to be "uncomfortable." If they claim it's ridiculous, ineffective and annoying, the problem is again not the ones praying but the ones complaining.
In defiance, more people regardless of their religious differences, or non-religious beliefs if they truly advocate for basic human rights, should join together even with those whom they disagree with and join in praying more openly as a more massive protest prayer to make it clear that citizens if their respective countries because it is a basic and fundamental human right.
Students should be allowed to pray quietly among themselves if they choose to do so. It should not be tolerated to allow other students to harass or mock students exercising these basic rights such as before eating a meal or during a recess. It should not be allowed for students or teachers or any school staff to try and convert students at any public schools, and schools that violate basic rights of such prayers should expect more students, regardless of they are religious or not, gather and pray in protest.
Prayer In private: This is insane. Also called "Performative Prayer." If someone or a group of people are gathering together at a home, at a church, or some other clearly defined religiously reserved location and choose to pray, including at such as Cemetaries, or a sudden or mass loss of life occurred, placing a ban on such things is in fact complete trespass against religious freedom and basic fundamental human rights and civil liberties. This includes any songs or dances or other forms or expressions of prayer and worship in such private locations including the places where they live and denying this is also complete inhuman, insane and cannot be tolerated. Banning prayer and the freedom of expression of their religious expressions in their homes or private residences is idiotic to say the least.

Pay closer attention to what the hypocrites are saying regardless of if they come from the religious and non-religious sides of such debates demanding their particular sides be shown favoritism because it also steps clearly into violation of citizen rights being crushed under state dictatorships. Some of the terms that are used all the time as justifications include but are not limited to "breach of peace/enforcing peace/maintaining peace," is itself still a trespass against individual freedom of speech, and expression and the engagement of punishments for thought crimes. We must not ourselves allow for or play into excuse games far too many are engaging in, and we do need to stand in support of those with whom we do not agree with unless they are preaching and teaching the murder/extermination of others that do not believe in or submit to their particular religious views.
It's a classic example of trading freedom and human rights for the proclaimed "safety and security" that enslaves the population to the dictations of a few. Many of these arguments to ban such practices are engaging in unjustifiable hair-splitting applying freedom of prayer as separate from freedom of worship, and these as separate from freedom of religion.
States can and do have the right to step in and not allow people to engage in acts such as actual human sacrifice of living human beings to be ritually murdered, and or acts of cannibalism because its "part of the beliefs."
Those various darker parody religions playing off those themes "symbolically," though disturbing, cannot be condemned because they are not actually engaging in such activities. The moment they cross from symbolic to literal they have crossed the line. When they combine the symbolic act of human sacrifice with acts of abortion, that has also crossed the line and ignoring that is not acceptable.
The reality is people with religious views that value human life and individual freedom as well as the wellbeing of a cooperative community are naturally opposed to dictatorships. They are also less easily controlled than is usually claimed and what we have here is in reality a goal of making the rulers of a nation the masters and mistresses, and all the rest their subdues servants of their whims. In other words, they want to destroy the world and remake it in their own image under their own perverse utopian insanity to which all others are to simply accept, remain silent, abide by or be exterminated. Some want to imagine a "world without religion." We have seen those worlds, and the value of basic human life is extremely low to non-existent. That is a fact.
Then Act Accordingly
With Clarity and Purpose!
Do not support anyone or anything that do not uphold
our Constitution of the United States of America, especially the Bill of Rights,
or only enforce it Selectively instead of Consistently!