As has been mentioned under the LEARN section's Short History link, it went through a few changes in naming. However, one of the questions has also been, was the symbol for the religion always a triangle representing God and three circles representing the three Goddesses according to the basic concepts and rules of True Sacred Geometry? The answer is no. In fact it was one upright triangle with three rays ending with three inverted triangles for that concept and had been so for well over a decade prior to the more recent overall developments.
The reason why is the application of Sacred Geometry was not originally the basis of the design when the foundations were being made. In reality the concept of the Drikeyu was the first basis wherein our concepts broke down to God was expressed through the Cosmic Laws called Worloga. The three Goddesses were expressed through the Reciprocal Dynamics called Wyrda. The essence from which all things were made from and connected with as the Cosmic Force and Power was the Wihas.
The three rays represented each Goddess receiving the same equal amount of power and being mutually and equally connected to the One God accordingly as conduits of his power or Wihas that flows from himself as a wellspring and received and channeled through them as they weave all things into being and that totality of all existence was in turn expressed as the Cosmic Tree of Eternity. It was in this symbolic Cosmic Tree of Eternity every realm and universe are as fruit of the same Tree that spawn the endless forest of universes that continue the process indefinitely.
The realization of the Sacred Geometry aspect as a complimentary concept was purely circumstantial and there was already the inclusion of the basic humor aspects of the tradition, though more passively so but caused many to assume it was merely some sort of parody or thought experiment. As one should be able to comprehend with the previously stated, it was far more than that and still is because there has always been a serious core to Druwayu even before its name had come to be finalized.
The same sense of recognizing a need for some sort of central authority as a custodianship of Druwayu and serving as a necessary administrative center for Druans to support but also to have a more properly established and organized structure and identity that has largely been lost on far too many for far too long and for the preservation of this tradition as a whole to be supported by the Druish community as much as defending the Druish community and over all culture and identity was also always present.
As such, so was the concept of using a trident style pitchfork for a Warlock and Three Brooms of Three Witches as old folklore often held such concepts as such being the head elders and ultimate authorities over all other councils of Warlocks and Witches as representatives of the One God and Three Goddesses, though by that time God and the three Goddesses were re-imagined and re-invented in all but name as "The Devil" and his three "She Devil Brides" which also became a base pattern for later so called Vampire Lore and Literature of much later inventions and adaptations.
Of course most fail to see beyond all that and that's also the point. So for that reason the variations of a trident and three brooms merged as a singular symbol has been a common theme I have employed ever since. As such its more of an alternative symbol of the One and Three all the same which is also on purpose so as to keep the connections maintained consistently. All in all, I laid out all the core foundations so others may be able to properly build upon this tradition well into the future with more confidence and far less of the all to common bigotry. In any case, from the very start Warlocks and Witches are the clergy have have been as this investigation developed into the current tradition that wasn't based in occultism which is also part of why its significantly different.
You can rightfully say that Druwayu is fundamentally polytheistic and that the specific aspect of polytheism is called Quadrotheism. This Quadrotheism is based of course on the unity of One Unique God and All Father who is indivisible from his Godhead, for it is all that makes God to be God. You cannot remove God from the Godhead, or the Godhead from God.
In the Unity of his Sacred Energy, Power and Spirit are the Three Great Mother Goddesses who are Coequal, Consubstantial and Cooperative in all Ways to and with one another, as well as Three Separate and Distinct Beings and Minds and Persons unto themselves. Together The Supreme God and the Three Great Goddesses are the Four Persons who also share in one distinct isolated Consciousness distinct from all others, though distinctive minds and their own conscious self awareness. Through the Three Goddesses this energy, power and spirit is woven into all manifestations of all existences and all realities as the very essence of all things which rises as a wellspring from the One God.
As such many such concepts of seeking union with the Divine is regarded as a pointless exercise of futility and ignorance for in essence all things are already as one with them and one another as its the same essence of the universe we know and our own being here and hereafter. So there is no point seeking union with that which you are already one with. It is instead more logical to seek some sense of awareness of this oneness.
However, some may also presume that should such an awareness be achieved on a deeper level that it is through this force we can commune with them to some but extremely limited way for they are completely beyond us and distinct from us in that we are part of the creation and creation is merely one of many expressions reflecting them in one form or another but in a very limited and tiny way. For that very same reason we can have no knowledge as to what motivation the One and Three have for doing or manifesting anything in the first place and any specification is simply that. We are not them and they are not us. It's that simple.