This is a complex question. From the perspectives of Judaism, Christianity, or Islam, the idea might seem irrelevant or nonsensical. However, if we look at the actual meanings of the titles "Warlock" and "Witch," rather than their fictionalized versions, the answer can be yes, based on factual etymology. Be mindful, however, of a lot of things.
Warlockery or Witchery simply refers to the job function or trade of a Warlock or Witch, not their specific religious identity. Historically, terms like "Priest" and "Priestess" have been used in various religions, and words like "Gospel" have Saxon origins. These facts should not be used, however, to justify some sort of ethnocentric or racist nonsense as such things are and will be rejected by adherents of Druwayu.
Similarly, Magi (singular Magus) were associated with the Christain nativity which in turn was often used by some in the medieval period as a justification for practicing 'Magic' which originally applied as the art, beliefs and tradition of the Magi themselves, which was originally associated with Zoroastrianism no less, regardless how you spell it. It's from this that the later form losing its association somewhat with Magi as Persian elders that the word Magician was created and became in all cases a catch all of whatever opinion was imposed by a particular author's narrative. To note, the word Magus was pronounced as mag-oosh and had more of the context of 'humble servant.'
This is also the reason why, justifiably speaking in proper context and understanding it is actually erroneous to say a Warlock or Witch, or whatever, "does or practices magic" or other things like so called Shamanism as arts of a Shaman, or Occultism as the beliefs and practices of an Occultist, etc. The over generalizations and throwing such words, titles and terms around as interchangeable is part of the major historical nonsense that goes on all around. Because of this nonsense, many will have different opinions formed out of blatant ignorance and what they have been told rather than seeking to verify if its accurate. It's not just a problem particular to the religious. It's a human problem that requires human beings to more or less seek the facts and get out of their own ways.
Similarly, words like "God," "Heaven," and "Hell" have entered modern English from Old Saxon, Hebrew, Greek, Latin, and Aramaic, showing that these titles can coexist. However, it comes down to a long history of conditioning on Mutiple sides and a lot of diverse complexities that would be needlessly over complicated to get to the point.
Many also ignore that throughout history, many Jews, Christians, and Muslims, aside from or in addition to their respective terms or names for leadership roles within their cultures and communities have used terms like wizards, magi, and sorcerers in a neutral context, practicing mystical aspects of their beliefs for the benefit of their communities. History and reality are based on records and objective observation, like everything else, and do not change because it doesn't make you "happy." In short, truth is impersonal and objective, not based in your subjective opinions build on ignorance or your feelings.
It is not unlike how some Christians mistakenly associate pentagrams with Satanism, despite their historical use by Jews, Christians, and Muslims will before that crap was pushed largely in occultist circles and later by Hollywood and other media which are just other examples of imposed culture and social engineering. The same applies to Warlocks and Witches, who were often targeted as heretics rather than specifically by those titles. Satan, as a character, developed mainly through Christianity, and even so-called Satanists define themselves by Christian standards.
People need to unlearn much of the misinformation found online. The question of being a Christian, Jewish, or Muslim Warlock or Witch often inspires headaches due to the significant research required. The honest conclusion is that you can be a Warlock or Witch while maintaining your religious identity, as long as you understand the actual meanings and not the false associations.
I embraced these titles based on factual history and clear sources for inclusion in Druwayu. I do not seek to fuse Druwayu with Judaism, Christianity, or Islam, as they are not compatible on many levels. We can agree on some things and disagree on others without physical confrontations.
Semantics matter in debates and arguments. Many religions and philosophies do not use "magic" in the usual false concept. Magic refers to the practices and beliefs of the Magi. Those who recognize their conditioning and let it go can learn more accurate concepts through research.
It's best to keep your beliefs to yourself if you consider yourself a Jew, Christian, or Muslim to avoid unnecessary hostility. That is my best advice. That being said, one will not be recognized as a Warlock or Witch simply because they claim they are or use contexts or narratives that are not recognized as and unsupported by facts upon which Druwayu is fashioned.