The Oath Ring of Service and a warning on adopting old customs:
The reason for this Oath Ring for a Warlock or Witch of the First Church of Druwayu embodies the Warlock's or Witch's spiritual authority within the religion and symbolizes the hallowed (sacred) bond between individuals, co-clergy members, The One and Three, as well as our community. It should also be noted that when we adopt specific traditions such as this rooted in historical foundations, we avoid the mess of "fictional reconstructionism." The main reason this is avoided is because many so called reconstructionist "movements" are not only prone to ethnocentric and racist tendencies which were not factors recorded in the source material such often employ, many also impose a false narrative they are continuing an ancient tradition and thereby stray from historical authenticity, lack of evidence, literary embellishments and modern false romanticism.
This can fall into a very dangerous course of embracing "claimed practices" that were likely invented not as authentic history but as slanders to discourage people they were seeking to convert to associate with their previous traditions such as but not limited to acts of ritual murder and other terrible deeds that are unworthy of being continued or perpetuated by any truly spiritually minded and ethical person. That isn't to say all such reports were entirely false, but many were, and others were often embellished, not unlike how early Christians were also accused of engaging in incest, infanticide, orgies and cannibalism; more of less all the same kinds of sick things later theocracies accused one another of and anyone that refused to submit to their dominions.
The Basis Rooted in Known History:
Historically, oath rings were used in legal and spiritual contexts, serving as signs of authority and elderhood (also called priesthood with the same basic meaning) and upon which individuals would swear oaths and evoke the Divine to bear witness to the same, and rule over such pledges and promises and bind such to the principles of the Drikeyu to insure they were kept and consequences would follow upon breaking them. Adopting the concept of rings, such as Oath Rings, into Druwayu for clergy is a meaningful idea for several reasons:
Symbol of Commitment: Rings can represent the clergy's dedication to the principles of Druwayu, including logic, humor, and the sacred bond with the One and Three. This aligns with the religion's emphasis on ethical behavior and responsibility.
Historical and Spiritual Significance: Drawing from historical traditions, rings have been used in various cultures as symbols of authority, elderhood, and spiritual connection. Incorporating this into Druwayu reinforces its ties to meaningful rituals and traditions.
Unity and Identity: Rings can serve as a unifying symbol for clergy members, fostering a sense of belonging and shared purpose within the community.
Design and Symbolism: The proposed designs for Druwayu clergy rings, such as hexagonal patterns and engravings like "Resist True Evil," reflect the religion's values and principles. These elements can deepen the spiritual and cultural identity of the clergy.
Modern Adaptation: By integrating rings into clergy practices, Druwayu demonstrates its ability to evolve and incorporate meaningful symbols that resonate with contemporary values while staying true to its roots.
The Basis of the Symbolism:
Historically the design and symbols used reflected meaning and purpose, as well as expressed spiritual beliefs and traditions. The ring is gold, though silver can also be used, and has a main hexagonal design based in the concepts of Geometry and a symbol of dimensional stability, as is the combined triangle and triple rings that represent the One and Three. Engraved in the sides is the "Resist True Evil" as a call to action, and under the symbol representing the One and Three is the "First Church of Druwayu Est. Oct 1, 2024" as a historical note. Of course, there is also the symbol of the folklore-based Warlock and Three Witches as representatives of the One and Three and thus represented by the Trident and Three Broom Heads combined on an equal armed cross form, surrounded with the wreath of victory, excellence, and achievement, drawing from Ancient Greek traditions, and from traditions associated with Knighthood:
Courage: Bravery in defending justice and freedom.
Mercy: Compassion for all, especially the vulnerable.
Justice: Protection of the innocent and ensuring fair treatment for everyone.
Generosity: Charity and sharing of resources for communal welfare.
Faith: Loyalty to ethical principles and commitment to truth.
This is also reflected in the design for our Flag.
At each point is inlaid diamonds with an inlaid background of black marble. The white diamonds represent loyalty, kindness, truth, knowledge, wisdom and understanding, the hallmarks of any worthy leadership. The Black Marble represents resistance and durability (resistance against evil and enduring will to overcome adversity). Because it is found all over the World, it also represents peaceful coexistence whenever and wherever possible. This itself shows, or intended to be a reminder to all, including the wearer, that we must respect and value the lives of others with dignity and ethical treatment of consideration of individuals rights to autonomous self-determination (free will) within the confines of not allowing one to impose their own over others and standing against all who do, or would rob others of this natural right and freedom.
Who provides for these rings and inheritance:
Historically individuals or members within the community may commission artisans to create custom oath rings for the clergy and to be treated with a deeper sense of reverential honor not to be passed out frivolously or for some sort of nonsense political statement that cheapens and dishonors those who do such things. Abiding by such old customs, they are taken from the dead by family and kept with family to prevent theft by unscrupulous morticians, then placed back upon their finger at the point of burial.
How burials are conducted will depend on what was requested by the individual which may include sending them off in a burning ship as a way to honor the dead and guide their spirit to the hereafter, purified by the flames or placed within a family catacomb type tomb. The ring remains with them unless they have openly passed it on before they died to those who maintained their bonds with them more closely than others.
Some important side notes:
If you want to learn more about the meaning of the two titles of Warlock and Witch and not the ongoing forced fictions in most dictionaries as a result of shoddy scholarship and academic laziness, check out the section on Etymology. It has a significant number of details to clear up such matters and additional titles and terms thrown around far too much. That said:
Rational Reclamation and Rehabilitation: The adoption of the titles Warlock and Witch within Druwayu is a deliberate and meaningful reclamation and rehabilitation of historical and linguistic terms.
Intentions: These titles are not intended to intimidate, mislead, or impose on anyone.
Avoiding Trivialization: Their usage should never be trivialized as mere cosplay or superficial roleplay.
Specific to Druwayu: These titles are unique to Druwayu and represent distinct, rational roles within its cultural framework. They are separate from the identity of its adherents, known as Druans.
Symbols of Dedication: Warlock and Witch are symbols of dedication to truth, wisdom, and rational inquiry.
Rejecting Exaggerated Mysticism: These titles are grounded in Druwayu’s commitment to authenticity and intellectual integrity, while rejecting any associations with mysticism or fantasy.
Addressing Deceptive Narratives About Warlock and Witch
These facts are not unknown, and if you have ever read or seen anything about what everyone mispronounces as "Wick-uh," you know these things are factual having confronted such yourself, likely many times over. When trying to find the details, you will end up with more of the same. By bearing such a ring, you are also openly rejecting such associations and realize the serious and important role of bearing such a title as anything but mere cosplay or gratification of personal motives other than being a representative of a far more humane culture that Druwayu is intended to be, and not the garbage of it being "whatever you pretend it to be."
1. False Claims of Origin and Anti-Male Bias:
Many authors claim Warlock is of "Scottish origin" without citing credible sources (I have in Etymology), while Witch is often noted as Saxon in origin. These claims intentionally misrepresent facts to push a divisive, gendered sub-narrative of "men bad, women good."
Historical sources confirm Warlock originated from Saxon and Scandinavian interactions, denoting a masculine role from its inception. Attempts to paint it as culturally foreign or inherently negative are baseless.
2. Doreen Valiente’s Role in Modern Misinformation:
Doreen Valiente, an occultist and member of groups like the Bricket Wood Coven, further perpetuated these errors. Her involvement with Gerald Gardner, who drew heavily from Aleister Crowley and the debunked works of Margaret Murray (e.g., The Witch Cult of Western Europe), led to modern occult narratives conflating Warlock and Witch with mysticism and gender bias.
After conflicts with Gardner’s cult politics, Valiente created her own movement, introducing extreme anti-male, feminist slants that distorted historical and linguistic truths.
3. The Anti-Male Feminist Extremism:
Many modern distortions stem from ideological biases, promoting narratives that demonize men while elevating women within these roles. The result is a deliberate misrepresentation of historical roles and terms, misapplying them to serve ideological agendas.
Claims like Warlock meaning "betrayer" or "oath-breaker" are modern inventions, unsupported by historical or literary evidence which the Etymology will also prove, along with many other very important and interconnected concepts misrepresented for centuries, even before the more modern, further distortions.
These narratives aim to vilify Warlocks, and by default, men and boys in general and unfairly, while excusing similar accusations for Witches and by default, women and girls which goes back to the previous of "men bad, women good."
It's just the old idiocy of "the battle of the sexes" which is an irrational "power and authority struggle" between men and women and more often than not is woven into all sorts of odd and strange occult type hive mind ideologies, very much in the context of destructive cults.
Some Notes on "Battle of the Sexes"
The phrase "battle of the sexes" historically refers to the rivalry, opposition, or tension between men and women in society, often framed as a struggle for power. Its earliest recorded usage dates back to 1723, attributed to Samuel Wesley, a Church of England clergyman and poet. Over time, the phrase has been used to describe various societal dynamics, including gender relations, disagreements, and differing expectations between men and women. It has seen a twisted resurgence in modern times, particularly under the influence of extremist feminist ideologies and occult reinterpretations. This resurgence often reframes the concept as a divisive struggle, amplifying gender-based tensions rather than fostering understanding or equality.
Extremist Feminism and Gender Narratives
In some circles, the "battle of the sexes" has been co-opted to promote narratives of inherent conflict between men and women, often portraying one gender as oppressors and the other as victims. This framing can perpetuate stereotypes and deepen societal divides.
Extremist feminist movements have at times, used the phrase to justify adversarial rhetoric, overshadowing efforts for genuine dialogue and mutual respect.
Occult Roots and Misappropriations
The phrase has also been linked to occult reinterpretations, where gender dynamics are infused with mystical or esoteric symbolism. These reinterpretations often draw on speculative or fabricated histories, blending occult ideologies with gender narratives to create a distorted view of historical and cultural relationships.
Such misappropriations can obscure the original intent of the phrase, transforming it into a tool for ideological agendas rather than a reflection of societal dynamics.
By understanding these influences, it becomes clear how the phrase has been reshaped to serve modern narratives, often at the expense of historical accuracy and constructive discourse. However, those who are so deeply embedded in it and more or less brainwashed will only prove to be a wasted effort to hold such proper discussions where objectors intentionally try to drown out through screaming and yelling rational and logical as well as factual discussions, failing to realize louder does not make them righter; just uselessly loud and unworthy of any amount of tolerance for such aggressive or abusive behaviors. This Oath Ring, as worn by a Warlock or Witch in Druwayu, serves as a powerful symbol of both rejection and dedication. Historically rooted in traditions of authority and spiritual commitment, the Oath Ring embodies the following:
Rejection of Clerical Nonsense:
By wearing the Oath Ring, Warlocks and Witches openly reject the distortions and false narratives perpetuated by external clergy or ideological movements. This includes rejecting the mystical, occult, and divisive reinterpretations that have historically misrepresented these roles.
The ring signifies a refusal to conform to dogmatic or fabricated traditions, standing instead for rationality, truth, and intellectual integrity.
Dedication to Druwayu and the Druish People:
The Oath Ring symbolizes a Warlock's or Witch's unwavering commitment to the principles of Druwayu, including logic, ethical behavior, and the pursuit of enduring truth.
It represents their bond with the Druish community and their role as dedicated leaders and counselors, fostering unity and shared purpose.
Cultural and Spiritual Identity:
The design of the Oath Ring reflects Druwayu's values, incorporating symbols like hexagonal patterns and engravings such as "Resist True Evil." These elements emphasize the wearer's dedication to justice, wisdom, and the protection of individual rights.
The ring also serves as a reminder of the wearer's responsibility to uphold Druwayu's teachings and traditions, ensuring they remain grounded in truth and free from external distortions.
By wearing the Oath Ring, Warlocks and Witches affirm their roles as rational, ethical leaders within Druwayu, rejecting falsehoods and embracing their cultural and spiritual heritage. This act is both a personal declaration and a public statement of their dedication to the Druish people and the enduring values of Druwayu. The same is true for Druans waving our Flag.