This is a bit of a clarification that will be applied to the section about the Drikeyu and why these are arguably the most important concept within Druwayu as a whole. The reason for this is simply because many have a difficult time properly understanding how these concepts are indeed a bridge between the theological, scientific and theological, most because few ever gain a proper understanding of these concepts and how they are interconnected. As such this is an answer to the questions of many so more people can gain a better appreciation of these concepts and Druwayu itself.
Drikeyu: The Three Keys - Worloga, Wyrda, and Wihas
Key 1: Worloga (pronounced Wore-low-uh)
Etymology: It is the combination of the words that have been variously spelled Wor/Vor/Fora/Fara/ “Fore’ + Loga/Lagu/Laga/Lagh/Loghe/Loh/Loi, meaning “Laws.”
Meaning: Fore Laws or Primal Laws.
Worloga represents the eternal, immutable cosmic laws governing the universe.
These laws are expressed through designs, patterns, mathematical structures, and shapes.
They are unchanging, absolute, and the foundation of all existence, ensuring harmony.
Mathematics is an expression of Worloga, illustrating its rigidity and inevitability.
Worloga is eternal and unyielding, establishing all laws, rules, and concepts, including various forms of mathematics.
It cannot be influenced or changed by individuals or collectively and exists before, during, and after the universe.
Main Realizations:
They are not physical.
They predate the physical.
They cannot be changed by the physical.
They establish patterns for the physical.
They are knowable only through observations of the physical.
Key 2: Wyrda (pronounced Weerd-uh)
Etymology: Derived from words such as wyrkh, werg, uerg, uerch, weorh, wert, werk, uarge, and others, meaning “Works.” It also relates to "word" (expression), "ward" (protection), and "worth" (contribution).
Meaning: Works/Actions.
Wyrda symbolizes the eternal reciprocal dynamics that shape everything.
It represents the force driving change, transformation, and evolution.
Wyrda emphasizes that every action has a reaction, creating an ever-evolving tapestry of life and the universe.
It is adaptable, flexible, and the principle of creation, preservation, destruction, and renewal.
Wyrda is eternal but flexible, expressed through the relationship between actions and outcomes.
It weaves the threads of existence, informing present actions and conditions based on past outcomes.
It maintains that future outcomes are open to endless possibilities and not isolated, as all things influence one another.
Main Realizations:
They are not physical.
They predate the physical.
They shape the physical.
They regulate the reciprocal dynamics of the physical.
They are reflected through and expressed by the physical.
They are knowable only through observations of the physical.
Key 3: Wihas (pronounced Wi-haws)
Etymology: Related to various spellings such as wihta, wiht, wihht, wuht, wyt, wighte, wighȝt, wīhą, wiȝt(e), wiȝth, weiht, weiha, wīh, and more, meaning "Life." It is akin to "Vita" in Latin.
Meaning: Life.
Wihas represents the eternal uncaused and uncreated power and essence of all things.
It is the primordial source and boundless energy that infuses life into every being.
Wihas is the spark that ignites the mind and becomes the soul, fueling existence.
It is indestructible and can change forms but requires a directive force to be expressed.
Wihas is eternal and represents the essence that unites all things, both here and in the hereafter.
It is the power and energy that permeates everything and returns all things to the fabric of reality over time.
Main Realizations:
It is not physical.
It predates the physical.
It is the essence of both the physical and spiritual.
It cannot be created or destroyed.
It can only change into different forms.
It is the source to which all things return.
It is knowable only through observations of the physical.
Contemplation and Realizations
Worloga is masculine, Wyrda is feminine, and Wihas is neutral. This linguistic aspect hints at their interconnectedness and bridging of concepts when not aligned with erroneous claims and bad translations.
Contemplating one of the keys and its meaning as well as associations inevitably leads to recognizing the other two as inevitable.
Key Relationships:
Removing Wihas means no essence or existence of anything.
Removing Wyrda means Wihas remains unexpressed and formless.
Removing Worloga means Wyrda has no guidance to shape the Wihas.
Mutual Dependence:
Worloga requires Wyrda to express it through Wihas.
Wyrda requires Worloga for instructions to shape Wihas.
Wihas remains inactive without Wyrda to shape it and Worloga to define its patterns.
Wihas empowers Worloga to manifest and Wyrda to shape its forms.
Expressions of Will:
Worloga is the Will Made Known.
Wyrda is the Will in Action.
Wihas is the Will Realized.
Unified Understanding:
Each key reveals the necessity and presence of the other two.
They are not bound by human biases and are observable in and around everything.
Contemplation of one key naturally leads to the realization of the other two.
Fate and Free Will:
Fate (Worloga) is immutable while free will (Wyrda) is a dynamic.
Life involves learning to harmonize between fate and free will.
Wihas represents the essence of life that unites all things.
Pillars and Foundations:
Information supports, reinforces, and grows tradition.
Living the tradition is reflected in daily lives and relationships.
There is no greater authority than the One and Three, and no greater teacher than the Drikeyu.
Three Foundations:
Compatible with Basic Science
The principles of Drikeyu align with known scientific laws derived from observing interactions of nature and the universe, recognition of the reciprocal dynamics of actions, reactions, interactions and inaction, the processes of causes, course and consequences which is the essence of the concepts of adaptation and evolution itself, and finally the realities of the various concepts of energy patterns as particles and waves to name but a few.
Physics: The principles of Worloga can be compared to fundamental physical laws, such as the principle of least action and the invariance of the speed of light. Wyrda aligns with dynamic processes like feedback loops and the principle of superposition, while Wihas parallels concepts like zero-point energy and biophotons.
Cosmology: Worloga's unchanging cosmic laws align with the fine-tuned universe hypothesis, while Wyrda's shaping of existence is illustrated by galaxy formation and stellar evolution. Wihas's essence is reflected in the Higgs field and the study of black holes.
Compatible with Basic Theology
Example: Worloga is associated with divine laws and exposing the will and mind of God.
Example: Wyrda is linked with the three Goddesses and weaving works as acts of creation.
Example: Wihas connects physical and spiritual life expressed in the concepts of wights.
Compatible with Basic Philosophies
Example: Worloga expresses the necessity for laws to be in harmony with natural order and applied equally to all. It also aligns with Stoic philosophy's Logos and Kant's categorical imperative.
Example: Wyrda emphasizes the alignment of words and works, protecting one's reputation and ensuring ethical behavior. It also reflects the concept of Karma but not as a reward and punishment system, and Aristotle's Virtue Ethics.
Example: Wihas highlights the unity and interconnectedness of all life, recognizing the importance of mutual respect and the collective well-being. This also mirrors the concepts of Deep Ecology and Spinoza's unity of substance.
Through our contemplation and our learning from Drikeyu, we can develop tools to harness the Wihas, understand the interdependence of the keys, and gain insights into our existence and culture. This also brings us to the realization of the three Foundations:
Trustworthiness: Being reliable and dependable in all actions and interactions.
Helpfulness: Providing support and assistance to others.
Selflessness: Acting with consideration for the well-being of others.
Proper behavior, responsibility, and reasonable benevolence are essential features of life, guided by knowledge, wisdom, and understanding. The Drikeyu principles highlight the importance of living in harmony with the laws of the universe and recognizing our role as custodians of our world. By following these principles, we ensure the preservation and expansion of life, maintain the integrity of our culture, and promote a deeper appreciation of existence.
Bridging Theological, Scientific, and Philosophical Realms
Theological Comparisons:
Example: In Judaism, the eternal and unchanging nature of God's laws (e.g., the Torah) mirrors Worloga's immutable principles.
Example: In Zoroastrianism, the concept of Asha, the divine order of truth and righteousness, aligns with Worloga's foundational cosmic laws.
Example: The Wyrd Sisters in Shakespeare's Macbeth, who influence fate and destiny, reflect Wyrda's role in shaping existence.
Example: In Yoruba religion, the concept of Ori, representing one's destiny and path in life, parallels Wyrda's dynamic shaping of fate.
Example: The concept of Anima Mundi (World Soul) in Neoplatonism, representing the interconnected soul of the universe, mirrors Wihas.
Example: The belief in the Ka, the life force in ancient Egyptian religion, resonates with Wihas's role as the essence of life.
Scientific Comparisons:
Example: The principle of least action in classical mechanics, which states that the path taken by a system is the one that minimizes the action, aligns with Worloga's immutable laws.
Example: The invariance of the speed of light in a vacuum, a cornerstone of Einstein's theory of relativity, parallels Worloga's unchanging nature.
Example: The principle of superposition in quantum mechanics, where particles exist in multiple states until observed, reflects Wyrda's dynamic and interconnected nature.
Example: The concept of feedback loops in control theory, where systems self-regulate based on feedback, illustrates Wyrda's principle of reciprocal dynamics.
Example: The concept of zero-point energy in quantum physics, where even in a vacuum there is residual energy, aligns with Wihas's indestructible essence.
Example: The study of biophotons, light particles emitted by living organisms, resonates with Wihas's role as the life force.
Example: The fine-tuned universe hypothesis, which suggests that the constants of nature are precisely set for life to exist, represents Worloga's unchanging cosmic laws.
Example: The concept of cosmic inflation, describing the rapid expansion of the universe after the Big Bang, aligns with Worloga's foundational principles.
Example: The process of galaxy formation and evolution, shaped by gravitational interactions, illustrates Wyrda's dynamic shaping of the cosmos.
Example: The lifecycle of stars, including their formation, evolution, and eventual death, reflects Wyrda's principle of transformation and renewal.
Example: The concept of the Higgs field, which gives particles mass, parallels Wihas as the essence of all physical forms.
Example: The study of black holes, where matter and energy are transformed, aligns with Wihas's indestructible and transformative nature.
Philosophical Comparisons:
Example: The Stoic philosophy's concept of Logos, the rational principle governing the universe, aligns with Worloga's immutable laws.
Example: Immanuel Kant's idea of the categorical imperative, a universal moral law, mirrors Worloga's unchanging principles.
Example: The concept of Karma in Hinduism and Buddhism, where actions have corresponding reactions, reflects Wyrda's principle of reciprocal dynamics.
Example: Aristotle's idea of Virtue Ethics, where moral character and actions shape one's life, aligns with Wyrda's shaping of existence.
Example: The philosophy of Deep Ecology, which emphasizes the intrinsic value and interconnectedness of all life, mirrors Wihas.
Example: Spinoza's idea of the unity of substance, where everything is part of a single reality, resonates with Wihas's role as the essence of life.
Social Considerations:
The three concepts of Drikeyu can be recognized as playing a significant role in shaping social interactions and community dynamics in several specific ways:
Worloga (Fore Laws): This concept emphasizes the importance of universal, immutable laws that govern existence. In a social context, Worloga encourages individuals to recognize and respect the fundamental principles that ensure harmony and order within a community. It fosters a sense of responsibility and adherence to ethical standards, promoting a stable and just society based also in the core concept of objective immutable and impersonal truth.
Wyrda (Works/Actions): Wyrda highlights the dynamic nature of actions and their consequences. Socially, this concept underscores the importance of personal responsibility and the impact of one's actions on others. It encourages individuals to engage in positive, constructive behaviors that contribute to the well-being of the community, fostering a culture of mutual support and cooperation.
Wihas (Life): Wihas represents the essence of life and the interconnectedness of all beings. In a social context, this concept promotes empathy, compassion, and a sense of unity. It encourages individuals to recognize the intrinsic value of every person and to act with kindness, compassion and understanding, creating a more inclusive and harmonious community while not ignoring the harsh realities of life either and the necessities of struggle and survival.
Together, these concepts form a comprehensive perspective on existence, guiding us to live in harmony with the world and each other. They encourage us to respect universal laws, be mindful of our actions, and cherish the interconnectedness of life, ultimately leading to a more meaningful and fulfilling existence.
It shares features of Atheism without being Atheistic or Non-theistic:
Belief System: Drikeyu involves a set of spiritual or philosophical beliefs that encompass cosmic laws and interconnectedness which does not rely purely on supernatural or spiritual explanations.
Ethical Framework: Both Drikeyu and atheism emphasize ethical behavior and recognizes even the spiritual aspect of secular humanism that most don't.
Existential Understanding: Drikeyu provides a holistic framework that combines spirituality, ethics, and the nature of existence, as well as purely naturalistic and empirical understanding of the universe.
Since atheism or non-theistic ideologies also focus on empirical evidence and reason it can also be demonstrated the Drikeyu also are based within the same clear and observable, impersonal empirical evidence and reason derived from logic rather than emotional appeals or criticisms which also tends to make many atheists and nontheists uncomfortable just as much as these concepts make many theists and philosophers uncomfortable. However, truth is not based in feelings or comfort.
Worloga (Fore Laws): Represents immutable cosmic laws that govern the universe, emphasizing the intrinsic order and structure of existence.
Wyrda (Works/Actions): Highlights the dynamic interplay of actions and their consequences, stressing personal responsibility and ethical behavior.
Wihas (Life): Represents the interconnectedness of all beings, promoting empathy, compassion, and unity.
How the Drikeyu compare to ToE
The three concepts of Drikeyu—Worloga, Wyrda, and Wihas—present a unique perspective on existence that shares some similarities with the idea of a Theory of Everything (ToE). However, they also have notable differences. Let's explore the comparison:
Theory of Everything (ToE)
Definition: A ToE is a hypothetical framework in physics that aims to unify all fundamental forces and describe the nature of all particles and interactions in the universe in a single, cohesive theory.
Approach: It is grounded in empirical evidence and mathematical formulations, seeking to reconcile quantum mechanics and general relativity.
Scope: A ToE covers all physical phenomena, from subatomic particles to the cosmos, providing a complete understanding of the universe's workings.
Worloga (Fore Laws): Represents immutable cosmic laws governing the universe, similar to the fundamental principles sought by a ToE.
Wyrda (Works/Actions): Emphasizes the dynamic interplay of actions and their consequences, akin to the causal relationships studied in physics.
Wihas (Life): Represents the interconnectedness and essence of life, which extends beyond the purely physical realm.
Unified Framework: Both Drikeyu and a ToE seek to provide a comprehensive understanding of existence. Worloga aligns with the idea of universal laws, while Wyrda parallels the interactions and dynamics studied in physics.
Empirical Evidence: A ToE relies heavily on empirical data and mathematical proof, whereas Drikeyu blends empirical observations with philosophical and spiritual insights.
Scope of Existence: Drikeyu extends its scope to encompass spiritual and ethical dimensions (through Wihas), while a ToE focuses solely on the physical and mathematical aspects of the universe.
Interconnectedness: Both perspectives recognize the interconnectedness of all things. Wihas embodies this concept on a holistic level, while a ToE seeks to mathematically describe the interconnections between fundamental forces and particles.
In summary, while both Drikeyu and a Theory of Everything aim to provide a unified understanding of existence, they differ in their approaches and scope. Drikeyu integrates empirical, mathematical, philosophical, and spiritual perspectives and principles, whereas a ToE is grounded solely in empirical and mathematical principles. This is reflective the concept that a true ToE must also include philosophical, and spiritual perspectives with the empirical, mathematical perspectives and principles or it is not a true theory of EVERYTHING where Everything is itself treated as the key word.
How the Drikeyu compare to Creationism and the Big Bang Theory
In summary, Drikeyu offers a holistic framework that integrates empirical, philosophical, and spiritual perspectives, while Creationism focuses on divine creation based on religious teachings, and the Big Bang Theory provides a scientific explanation for the universe's origin and expansion. The concepts of Drikeyu, Creationism, and the Big Bang Theory offer distinct perspectives on the origins and nature of existence. Here's how they compare:
Drikeyu: Focuses on cosmic laws, actions, and the essence of life as fundamental principles.
Creationism: Attributes the origin of the universe to a divine act of creation.
Big Bang Theory: Proposes a scientific explanation for the universe's origin and expansion.
Drikeyu: Blends empirical observations with philosophical and spiritual insights.
Creationism: Based on faith and religious teachings.
Big Bang Theory: Relies on empirical evidence and scientific reasoning.
Drikeyu: Encompasses spiritual, ethical, and empirical dimensions.
Creationism: Primarily concerned with divine creation and often excludes scientific explanations.
Big Bang Theory: Focuses on the physical and mathematical aspects of the universe's formation and expansion.
Drikeyu: Emphasizes the interconnectedness of all beings and the dynamic nature of existence.
Creationism: Often views creation as a distinct, singular event orchestrated by a deity.
Big Bang Theory: Describes the interconnectedness of physical processes but does not address the spiritual or ethical dimensions.
Compatibility with Creationism
Worloga (Fore Laws): This concept emphasizes immutable cosmic laws that govern the universe. Creationism can view these laws as the divine order established by a higher power. The alignment lies in recognizing that the universe operates according to consistent principles, which can be seen as the expression of divine will.
Wyrda (Works/Actions): Creationism often acknowledges the importance of moral and ethical behavior, which aligns with Wyrda's emphasis on the consequences of actions. Both perspectives value personal responsibility and the impact of actions on the world and others.
Wihas (Life): The interconnectedness and essence of life in Drikeyu resonate with the Creationist view that all life is sacred and connected through a divine source. Both perspectives emphasize the intrinsic value of life and the need for compassion and empathy.
Compatibility with the Big Bang Theory
Worloga (Fore Laws): The Big Bang Theory relies on fundamental physical laws to explain the universe's origin and expansion. Worloga's focus on immutable cosmic laws aligns with the scientific understanding of these principles, showing that the universe operates according to consistent rules.
Wyrda (Works/Actions): The dynamic nature of actions and their consequences in Wyrda parallels the processes described by the Big Bang Theory, such as cosmic evolution, star formation, and galactic interactions. Both perspectives recognize the ongoing transformations and interactions that shape the universe.
Wihas (Life): While the Big Bang Theory primarily addresses the physical origin of the universe, Wihas emphasizes the interconnectedness and essence of life. This concept can complement the scientific view by highlighting the significance of life within the broader context of the universe's evolution.
Unified Perspective
Holistic Understanding: Drikeyu integrates empirical, philosophical, and spiritual insights, making it compatible with both religious and scientific perspectives. It bridges the gap between the divine order proposed by Creationism and the empirical evidence provided by the Big Bang Theory. Drikeyu integrates cosmic laws, the dynamics of actions, and the essence of life, providing a unified understanding of existence.
Complementary Views: By acknowledging the immutable cosmic laws (Worloga), the dynamic interplay of actions (Wyrda), and the interconnectedness of life (Wihas), Drikeyu provides a comprehensive framework that can encompass both Creationist and scientific views. The principles of Worloga, Wyrda, and Wihas are compatible with known scientific laws and theories, making them accessible and relatable to those who value empirical evidence.
Respect for Diverse Beliefs: Drikeyu encourages respect for universal laws, ethical behavior, and the intrinsic value of life, promoting harmony and understanding among different belief systems. The Drikeyu also emphasizes ethical behavior and the interconnectedness of all beings, promoting empathy, compassion, and responsibility.
In essence, Drikeyu offers a holistic framework that can accommodate the spiritual and ethical dimensions of Creationism while aligning with the empirical and scientific principles of the Big Bang Theory. This approach allows for a more inclusive and comprehensive understanding of existence. This approach can seem superior because it provides a comprehensive understanding of existence that combines aspects of science, ethics, and spirituality. However, whether it is "superior" depends on the criteria being used and the individual's beliefs and values.
In these sense as the concepts of the Drikeyu are based in the objective and contemplated subjectively, the perceived superiority of Drikeyu depends on individual preferences, beliefs, and values. Some may find its integrated approach appealing, while others may prefer the clarity and focus of more specialized frameworks in their relation to these concepts. Both have their merits and draw backs naturally.
Drikeyu's strength lies in its ability to encompass multiple dimensions of understanding, making it compatible with a wide range of belief systems. This inclusive nature allows it to bridge gaps between different perspectives, promoting harmony and mutual respect. In the end, the best framework for understanding these principles properly in relation to observable and know existence is to comprehend they are based in the things we know and not the things we do not.
More information is simply regarded as an expansion and better understanding of these essential concepts. In that, it's very personal as it is allowed to resonate most deeply with an individual's experiences and values that contribute to their individual worldview. Each perspective offers unique insights and contributions to the broader understanding of existence. This alone allows a sense of value for both individual experience and collective acquired knowledge.