As a general rule, it is my view that religion should not be directed towards children. Therefore, Druwayu is not directed at children. It is not the place of clergy or teachers to impart religious views on children even though such views are known to approximate those of their parents and influenced by others they see online, in shows, or those whom they communicate with on a regular basis such as their peers.
While it is also commonly presented that religion can be important for children as it allows them to learn morals and answers questions regarding life and death, relationships between people and their place in the world and so forth, I would have to disagree. You can teach your children, as a parent if you are not a lazy parent, the realities of life and death, morals and ethics, relationships between people and about how they can find their own place in the world without evoking anything particularly religious.
On the other hand, the reason it is my opinion that religious matters should not be taught to children by way of anyone other than a parent is because that not only allows someone else to impose other views that may actually be incorrect or misleading, and imposes on children such things that they are not cognitively developed enough to properly understand, much less comprehend, and should be reserved only to those who are at least 18+ years of age, and learn such things as philosophy as well as theology in a more impersonal and consistent way as a specialty school, not one imposed beyond a general world cultures class as part of actual rather than invented or revisionary history classes pushing political agendas.
I myself refuse to teach minors anything, even if a parent is present, because of my strong opinion, it is a parental duty, not mine. I would in turn encourage those who embrace Druwayu to take a similar stance on such matters that unless the child is their own child, by blood or adaption, it's to be left alone, and furthermore, it should be a mutual agreement of the father and the mother, not just one or the other regardless if said parents are still together or not.
Indeed, over the years of development of Druwayu when I had begun organizing the concepts and doing the research over 35 years ago (from the date of this post when I was 17 years old myself), I wouldn't discuss such things even with fellow minors that were friends if they happened to bring various things up for whatever reason. I maintained that rule and would only discuss things with others who were over 18 years of age when I was 18 which is when I put more direct effort into exploring a wide array of subjects, or if someone told me about something or made a claim about a particular thing, I would do more than merely study. I did serious research spending much of my free time at public libraries which were both my school away from school and home away from home.
Once I had the basic foundations in place, I kept it to myself even then and again, only mentioned different things to those who showed they may be receptive rather than argumentative abut such subjects. However, they would have to bring it up first. In fact, I didn't really start going public with much of it till around 2009 when a couple friends mentioned I should put it together and create a religion. So here we are now and indeed I did, but not with the same motives as far too many others as a cover for occult nonsense, a way to mock religion as a whole, to "rebel" against something or someone else, or to avoid various legal expectations or job requirements "on the grounds of religion." It certainly has never been about controlling others. I have no time for that.
As far as the back-and-forth nonsense so many proponents and critics of religion in general have to say, I happily remain in the middle in my opinions in that I can agree to a point with both sides of the debate, however, I reject much of what is claimed on both sides as well which is why I state again it is to be something only taught to kids by parents only and when one is 18 years of older they can make their own choices since both proponents and critics are capable of their own lack of moral and ethical compasses and deficiencies in proper critical thinking and academic integrity. If anything, I see both sides of that coin lacking equally regardless their particular excuses and or "justifications."
So, keep it out of schools,
leave it with parents who teach it at home,
and only direct Druwayu towards adults who show interest in such things.
The reason for this position is based in facts and simple logic:
There are well over 4,000 known and recognized religions around the world, and even more variations and diverse philosophies within them which no public school can justifiably or adequately represent consistently. This doesn't even count the wider range of diverse new religious movements.
Public schools must be retained and maintained as religiously and politically neutral centers for learning basic and important academics such as reading, writing, grammar, mathematics, agriculture, actual impersonal sciences such as geology, biology, paleontology, anthropology, physics and so forth, along with technologies of both the mechanical, hardware and software.
World Cultures, Religion, Philosophy and Politics should be something learned only in the context of history classes, or as advanced areas of specialized study just as with other advanced learning in areas of such as medicine and psychology. It's not complicated.
If children go to public libraries to access such information to learn on their own as a choice their parents allow, then so be it, but as far as public academics, leave it out of public schools for minors or persons under 18 years of age, and just as 'sex education' should require parent or guardian permissions to be signed for persons under 18, other than factors of basic reproduction, promotion of particular sexual orientations should be left out of the mix and such teachers imposing or slipping in such things into such discussions need to be removed and barred from teaching all together, just as one would slipping in religious views or teachings into such curriculum.