This requires some simple clarification as it is often assumed. Nor are we Geocentric in the sense of the Earth as more important than the rest of the universe. This in no way contradicts our belief in or recognition of the One and Three, how out concept of Sacred Geometry connects the non-physical and "Divine" realm with the physical and "Mundane" realm, or the concept all worlds and realities are, in one way or another, ruled and regulated by and through the cosmological concepts of the Drikeyu.
This representation of the concept is the more direct and specific fact in and of itself. This is because we do not pray to or worship the creation, and the Universe is itself a creation. We are as a species part of the creation, exist only because of it, and are not the goal or reason for its existence. Such views are childish, primitive and only perpetuated by those who wish to not learn more and impose concepts and ideas based on ancient assumptions and speculations, not demonstrable facts or observable realities. We didn't cause its existence and those who impose such a view have demonstrated their own levels of cognitive deficiencies and just another way to try and proclaim we are superior to rather than a consequence of the universe coming into being.
Among these false ideas include but are not limited to:
Random chance is not sufficient to explain the universe, its origins, and what’s really going.
The conscious observer is the key to understanding why we’re here despite the overwhelming physical odds.
The parameters of the universe allow for us because we generate them.
Let us consider those things seriously:
Random chance is not sufficient to explain the universe, its origins, and what’s really going.
While it is true that probability of random physical laws and events leading to this point is less than 1 out of 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 is equivalent to every person past, present and future winning every lottery there ever every day. It has been shown that this is demonstrably nonsensical, we do not state these laws are randomly formed, spontaneously produced, or emergent as a process of evolution which has been shown to be nonsensical by actual sciences.
The conscious observer is the key to understanding why we’re here despite the overwhelming physical odds.
It has also been shown "the human conscious observer" is not central to understanding why we are here despite overwhelming physical odds to show the probability against it. What such fail to recognize is it only needs to happen once, and the causes setting in motion the processes that resulted in our existence only has to happen once rather than constantly. However, it has occurred more than once as we know of other intelligent and very much self-aware species that exist now, and they are not primates. Like us, only one specific change needs to occur with them based on specific factors we don't entirely understand which is the real issue. The same also cannot agree what "consciousness" actually is or isn't.
The parameters of the universe allow for us because we generate them,
We do not "generate" the parameters for the universe to allow for our existence. This is all based on a false perception of things like the Double Slit experiments and the extreme sensitivity of things at the quantum level where the slightest possible interference changes the results even if we are not aware what is actually causing such a disturbance. Additionally, it ignores the reality of everything that has existed before any of us ever existed as a species, or even the Earth itself among many other such things. This often falls into the "aliens did it" excuse when such things are confronted directly.
The fatal flaw of we the observer claim
In order for the whole universe to produce the same results uniformly based on our "collective" observations, we would all have to be making such observations every instant constantly which we do not. Therefore, there would have to be one continuous observer that:
Constantly observing everything every moment without rest, sleep or change in awareness or perspective which is outside of our range or ability to do and would have to have been aware and alive throughout the entirety of human evolution and adaptation alone spanning the whole estimated 300,000+ years of the existence of our species.
It also ignores changes occurring in such as the double slit experiment despite a "blind" person who cannot make such visual sensory observations, yet the same results in changes by using particular devices for observation causes changes in how things like particles behave during such as the double slit experiment collapsing the wave functions.
Even when leaving the room where there is no human observer, there is changes in the wave functions. So, it is the means used that causes these changes, not a human centric perpetuation of nonsense and in reality, is pushing mysticism based collective consciousness type nonsense based in occult ideology rather than actual sciences failing to seek an answer what in the observation methods causes the collapse.
Such claims are instead inserting nonsensical hypotheses amounting to Solipsism which is a philosophic claim that nothing outside of one's own mind truly exists and often mixes with a denial of material existence as a reality either. Its more or less the same claim that when you close the door a door to a room you are in the rest of the world goes away, and while you sleep it ceases to exist along with everyone else in it.
This is among the claims of those who push the idea the laws of the universe, and therefore of nature, change over time. The reality is they do not. Several of the KNOWN laws of nature and the universe have been demonstrated to be the same as they were from the very moment the universe came into being. There was even a clock of sorts that was used over a period of 14 years to try and catch any evidence of any changes. There wasn't. These are the same people who still try and push some kind of "steady state universe" despite all the evidence against it in denial of the universe having had a beginning and as such a subsequent end, and then by other claims such as the big rip and big crunch or constant time loops try to slip in ideas like these to find some sort of "loophole" n how reality works regardless of how they feel about it.
I other words, all the additional and frankly unnecessary claimed hypotheticals are simply hypotheticals which cannot be demonstrated, or tested, or observed, and therefore cannot be subject to proof or disproof, which to be very specific is all the same 'reasons' the same will bring up as justifications for the rejection of any concepts that express actual potential evidence of a concept of God in one way or another, yet are expected to be accepted as true despite all the evidence to the contrary, and pawned off as established facts. That's not how actual sciences are supposed to work and where it becomes indoctrination based on hearsay.
A fact that cannot be avoided.
More than 70% of researchers have failed to reproduce another scientist’s findings, and more than 40% have even failed to reproduce their own findings despite all the latest flashy headlines, and yet these same claims are pawned off even in public education as established facts when they are not. It all comes down to error, fraud, or overstatement of findings. It's also a process of refusing to accept another more logical conclusion many of them act literally paranoid over because of more or less indoctrination that only sounds scientific using scientific language when upon closer inspection there is nothing truly scientific behind such dispositions other than accepted doctrine. Just in the medical and psychology fields, back in the 1990s there had been reviewed 359 studies published in leading medical journals in the 1990s and stated that most of the studies were “reported in a potentially misleading way, with statistics designed to make the results more positive than if other statistical tests were used.” This had only increased well into the present.
That frankly makes it less science than a religion of its own and a lot of it does draw from a strange mix of Gnosticism, Brahmanism and pantheistic and atheistic derived occultism. Mainstream media not only overlooks these flaws, but in many cases blatantly ignores them and furthermore many of the "hosts" themselves have no clue what is even being talked about in the first place to they accept whatever on "faith" since someone is presented as a scientist, then they must know what they are talking about, or confuse simple things like the significant differences between theoretical physicists and actual physicists. In addition, actual findings and experiments, and calculations and so forth have all come back with the same independent results which shows and continues to show conclusively the Physics, and their laws, are the same everywhere and for all time.
If they were not, everything would be random which as stated previously, is less than 1 out of 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. That is 1 × 10^44 making it statistically unlikely and is usually ruled as extremely precise that the concept of pure chance or accident ceases to be valid. If human observation was the actual cause for our existence, it would have even less likely probability, and simple logic with real world observations and a still functioning frontal lobe deduces its nonsense. So aside from these and other such things being a form of irrational fear of a higher, beyond cosmic, intelligence as a source of everything, the other comes down to money. Around the world, researchers’ job targets, income, bonus, and promotion are tied in with their publications, and if they happen to be "visually attractive in appearance and personality," creating such fame becomes another incentive to perpetuate unproven and unprovable "ideas" that cater to imposed latest social biases which is again not science. It's psychological manipulation for a payoff.
Every research study has the potential to improve our understanding of the world and universe we live in. However, we should be careful of overstated and over hyped findings or claims, or alleged studies that have yet to be replicated, or research that has not been published in credible peer-reviewed sources and also review the peers in such peer reviews to determine if they have any invested interests of their own as many of them do. It will take more effort, but readers should be cautious of single studies or single sources and other sources that simply regurgitate and cite the same source and spread it around as authoritative and having the last word and that such things are somehow beyond being challenged. We must all cross reference the references and instead seek to look at what the broader scientific community and comparative sciences demonstrate consistently about any topic and also not to neglect that at times the "majority" claims of such scientists are far less independent than is often presented and paid off often to push a preferred conclusion, especially by a corporate backer.
No, Druwayu isn't human-centric.

We accept we are part of and not the center of existence. This is hard for many to accept. The universe does not care if we do or do not exist because in itself it does not have "feelings." It has what we define as the Drikeyu. This does not conflict with the foundations of actual demonstrable sciences, observational facts, core philosophic foundations or essential concepts of theology, which is what makes Druwayu unique in that respect, along with our embracement of logic, humor and absurdity. That means Druwayu isn't just something you choose to believe simply to have something to believe in because you want to believe, but something to actually think about, consider, compare and do so continuously, and even changing conclusions as more information and actual knowledge is achieved, which in itself is a fundamental belief held within Druwayu and the whole point of its name as a directive to be honest with everything and everyone, including yourself. Then you can start making your existence, while you have it, count for something with the goal of being remembered for generations to come.
If nothing else, remember this:
"Follow the argument wherever it leads" is a phrase often attributed to the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates. It encapsulates the idea of pursuing rational inquiry and truth, no matter where it takes you—even if it challenges your preconceptions, beliefs, or preferences.
In essence, it means:
Commitment to Rational Inquiry: Being open-minded and willing to follow the logical path of an argument, regardless of whether the conclusions are comfortable or align with your existing beliefs.
Intellectual Honesty: Acknowledging and accepting the results of the argument or evidence, even if it means admitting you were wrong or need to change your viewpoint.
Pursuit of Truth: Prioritizing the discovery of truth and understanding over personal biases or desires.
This principle is central to critical thinking and the philosophical method. It encourages individuals to seek knowledge and understanding through reasoned argumentation, rather than clinging to changeable doctrines (what is written) and dogmas (opinions, presumptions or unexamined assumptions. When following these basic guidelines, a belief in the One and Three becomes far more rational.
Druwayu embraces logic, humor, and absurdity, promoting continuous rational inquiry and reassessment of beliefs.
Druwayu values scientific evidence and rejects the notion of randomness being sufficient to explain the universe, acknowledging a higher intelligence behind the universe's order.
Druwayu recognizes the importance of philosophical inquiry and the pursuit of truth, rejecting dogmatic beliefs.
Druwayu encourages followers to think critically, consider new information, and change conclusions as more knowledge is achieved.
Druwayu does not focus on the problem of evil in the same context but emphasizes the non-human-centric view of the universe, recognizing that the universe does not have feelings or moral judgments in that concepts such as the Drikeyu already express a sense of ethical standards indicative of a higher intelligent superior moral and ethical authority.
Druwayu maintains a unique belief system that is not human-centric, geocentric, or based on traditional religious doctrines. It recognizes the interconnectedness of the physical and non-physical realms through Sacred Geometry and the cosmological concepts of Drikeyu.
Druwayu rejects the idea that human consciousness is central to understanding the universe, instead emphasizing the significance of the Drikeyu and the inherent order of the universe that has allowed our consciousness to emerge as a process of development like everything else in known and even unknown existence.
The conclusion is simple overall:
Druwayu emphasize rational inquiry, scientific evidence, and philosophical arguments that leads to a belief in higher intelligences expressed as the One and Three while maintaining a unique, non-human-centric worldview that integrates logic, humor, and absurdity that allows for continuous and dynamic reassessment of beliefs as a living tradition unto itself.