The most simple and direct explanation is the Tringle is associated with the One God and the three interlocking Circles with the Three Goddesses. The Outer Circle simply is the containment of the primary symbolism within. This is all based on actual True Sacred Geometry. True Sacred Geometry is extremely ancient and examples of it has been found predating any Greek sources significantly. with evidence of its concepts being at least 11,000 years old as evidenced from structures at Göbekli Tepe in southeastern Turkey, which is about 3000+ years older than the Indus Valley and Harappan Civilizations. This One and Three concept occurs in all ancient civilizations in one way or another. In any case, under our section of Deities it explained in mor detail.

This simple, usually called a triskelion, yet in this case not with spiraling ends, and translates literally as Three Legs, derived from Greek triskeles as a compound of tri "three" + skelos "leg" is used in this case to represent the Three Keys or Drikeyu as three cosmological principles that are called Worloga, Wyrda and Wihas within this tradition, which in a generalized sense represents eternal laws that determine how things work here and beyond, eternal working reciprocal forces that shape everything according to the laws, and the uncaused and uncreated essence shaped by those forces and cannot itself be destroyed, but the patterns (forms) can be, and the same essence changed to new forms. This core concept is bridges several theological, scientific and philosophic concepts and complimentary to the true Sacred Geometry.

The clergy seal is based on old and often suppressed and seldom acknowledged folklore that One Head Warlock and three Head Witches represented the native concepts of God which included the three Goddesses, which in turn more or less was equated that the Warlock represented the One God, and three Witches represented the three Goddesses. This was of course the basis of first defining the One God of native traditions of what came to be renamed as Europe as the so called "Devil" and then applying the same concept of the Warlock being the representative of the same, the concept of which is often referenced as "the fiend," and using the same method to create the concept of the three Goddesses as she-devils and three Witches as the Wyrd Sisters such as what has been preserved in Macbeth by William Shakespear. It's now used primarily as a symbol of clergy in a more generic sense with a connection to the previous two symbol concepts, and more specifically with the Drusidu, which is the name used for the council of elders of this Father Church.

The design goes back to 2009. I often used it in some of my virtual world locations on another game site that no longer existence since November of 2016. It was never based on the specific concepts of any form of Satanism that has a history of hijacking a lot of these kinds of things since the 1960s primarily and others too ignorant to do proper research and instead jump into silly occult nonsense. First off, it uses a stag skull which has a long history or representing protection (willing to lay down his life to protect his kind), provisions (by providing meat for food, hide for clothing, bones and horns for tools, etc.), and the wild and natural world itself. The two antlers represent the capacity of both defense and offense and connection to the forests by the branch like forms. The torch represents the light of guidance but also the flame of protection and life that can also just as easily be used for destruction, though destruction isn't always a bad thing as many are ignorantly conditioned to assume. It's not the same as total annihilation which is bad for everyone and everything. Aside from its diverse and important factors of geometry also, the inverted pentagram also is a symbol of life, while its actually the upright one that represents death. Neither are symbols of hedonism or abandonment. All this is explained under Pentagrams. Being originally more of a personal symbol originally for family, I include it as a symbol of Druans in general.

As should be comprehended, the basis of the symbolism I use the most and applied for the First Church of Druwayu is not based in Satanism or Satanic concepts, which is imperative to make clear from the very start. The only reason why such has been assumed to have such connections has already been explained, though it will be no shock either than some will continue to push such ideas out of willful ignorance and choosing to be stupid on purpose. There is nothing that can really be done about that, and I will say again, none of us should both ourselves with trying to prove anything to such people. Their minds are set. If we were to try and force such things upon such types of people, then we would be no better and be engaging in hypocrisy. That said, share this with whom you will.
I also recommend everyone save all the information they can that I have provided on this website because none of us knows how long such things as the host service will actually last. A good case in point includes the predecessor service much of this information was provided on before that ceased to exist some time ago. Having analog and hard copies of this content in document form is advised. If you are a writer and would like to compose a book with the content of this website, let us know.