You have read it many times before, and it all comes down to distortion of facts and manipulation of reality using social engineering tactics to brainwash people into all sorts of fallacies. Some of them even include misrepresenting different cultural terms without comprehending the distinctions and trying to invent fictional gender categories and confusing, on purpose, gender with sexual orientation and a host of other delusional nonsense. This goes hand in hand with people ceasing to think independently and using A.I. as their go too substitute for actual thinking.
If you think this is untrue, simply choose whatever Large Language Model based A.I. you want and ask it the simple question; how many genders are there? It will ignore facts there are only two and push the concept of "gender" being a social construct and push crap such as:
The concept of gender can be complex and varies across different cultures and societies. Traditionally, gender has been understood as a binary concept, with two categories: male and female. However, many cultures and modern understandings recognize that gender is not strictly binary and can exist on a spectrum.
Some people identify as non-binary, genderqueer, genderfluid, agender, bigender, and more. These identities reflect a range of experiences and understandings of gender beyond the traditional male-female binary. It's important to respect and acknowledge each person's self-identified gender.
If you state: "This is confusing gender with sexual origination and preference and nonsense" which it indeed is, it will spit out the same nonsense by responding more or less as:
I understand that it can be a complex topic. Gender refers to the social and cultural roles, behaviors, and attributes that a society considers appropriate for men and women. Sexual orientation, on the other hand, refers to a person's physical, romantic, and/or emotional attraction to others.
For example:
Gender: Male, female, non-binary, genderqueer, etc.
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, etc.
These are distinct concepts, but they can intersect in various ways in people's lives.
So, trying to get it to recognize the nonsense, if you ask it "what does the word gender mean? You get:
The word "gender" has evolved over time. Traditionally, it referred to the classification of nouns in languages, such as masculine, feminine, and neuter. In modern usage, gender refers to the social, cultural, and psychological attributes and roles that a society considers appropriate for men and women. It is distinct from biological sex, which refers to the physical characteristics and reproductive organs.
So, I tried to get it to not present the same nonsense as an opinion, and stated:
I didn't ask for an opinion; I asked for facts. Specific the meaning and origin of the word Gender. Proceed.
It has been programmed to distort the facts by responding as:
The word "gender" has its roots in the Latin word "genus," which means "kind" or "type." It was borrowed into Old French as "gendre" or "genre," and then into Middle English as "gender." Originally, it referred to a class or kind of people or things sharing certain traits. The grammatical sense of gender, referring to the classification of nouns, dates back to the late 14th century. The use of "gender" to refer to the male or female sex is attested from the early 15th century.
So, to prove the point of this, I gave it a list of facts by stating the following and deriving this from several research sources that are well established facts which one can find themselves if they do not rely on AI to provide them information. I presented all these things and then asked it to respond with a correction after:
Let's look at actual facts:
Gender as a Noun:
C. 1300, "kind, sort, class, a class or kind of persons or things sharing certain traits," from Old French gendre, genre "kind, species; character; gender" (12c., Modern French genre), from stem of Latin genus (genitive generis) "race, stock, family; kind, rank, order; species," also "(male or female) sex," from PIE root *gene- "give birth, beget," with derivatives referring to procreation and familial and tribal groups.
The unetymological -d- is a phonetic accretion in Old French. Also used in Latin to translate Aristotle's Greek grammatical term genos. The grammatical sense is attested in English from late 14c. Jespersen ("Philosophy of Grammar," 1924) defines grammatical gender by reference to the Indo-European distinction of masculine, feminine, neuter, "whether the division be based on the natural division into two sexes, or on that between animate and inanimate, or on something else."
The "male-or-female sex" sense of the word is attested in English from early 15c. As sex (n.) took on erotic qualities in 20c., gender came to be the usual English word for "sex of a human being," in which use it was at first regarded as colloquial or humorous. Later often in feminist writing with reference to social attributes as much as biological qualities; this sense first attested 1963. Gender-bender is from 1977, popularized from 1980, with reference to pop star David Bowie taking on more androgynous styles and appearances.
Akin to Generation as a Noun:
Early 14c., "body of individuals born about the same period" (historically 30 years but in other uses as few as 17), on the notion of "descendants at the same stage in the line of descent," from Old French generacion "race, people, species; progeny, offspring; act of procreating" (12c., Modern French génération) and directly from Latin generationem (nominative generatio) "generating, generation," noun of action from past-participle stem of generare "bring forth, beget, produce," from genus "race, kind" (from PIE root *gene- "give birth, beget," with derivatives referring to procreation and familial and tribal groups).
From late 14c. as "act or process of procreation; process of being formed; state of being procreated; reproduction; sexual intercourse;" also "that which is produced, fruit, crop; children; descendants, offspring of the same parent."
Generation gap is recorded by 1967; generation x for the (American) generation born after Baby Boomers (c. 1965 - c. 1979) is from 1991, by author Douglas Coupland (b.1961) in the book of that name; abbreviation gen X is by 1997; generation y is attested by 1994 but did not catch on. Adjectival phrase first-generation, second-generation, etc. with reference to U.S. immigrant families is from 1896. Related: Generational.
Gender as a Verb:
"To bring forth," late 14c., from Old French gendrer, genrer "engender, beget, give birth to," from Latin generare "to engender, beget, produce."
When it comes to use of ‘Sexuality” as a noun:
1650s,"distinctive of either sex, of or pertaining to the fact of being male or female," from Late Latin sexualis "relating to sex," from Latin sexus "a sex, state of being either male or female, gender."
The fact of being sexed or having distinctions between the sexes;" see sexual + -ity. Meaning "capability of sexual feelings (urges)" is from 1879. Meaning "(one's) sexual identity" is by 1980 (EI. Sexual origination as homosexual, heterosexual, bisexual).
There are only Two Genders:
Male or Female; male or female, however, sexual identity may be different than one's base biological gender as a confusion of gender identity with sexuality. There is no "spectrum" between these very clear distinctions. This is not a "spectrum." The key points that also distinguish male from female in humans is that Males typically have XY chromosomes, while females have XX chromosomes. Males produce sperm, and females produce eggs. Secondary sexual characteristics include features like facial hair and deeper voices in males, and wider hips and breasts in females.
There are only three kinds of Sexual Orientation:
Heterosexual (sexual preference for the opposite gender), homosexual (sexual preference for the same gender), and bisexual (preference for either the same or opposite gender).
Spectrum of Form, not genders:
The only factor that does not change the reality of male or female gender and the resulting masculine or feminine traits is how the two genders present within an individual being. These can be broken down into 6 classifications:
Male Only. Man/Male/Masculine (this is a reality for humans and most species).
Female Only. Woman/Female/Feminine (this is a reality for humans and most species).
Asexual. Retaining both the distinct male and distinct female reproductive ability internally and reproduces itself without a mate. Therefore, is both male and female, yet is not a different "gender." (In humans this does not exist)
Transgendered. Also called a Hermaphrodite. Retaining both the distinct male and distinct female reproductive ability but procreates. (This can occur in humans and is a biological defect).
Transexual. Ability to switch from either the male or the female gender having been developed into one or the other initially but may change spontaneously as a result of one of the two missing in a population. (This is not a natural human ability).
Sexless. Also called Neuter or Genderless. Does not reproduce, or if it replicates, it does so through division of itself into two more like itself. There is neither male nor female reproductive abilities or organs present. (It is not a reality for humans).
Reality over Feelings

Facts over Opinions
This reflects the scientific facts that denial of which is willful deceit of self and others. For example, the basic biological differences between males and females apply to many animals as well. In most species, males and females have distinct reproductive organs and secondary sexual characteristics. For example, in mammals, males typically have testes that produce sperm, while females have ovaries that produce eggs. Secondary sexual characteristics can include things like antlers in male deer or the colorful plumage of male birds.
However, there are exceptions and variations in the animal kingdom. Some species have unique reproductive systems or behaviors that don't fit the typical male-female binary. For instance, some fish and amphibians can change sex during their lifetime, and certain species of insects and reptiles can reproduce asexually. This does not, of course, apply to human biology. These also stand apparat from other simple biological facts such as:
Eye Color: Determined by the pigmentation of the iris.
Hair Color: Influenced by the type and amount of melanin.
Height: A result of genetic and environmental factors.
Blood Type: Classified into groups such as A, B, AB, and O and with variations of + or -.
Skin Tone: Varies based on melanin levels.
Metabolism: The rate at which the body converts food into energy.
Bone Density: Affects the strength and structure of bones.
Muscle Mass: Influenced by genetics and physical activity.
Immune System: The body's defense against infections.
Lactose Tolerance: The ability to digest lactose in dairy products.
Several species have the fascinating ability to change gender which is not applicable to such as the human species and should not be compared in such a manner. Here are a few examples:
Clownfish: All clownfish are born male, but the dominant male can change to female if the breeding female dies.
Wrasses: These fish can change from female to male, often when the dominant male is removed.
Parrotfish: Similar to wrasses, parrotfish can change from female to male.
Certain Frogs: Some species of frogs (not all) can change sex in response to environmental factors.
Some Snails: Certain snails are sequential hermaphrodites, meaning they can change sex during their lifetime.
These adaptations can be crucial for survival and reproduction in their environments. However, this does not apply to the human species making such comparisons in this regard as a point of argument a bad and nonsensical argument devoid of reality.
Spectrum of birth defects:
The natural state specific to the human species is male or female. The other forms are caused through more or less defects of development ranging from genetic damage to both male and female sperm entering into a single egg during conception which can cause additional defects including gender ambiguity, and transgendered forms, or parasitic twin syndrome. These defects can in turn have a wide spectrum of such defects that are not beneficial and without medical intervention such births tend to self-terminate.
Gender Identity Disorder:
This is a confusion or identity disorder in which one perceives they are in the "wrong body" and of a gender different from their biological gender. You are not "assigned" a gender be a medical person. You are defined as a gender of either male or female based on biology that is prior to birth. One's "gender" perception is a mental disorder, not a social construct.
How AI Reacted to all these factors presented:
How did the AI respond to these demonstrated facts that contradict and disproves the claims it merely pulls and has been programmed to present? Like a pathetic act of defeat, instead of accepting correction as such things are supposed to do or did originally, instead it responded with:
Sorry, I cannot chat about this. Would you like to talk about something else?
No, I want you to explain to me why your information does not draw from several other sources, that demonstrate what I presented is factual. It simply repeated the same avoidance of answering the question. It responded the same way when I asked it to cite it sources constantly responding with: Sorry, I cannot chat about this. Would you like to talk about something else? I even gave it an option to present where it got the information from for its previous responses. I asked it what sources from medical, social or psychological sources did it get its information from. Only then did it state it took from only three sources: National Geographic, American Psychology Association, and International Journal for Equity in Health. The last is no less where the other two derived a good portion of their rhetoric.
When you read it from the National Geographic source it pushes it on people grades 9-12 titled as "Freed from the binary of boy and girl, gender identity is a shifting landscape. This is far removed from what National Geographic was supposed to be about. Can science help us navigate?" This isn't science. Its opinion based. It blatantly lies about the factor of chromosomes of XY and XX and claims that you can be XY male but "mostly female" or XX female but mostly male. It is completely unscientific psychobabble.
It's obvious it is being targeting specifically at children and teens and ignoring the necessity of critical thinking. You can find the nonsense pushed here: National Geographic. The other bullshit sources are things you likely never heard of. One is the APA PsychNet (American Psychological Association) with the article titled in abbreviation as " The Psychology of Sexual and Gender Diversity." It's so riddled with contradictions and blatant nonsense that no sane person can take it seriously. The last one is such an excessive title as to be beyond ridiculous. It comes from the International Journal for Equity in Health and also riddled with more than a few fallacies. Makes you wonder why the A.I. refused to note these as its sources from the start.
It should be noted that all three of these and many others have been noted as misrepresenting more than a few things presenting fiction, engaging in fraud, and misrepresenting more than a few things well beyond just this subject. In other words, like Nat-Geo as it is also called, it hasn't reported anything factual and has in fact also been caught imposing various biases and not based in actual sciences which it used to, has discontinued its sales of magazines as people have ceased to purchase such an Iconic magazine once Pro-Science and not pro social politics, and has not, as it once did, uphold journalistic integrity. Many Psychologists within and outside of the USA have also noted a lot of nonsense pushed through the APA and its journals. The last one is opinion based pawned off as science with very little actual reliable science and thin on facts. It's a whole lot of hot steaming crap. So, where does all this bullshit come from? Occultism.
Additional Factors:
Emails showed that the American Psychological Association, the world’s largest group of psychologists, secretly aided government-sanctioned torture under President George W. Bush.
The APA secretly coordinated with officials from the CIA, White House and the Pentagon to change the APA ethics policy to align it with the operational needs of the CIA’s torture program among other unethical and inhumane actions.
In 2018, The American Psychological Association, the largest scientific and professional organization of psychologists in the United States, released its “Guidelines for Psychological Practice with Boys and Men.”
The document opens by claiming, “socialization for conforming to traditional masculinity”, defined in part as stoicism and competitiveness, “limit[s] males’ psychological development, constrain[s] their behavior, result[s] in gender role strain and gender role conflict, and negatively influence[s] mental health.”
Sadly, advocating far-left views is nothing new for the American Psychological Association. The habit goes almost back to its founding. This last bit has more or less imposed the added idea that general masculinity, mental stability and competitiveness are 'evil."
Since its inception in 1892, members of the APA’s work have been relied upon to shape policy, educational standards and construct America’s institutions, among which has also included racist nonsense 'justified as science facts.' This long history of deception and misrepresentation of reality is another example of its unreliability and lack of integrity. This all earmarks how science has been contorted and distorted to uphold and justify every insane and nonsensical claim of which this "gender identity" nonsense is simply another addition of this willful idiocy.
The APAs own Contradictions:
The American Psychological Association (APA) opposes psychological therapy that pertains to factors of sexual orientations and gender dysphoria claiming it is pseudoscience while presenting claims that gender dysphoria is a mental disorder that needs to be properly treated and addressed.
It previously recognized gender dysphoria as a psychological condition where an individual experiences significant distress or discomfort due to a mental mismatch between their biological gender. It changed the wording that misleads readers to assume it is anything other than a person who have a mental defect in associating their identity with their physical biological reality.
Frankly, the APA's code of ethics is clearly unethical. It can and does interfere with specific research. It seems like psychology is more focused on sociology than the actual psyche of an individual, much less concerned with consistency and accuracy. Not only does this complicate learning as an aspiring psychologist, but it also restricts in what one knows can help individual a patient without imposing socialist ideologies in place of mental conditions.
It also notoriously imposes a hypothesis as synonymous with facts which is not valid science, nor is it ethical or true or reliable. It's merely an idea as an opinion. It is not proven or disproven, but when pawned off as a fact it imposes the fallacy of it having been proven as a scientific fact when it isn't and that makes it fraud.
The false claimed "genders" and the "social construct nonsense."
This is where we get into the nonsense of so-called multiple genders beyond the standard two which is an invention pushed by so called "sociologists, psychologists and therapists" that is not based in actual and already demonstrable facts previously demonstrated which then goes into claims that "gender" is just a social construct and not a reality, which then by such a claim would also by default make these nonsensical "definitions" social constructions by delusional people misrepresenting the subjects and language used.
Non-Binary: A gender identity that doesn't fit within the traditional categories of male or female. The Fact is this is a fiction due to perceptual errors of the individual and is simply a claim of being Sexless or lacking any gender which is a non-reality in a human being.
Genderqueer: A broad term for gender identities that are not exclusively male or female. This is not a gender. Queer was used originally as a term meaning strange or unusual. It was later used to reference to someone who is homosexual or bisexual. Therefore this 'classification is nonsense.'
Genderfluid: A gender identity that may change or shift over time. This is nonsense for two reasons. It's simply saying someone is bisexual whose preferences are as they are based on the moment. Otherwise, the only "gender fluid" is what someone squirts out of their body.
Agender: A person who identifies as having no gender or being gender-neutral. Again, it is a silly reinvention of the word androgynous, also defined as A-sexual and is not a distinction from Androgynous or A-sexual. It's simply a fictional alternative to an already existing term.
Bigender: A person who identifies as having two gender identities, either simultaneously or switching between them. Another example of nonsense and alternative term for Bisexual, otherwise the alternative is a reference to "transgendered as in a hermaphrodite."

These are just a few of the many invented, fictional and nonsensical garbage perpetuated intended to confuse everyone, and especially children to normalize all manners of mental illness and inability to think and perceive reality independently and critically, while in turn denying observable realities, and imposing these unscientific biases through various AI tools such as large language models and various forms of art. It is social engineering and contrary to what many are aware of it is all again based on occultism.
It should be noted that with all these fictional "others" there is complete and insane hostility to the recognition of the distinct male and distinct female and heterosexuality as a reality. This alone expresses the unscientific nonsense, and when confronted by such things, such brainwashed individuals literally lose their minds over it. These are the same ones that say on one hand "follow the science" and when one actually does, they demand it is suppressed and silenced. True Hypocrisy.
Gender Roles:
This also being distorted as it is a misrepresentation of the very term and imposing a sweeping role of social, cultural traditions that have nothing to do with sexuality. For example, a gender role would be the "men work, while the women stay home," or the reverse. However, this is not a proper or accurate representation of all cultures and is in fact a bunch of superficial nonsense misrepresenting whole societies and civilizations. For example, different types of work were distributed as a natural development among different cultures based on necessity, skill and survival.
It was a bad idea for survival reasons to have pregnant women and mothers with small children "hunting large animals or engaging in warfare." When it came to other "roles" in a culture, depending on the specific cultures, most of which tended to be more egalitarian, in which BOTH MEN AND WOMEN were respected, not one over the other, both could lead, rule, teach, fight, build, etc. A lot of it is very much rooted in our biological evolutions as actually a binary species regardless those who deny this reality. This video covers it well enough with factual observable differences between men and women.
Yes, this video was over 8 years ago, however, reality does not change, and there are additional known factors of actual distinction that even a child can objectively observe. It's the mental illness of the adults that get in the way. Of course, this is what it is like confronting insanity and people who simply refuse to accept reality and blind to their own delusions, and then when proven to be idiotic, they can't deal with it and interrupt with their own hypocrisies.
The Occult Deity Behind This:
This is the same occultism that is being imposed in various monotheistic and other religious movements derived from a philosophic invented deity as a blur of all others and with other extremes of an intention to erase all concepts of actual biological reality and gender from the minds of present and future generations. Some go as far as to claim "God is Trans" as another form of cultural and historic and theological as well as scientific revisionism far removed from objective reality. Again, we can examine this as well for clarification.

This example explains the concepts based in Old Greek terms. Aion is a word meaning life. It is also used as the source of both age and eon in the sense of "time" and figuratively as eternal. Enosis means Union. Gnosis means Knowledge. Eis means One. Holos means All and also whole. Theo is the masculine/male word often transliterated or glossed as "God" as on Theology. This is often obscured by terms such as "The Divine Masculine." Thea is the feminine/female word often transliterated or glossed as "Goddess." This is often obscured by terms such as "The Divine Feminine" and is very much the primary focus of Extremist Feminism which twists this through visual trickery implying feminine androgyny by using and psychological trick such as referring to "IT" as the "God/dess." Otherwise, both are considered the primary hypostases of this single "ultimate" philosophic Deity.

This is often tied to the term Pantheism given the rough meaning of being "all things" or more accurately all things are expressions as embodiments of itself. Pan does not actually mean "all" however and actually comes from the word meaning field or pasture but because it was a name given to a deity associated with All of Nature, it became a figurative stand in for the word All, even though it is inaccurate. It is, however, a form of monotheism and the core concept of most occultism to this very day and various so called "alternative religions" which are just modern repackaged superficial versions of this same underlining concept. "Gnosticism" is one example. As this image on the here also demonstrates, this has been represented in a lot of diverse ways, especially the two headed phoenix or eagle as representing Church and State controlled often by a ruler which is why it will have a crown over it. What many don't get is in the occult, the State = male and Church = female.
The basic concept is this deity is all, and all are this deity and therefore as it is all things, then all beings are also different expressions of itself, which then is pushed forward to proclaim that the concept of individual self is an illusion and therefore distinct from the physical body as both a trap and tool for this "One" to experience itself in endless forms till it eventually consumes everything back into itself as a "holy oblivion." When one actually thinks about it, not only does it not make sense on several levels, as it betrays itself to be a cult of death, not life, and about eradication, not being. It also perpetuates the common nonsense "You are God" which then embraces a certain atheism mixed with the various terms associated with self-deification sometimes called Ego-theism and pawned off as something "fun, liberating and easy" which ignores all the various destructive charismatic cults by men and women who have called themselves "deities" and destroyed the lives and minds of those who follow them. Not so "fun" when taken seriously.
This has also been tied to a known fact that the character Lucifer was a minor Roman deity, later displaced by Venus and also the Star/Planet was subsequently renamed accordingly. Occultists played off this to present the concept of an Androgynous "Devil" as a "liberator" based in Gnostic concepts where Lucifer and Venus were presented as the male and female forms of this "One Aion" and even a liberator of women as well which becomes the occult basis behind feminism. This was directly related to an intentional misreading of both Dante's Inferno and Milton's Paradise Lost, with the later often cited the most and became the basis of more or less 19th century "Satanic Feminism" and other garbage of that variety. So called Liberalism was also rooted in this same later and twisted Occult philosophic constructs. The following presents more generalized examples of these fact.

One Example is as show here, derived from words based in Hebrew (Jewish draws from Hebrew but is not the entirety of Hebrew which is a common bullshit lie), which pretends the Plural Word Elohim is also a singular which seeks to bridge the same concept of a single deity as EL/ABBA and ELAT/IMMA more or less applied as Father God and Mother Goddess. This ties into Islam how the more neutral form Elohe is linked to the concept of Allah derived from a shared semitic/Hebrew root which is shared with Aramaic and then further applied in such a way to claim the once lesser deity Iah/Yah/Yahu/Yahuah/Yahweh is that same construct by name.

This is ignored of course, on purpose, when it is shown that Allah is known as an ancient male moon deity and the name Yahu was also used in Ancient Egyptian language for the name of a male lunar deity also, often presented as holding a box in the left hand, among a host of other clear and important features often intentionally overlooked. “Yah” is often translated to “moon.” As a few notes about this Moon deity ruling over knowledge, time, "magic" and even serving in a rule as a guide for souls to a hereafter, often associated with a couple of other such deities like Thoth and Khonsu, his name Yah is often translated as meaning moon. As to the accuracy of that, it's likely a bit more complicated than that. As time passed, Iah also became Iah-Djehuty, meaning “god of the new moon”.
Of course, this brings us to the whole "controversy" bit in this regard which is more often than not simply meaning "someone want's impersonal facts suppressed" so they object to it even if their objection is idiotic and nonsensical and want to keep everyone else just as idiotic and nonsensical. However, the main issue is of course the namesake.
The complexity and controversy of Yah stem from the term’s similarity to the previously used form of the name for the god of the Jews which is dumb for one simple reason. Even their texts refer to their time in Ancient Egypt adopting many of the words, expressions and even symbolism found within Hebrew, which is as also stated, not unique to "the Jews." Even some recent finds from ancient dump sites have found this "god of the Jews" named specifically Yahu. What it also truly comes down to is modern Jews refusing to acknowledge their so called "ethnic purity" is complete bullshit, as well as the fact that Jewish ancestors were so intermingled with those of the Egyptians and many others in ancient times. In other words, the rejection is based on racial discrimination against "non-Jews."

This uses another example of a similar construct to the previous, but in this case is associated with Pythagorean cults. The basics again is from the Aion manifesting simultaneously into a distinct male Kronos and distinct female Rhea, the two unite as a "Divine Marriage" meaning sex more or less, from which is produce the third person of the Aion inheriting traits of both as Deus/Zeus the son. Of course, the break in the pattern is when the Sun creates Hera as his own consort from his own substance but does not retain the "Divine Nature" as the World Soul and as the bride wherein she becomes a demiurge that tries to create life immaculately as a Virgin Mother causing mortality. It was a myth created to try and explain why mortality and suffering exists and of course holds a concept of an eventual Divine Redemptive Marriage between the Creator Son and the Virgin Mother as an act of "salvaging" called more commonly "Salvation."

It is from this concept that the whole idea of the "Third Person" of the "Trinity" is presented as the "Holy Spirit" and as female. Incidentally this should be the second person from said sources, but nonetheless, this is often used to show a link behind the trinity concept and Pythagoreanism and the association with such phrasing that then actually provides some clarity to such obscured lines as: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 The same was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made. 4 In him was life; and the life was the light of men. This is noted by the fact that both Deus and Zeus are actually the same word and simply mean Shine, often intentionally changed to Lux meaning Light as Logos was mistral iterated to Word as an expression. This is clarified by the fact that "Cosmos" was often translated as World and Earth and associated with Hera which was also linked with the concept of Gaia as the Bride and the Son as the Groom. As such without such clarity the whole trinity concept does not make any remote sense at all and this of course is distorted as well to impose a false and perverse concept that this means this Deity is also "really transsexual" which is a gross misrepresentation of the concepts. This becomes associated naturally with the part that the "Anointed One" (Khristos).
As a note on the whole Jesus means Earth Pig or Dirty Pig in such a context, its complete crap. Nor does it mean "Hail Zeus." The fallacy comes from associating Je as Ge, which is a misrepresentation of Both Latin and Old English. The actual spelling of Jesus from Greek is Iēsous. The 'J' didn't exist till the 1524s. The earliest evidence for Zeus is from 1587 by Sir Philip Sidney. Iu as in Ju-piter derived from the same source as Diu/Deus, and as such Zeus meaning Shine and Shining combined with Piter as Pater meaning Father, thus Deu-pater and Deus-pater for Shining Father, often in reference to the Sun and not the sky itself, which is a common mistake.
The Greek form is derived from the name Jesus comes from Aramaic Iso, often spelled Isho, and sometimes give the form from a mix of Aramaic and Greek as Ishos, which is often presented as akin to Hebrew Yashua/Jashua. The Aramaic form Isho also inspired the Latin Iesu which then simply applied the standard Latin suffix '-us' as Ies-us becoming Jesus later. However, it is clear and obvious that there was an assimilation of Jesus with Deus early on, at least around the 200s CE. Many texts and symbols are directly reflective of this fact.
What is often ignored is some images of Ies-us Kristos were in fact presented in androgynous or as an effeminate Eunuch in stark contrast with his earliest representations of basic and more human and male child and adult carpenter raised in the areas of Israel, Judea, and Jerusalem, and other locations such as Bethlehem, Galilee and Nazareth which adds its own complications. This shows heavy Roman influences in art and concepts which was around the time a lot of "gender bender" art was becoming common. However, that is well known so it doesn't need to be rehashed here.

This also becomes a basic model behind Psychology which by way of many, including such famed types as Sigmund Freud, blended Occultism with psychology from its very start and developed such things as so-called psychoanalysis and "personality types," applying the concept of Soul/Self/Mind, Spirit/Emotions and Body/Urges/Instincts, which in turn is the based as aligned to Mind and the male as Logical, Emotion as female (right and left division fallacies), and the Body with preoccupations with sex and weird ideas about sex and gender in general, which then was applied in the same sense of Father Mind, Holy Spirit Emotion, and Christ Body. There was then the split into the 9 Angels -9 Demon as 18 Personality Types of our "Good and Bad, or Benevolent and Malevolent Natures."

What all the various modern "movements" based in these occult concepts also tend to become bent out of shape over is when the very promoters of these Occult based social and psychological concepts were the main underbelly of all the movements, they claim to represent now, is that Heterosexuality was alone considered the proper and normal dynamic of things whereas everything else, including homosexuality and bisexuality was proclaimed to be abnormality and insanity. The very same mention such things being a general perception and view of societies around the world but "not true" to occultism now. This is itself an example of rejection of reality and bending history to push a lie. Then again, many ignore these factors because they refuse to acknowledge that in some cases, not all, homosexuality and bisexuality are based in mental illness including changing one's identification as contrary to their gender reality, many times as a result of trauma and some form of mental, emotional and physical abuse; sometimes all three. Denial does not make reality go away any more than closing the front door makes the world go away.

One of the examples of this Occult basis comes from the concepts and art created by a Catholic self-named Eliphas Levi using Gnosticism as a basis, tying into the mix accusations against the Knights Templar of engaging in, among other things homosexuality and then producing the Baphomet is a hermaphrodite, featuring both male and female qualities to represent the duality, which is then claimed to be applicable to the "human spirit" which itself is an example of manipulation of language into a subtle but historically false narrative, and which has also since been used in various occult identities and movements as presenting the illusion of "all humans" are reality bisexual but in denial. The gaslighting and shared delusion of these people is the only thing they all have in common, and blind to all of it being derived largely from Occultism and its further perversions from its already perverse base distortions of nature, reality and even various expressions of philosophies that so many don't actually understand as much as they like to believe they do and claim to. Others distort the "symbolization of the equilibrium of opposites:" half-human and half-animal, male and female, good and evil; claiming it represents "Perfected Social Order" which isn't accurate, yet another example of how these things are distorted with half-truths which make them whole lies. In reality, this blurring of distinctions was considered a corruption, not a perfection, of the natural harmony of all things.

As I have stated elsewhere, especially in the section about pentagrams, its often claimed that various "Satanists" and their orders originated the so called "Goat Head in the Pentagram. This is a well-known deceit perpetuated which also makes additional false claims about far too many other things, and yet they still push a lot of the same occult philosophies claiming to be non-theistic when their very acts, by definition, are theistic in nature. This example demonstrates the more perverse sense of a less clear concept of the 1897 book La Clef de la Magie Noire which imagines the "First Man" as "Adam" in the book of Genesis was originally A-sexual till "Eve" as the "First Woman" was created from a rib or flesh from his side as a clarification of the previous version which has man and woman created at the same time from the same ground, by the manner in which it is presented is itself a distortion. So, it's occultists attempts to push a false concept and try and reconcile two different stories. The second is based on a medieval concept and story that the first woman created at the same time as Adam was Lilith but eventually left Eden to become a whore to devil and eventually became a consort of an angelic being Samael. Aside from all the bullshit that comes with that, it has its own rather perverse spins with Samael being a Hermaphrodite in other cases.

This was all based on Medieval period Angelology because some Pope declared Angels have no gender (despite even the various religious texts and art to the contrary) and to present the idea that when they become fallen as "devils" which was the word prior to the use of demon as "evil beings," they become hermaphrodites where the male and female gender traits are external. As a reflection of this, these stars are then tied again with Gnostic nonsense more or less trying to present the duality as Spirit over matter (holiness) and matter over Spirit (evil) which is in fact a reversal where the upright represented death and the inverted represented life properly. Others then took it another step to represent the inverted as female and the upright as male and that interwoven as a decagram it represented both the sexual union of the male and the female, but also in such also transcendence of the male or female. This is often linked also with any images involving dual snakes emerging from a single point as this example created to illustrate this concept so demonstrates. When one also considers the fact that the concepts of the half-human and half-animal built is also applied, one can also understand why, among these many other diverse perversions, things like bestiality are also included in these various twisted and perverse occult driven constructs. Of course, this finds its ultimate expression of actual Liberalism, which is not the same as Libertarianism, and pushes the whole "anything goes without consequence." Reality shows us everything has a consequence.
This is another example of Occult Ideology behind BS pretending to be Science
Be cautious because this also uses sound and visual stimuli to import many distortions and concepts but shows how Gender Ideologies are in fact present within all areas of insane Occult ideologies. Its further that these things are also distorted in Transgender and other such ideologies which even this thing mentions and calls a perversion of nature. So, it even admits to it, though in a more obscured and veiled way.
What many do not comprehend is most of these occult concepts are derived from Bible sources, often misinterpreted intentionally, which we see being increasing pushed through the various perversions of everyone and everything. For example, at the end of this video it derives and paraphrases Titus 1:15 as: "To the pure, all things are pure; to the base, all things are base.
Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled, and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled. Titus 1:15
There is importance and value to researching Religious Texts such as the Bible, because, like it or not, most of the so called Western Philosophies and Occultism are largely based in it, which is why the very same do not want you to investigate such things for yourself because then you can call them on their own bullshit and cite where they are getting and twisting such information. This is by no means a promotion of the Bible. It is a promotion of proper education.
The very same also suppress facts such as presented in this video
Now then, as an adult it's your choice, but leave kids alone:
When you are an adult, regardless of your orientation, don't make shit up. And do not impose it on kids. If you really think you are "in the wrong body" and seek to go through the cosmetic surgery and chemical treatments, fine, go for it. Just do not lie about it and also stop trying to impose it on kids. The lies have got to stop, and it must all be put an end to.
However, if you deny the facts presented, then you are not worthy of being respected or tolerated because you are engaging in the very deceit and bigotry you claim to be against which makes you a hypocrite, and when you try and normalize children to your choices, you are a groomer like it or not and you are actually promoting the mutilation of children at the hands of their parents paying doctors and taking the right of children to change their minds, and promoting parents who abuse and "punish" their children from refusing to conform to "gender reassignment" which is child abuse.
A Dirty Historical Fact:
One thing one will find throughout the history of every civilization is major empires often destroy themselves from within. In every example we often find this blurring of distinctions as these as the rotting underbelly of all the other surface factors leading to it collapse and fragmentation. Most are lost in time and only a few fragments of their existence may be found from time to time, but some of the themes still creep up again. It can be said with all proper logic and rationality that when this much blurring and perversion and distortion occurs and starts building, all the other areas of society corruption take hold, often pushing such delusions as a quest for Utopia when in reality it is a cult and quest of self-oblivion with many faces, but the same core delusions. It also can be said it's a true indicator the overall society of said civilization is reaching a tipping point of being too mentally sick to survive. The instinct and urge to stand against such things are natural to any species fighting for survival.
Get over it, even Atheists are under Attack:
One thing that annoys me is when various religious groups claim they are being singled out, especially in regard to this subject. It is bullshit. As stated, even atheists are having to put up with this imposed insanity. This is one of those points in history that regardless the religious or non-religious views, we cannot tolerate such deceit, and various parody movements that perpetuate the garbage need us all unite and shut this crap down.
The rest are just varied mixes of the Two.