Project Title: Construction of The First Church of Druwayu
I was recently asked what would be needed for creating a physical church location. The problem is most grant sources require a 501c3 even though we do not require one according to the IRS and having one would limit our options including what we can or cannot publish. I am no fan of gag orders introduced by LBJ (who was VP and pushing for becoming president himself though by that time no one really wanted him in that role for many reasons) who only became the 36 presidents after the JFK Assassination.
Regardless, even if we put in for $600 USD to get the whole confirmation letter and all that, which would be best if we hired an attorney to do on our behalf which has its own retainer and costs which would be advisable (and if we want a good one we're looking at an easy $5,000 plus paperwork costs so a budget of $25,000 to be on the safe side, the specific costs separate from this would be $3,690,000. Sure, we'll just pull that out of the coin jar. In any case, some asked me to actually write a grant proposal. So, I did, and I also used AI to help do some research and find the average costs per item/subject. It also came up with the same ballpark figure of $3,690,000. It is as follows:
Project Summary:
The First Church of Druwayu seeks funding to construct a physical church that will serve as a place of worship, community gathering, and spiritual growth for adherents of the Druwayu faith. The church will be located in [Location], providing a dedicated space for religious services, educational programs, and community outreach initiatives.
Project Description:
Introduction: The First Church of Druwayu is a newly established religious organization dedicated to promoting the principles of Druwayu, which include embracing logic, humor, and absurdity. As the founder of this faith, I, Raymond S. G. Foster, am committed to creating a physical space where followers can come together to practice their beliefs, engage in meaningful discussions, and foster a sense of community.
Project Objectives:
To construct a physical church that will serve as the central hub for Druwayu worship and activities.
To provide a space for religious services, ceremonies, and rituals.
To offer educational programs and workshops that promote the principles of Druwayu.
To create a welcoming environment for community members to gather, share ideas, and support one another.
To engage in community outreach initiatives that promote understanding and acceptance of diverse religious beliefs.
Project Activities:
Site Acquisition: Identify and acquire a suitable location for the construction of the church.
Architectural Design: Collaborate with architects to design a functional and aesthetically pleasing church building.
Construction: Hire contractors and oversee the construction process to ensure the church is built to specifications.
Furnishing and Equipment: Purchase and install necessary furnishings, equipment, and materials for the church.
Program Development: Develop and implement religious services, educational programs, and community outreach initiatives.
Administrative Staff: Hire administrative staff specific to the religion of Druwayu to manage church operations and support community activities.
Marketing and Advertising: Develop and implement marketing and advertising strategies to promote the church and its activities.
Staff and Clergy Wages/Salaries: Provide fair compensation for church staff and clergy to ensure effective operation of the church.
Transportation and Vehicles: Acquire and maintain transportation vehicles for church activities and community outreach.
Housing, Utilities, and Taxes: Cover costs for housing, water, garbage, sewer, electricity, property, and business taxes as required in Oregon.
Project Timeline:
Phase 1: Site Acquisition (Months 1-3)
Phase 2: Architectural Design (Months 4-6)
Phase 3: Construction (Months 7-18)
Phase 4: Furnishing and Equipment (Months 19-21)
Phase 5: Program Development and Launch (Months 22-24)
Site Acquisition: $200,000
Architectural Design: $150,000
Construction: $2,040,000
Furnishing and Equipment: $300,000
Program Development: $100,000
Administrative Staff: $150,000
Marketing and Advertising: $100,000
Staff and Clergy Wages/Salaries: $500,000
Transportation and Vehicles: $100,000
Housing, Utilities, and Taxes: $50,000
Total Budget: $3,690,000
Evaluation and Sustainability: The success of the project will be evaluated through regular assessments of church attendance, participation in programs, and community feedback. The church will be sustained through donations, membership fees, and fundraising events. Additionally, we will seek partnerships with other organizations to support ongoing activities and initiatives.
The construction of The First Church of Druwayu will provide a dedicated space for followers to practice their faith, engage in community activities, and promote the principles of Druwayu. We respectfully request funding to support this important project and help us create a welcoming and inclusive environment for all.
Thank you for considering our grant proposal.
Raymond S.G. Foster
Founder of The First Church of Druwayu and the Druwayu religion
Now, the additional problem is a few very important factors why I won't be submitting this to specific grant sources that tend to be listed, and some should be obvious why. This is not to be taken as an attack on anyone or anything. It is simply pointing out a factual reality regardless of who can accept it or not.
1) Most grant sources for churches come from other Christian or Catholic based organizations. The others are of course related to other monotheistic identities which are fewer. Obviously since we are not Christian or monotheists, that won't work.
2) Other sources which often come up when noting our polytheistic basis directs us towards 'pagan/heathen' sites. Again, since we reject being called or associated with "pagan, heathen or new age" type things, and various interrelated occult organizations, that is a definite no go.
3) A majority of grant sources tend to be heavily overloaded with questionable expectations and many of these have agendas we cannot and will not support or be controlled or directed by, such as the Open Society Foundations.
As to the list of such potential "grant" submission sources" for such funding I myself repeatedly run into the same following references which upon closer inspection do not align with Druwayu and would impose specific influences and demands that I will not accept or allow this religion or its Church to submit and succumb to. Nor will I accept or tolerate trying to "grab" money by misleading others and pretend to agree with things I do not under the "presumed benefit" of this church. That would be itself contrary to the very meaning of the word Druwayu and I will not trespass that. The demand for complete honesty is not merely a "sales pitch." In addition, my refusal to promote this to minors also cuts out the rest as I feel, personally, imposing anything of a religious or political nature on kids is unethical.
List of Grant Sources I reject submitting to:
The Open Society Foundations - Supports initiatives that promote democracy, human rights, and social justice. They fund projects that align with their mission, regardless of religious affiliation.
The Ford Foundation - Focuses on reducing poverty and injustice, promoting human rights, and advancing social justice. They support diverse organizations and initiatives that align with their goals.
The Rockefeller Foundation - Provides funding for initiatives that promote the well-being of humanity. They support projects in various fields, including health, education, and social justice.
The MacArthur Foundation - Funds creative and effective institutions committed to building a more just, verdant, and peaceful world. They support a wide range of projects, including those related to social justice and community development.
The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation - Supports projects in the arts and humanities, higher education, and cultural heritage. They fund initiatives that align with their mission, regardless of religious affiliation.
The David and Lucile Packard Foundation - Provides funding for projects that promote children's health, environmental conservation, and reproductive health. They support diverse organizations and initiatives.
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation - Funds projects that promote education, environment, global development, and population. They support initiatives that align with their mission, regardless of religious affiliation.
The Kresge Foundation - Supports projects in health, education, arts and culture, human services, and community development. They fund initiatives that align with their mission, regardless of religious affiliation.
The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation - Provides funding for projects that promote social justice, human rights, and community development. They support diverse organizations and initiatives.
The W.K. Kellogg Foundation - Funds projects that promote children's health, education, and economic security. They support initiatives that align with their mission, regardless of religious affiliation.
The Awesome Foundation - Provides micro-grants for projects that are creative, innovative, and have a positive impact on the community.
The Pollination Project - Offers seed grants to individuals and small organizations for projects that promote compassion, creativity, and community.
The Mockingbird Foundation - Supports music education for children, with a focus on creativity and innovation.
The Awesome Without Borders - Provides grants for projects that are awesome and have a positive impact on the world.
The Burning Man Global Art Grants - Supports interactive, community-driven art projects that are innovative and creative.
Patagonia Environmental Grants - Supports innovative projects that address environmental issues and promote sustainability.
Other useless references include: This is a comprehensive resource for finding federal grants. You can search, filter, and apply for specific funding opportunities here.
Candid: They maintain a comprehensive database on U.S. and global grant-makers and their funding opportunities. They also offer research, education, and training programs to advance knowledge of philanthropy here.
Community Foundation Locator: This tool helps you find a grant-making foundation in your region. You can use your preferred web search engine to find your state's grant or foundation directory here.
FundsforNGOs: This site lists various funding sources for non-governmental organizations (NGOs) across different sectors, including education, health, environmental conservation, and social services here.
The rest is over generalized or generic nonsense giving references to things that are also vague, do not actually provide grants and are entirely incompatible with Druwayu, and or its needs for something like this. In simple terms, the information is useless and pointless. Unfortunately, most search engines and AI regurgitate these and more along with general crowd funding sources, most of which fail because most sites that once allowed positing notices for such crowd funding have ceased to allow such things to be posted on their platforms. That makes them more or less dead in the water.