One of the key values of the FCD is to uphold the First Amendment which already provides provision in its wording to maintain the separation of Church and State and not allow any State or the Federal Government select and impose a religion upon anyone. This is fundamental social value we uphold as stated HERE. Because of current issues in different states that are blurring the lines and some organizations using religious freedom in their parody-based movements to harass denigrate religion in general, the nonsense all around has raised some serious concerns. So, this article is to remind visitors and members about the importance of both civic participation and know what our rights actually are and not tolerate anyone who abuses them on one hand, and others seeking to take our basic fundamental rights away under the mask of a religious organization.
Current Concerns
Across the United States, there are excessive efforts to integrate specific religious teachings into public institutions, particularly schools. We respect everyone’s right to their religious beliefs, and we maintain that as a protected right not just for ourselves. However, we maintain that public institutions should remain neutral spaces which has been long established, including not forcing students to have to recite specific prayers of a specific religion in classrooms.
Our commonly held views:
All public and government locations must remain neutral and free from religious content.
Private religious organizations need to keep their religious displays and content on their private properties.
Specific religious teachings should only be presented in the curricula of private religious schools.
Unless being taught in the context of a world cultures study were all cultures and their religions are explored purely in an academic sense, there should be no specific or primary religious teaching in public schools.
Recent developments include:
Oklahoma has mandated Bible studies in public school curricula for grades 5-12
Louisiana now requires Ten Commandments displays in every public-school classroom
Multiple states have passed laws allowing religious chaplains in schools
In the past year, dozens of bills concerning religion in public education were introduced across 30 states
These actions violate the dictates of the US Constitution and the separation of Church and State.
These actions are forcing selective biased religious doctrines to be imposed in the public school system.
These actions do not 'raise' questions about religious freedom and constitutional rights, but rather they openly and disrespectfully trample on them in order to intentionally undermine them.
The Impact of Your Vote
Because our Church does not register for special or additional "tax breaks and exemptions" from the IRS, and though we are generally as a church politically neutral, we can more openly protest these violations and nonsensical back and forth rhetoric between "dominate religious identities" and "parody based" movements pretending to hold deeper religious and spiritual values which is evident by their actions, by stating the obvious violations "both sides" of the Unconstitutional Coin they have all been flipping.
You are encouraged to:
Stay informed about local and national policies affecting religious freedom and abuses of it.
Research the constitution and review our rules about protesting HERE.
Investigate candidates' positions on the constitution, separation of church and state and religious ties.
Get all the facts straight, and don't debate any points of argument for which you are uninformed about.
If you choose to protest and approached by media, decline an interview and leave it to 'informed' organizers.
Engage in respectful dialogue about protecting religious neutrality in public spaces and schools.
Exercise your constitutional right to vote and freedom of expression and protest.
Taking Action
To ensure your voice is heard:
Verify your voter registration status.
Mark your calendar for upcoming elections.
Stay informed about local school board decisions.
Stay informed about local town hall meetings about your local government.
Communicate with your elected officials about religious freedom vs separation of church and state concerns.
Do not be threatening or engage in any threatening words or statements and avoid those who do all that.
Build up support from social networks and ignore all the objectors and trolls (most are uninformed kids).
Our Position
This has been made clear from the above bd elsewhere on the FCD website. The FCD stands for religious freedom and abides by the constitution, and we naturally do expect others do the same. The First Amendment is very clear that no single religion should dominate public institutions at either the federal, state or local government levels.
It is clear all these actions being initiated by various religious and parody religious institutions do not respect or simply do not comprehend such separations and prohibition of imposition already exists in the expression and wording of the constitution and must be upheld and the debate on whether or not a single religious identity should be allowed to dominate public locations and institutions is nonsense designed to convince everyone to have such freedom repealed which simply cannot be allowed as it also would result in other freedoms protected by the constitution to be removed as well. (and that is the whole point).
If any religion is allowed to have its doctrines and dogmas imposed in public spaces and institution, we will not and should not demand "equal representation" for Druwayu or anything else, but rather demand the constitution is properly upheld without excuses and such things removed from said public spaces and institution and returned back to their proper places of reserved private religious properties.
This alone will show we are fair, equal minded, and not as all the various "parody" and "anti-religious" organizations that have registered as religions and should demand such parody" and "anti-religious" organizations not be recognized as actual religions because of their parody of other religions and openly "anti-religious" proclamations engaging in equal and useless hypocrisies.