Because there is much more to Druwayu than the apparent, many still find it very difficult to relate to in a much more simplified manner. From what I gather it is more of a factor that many want a heavily gutted and 'dumbed' down and basic clarification of the many points of "mysteries" of Druwayu as a whole.
While this, in my mind, cheapens the depths to be considered, I have gone ahead and took things down a bit more. Otherwise, I do not know how much simpler I can make it without it being empty of any real depth or significance. It must be understood that Druwayu weaves together profound cosmological insights in a unique spiritual path. It's essential for one to truly discover what makes our theology, philosophy and religion overall so captivating if you truly explore it and the details provided.
Indeed, I can state simply, "Druwayu means True Ways" and believes in One God and Three Goddesses, uses Sacred Geometry as a "creation story," has a collective of three cosmological principles called collectively the Drikeyu, and has Warlocks and Witches as Clergy titles while referring to a general believer/follower/adherent as Druan and be done with it. Fine. That doesn't really offer anything.
Druwayu Terminology and Meaning
Druwayu: Derived from the Gaulish root "dru" (true/strong/enduring) and "wayu" (course/direction/carry). It signifies True Ways, emphasizing a dedicated path and a pursuit of impersonal truth.
Druan: A combination of "dru" (true/strong/enduring) and "an" (one/individual), meaning True One. A Druan embodies honesty with oneself and others and dedicates themselves as an adherent of Druwayu. Culturally, a Druan identifies as Druish.
Drusidu: A blend of "dru" (true/strong/enduring) and "sidu/sed" (seat/sit), meaning True Seats. It represents the council as Enduring and Dedicated Chairs, signifying governance and stability.
The Drikeyu: Three Cosmic Keys
The Drikeyu is Druwayu's sacred geometric symbol that encapsulates the harmonious interconnection of three foundational cosmological principles:
Worloga (The Primal Laws) The eternal, immutable cosmic laws that govern all existence, symbolizing the profound intelligence embedded in the patterns, designs, and mathematics of the universe.
Wyrda (The Eternal Dynamics) The force of change, shaping existence through cycles of creation, preservation, and transformation. Every choice we make weaves a thread in this interconnected tapestry.
Wihas (The Essence of Life) The eternal, uncaused energy and essence permeating all things, both spiritual and material. It is the primordial spark of life, fueling existence in all forms.
Seven key realizations:
They are not physical.
It predates the physical.
It unites the physical and the spiritual.
It cannot be created or destroyed.
It transforms into different forms.
It is the eventual essence to which all returns.
It is knowable only through observing the physical.
Etymology The Name and Keys of Drikeyu
The name Drikeyu comes from the compound words "Dri/Dre" (Three) + "Keyu/Cǣga" (Keys). It reflects the interconnected unity of three cosmological principles:
Worloga (Fore Laws): Pronounced: Wore-low-uh (silent G). Origin: "Wor/Vor/Fora/Fara" (Fore), similar to Latin pri/pre- as in prior and primal (even in Greek derived priest meaning elder in context) + "Loga/Lagu/Laga/Lagh/Loghe/Loh/Loi" (Laws) akin to Latin "Leg-al/Leks/Lex."
Wyrda (Works): Pronounced: Wird-uh. Multiple derivations, including "wyrkh, weorh, werk," and others, akin to Latin "Urge" (to move/set in motion) and "word" (expression).
Wihas (Life): Pronounced: Wī-ɔs. Origin: Rooted in variations like "wihta, wuht, wighte," and others, akin to the Latin "Vita" (life).
When it comes to actual Sacred Geometry:
The meaning of the words Sacred Geometry combines "Sacred," meaning Set Apart (from Latin "sacrare"), and "Geometry," meaning Earth Measure (from Greek "geometria"). Old English terms like "holi" (holy) and "eorðcræft" (earth-craft) reflect similar ideas.
It originated from early civilizations measuring seasons for hunting, domesticating animals, and developing agriculture. These practices laid the groundwork for villages, cities, and nations, where land was measured and claimed.
Sacred Geometry’s symbols—dots, lines, and circles—were inspired by nature and express universal patterns and laws, not the other way around as is often claimed. These observations formed the basis of mathematics and highlighted theological and philosophical ideas.
Every example of actual or "true" Sacred Geometry I have reviewed may mention one, two and rarely three of the four actual rules of Sacred Geometry, and then often breaks the process presented or ignores key and important aspects from the start.
Most of the deceptions include using incompatible constructs and concepts while backtracking processes and applying things in ways that are less factual than visual trickery. In other words, it's all taken out of context and an unrelated narrative is imposed and makes no actual connection with the metaphysical and objective reality.
That said, here are the rules:
Rule One: Infinity
Infinity and eternity are concepts beyond human comprehension. A simple circle represents the infinite and eternal, but only as a symbolic boundary for patterns. Its number is zero.
Rule Two: Individuality
Personhood, including mind, emotion, and self-awareness, is unseen but expressed. A central dot symbolizes individuality and the soul. Its number is one.
Rule Three: Male Straight Lines
Straight lines represent masculinity, reflecting qualities like rigidity, action, and singularity. They symbolize the male energy and its nature. Its number is two.
Rule Four: Female Curved Lines
Curved lines represent femininity, symbolizing creation, intuition, and receptiveness. They embody the female energy and its nurturing nature. Its number is three.
Aside from the things associated with the concepts of the Drikeyu, such as the Worloga with the one God, Wyrda with the three Goddesses and the Wihas with every living and spiritual beings (the physical and spiritual aspects of existence interwoven rather than treated as separate things), its actually these rules that demonstrate the concepts in visual, mathematical patterns which also do occur in nature.
Geometric Line Sorting Process
The process for interpreting geometric lines follows Rules 1 through 4 in strict sequence. Deviation, skipping steps, or inserting assumptions leads to errors and disrupts the system’s connection to objective reality.
Unfortunately, some examples bypass proper steps, creating deceptive narratives, or repeat incorrect methods that ignore the rules altogether.
By adhering to these steps, the process remains clear, logical, and aligned with the intended meaning. Each rule builds on the last, ensuring coherence and an accurate interpretation of the lines and their meanings.
When you explore Druwayu and its foundations its much deeper than most "New Religious Movements" that tend to be superficial, inaccurate, and often times have very little actual grasp on the philosophic content some will bring up or try and use as an arguing point.
Overall, Druwayu wasn't created haphazardly or purely out of thin air. I hope this helps if you are considering Druwayu and potentially contributing to its refinement. I have laid out the foundations. Only you can take the time to learn and consider all the details. There are simply no substantial shortcuts. You have to know what things mean if you choose to explain it to someone, you can with knowledge. If you don't really know what things mean you cannot truly pinpoint any valid, logical or rational reason for your agreements or disagreements and frankly show you don't truly understand the content. You should never accept being so willingly ignorant as you miss out on so much personally.