Here are some benefits of Druwayu:

It can be incredibly challenging for those who have been raised their entire lives with specific sets of beliefs. When confronted with facts that do not conform to those beliefs, they will defend and argue over them until they're metaphorically blue in the face. Some may be so shocked or offended that they react very badly in other ways. We have all done that. It does not make us bad people.
We cannot, therefore, change how others choose to react, or change the minds of those who see no issue with their reactions. Nor should we try. That is when we must individually be examples. You can change how you choose to react when you realize the issues of your own reactions. You do have free will. Of course, there are also those who will repeat this, and yet, they only recognize and express it superficially.
We've all been there—turning away from long-held beliefs as we learn more and are willing to further investigate the things we were raised with, especially when those we assumed or were raised to trust would avoid our questions or respond with phrases like, "some things are not meant for us to know." What they are truly saying is that they do not know what it is they are teaching and preaching. Many of us have fallen into such traps as well. It means we were ignorant and recognizing that means we changed for the better.
Furthermore, if something wasn't meant to be understood, it wouldn't have been written down and preserved for others to know, learn, and understand. When we finally learn and contest the nonsense we have been told, we confront the hypocrisy to which we were once blind and guilty of doing ourselves.
However, the fact is when we turn away from continuing to behave and respond in such ways, we have already corrected our course and have truly "repented" by turning away from all of that. Of course, that means we are then subject to the same nonsense from those around us we can no longer relate to. This is more so the case when we present the facts we have come to learn and verify and not simply believe because it suits us. It's because we were truly open to knowledge and accepting correction.
The most common tendency is for people to exclaim when we present such facts we have learned are:
> "You are wrong! Our scholars, our scriptures, our this and that say this and that."
As them to present facts to const the evidence proved and they fall into the trap of verifying a book by the book itself, claiming the book is true because the book alone says it's true.
They have no evidence otherwise.
They are blind to the fact that their particular books have many different versions and translations, often resulting in erroneous contexts and conclusions.
They ignore when actual scholars and researchers in fields like archaeology, anthropology, and linguistics contest their beliefs with demonstrable facts—facts they will seek to suppress at all costs, including acts of violence.
All you can do is state something like:
> "I am sorry if it's something you cannot accept. This does not make you a bad person in my mind, so do not become one out of fear within yourself. I do not hate you even if you now hate me. I hold no malice as I too was where you are now. Nor do these impersonal facts presented make me an atheist. Take care and be safe."
There is no point in arguing any further with them. They will have no valid examples to prove their dispositions. They are unwilling to learn anything else, and all you can do is brush the dust off your shoes and walk away.
They will remain lost in their own ignorance, and there is nothing you can do for them, and they have nothing to offer you but pointless criticisms with the intent to maintain and justify their own arrogant ignorance.
Then there is the other extreme of this that claim:
> "The only way to true self-mastery is to break all rules and norms provided you truly know them all intimately, or you cannot truly transcend them."
It's a lot of nonsense is what that is. If you disregard all rules and norms as though they do not exist and have no value to importance there is nothing to "transcend" and nothing more than a bunch of rhetoric to justify selfish and inconsiderate personal gratification at the expense of all others.
That is a fast path to self and mutual destruction and having nothing to pass on then an empty life of empty promises and meaningless words that misleads others and continuing the very same kinds of hypocrisy such claim to be "rebelling against." It's much worse and promotes the same kinds of arrogant ignorance.
Furthermore, the same fail to comprehend that facts are not about who agrees or disagrees. It's more of seeking the accuracy of those facts and how the information was acquired, transmitted or presented, and the degree of certainty it holds.
Indeed, when such is applied to the young as a point of education, you must encourage individual contemplation, challenge them to consider the information, the error in their assumptions for lack of details, and how to verify and cross reference the sources of information.
It also means we cannot neglect to clarify what it means by evaluating the different ways that different levels of certainty of information and the details therein are achieved, which is much more valuable than teaching them to favor the extreme individualist or the extreme conformist.
Both extremes always mislead one and becomes a factor of the blind leading the unaware, being led by a trickster to a pit filled with spikes. We often have to remind adults of this as well even if they don't like it. We just cannot expect or force them or anyone to accept it.
Also, the thought alone does not count. Willing to do something is not the same as following through and doing. Knowing something is not enough if we do not apply that knowledge. In order to do so effectively, we often must abandon the lives "we've planned" or have been "planned for us" so we can live a better, more productive life waiting for us to take claim to. A
Those things we have wanted to do, so long as they are not at the expense of others, we should go and do them. We only have one life. We never know when it will end, or what condition may prevent us from going and doing those things we wanted to do but "never got around to doing."
Additionally, when you comprehend all these things and more, you become the kind of person who can take all the pain and suffering you have had, and use it all not to keep you down but to use it as fuel for your fire to get out and be an example that inspires others and truly living the best life you can or could have ever hoped for and instead of waiting for it to come to you went out and took claim as you should have from the start.
In that it becomes impossible for others to drag you back down jealous of the freedom you have given back to yourself because they are comfortably miserable and want everyone else around them to be just as miserable so they can feel better, which is also insane, and an insanity you have chosen not to allow to hold mastery or dictatorship over you.
It is important to realize this:
Druwayu is more than just a name. It's a philosophy that embraces an open-minded and flexible approach to understanding existence. This approach allows for personal interpretation and encourages individuals to find their own paths while fostering a sense of community and mutual respect.
Sometimes the humor in Druwayu gets missed because it requires a lot of thought, knowledge, understanding, and clarity of all its layers. Unfortunately, many religions do not focus on or consider their deeper philosophical concepts. Instead, most people are confronted with a superficial layer, often without complete honesty—a system of read, remember, and repeat without question, which becomes empty and spiritually dead.
Druwayu isn't like that. In fact, if one has reviewed all the content provided, Druwayu's teachings offer a wealth of opportunities for personal and collective growth. It's not just about the individual or the community. It's about both the individual and the community. Here's how you can apply them to enhance your life:
Embrace Logical Reasoning: Druwayu emphasizes the importance of using logic and critical thinking. This can help you make more informed decisions, solve problems more effectively, and develop a clearer understanding of the world around you.
Find Joy in Humor and Absurdity: Incorporating humor and recognizing the absurdity in everyday life can reduce stress and improve your mental well-being. This approach encourages a light-hearted perspective, making it easier to navigate life's challenges.
Engage in Self-Reflection: Druwayu encourages regular self-reflection. By taking the time to evaluate your beliefs, actions, and experiences, you can gain deeper insights into yourself and identify areas for personal growth.
Foster Community Connections: Building and maintaining strong community connections is a core principle of Druwayu. Engaging with others, participating in community activities, and showing mutual respect can create a sense of belonging and support.
Adaptability and Flexibility: Druwayu's teachings emphasize the importance of being adaptable and flexible. Learning to adjust to changing circumstances and maintaining a balanced approach can lead to a more resilient and fulfilling life.
Embrace Creativity: The philosophy encourages embracing creativity and exploring new ideas. This can help you cultivate a more innovative mindset and discover new passions and interests.
By integrating these principles into your daily life, you can foster personal growth, develop a deeper understanding of yourself, and create a more joyful and fulfilling existence.
No Blind Belief Required: You can be an atheist and still accept Druikeyu concepts without believing in the One and Three as entities. Belief is based on logical and reasonable conclusions.
Embrace Logic, Humor, and Absurdity: The religion values these qualities and recognizes their importance in life.
Unity and Cultural Identity: Promotes unity in a divided world and allows you to identify as culturally Druish.
Holy Observances: Monday Night Pizza, Heavy Metal Music, and Stripping are considered sacred.
Formal Wear: Robes, pointy hats are encouraged as formal attire, but optional.
Actual Teachings: Provides real teachings to consider and allows for individual or group expression.
Encourages Free Thinking: Advocates following facts to logical, rational, and demonstrable conclusions, promoting self-autonomy and the right to self-existence.
Values Peace and Freedom: Emphasizes the importance of decentralizing freedom and organizing efforts to maintain and protect it.
Observes Threats: Focuses on analyzing movements that threaten public and private freedom and well-being.
Networking and Support: Establishes and encourages a supportive network to help victims and hold predators accountable, while standing against censorship and protecting honesty.
You Do Not Need Others' Validation:
It's often claimed that we need external validation for our mental well-being. This isn't true. While acknowledgment from others can demonstrate appreciation for our efforts, constantly needing praise is unnecessary. Validation means "being strong," but in social contexts, it confirms something as true or correct. Demanding validation means expecting others to accept everything we say as true, even when it isn't.
I don't need others to proclaim my accuracy when I've provided proof.
If I'm wrong, prove it, and I'll accept it.
If I make a mistake and correct it, move on.
I can appreciate acknowledgment for my work or achievements.
I don't require or demand appreciation.
I don't need to make extra efforts for validation.
Saying you appreciate something without demonstrating it is empty.
My self-view isn't contingent on others' opinions.
Validation isn't about acknowledging one's attributes, strengths, achievements, or emotions. Forcing or expecting acknowledgment leads to needless distress. Authentic support and encouragement from family and friends are valuable, but not when it's just to make us feel better or stroke egos.
Psychobabble like "When a child grows up not feeling valued, they may have trouble regulating emotions" is misleading. Adults should have developed emotional control. Children who are always praised can grow up selfish and demanding. Praise should be based on actual achievement and merit, with reasonable criticism and consequences for misbehavior.
Beating kids or adults into submission isn't the answer either, as it promotes abusive behavior. Excessive praise and validation aren't necessary. Organic and cognitive disorders often underlie issues like difficulty trusting others, high anxiety, fear of rejection, and unpredictable behaviors. These require therapy and proper treatment, not just praise and validation.
Druwayu's teachings can be applied to higher education standards in several ways:
Emphasis on Critical Thinking: Druwayu encourages the use of logic and critical thinking, which are essential skills in higher education. By promoting these skills, Druwayu supports the development of students who can analyze, evaluate, and synthesize information effectively.
Encouragement of Self-Education: Druwayu values self-motivation and the pursuit of knowledge. This aligns with the idea that students should take an active role in their education, seeking out resources and learning opportunities beyond the classroom.
Adaptability and Flexibility: The philosophy emphasizes the importance of being adaptable and flexible. In the context of higher education, this means being open to new ideas, adjusting to different teaching methods, and embracing diverse perspectives.
Community Engagement: Druwayu promotes community involvement and mutual respect. Higher education institutions can foster a sense of community among students, encouraging collaboration and support.
Balancing Humor and Seriousness: Druwayu's unique blend of humor and absurdity can help reduce stress and create a more enjoyable learning environment. This balance can enhance students' overall well-being and academic performance.
Ethical Behavior and Responsibility: Druwayu encourages ethical behavior and responsibility, which are crucial in academic settings. Upholding academic integrity and fostering a culture of honesty and accountability are important aspects of higher education.
Druwayu’s teachings can provide meaningful support for psychological needs and ethical decision-making:
Psychological Needs:
Self-Reflection: Druwayu encourages regular self-reflection, which can help individuals understand their thoughts and emotions better, leading to improved mental health.
Humor and Absurdity: Embracing humor and the absurd can alleviate stress and provide a healthier perspective on life's challenges. Laughter is a great way to boost mood and reduce anxiety.
Community and Connection: Building strong community connections fosters a sense of belonging and support, which are vital for psychological well-being.
Validation and Support: While Druwayu teaches that external validation isn't necessary for self-worth, it acknowledges the importance of genuine support and encouragement from friends and family.
Adaptability and Flexibility: Learning to be adaptable and flexible helps individuals cope with change and uncertainty, reducing psychological stress.
Critical Thinking and Logic: Druwayu emphasizes logical reasoning and critical thinking, which are essential for making ethical decisions.
Mutual Respect and Peaceful Coexistence: Promoting mutual respect and peaceful coexistence encourages ethical behavior and harmonious relationships.
Ethical Responsibility: Druwayu teaches the importance of accepting responsibility for one's actions and their consequences, which is a cornerstone of ethical behavior.
Support and Accountability: Establishing a supportive network helps hold individuals accountable for their actions and provides a framework for ethical conduct.
Non-Imposition: Druwayu respects diverse beliefs and does not impose its teachings on others, promoting an ethical approach to coexistence and acceptance.
Questioning the Definition of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD):
The definition of BPD is often generalized as a mental health condition where people have a lifelong pattern of seeing themselves and reacting to others in ways that cause problems. But who determines what constitutes a "disorder"? BPD is often described as causing issues with personality traits that hinder flexible adaptation to changing environments, leading to healthier relationships and better coping strategies. However, what we eat can also affect these things.
Consider this seriously:
Who determines an "approved" amount of flexibility?
Who decides what is "reasonable adaptation" to changing environments?
What is considered a "healthier" relationship?
Who determines the correct coping methods or strategies?
Different cultures have varying views on these matters, making these definitions subjective. Just because someone has a harder time adapting doesn't mean they have BPD. It could mean they are slower to figure things out or lack firsthand experience or parental guidance.
Family is important for passing on learned experiences.
When family dynamics fall apart, civilization can collapse.
Narcissistic traits like entitlement and requiring validation in adulthood often develop from too much praise and overvaluation in childhood.
Favoritism among children can lead to brutal rivalries.
Many mental health problems result from psychological and pharmaceutical inadequacies, shoddy treatment, academic laziness, and self-serving financial gains.
Legitimate mental disorders are sometimes promoted as normal, while mental stability is treated as social inadequacy.
The education system often promotes narcissism, selfishness, pettiness, abusiveness, and perversion.
These traits are glorified in entertainment and politics.
You can educate yourself better and at your own pace without submitting to the limitations of any organization. Partnering with like-minded individuals can help you learn and educate yourselves in anything you want.
Access to Knowledge and Self-Education:
You just need the will and self-motivation to educate yourself, without relying on those who restrict access to knowledge. Public institutions may require payment for access, but knowledge should be free. If you don't use or support free options like libraries, they may disappear, and with them, a huge part of our civilization.
Many old books are still accessible, and some out-of-print ones can be found as reprints at reasonable prices.
Rare books may be in archives and museums, but their information is often available elsewhere.
You can teach yourself to read, improve your grammar, advance your math skills, learn finance through trial and error, and compare notes with others.
The limitations are based on your efforts and dedication, with workarounds available. Changing your mindset is key.
Recognize that you know a little about many things and that it's important to question what you've been taught.
Many people are conditioned to accept information without question, leading to hostility towards correction.
Positive reinforcement within a limited "study loop" discourages challenging difficult concepts and fosters a fear of being wrong.
This creates a slave mentality, imposing excessive conformity. It becomes even more harmful when restrictions are removed, leading to instability and self-destruction. Independent thought is suppressed, and when individuals realize this after lashing out, they often turn against themselves.
That is why you and others must self-educate and challenge everything for you and others sake.
Embracing Diverse and Complementary Beliefs:
Druwayu embraces many mutually supportive and complementary beliefs that may initially seem in conflict due to ingrained ideas from various sources. True personal merit and courage come from refusing to "renounce what is factual" despite pressure from others. This effort is ultimately up to the individual and cannot be forced.
In Proper Perspective:
Druwayu focuses on relations with those who have different religious or spiritual beliefs or who have abandoned them. We do not impose Druwayu on others and will not allow others to impose their beliefs on us. Peaceful coexistence requires stopping attacks on those with different beliefs or identities and rejecting sweeping false claims.
Simple Facts of History:
Druwayu strives for peaceful coexistence with diverse religions and non-religious people worldwide.
We judge individuals based on their actions and words, not their religious background.
Archeological evidence and documentation support this reality for over half a millennium.
Generally Speaking:
Druans are often discouraged from explaining Druwayu to avoid conflicts and arguments.
Druans respond to questions about their beliefs with, "It's not as important as what I say and do."
Clergy have a deeper understanding of Druwayu and serve as custodians of the culture, providing a central authority for adherents.
Druans are not discouraged from participating in established holidays of other cultures and respond to greetings with gestures of peace and compassion.
Druwayu's short existence even before being given such a namesake, has a history of peacefully coexisting with different identities, even within the same household and this is in part because it has never been pushed as many other things have as the latest fad, attack or joke on diverse beliefs and different views.
What We Do Not Support or Advocate:
Aside from bad arguments and blatant deceit, we do not support or advocate Parody movements that misrepresent and push anti-religious and anti-spiritual rhetoric.
Movements that demand the destruction of other religions and impose themselves as the only acceptable belief system.
Extremist movements, identities, or organizations that impose themselves on others while pretending to promote equality and liberty.
Druwayu-Compatible Philosophical Views
These philosophical views collectively support Druwayu's open-minded and flexible approach to understanding existence. By integrating elements from various traditions, Druwayu encourages individuals to seek truth, embrace creativity, and foster a sense of community. This diverse exploration of beliefs promotes mutual respect and personal growth. Naturalism, which emphasizes that everything arises from natural properties and causes, aligns well with Druwayu principles. Here's how Naturalism can align with Druwayu principles:
Belief in Objective Reality: Druwayu embraces the notion that there are objective truths about the world. We seek to understand these truths through logical reasoning and empirical evidence.
Natural Phenomena: Druwayu aligns with Naturalism in seeking to understand the world through observation and empirical evidence. Both perspectives value the study of natural phenomena and the laws of nature. Druwayu shares Naturalism's commitment to understanding the world through observation and empirical evidence. Both perspectives emphasize the importance of studying natural phenomena and the laws of nature to uncover truths about existence.
Scientific Inquiry: Druwayu encourages scientific inquiry and evidence-based beliefs, resonating with Naturalism's emphasis on natural causes and explanations. Druwayu values scientific inquiry and evidence-based beliefs, mirroring Naturalism's focus on natural causes and explanations. This alignment fosters a deep appreciation for the scientific method and its role in expanding our understanding of the world.
Verification of Knowledge: Our understanding of existence is grounded in demonstrable facts and evidence, not mere speculation.
Cultural and Individual Perspectives: Druwayu acknowledges that different individuals and cultures may have unique interpretations of reality. We respect these diverse perspectives while remaining committed to logical and factual inquiry, even within the framework of natural laws. Naturalism, while grounded in natural causes, can coexist with a respect for different cultural perspectives on existence. This respect for diverse perspectives aligns with Naturalism's recognition of the variability in human experience and understanding.
Personal Interpretation: Druwayu encourages individuals to find their own paths and interpretations while remaining grounded in natural explanations. This open-minded approach fosters a sense of community and mutual respect. Both Druwayu and Naturalism promote the idea that individuals can find their own paths and interpretations within the framework of natural laws.
Questioning and Doubt: Druwayu promotes healthy skepticism, encouraging individuals to critically examine their beliefs and avoid accepting information without thorough investigation. Druwayu's promotion of healthy skepticism aligns with Naturalism's emphasis on questioning supernatural explanations and critically examining beliefs based on natural evidence and the need for evidence-based reasoning.
Suspension of Judgment: We recognize the value of suspending judgment in the face of uncertainty, fostering open-mindedness and continuous inquiry. Since Druwayu values open-mindedness and continuous inquiry, which are also fundamental to Naturalism. Naturalism supports this approach by emphasizing the importance of evidence and critical evaluation.
Reasonable Pluralism:
Acceptance of Diversity: Pluralism acknowledges the coexistence of multiple belief systems and values. Druwayu celebrates diversity and encourages an open-minded approach to different perspectives.
Mutual Respect: Druwayu fosters mutual respect and understanding among individuals with varying beliefs, aligning with pluralistic values of respectful and reasonable tolerance and acceptance so long as such things are not inhumane.
Practical Consequences: Druwayu values beliefs based on their practical utility and effectiveness in addressing life's challenges. We adopt beliefs that improve our well-being and contribute positively to the community.
Practical Solutions: Naturalism focuses on practical and natural explanations for phenomena, which aligns with Druwayu's emphasis on beliefs that have practical utility and effectiveness in addressing life's challenges.
Beliefs as Tools: Our beliefs are seen as tools for navigating the world, rather than fixed truths.
Adaptability: Druwayu and Naturalism both encourage adaptability and the use of natural principles to navigate the world. By promoting flexibility and adaptability in responding to changing circumstances, it enhances the resilience and well-being of individuals and groups alike.
Faith and Openness: While Druwayu values logic and evidence, we also appreciate the role of faith in providing comfort and meaning. We embrace an open-minded approach to faith, without dogma.
Balancing Faith and Reason: Druwayu integrates faith with reason, encouraging a harmonious coexistence of both.
Evidence-Based Beliefs: Druwayu emphasizes the importance of sensory experience and empirical evidence in forming beliefs. We prioritize observation and experimentation in our quest for knowledge.
Empirical Inquiry: Naturalism's reliance on sensory experience and empirical evidence is mirrored in Druwayu's emphasis on observation and experimentation as primary sources of knowledge.
Verification through Experience: Our understanding is constantly refined through direct experience and practical application. Both perspectives value direct experience and practical application in forming and refining beliefs, highlighting the importance of evidence-based understanding.
Reason and Logic: Druwayu places a strong emphasis on reason and logical analysis as primary sources of knowledge. We believe that rational inquiry leads to a deeper understanding of existence.
Reason and Evidence: Druwayu's emphasis on reason and evidence aligns with Naturalism's rejection of supernatural explanations in favor of natural causes yet also open to the possibility of the supernatural in the context of the natural on a higher level.
Intellectual Inquiry: We encourage intellectual exploration and the use of reason to uncover truths about the world. Naturalism and Druwayu both prioritize rational inquiry and logical analysis as means to understand the natural world.
Personal Existence: Druwayu acknowledges the subjective nature of belief and the importance of individual experiences in shaping one's worldview.
Freedom and Responsibility: We emphasize personal freedom and the responsibility to create meaningful beliefs through conscious choice and action.
Constructed Knowledge: Druwayu recognizes that beliefs and knowledge are constructed through social interactions and cultural practices. We value the collaborative creation of understanding.
Social and Cultural Interactions: Naturalism can acknowledge that our understanding of the natural world is influenced by social and cultural interactions, aligning with Druwayu's recognition of the collaborative creation of knowledge.
Dynamic Interpretation: Our beliefs are constantly evolving as we engage with others and the world around us.
Evolving Beliefs: Both Druwayu and Naturalism support the continuous evolution of beliefs through engagement with new information and experiences, fostering open-mindedness and intellectual growth.
Human Dignity and Worth: Humanism emphasizes the intrinsic value and dignity of every individual. Druwayu recognizes the importance of respecting and valuing human life, encouraging compassion and empathy.
Rational Inquiry and Ethics: Humanism promotes the use of reason and ethical decision-making. Druwayu aligns with these principles, advocating for thoughtful reflection and ethical behavior.
Inner Peace and Resilience: Stoicism emphasizes the importance of cultivating inner peace and resilience in the face of adversity. Druwayu encourages individuals to develop emotional strength and maintain a balanced perspective on life's challenges.
Virtue and Wisdom: Druwayu values the cultivation of virtue and wisdom, aligning with Stoic principles of ethical behavior and rational thought.
Spiritual Growth and Self-Reliance: Transcendentalism emphasizes the importance of spiritual growth and self-reliance. Druwayu encourages individuals to seek personal growth and to develop and rely on their inner wisdom (clarity of mind).
Connection with Nature: Like Transcendentalism, Druwayu promotes a deep connection with nature and the belief that it can provide profound insights and inspiration such as the very origin and foundations of true sacred geometry.
Druwayu is compatible with spiritual philosophies through its open-minded and flexible approach to understanding existence. Here are some ways Druwayu aligns with various spiritual philosophies:
Embracing Spirituality:
Inner Growth and Reflection: Druwayu encourages self-reflection and personal growth, which are central to many spiritual philosophies. This approach helps individuals understand themselves better and develop a deeper sense of purpose.
Connection with Nature: Many spiritual philosophies emphasize a connection with nature. Druwayu promotes a deep appreciation for the natural world, encouraging individuals to find inspiration and meaning in their surroundings.
Unity and Compassion:
Community and Support: Druwayu fosters a sense of community and mutual respect, which aligns with the emphasis on compassion and interconnectedness in many spiritual traditions. Building strong community connections and showing empathy towards others are core principles.
Respect for Diversity: Druwayu respects diverse perspectives and encourages an open-minded approach to different beliefs, promoting unity and harmony within communities.
Ethical Living:
Ethical Behavior and Responsibility: Druwayu emphasizes the importance of ethical behavior and personal responsibility, aligning with spiritual philosophies that advocate for living a virtuous and moral life.
Peaceful Coexistence: Druwayu promotes peaceful coexistence and mutual respect, which are fundamental to many spiritual teachings. This includes respecting others' beliefs and fostering a culture of acceptance and understanding.
Embracing Faith and Reason:
Balancing Faith and Logic: While Druwayu values logic and evidence, it also appreciates the role of faith in providing comfort and meaning. This balance allows individuals to integrate faith with reason, fostering a harmonious coexistence of both.
Non-Dogmatic Approach: Druwayu embraces a non-dogmatic approach to belief systems, encouraging individuals to explore and interpret spiritual concepts in a way that resonates with them personally.
Spiritual Practices:
Mindfulness and Meditation: Druwayu encourages practices such as mindfulness and meditation, which are common in many spiritual traditions. These practices help individuals cultivate inner peace and clarity.
Rituals and Observances: Druwayu recognizes the importance of rituals and observances in connecting with one's spirituality only so long as such rites actually are based on the teachings as expressions of the spirituality and not the other way around. These practices can provide a sense of structure and meaning in daily life. As such, as long as they do no harm or injury to people or pets for example, then one is free to develop their own that best connects with those expressions even if it's as simple as lighting a candle and offering a prayer. It doesn't have to be elaborate.
Other Comparisons:
While the following have been cited many times as having shared philosophic views, one should not be foolish enough to try and absorb them into Druwayu as Druwayu does not identify itself with them having many key distinctions that are simply irreconcilable. They are mentioned only for comparisons and are not therefore something that should be "compatible" as some are by definition rejected words, terms and identities. Our basic Etymology section clarifies this.
Harmony with Nature: Taoism emphasizes living in harmony with the Tao (the fundamental nature of the universe). Druwayu aligns with this by promoting a deep connection with the natural world and understanding the flow of existence.
Wu Wei (Effortless Action): Taoism advocates for effortless action or doing things in accordance with the natural order. Druwayu encourages adaptability and flexibility, allowing individuals to navigate life with ease and without unnecessary struggle.
Mindfulness and Meditation: Buddhism's focus on mindfulness and meditation practices aligns with Druwayu's emphasis on self-reflection and personal growth. These practices help individuals develop inner peace and clarity.
Compassion and Loving-Kindness: Buddhism promotes compassion and loving-kindness towards all beings. Druwayu fosters mutual respect and empathy, encouraging individuals to cultivate positive relationships with others.
Personal Spiritual Journey: Hinduism recognizes the importance of individual spiritual journeys and the pursuit of self-realization. Druwayu encourages personal interpretation and exploration of beliefs, supporting individuals in finding their own paths.
Interconnectedness of All Beings: Hinduism emphasizes the interconnectedness of all beings and the unity of existence. Druwayu promotes a sense of community and mutual respect, highlighting the importance of interconnectedness.
Mystical Experience: Sufism, a mystical branch of Islam, focuses on the direct experience of the divine through practices like prayer, meditation, and poetry. Druwayu embraces creativity and spiritual exploration, encouraging individuals to seek personal connections with the divine.
Love and Devotion: Sufism emphasizes love and devotion as central to spiritual practice. Druwayu values compassion and empathy, fostering loving and supportive relationships within the community.
New Age Spirituality
Holistic Approach: New Age spirituality often incorporates a holistic approach to well-being, combining physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects. Druwayu aligns with this by promoting a balanced and integrated approach to personal growth and understanding.
Alternative Practices: New Age spirituality embraces alternative practices such as energy healing, crystal therapy, and astrology. Druwayu encourages exploration and creativity, allowing individuals to incorporate diverse practices that resonate with them.
Reverence for Nature: Paganism celebrates the cycles of nature and the sacredness of the Earth. Druwayu shares this reverence for nature, encouraging individuals to connect with and honor the natural world.
Rituals and Celebrations: Paganism involves rituals and celebrations that mark seasonal changes and life events. Druwayu recognizes the importance of rituals in fostering a sense of community and personal meaning.
Spiritual Healing: Shamanism focuses on spiritual healing and the connection with the spirit world. Druwayu supports practices that promote healing and well-being, encouraging individuals to seek balance and harmony in their lives.
Connection with Ancestors: Shamanism often involves honoring ancestors and seeking their guidance. Druwayu values the wisdom of the past and encourages individuals to draw inspiration from their heritage and traditions.
Ethical Principles: Both Druwayu and Judaism emphasize ethical behavior, empathy, and compassion. They promote living a moral life and being responsible for one's actions.
Commitment to Truth: Druwayu's dedication to seeking truth and confronting false history parallels Judaism's emphasis on the importance of studying and understanding sacred texts and historical narratives, though in Druwayu texts are not made to conform to the beliefs and not treated as authored by the hands of the Divine but instead merely the opinions, language and expressions of human beings.
Ethical Principles: Druwayu and Christianity both emphasize ethical behavior, compassion, and empathy, encouraging followers to care for others.
Commitment to Truth: Both Druwayu and Christianity value the pursuit of truth and the critical examination of historical narratives and sources though historically truth isn't always a goal in Christianity if it counters established claims or beliefs. However, unlike many Christians, Druwayu does not consider any text infallible or entirely historically accurate or that one can prove truth of a text because a text claims to be true.
Ethical Principles: Both Druwayu and Islam emphasize ethical behavior, empathy, and compassion. They encourage followers to live moral lives and be responsible for their actions.
Commitment to Truth: Druwayu's dedication to seeking truth and confronting false history parallels Islam's emphasis on the importance of knowledge and understanding sacred texts, though some can point out historically truth isn't always a goal of Islam.
Irreconcilable Differences and Tendencies Towards Violence:
Theological Beliefs: Believes in one Deity named Yahweh and follows the teachings of the Torah. Judaism does not recognize Jesus as the Messiah or the concept of the Trinity.
Scriptural Authority: The Torah (the first five books of the Hebrew Bible) is the central religious text, along with the Talmud and other rabbinic writings.
Messianic Beliefs: Awaits the coming of the Messiah, who has not yet arrived.
Tendencies Towards Violence: Historically, Jews have faced persecution and violence, such as during the Crusades, the Inquisition, and the Holocaust. On the other hand, even within their own texts, it has a history of promoting violence against non-believers seeking their extermination often proclaimed as the commandments of their deity.
Tendencies Towards Ethnocentric Racism: Historically, Jews have, and many still do, promote Jews as a race rather than a religion and proclaims Jews as the chosen race meant to rule over all others as decreed by their deity. This has led, in many cases, to both racism and ethnic cleaning.
Theological Beliefs: Believes in one Deity though it can vary from Trinitarians as One Deity in three persons, the Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Arianism that recognizes Jesus as the Messiah and the Son of God rather than God the Son which is distinct, and whose teachings are recorded in the New Testament and other variations.
Scriptural Authority: The Bible, consisting of the Old Testament (shared with Judaism) and the New Testament, is the central religious text.
Messianic Beliefs: Believes that Jesus is the Messiah who has already come and will return in the future.
Tendencies Towards Violence: Throughout history, Christianity has been associated with violence, such as during the Crusades, the Inquisition, and various religious wars. Some interpretations of Christian teachings have been used to justify violence.
Theological Beliefs: Believes in one Deity Allah and follows the teachings of the Quran. Islam recognizes Jesus as a prophet, not the Son of God, and rejects the concept of the Trinity.
Scriptural Authority: The Quran is the central religious text, supplemented by the Hadith (sayings and actions of the Prophet Muhammad).
Messianic Beliefs: Recognizes Jesus as a prophet and awaits the coming of the Mahdi which means "Guided One," who is a messianic figure who will restore justice and rid the world of evil, presented as an heir of Muhammad, and will appear shortly before the "return" of the Islamic concept of Jesus.
Tendencies Towards Violence: Islam has been associated with violence, such as during the early Islamic conquests, the Crusades, and modern extremist movements. Some interpretations of Islamic teachings have been used to justify violence, ethnic cleaning and racism.
Theological Beliefs: Druwayu recognizes one God and three Goddesses, represented by the concepts of geometry, however, they only express themselves through the Drikeyu as expressed in and through nature and the universe, and because of that they are by definition and quality too remote to form personal relations with.
Scriptural Authority: Druwayu does not have a central religious text but integrates logic, humor, and absurdity into its teachings. In addition, followers/believers are encouraged to create their own writings as long as they follow specific guidelines and could be considered potentially for a future canon.
Messianic Beliefs: Druwayu does not have a messianic belief system.
Ethical Principles: Emphasizes ethical behavior, empathy, and compassion, encouraging followers to contribute positively to society.
Ethnocentric Beliefs: Druwayu rejects racist and ethnocentric doctrines and dogmas as all are welcomed based on their commitment and content of their character and merits only.
Tendencies Towards Violence: There is no recorded case of violence in the name of Druwayu. The religion promotes peaceful coexistence and rejects violence. However, it does encourage self-defense in the face of physical assault and rejects the notion that its believers should be law-abiding victims.
Comparisons with Druwayu:
Theological Beliefs: Unlike the strictly monotheistic beliefs of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, Druwayu recognizes one God and three Goddesses, represented by geometric concepts. This polytheistic element sets Druwayu apart from the Abrahamic religions.
Ethical Principles: Druwayu shares a common emphasis on ethical behavior, empathy, and compassion with Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. However, Druwayu does not have historical associations with violence.
Adaptability: Druwayu critically examines and discards outdated practices, ensuring its rituals and teachings remain relevant and aligned with contemporary values. This adaptability may differ from the traditional and established practices of the Abrahamic religions. This does not mean Druwayu can be whatever you want to pretend it to be or mean or it ceases to be Druwayu.
Commitment to Truth: Druwayu rigorously examines historical narratives and sources, ensuring its teachings are grounded in well-supported facts and genuine insights, similar to the value placed on knowledge and truth in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
Independence from External Influences: Druwayu is not defined by something else and can exist independently of other identities. It already stands on its own, with a unique set of beliefs and practices that do not rely on external influences. In contrast, some forms of Satanism are inherently dependent on the existence of Christianity for their identity and practices.
Only the Ignorant will try and associate Druwayu with Satanism
Druwayu and various forms of Satanism differ significantly in their core beliefs and practices. Druwayu is a modern polytheistic and philosophic religion that emphasizes logic, humor, and absurdity. It promotes ethical behavior, empathy, and compassion, and integrates science and spirituality. Druwayu also recognizes one God and three Goddesses, represented by the concepts of geometry.
On the other hand, Satanism encompasses a range of beliefs and practices, often centered around the figure of Satan as a symbol of individualism, rebellion, and self-indulgence. Some forms of Satanism, such as LaVeyan Satanism, are atheistic and focus on self-empowerment and rational self-interest, while others, like Theistic Satanism, involve the worship of Satan as a deity or 'anti-deity,' though arguably, the founder of the Church of Satan, Anton LaVey, obscured a more theistic belief as a subtext.
In reverse, what influenced my creation and founding of Druwayu has many diverse reasons, though the primary goals can be outlined as:
Modern Adaptation of Ancient Concepts: I aimed to create a religion that drew from and re-evaluated ancient spiritual concepts while adapting them to modern spiritual and social needs.
Integration of Logic, Humor, and Absurdity: I wanted to incorporate these elements into the religion to make it more relatable and engaging for contemporary followers.
Promotion of Ethical Behavior and Personal Responsibility: I emphasized the importance of ethical behavior, empathy, and compassion in Druwayu's teachings.
Rejection of Outdated Practices: I critically examined traditional practices and discarded those that were no longer suitable or relevant, ensuring that any who participate in developing Druwayu's rituals do so in ways that harmonize with the teachings and aligned with reasonable contemporary values.
Comparison of Personal Experience with Unsatisfactory Explanations: I had to come to terms with the fact that some personal experiences do not align with common explanations when all rational scientific deductions and logical, reasonable explanations fail. This is similar to the scientific community's acknowledgment that certain phenomena remain unexplained despite rigorous investigation.
Confronting False History and Unreliable Sources: I had to critically examine and question the accuracy of historical narratives and the reliability of sources. Similar to practices in the scientific community, this involved distinguishing between well-supported facts and misleading or fabricated information. This process required a commitment to seeking truth and a willingness to challenge widely accepted but unverified accounts.
These influences shaped Druwayu into a dynamic and multifaceted religion that embraces both traditional and modern perspectives. By drawing from ancient spiritual concepts and re-evaluating them, Druwayu honors the wisdom and practices of the past while adapting to the evolving spiritual and social needs of the present. This blending of tradition and modernity allows Druwayu to remain relevant and resonant with contemporary and future followers.
Druwayu simply has more strengths than any form of Satanism which is riddled with Weaknesses. For such comparisons the following outline these significant factors that many Satanists likewise find difficult to accept which also expresses their own generalized hypocrisy.
Strengths of Druwayu:
Integration of Logic, Humor, and Absurdity: Druwayu's unique blend of these elements makes it engaging and relatable, fostering a sense of connection and joy in its teachings.
Promotion of Ethical Behavior and Personal Responsibility: Druwayu emphasizes empathy, compassion, and ethical behavior, encouraging followers to contribute positively to society.
Adaptability: Druwayu critically examines and discards outdated practices, ensuring its rituals and teachings remain relevant and aligned with contemporary values.
Openness to Unexplained Phenomena: Druwayu acknowledges the limitations of rational scientific deductions and logical explanations, fostering a sense of wonder and curiosity.
Commitment to Truth: Druwayu rigorously examines historical narratives and sources, ensuring its teachings are grounded in well-supported facts and genuine insights.
Independent Identity: Druwayu is not defined by something else and can exist independently of other identities. It already stands on its own, with a unique set of beliefs and practices that do not rely on having to parody, mock or play off of being the antithesis of other things.
Weaknesses of Satanism:
Focus on Individualism and Self-Interest: Some forms of Satanism, like LaVeyan Satanism, prioritize individualism and self-interest, which can lead to a lack of emphasis on empathy and compassion.
Superficial Expressions: Various forms of Satanism often rely on "creepy aesthetics" and superficial expressions of rebellion, which may be seen as childish and spiritually unfulfilling.
Controversial Imagery: The use of Satanic imagery can play off the paranoia and fears of others, particularly Christians, which may lead to misunderstandings and negative perceptions.
Limited Ethical Framework: Some forms of Satanism may lack a comprehensive ethical framework, focusing more on self-empowerment and rational self-interest rather than promoting broader ethical behavior and responsibility.
Dependency on Christianity: Without Christianity, Satanism wouldn't exist. Satanism often defines itself in opposition to Christian beliefs and symbols, making it inherently dependent on the existence of Christianity for its identity and practices.
The key differences between Druwayu and Satanism include:
Theological Beliefs: Druwayu recognizes a polytheistic framework with one God and three Goddesses, while many forms of Satanism are either atheistic or centered around the worship of Satan.
Ethical Principles: Druwayu emphasizes ethical behavior, empathy, and compassion, whereas some forms of Satanism prioritize individualism and self-interest.
Philosophical Foundations: Druwayu integrates logic, humor, and absurdity into its teachings, while Satanism often focuses on rebellion, self-empowerment, and challenging societal norms.
These fundamental differences make Druwayu incompatible with the various forms of Satanism. Certainly! Here are some specific ways Druwayu is philosophically and spiritually incompatible with various forms of Satanism:
Theological Beliefs:
Druwayu: Recognizes one God and three Goddesses, represented by the concepts of geometry, and also has the concept of three cosmological principles that transcend the natural, scientific, philosophical theological, social and spiritual.
Satanism: Often centers around the figure of Satan, either as a symbol of individualism and rebellion (LaVeyan Satanism) or as a deity (Theistic Satanism), often superficially.
Ethical Principles:
Druwayu: Emphasizes ethical behavior, empathy, and compassion for oneself and others.
Satanism: Some forms, like LaVeyan Satanism, prioritize individualism and self-interest.
Philosophical Foundations:
Druwayu: Integrates logic, humor, and absurdity into its teachings seeking to provide a deeper respect for social harmony, individual autonomy and rights of self-determination.
Satanism: Often focuses on rebellion, self-empowerment, and challenging societal norms.
Spiritual Practices:
Druwayu: Promotes the integration of science and spirituality.
Satanism: May involve rituals and practices centered around the worship of Satan or the pursuit of personal power.
These fundamental differences highlight the philosophical and spiritual incompatibilities between Druwayu and various forms of Satanism. Additionally, Druwayu is based on a deeper understanding of various philosophies, whereas many forms of Satanism rely on superficial expressions and "creepy aesthetics," often leading to an essentially childish, superficial and spiritually dead-end path.
Remember This:
Just remember, Druwayu stands alone. No single culture, theology, or pantheon holds an all-encompassing truth. Truth must be searched for, collected, and adapted. Imposing a single system is futile, as no creation will be universally embraced, reflecting the nature of existence and human character.
Sweeping away all beliefs and claiming people will be happier without them is misguided. New concepts often adopt the same flaws as those they reject. It's better to believe in little than in nothing or too much. An open mind with a facts filter is reasonable, but being too open can lead to losing grasp of reality. Individuals can indoctrinate themselves more easily than being forcefully indoctrinated by others.
Be cautious of those who claim their "religions" are nature-based while imposing unnatural claims. Proofs need not be extraordinary; evidence, facts, and consistency suffice. Even false things can seem true, though they are factually false.
Strive to abide by the laws but recognize not all laws are based on logic or justice. Policies should not override laws, and bad laws should be challenged peacefully, even if met with resistance. This does not mean being a law-abiding victim. Leaders may act without concern for the majority, viewing them as resources. Not questioning leaders results in being a slave to both good and bad ones.
In conclusion:
The world needs you more than you need the world. Yet, because the world needs you is precisely why you should stick around as long as you can if for no other reason than to piss those off who wish you wouldn't. You are valuable and have power to make a change. It doesn't have to be a big one. It carries on even when you don't realize it.
In addition, all will one way or another in life or the last moments of it, come to realize all the material things mean nothing and many will fight over it like scavengers. They are too hung up on hoarding things and will never have enough, will never be happy and will never truly find peace with themselves or the world around them.
All that really matters is to be mindful of the well-being of those we leave behind and to try and leave something about ourselves worth remembering to show we once truly lived and loved and cared about others and the reputation of our name and memory, and above all valued truth and compassion.