Remember, first and foremost we are religion of impersonal truth and demonstrable facts that shape our beliefs, not the other way around. While we embrace the philosophies of logic, humor and absurdity, we do not impose Druwayu upon others and will not allow others to impose themselves upon Druwayu.
As a church that values the separation of religion and politics and therefore stand for the separation of Church and State, we’ve avoided political messaging for the most part, allowing everyone to express their views and present valid points. Speaking up against violent movements, however, and extremist movements and groups, and perpetuation of obvious delusions as normality is not being "disrespectful." It's being honest. Only those who cannot handle such honesty are the ones that "talk fast, yell and demand regulation and control of speech" and fail to recognize controlled and regulated speech is censorship and not freedom of speech."
Furthermore, those to claim such freedom is hate speech and hate speech must be punished without clear definitions what is and isn't "hate speech" or generalize it as "anything that offends someone" have violated freedom of speech and expression through deceptive and misleading language. Hate speech for us is anything that openly and clearly promotes any form of racism or hatred against another person based on their age, color, ancestry (race), nationality, sexual orientation (straight, bi or gay) or their gender (male or female).
Denying these things are realities does not cease to make them realities and replacing them with obvious nonsense is not tolerable. If one does not like another's religion, and cite the reasons, that is fine as long as those reasons are factual and demonstrable, which they are. If a culture in particular continues to use such as a justification of violence EVERYWHERE THEY GO AND GROW IN NUMBER" then there is a problem with that religion and those people, and they should not be tolerated, and both should be removed and banned from one's lands and country and the documents preserved so as to make clear the reason such things cannot be permitted. This is especially true of they use laws to gain leverage and then seek to overthrow the same.
We must stand against distortion of the US Constitution
These are not hearsay arguments. They are clear and specific facts regardless of who tries to use various means of round about manipulation and imposition of laws that go directly against and violate these civil rights and liberties for the whole of the United States and its Territories! We must therefore defend these things as citizens from enemies of it, and this nation, foreign or domestic.
Amendment 1
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
The law is clear that while individuals and groups of people have the freedom to establish/create a religion and their freedom to express/exercise those practices and beliefs, no area of government, town, city, state or the nation, has the right or authority to choose, create and/or impose one upon the whole population.
This also means institutions cannot impose a religion in schools because or with the support of some government mandate but allows churches to create their own private schools because this would and does, once again, violate the separation of church and state.
Freedom of speech is also afforded to both religious and nonreligious people contrary to those who demand only one voice be heard to the silencing and controlled censorship of all others.
The freedom of press means the freedom to report and investigate and to expose violations to inform the public with factual, unsuppressed or one-sided reporting but demands accountability when those sources impose information filters and distort facts and also impose a monopoly or partnership monopolizing information spreading half-truths and whole lies. In short it stands against controlled/regulated/preferential speech.
The right of people to peacefully assemble applies to anything and everything, including religious and nonreligious gatherings or to protest and petition the government to and to correct a wrong and remedy a violation. It does not permit intimidation or acts of terrorism which use violence or the threat of violence to impose a view over all others).
Amendment 2
A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Two-fold in that while it allows states to create standing armies and civil defenses, it also protects the rights of individuals to also own and bear arms to protect themselves, one another and their properties from trespasses and trespassers.
It does not support the systematic disarmament of citizens based on "the kinds of firearms" citizens may own and use as necessary, though many who demand for "gun control" are actually talking about forced disarmament and treating this law and right to self-defense as if it was written when people only had swords and spears when humanity had already developed bonds and cannons. Don't be fooled.
Amendment 4
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
This law has several points also often trespassed on. While the main one is it protects against unlawful search and seizer of a person or their property, it also protects the Indvidual the right to deny entry into their home without a presented warrant. Additional laws ensure that the citizen can also challenge such warrants if they were acquired based on false information/blatant lies and to be given remedy for such trespasses.
This law also applies to religious properties which were also often the targets of sectarian warfare and lawfare where religious sites and buildings were invaded, the people removed, the clergy jailed, both people and clergy fined, punished or executed, and properties seized as more or less war trophies.
Amendment 14
All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
This is protection of citizen rights as Individuals without exception who are born, raised or naturalized as citizens. or given protection within the country, such as allies from enemy nations. It does not permit open borders and unmonitored migrations between countries.
This protection does not protect those who come to this country, fly foreign flags, or engage in acts of violence and destruction within the Union (USA) and overall violate citizen freedoms and liberties by foreign actors and internal traitors serving foreign goals and interests.
Current Concerns
Across the United States, we’re witnessing unprecedented efforts to integrate specific religious teachings into public institutions, particularly schools. While we respect everyone’s right to their religious beliefs, we maintain that public institutions should remain neutral spaces where all beliefs are treated with equal respect.
Recent developments include:
New Jersey decreed Paterson "First Islamic City and Capital of Palestine in America" pushing Sharia law
Oklahoma has mandated Bible studies in public school curricula for grades 5-12
Louisiana now requires Ten Commandments displays in every public-school classroom
Multiple states have passed laws allowing religious chaplains in schools
In the past year, dozens of bills concerning religion in public education were introduced across 30 states
These actions represent a significant shift in how religious content is being integrated into public education, raising important questions about religious freedom and constitutional rights.
The Impact of Your Vote
While our church maintains strict political neutrality, we encourage all members to participate in the democratic process. Every election cycle brings decisions that affect how our society handles religious diversity and maintains the constitutional separation of church and state.
We encourage you to:
Stay informed about local and national policies affecting religious freedom
Read our rules about proper protesting and be prepared to face hostility
Research candidates’ positions on separation of church and state
Exercise your constitutional right to vote
Engage in respectful dialogue about protecting religious neutrality in public spaces
Demand banning identities or institutions that impose themselves and trespass these values
Taking Action
To ensure your voice is heard:
Speak up and don't be silenced
Verify your voter registration status
Get all the facts straight before a debate
Mark your calendar for upcoming elections
Stay informed about local school board and local/city/state council decisions
Carefully read and memorize and examine the whole of the US Constitution for clarity
Communicate with your elected officials about clear violations of the 1st, 2nd, 4th and 14th Amendments
Remain calm in public debates but protect yourself and one another from terrorists (threats/acts of violence)
Our Position
The First Church of Druwayu stands for religious freedom and holds to the principle that no single faith or religion should dominate public institutions, and certainly not city, state or national government which is a direct violation of the 1st, 2nd, 4th, and 14th Amendments. We believe that public spaces as well as towns, cities and states should remain neutral ground where all beliefs and lack of beliefs are respected equally, while at the same time denouncing violent and extremist cults and or religious movements and avoid resorting to their tactics but protect yourself and one another as you must when being threatened. Religious practices and freedoms must remain on private religious properties along with their displays. Never be the first to attack but be the first to defend.
To ensure your voice is heard:
If religion is continued to be forced into and allowed within public institutions, especially those that clearly instruct violence against all and even names specific ones as subject to abuse, humiliation, torture and murder, and imposed upon local and national government, and subsequently the population, we will and must demand that those who impose such things be held accountable and removed and banned for promoting treason and violation of freedom of religion and actual human rights and civil liberties.
We must Stop Gas Lighting and False Education
The claim of discrimination being "always bad" is a fiction imposed to make people dumber and blind to actual problems. To discriminate simply means: Making observations of differences and recognition of incompatibilities.
Racial, Gender, Cultural discrimination is simply recognizing and acknowledging the differences and is not based in hate. We have been conditions, however, to presume "Discrimination" is the unfair or prejudicial treatment of people and groups based on characteristics such as race, gender, age, or sexual orientation is deceptive. They are confusing hate-based biases with discrimination which is not the same thing.
Even the word prejudice has been misrepresented as it simply means prior judgment, making judgments based on commonly held beliefs, laws, and so forth "bad" which they are not. It's not the same as bias which in the most basic sense means "to go against" something. Not all biases are bad either.
Morally and ethically speaking, everyone is equal but not equal in ability. Everyone equally has a right to life. Not everyone is able to accept that. Everyone has a right to defend themselves and the freedom of will. No one has a right to blindly attack others to end their lives and as such their will.
If one denies another of equal rights and liberties based recognized and obvious superficial differences, it is morally and ethically unacceptable. If one denies another freedom to do harm and violence against another "for the sake of their religion or political views" it is justifiable to ban such things and remove the perpetuators from the society and overall coexisting cultures.
Hate is also not all together bad or wrong. Hatred of uncaring, inhumane and violent teachings and movements is justifiable and fighting back when attacked is justifiable. But being punished for defending oneself against being violently physically attacked and their property, livelihoods, friends, family, neighbors and the like are being destroyed and are punished for fighting back to stop it, that is not justice.
Siding with criminals and demanding people to be law abiding victims is intolerable and should neither be tolerated or respected. But that is not what most of us are bombarded with and instead a warfare of mind and indoctrination to be compliant cowards.
Censoring people who speak and express different opinions as "hate speech" is itself oppression and tyranny and promotes a perpetual victim vs. oppressor tribalism rather than collective scrutiny and cooperation. Forced segregation into "social sectors" based on anything also compartmentalizes everything to reinforce lack of cooperation and mutual integration with excessive separatist nonsense.
Nationalism being equated with Racism is also common and relatively modern pitched example of nonsense through controlled mainstream media. Nationality has nothing to do with their genetic makeup. It's purely based on where you were born and raised. Nothing more and nothing less, so stop embracing the nonsense. It has everything to do with being proud of and defending the rights afforded to those as citizens, born, raised or naturalized, for the freedoms we have and requires us all regardless of our differences to collectively and mutually defend those freedoms against those who promote anything that is incompatible with these shared common values which in fact DOES make America, in that regards the great of nations, despite its imperfections.
Regulated action, speech, tribalism and nepotism outside of shared freedoms are enemies of freedom and proper equality and silences both objections and objectors. One has every right to disagree and refuse to participate in specific ideas, actions or reject claims or to agree with them. None have a right to impose their own claims over everyone and must be grounded in the values maintained and protected in the United States of America Bill of Rights. We need to stop allowing such prevalent distortions continue and twist things into false narratives.
Educate yourself when education turns to forced indoctrination:
Do not be a pawn of others manipulation. They are many and have weaseled their ways into too many key areas of problem and private life, and they are not your allies or friends. Education has heavily slipped into forced indoctrinations derived more out of Marxism and willful ignorance and forced shutdowns of important things such as encouraging debate, discussion, comprehension, and the pros and cons of various philosophies, and often claim things as sciences that are not scientific but manipulative psychological abuse and social engineering (calling such things progressive when they are regressive).
I am not afraid to state these things and neither should you. I am biased when it comes to freedom vs. dictatorship. I am biased when it comes to observational reality as objective impersonal truth vs. personal truth which is arbitrary opinion and assumption. Those who try and impose themselves on me I will resist. Those who I do not who have different opinions; I have the freedom to listen to or ignore. They do not have the right to force me to listen. I can respect their right to speech what they will and defend it even if I do not tolerate what they speak of. If they promote violence as religious freedom, I will fight back against them and their religion that commands violence.