Over the time and history of online sites, many of the old intolerant online communities often self identified as pagan, heathen and occult, along wit the temporary popularity of various worn out parody movements after their few years of fame shame ends, we continue to to thrive even though our numbers are otherwise very few, and we are fine with that. We do not cater to the majority anyways as this is more specific for those who may haven a legitimate interest in Druwayu and something with more staying power.
a few of the old popular ones included such as so called WitchVox (now long dead) and PaganSpace which has more or less been trying to revamp itself from its previous and similar failings but hasn't purged itself of such as anti-newb" and alternative view points, and certainly hostile to anything that has actual backed up historical merit, even though it is presented to being more open and tolerant (they are not so tolerant or open as they claim in reality). This has left an opening in so called Pagan cyberspace. There are many assorted so called Heathen and Occult sites that have suffered the same major fold up and demise. Most of them tend to also be very childish and suffer from stunted development in cognitive abilities.
One part is we don't parody anyone else.
Any mockery we do is based on poking fun at old stereotypes about such as our clergy titles.
If it offends some we do not let or allow such complainers, we don't drop everything and cater only to them.
We welcome new information if the information is provable, demonstrable and not a rehash of old fallacies.
We do not welcome those trying to create controversy where there is none.
We also, unlike most social networking sites, do not rely on advertising and selling data.
We don't share member data to or with advertisers and we do not direct Druwayu at minors (persons under 18).
Striving not to direct anything at minors we also eliminate a lot of silly nonsense and childish behaviors.
They function by claim as more an honor system (with little actual honor) rather than as a monitored system meaning if there is a problem there is no one to help at all if ever, to remove the trouble makers.
They demand everyone abides by their assorted terms of service and policies only to then selectively enforce them and not honor the majority of those things themselves.
If one member decides not to like you, they get you kicked off for no reason and with no proof and no warning as to what the problem is so you can make efforts to correct the error or choose to leave on your own.
They claim to not sell end user data to other third parties, however, they fail to also keep this word or inform people that such data can still get sold when someone on their site uses third party vendor sites and services.
They dont seek to validate or check into to make sure such modding activities are based in anti-newbie membership attitudes which is also very childish and hampers any ability to make and maintain friendships and even ignore evidence of a person on their sites lying about you and others betraying their biases and bigotry.
They provide options to file complaints or grievances but in reality they tend to only have those things there to create an illusion of integrity when in reality they ignore such submissions, and if they have moderators (paid or volunteer) they do not review their moderator activities that violate their policies also.
This list can become extremely large, however, this should suffice as the main points to consider. Now, if such were simply honest they number of members on their larger networks is more than they can actually handle and were just honest about it, reasonable reduction of expectations can be maintained, however, they also need to abide by their own terms and policies.