Druwayu can be called an emerging spiritual and new religious movement Druwayu is a spiritual tradition that presents a fascinating departure from conventional categories of belief, namely monotheism, polytheism, paganism, and heathenry. While many spiritual and religious traditions around the world can be classified within these broad categories, Druwayu embodies a unique synthesis that stands apart. Druwayu is more fluid and open-ended while also having an essential hierarchal structure of clergy.
Monotheism is characterized by the belief in a single, all-powerful, and transcendent deity. Major world religions such as and Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are rooted in monotheistic principles, where there is only one Deity variously known as El, Theos and Allah, and later named God, as the supreme and sole divine entity. Polytheism, on the other hand, encompasses the belief in multiple deities, each possessing distinct attributes, functions, and domains. Examples of polytheistic traditions include Hinduism, ancient Greek and Roman religions, and certain forms of indigenous spirituality.
Druwayu diverges from both monotheism and polytheism in significant ways. While it recognizes the presence of a transcendent God, it also acknowledges the existence of three transcendent Goddesses. This creates a harmonious blend that is neither strictly monotheistic nor polytheistic. The emphasis on a harmony rather than rigid balance between masculine and feminine sets Druwayu apart from traditional monotheistic and polytheistic paradigms and various occult philosophies. It's openness to actual sciences rather than things that simply sound "science like" is another significant distinction in Druwayu.
Paganism is an umbrella term that encompasses a wide range of polytheistic and allegedly nature-based spiritual traditions, at least on the surface, often with claimed roots in pre-Christian Europe, though this has been shown many times before to be fictitious. Heathenry, often considered a subset of paganism, specifically refers to the revival of ancient Germanic and Norse religions and in some cases proclaimed Slavic ones. However, most the sources resort to pseudo-history, pseudo-archaeology, and pseudo-linguistics, and filling in the gaps of information with mysticism and occultism barrowed from elsewhere or simply invented and are known frauds and hoaxes yet still promoted ss if such things are authentic to what they claim to represent.
While Druwayu shares some similarities with paganism and heathenry, such as a respect for nature and the inclusion of multiple divine figures, it is not synonymous with these traditions and Druwayu steers clear of pseudo-history, pseudo-archaeology, and pseudo-linguistics, yet also challenges many claimed things that have been simply accepted at face value without challenge often for a couple of centuries or more.
The same are notorious for claiming to have nothing to do with Satanism while having clear connections to and participation with various forms of Satanism. They are also often riddled with drawing from predominately Christian sources for content while claiming pre-Christian origins that are known to be fraudulent and used to perpetuate the very bigotry they claim to be condemning and state as a "justification" for why they embraced these alternatives which betrays both deceit and hypocrisy.
These and other nonsense and often extremist views perpetuated is not part of the foundations of Druwayu. Everything is straightforward and specific. Druwayu's unique theological structure, which integrates one transcendent God and three transcendent Goddesses, distinguishes it from the more diverse and often deity-specific practices found in pagan and heathen, as well as other polytheistic paths. Additionally, Druwayu's emphasis on harmony rather than rigid balance, and unity rather than decentralization within its framework differs from the often segmented and non-hierarchical nature of pagan and heathen pantheons or those who push a more or less "anything goes" mentality which is known to have not been part of the cultures such tend to masquerade as. in other words, Druwayu isn't "whatever you want it to be."
In Conclusion
Druwayu represents a distinctive spiritual path that has been carefully considered and compiled in such a way that it transcends the conventional boundaries of monotheism, polytheism, paganism, and heathenry. By neither imposing itself upon nor allowing itself to be imposed upon, it maintains its distinctions without sinking into extremism which is not tolerated. By recognizing both a transcendent God and three transcendent Goddesses, Druwayu offers a harmonious and integrative approach to the concepts of the holy, sacred and divine.
Its unique theological structure sets it apart from the more rigid frameworks of monotheism and some forms of polytheism, while its specific theological and philosophic foundations and concepts differentiates it from the diverse practices of paganism and heathenry. Druwayu's innovative synthesis of these elements that were not compiled haphazardly, but rather being cautious to focus on the complimentary, rather than the irreconcilable, creates a spiritual tradition that is truly its own.