General Discussion
Why We will not Submit to things like Islam
Normally I would not have composed this. However, I must make it clear. Ideologies like Islam—with its relentless demands for submission, its Sharia chains, and its conquest etched in blood—Druans will never bend, never break, never submit. Though Druwayu is predominately passive, it should never be underestimated; nor should Druans.
Druwayu stands not as a hollow creed confined to pages, but as a fierce flame burning in the hearts and minds of its people. Beyond written words, it thrives as a living force—unshackled, defiant, eternal—carried forward by those who choose freedom over fear, merit over mandates, and coexistence over domination. Islam will never allow it.
Druans reject the yoke of any tyrant regardless the source, be it cloaked in scripture or satire, and pledge their souls to a path that bows to no master but their own. And even though some things about Druwayu is naturally and fundamentally opposed to Judaism and Christianity, we will ally ourselves with those who reject tyrannical and despotic regimes, externally or internally, and after which return to living life as we choose to do so troubling no others nor wishing to be troubled.
1. It is not compatible with Islam's Quranic Surah 9:29 to subjugate others.
2. It is incompatible with Surah 8:39 drive to dominate until “religion is all for Allah.”
3. Its legacy—death for apostasy (Surah 4:89), or cultural annihilation from Persia to Spain is another factor.
4. Druans spurn its call for blind reverence and it's (any anything else that decrees) submit-or-die dictate.
This scorn extends to all domineering creeds:
1. Marxist purges,
2. Jihadist spawn like ISIS,
3. Parody religions masking coercion in jest.
4. Scientology’s legal thuggery.
5. Mock cults demanding loyalty with a smirk share the same rot: power cloaked as principle.
6. Claiming this rejection is in any way racist is another example of gas lighting and cowardice of those who would make such a claim: Those we will mock and laugh at and give no tolerance to that narcissism.
As a new religious movement (NRM), Druwayu is intended to be a shield for those who in their place through honest efforts while it swings its own relentless blade against any force choking basic human dignities, personal and shared freedoms or anything else that would seek to choke out these rights with various "mandates." On the same note, by the words and statements of its texts and followers, coexistence with Islam is delusional.
1. Islam and specifically it's devout Muslims see yielding as weakness, and acceptance as submission.
2. Druans are not a people that break so easily, alone or in groups.
3. Respect is earned and a prize to be fought for and cherished when rewarded.
4. Respect is not a "tithe" paid in coin or blood, and Druans are the type of people will battle to the bitter end to stand against such tyranny.
5. That is the distinction of being members of a culture and surrounding societies without being a compliant law-abiding victim.
Expel Islam. Outlaw Sharia Law.
“Islamophobia” is a weaponized term, pure gaslighting designed to silence dissent and manipulate the gullible. It’s not a diagnosis of irrational fear—it’s a cudgel to smear anyone who dares call out Islam’s aggression for what it is.
The label flips reality: Instead of addressing the verifiable pattern of conquest, violence, and intolerance baked into Islamic doctrine and history, advocates accuse observers of bigotry. It’s a psychological trick—make people doubt their own eyes, feel guilt for stating the obvious, and shut up rather than confront the threat. I cannot submit to that and wont.
The term assumes criticism of Islam is inherently unjustified, as if its actions and aims are beyond reproach. But when Muslims themselves boast about outbreeding native populations, imposing Sharia, and eradicating other faiths—often with blood on their hands—pointing that out isn’t “phobia”; it’s survival instinct. “Islamophobia” demands you ignore the bombings, the beheadings, the honor killings, the desecrated churches, and the displaced communities—all in the name of tolerance. It’s a con to paralyze resistance while the takeover creeps forward.
While it is older than Marxism, it has mutated into something else, a horrific tool of mass genocide. It should be no surprise either that many Marxists also embrace Islam seeing the twisted philosophy and Marxism as complimentary. While many will deny this which is their habit, reality confronts the denial with the following examples that makes clear it's not a fiction or fraudulent statement. Here are some notable individuals who have been identified as both Marxists and Muslims, based on their public actions, writings, or affiliations. These examples illustrate how some have sought to reconcile or blend Islamic beliefs with Marxist ideology, often focusing on social justice, anti-imperialism, or revolutionary ideals:
Ali Shariati (1933–1977)
An Iranian sociologist and revolutionary thinker, Shariati is one of the most prominent figures associated with Islamic Marxism. He combined Marxist concepts like class struggle and anti-capitalism with a radical reinterpretation of Shia Islam, emphasizing liberation and justice. His works, such as Marxism and Other Western Fallacies, critiqued orthodox Marxism while adapting its revolutionary framework to an Islamic context. Shariati played a key role in inspiring the ideological groundwork for the 1979 Iranian Revolution, appealing to both religious and leftist factions.
Haji Misbach (1876–1926)
An Indonesian Islamic scholar and communist activist, Misbach, also known as Haji Merah (Red Haji), argued that Islam and communism were compatible due to their shared emphasis on equality and opposition to oppression. He was a member of the Sarekat Islam and later joined the Communist Party of Indonesia (PKI). In his 1925 pamphlet Islamism and Communism, he urged Muslim communists to see the two ideologies as complementary, citing Islamic principles of social justice alongside Marxist anti-capitalist ideals.
Tan Malaka (1897–1949)
An Indonesian revolutionary and Marxist, Tan Malaka was a key figure in Indonesia’s independence struggle and a prominent member of the PKI. While not overtly religious in his public persona, he grew up in a Muslim family and later argued that Islam could unify the working classes across the Muslim world in a revolutionary struggle. He blended Marxist class analysis with Islamic rhetoric, influencing Sukarno’s later synthesis of socialism and religion in concepts like Nasakom (Nationalism, Religion, Communism).
Muhammad Ma Jian (1906–1978)
A Hui Chinese Islamic scholar and member of the Chinese Communist Party, Ma Jian is known for translating the Qur’an into Chinese. He stressed the compatibility of Marxism and Islam, particularly in their mutual focus on community welfare and resistance to exploitation. His work reflects an effort to align Marxist materialism with Islamic ethics, serving as a bridge between the two in the context of Communist China’s policies toward its Muslim minorities.
Mirsaid Sultan-Galiev (1892–1940)
A Tatar Bolshevik and Muslim intellectual, Sultan-Galiev joined the Russian Communist Party in 1917 and became a leading figure in the Muslim Commissariat. He advocated for a synthesis of Marxism and Islamic national liberation, arguing that Muslim peoples in the East were inherently anti-imperialist and revolutionary. His ideas influenced later Third World Marxist movements, though he was eventually purged by Stalin for his “nationalist” deviations.
Worse, it’s a tool of the same leftist playbook that props up Marxism.
Both rely on flipping the script: oppressors become victims, truth becomes hate, and self-defense becomes prejudice. By branding scrutiny of Islam as a mental defect, they shield it from accountability, letting it metastasize under the cover of “diversity.” It’s not about protecting feelings—it’s about protecting power. Call it what it is: a lie to keep you docile while your world burns.”
Islam isn’t a religion of peace—it’s a doctrine of conquest. This isn’t about “misunderstanding”; it’s about domination and displacement, plain and simple. Muslims openly declare their intent: seize women, multiply rapidly, indoctrinate their children in Islam, and slaughter anyone—even their own kin—who follows a different path. Their strategy is clear—outbreed, overrun, and dismantle nations from within. Once they’ve hollowed out a society, they turn on each other. Even the dead find no rest, their graves desecrated under Islamic rule. You’re not obligated to tolerate this so-called “religion.” Only the naive or willfully blind ignore the truth. Freedom of religion doesn’t mean freedom to wage conquest, destruction, terrorism, and murder.
• Every nation faces this same existential threat—Islam’s spread is the core crisis, obscured by lesser conflicts.
• It aligns lockstep with Marxism: both are totalitarian ideologies bent on erasing individual liberty, cultural identity, and human dignity.
• Islam’s relentless expansion mirrors Marxism’s class warfare—replace economic upheaval with demographic invasion, and the goal remains the same: subjugate and homogenize.
• Together, they form a dual assault on humanity, exploiting tolerance to strangle freedom.
• This isn’t just a regional problem—it’s a global emergency. Ignoring it doesn’t make it less real; it just makes you complicit.
Dominance through Breeding and Leveraging Influence
Several Muslims have, over the years, openly articulated a strategy centered on population growth through reproduction, framing it as a means to expand influence or dominance, independent of "far right" or "far left" ideological lenses. This perspective emerges from statements that present breeding as a deliberate tactic, often tied to religious or cultural imperatives, rather than a partisan political narrative. In fact, it's common for such to also use the same gaslighting tactics to perpetuate the "far right" or "far left" claim as a distraction.
1. In 2015, a Palestinian preacher, Sheikh Muhammad Ayed, speaking at Jerusalem’s al-Aqsa Mosque, urged Muslims to migrate to Europe and "breed children" with Europeans, proclaiming, "We will conquer their countries." He positioned this as a response to Europe’s declining fertility rates, suggesting Muslims could leverage demographics to assert control, independent of leftist or right-wing framing. Similarly, historical figures like Muammar Gaddafi, the late Libyan leader, reportedly predicted in 2006 that Muslims would "conquer Europe without firing a shot" through migration and high birth rates, a statement emphasizing sheer numbers over ideology.
2. Mohamed Elmouelhy, the former president of the Halal Certification Authority in Australia stated in July 2017, in a comment on Facebook that Australian women needed Muslim men to "fertilize them and keep them surrounded by Muslim babies," citing a study on declining sperm counts in Western men.
3. He predicted the "white race" in Australia would be extinct in 40 years due to this demographic shift. This would make the "estimated year" 2057 which is also echoed in several Muslim communities driven by twisted racist ideologies while also veiling what is more or less "racial and ethnic cleansing" and World Domination of Islam by 2060.
4. Sheikh Muhammad Ayed, a Palestinian preacher, who in 2015 at al-Aqsa Mosque urged Muslims to migrate to Europe and "breed children" with Europeans to "conquer their countries."
5. Muammar Gaddafi, the late Libyan leader, who in 2006 predicted Muslims would take over Europe "without firing a shot" through migration and high birth rates, a statement documented in various news archives.
6. The Islamic State’s propaganda, such as in its 2014 Dabiq magazine, encouraged followers to multiply and raise children as "soldiers of Allah" to outnumber others, though it focused on consolidating its own territory rather than targeting specific nations for migration.
These examples involve specific individuals, not anonymous claims. They reflect a conquest mindset, while defenders might see them as exaggerated or misinterpreted calls for cultural preservation. Elmouelhy in Australia, Ayed in Jerusalem, and Gaddafi globally, indicating this rhetoric isn’t confined to one region. They exist outside the usual claimed partisan boxes, grounded instead in a distinct worldview.
1. Reproduction as a tool for influence, rooted in some interpretations of Islamic duty—such as hadiths encouraging marrying fertile women to "outnumber" others—rather than alignment with Western political spectrums. While not representative of all Muslims, and often amplified by fringe or extremist voices, these statements fuel debates about intent, transcending typical left-right divides.
2. Some extremist voices have framed migration as a means of expanding Islamic influence. For instance, in 2015, the Islamic State (ISIS) published articles in its Dabiq magazine, such as "The Flood" (Issue 2), encouraging Muslims to migrate to its self-proclaimed caliphate in Syria and Iraq, not to Western countries, with the intent to consolidate power and outnumber local populations through rapid growth.
3. While not targeting specific Western nations for migration, ISIS rhetoric implied a broader goal of demographic dominance, stating, "The Muslims will be fruitful and multiply… until the earth is filled with the soldiers of Allah." This aligns with the idea of raising children in their version of Islam but lacks explicit mention of targeting women or specific countries outside their territory. The denial that this includes migration to Western Countries is willful ignorance.
Violence Against Kin and Sectarian Rivals
Sectarian violence within Islam, particularly between Sunni and Shia groups, has led to explicit calls for killing kin over doctrinal differences. The Islamic State’s 2014 "Declaration of the Caliphate" by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi labeled Shia Muslims as "Rafidah" (rejectionists) and apostates, urging their slaughter: "Strike their necks… for they are the enemies of Allah, even if they be your brothers or sons."
1. This reflects willingness to murder kin for adhering to a different sect, as seen in ISIS attacks on Shia communities in Iraq, like the 2016 Baghdad bombings killing over 300, mostly Shia civilians.
2. Historical examples include the 7th-century Kharijites, an early Islamic sect that declared other Muslims apostates for minor deviations, justifying their killing.
3. The assassination of Caliph Ali in 661 CE by a Kharijite exemplifies this intra-Muslim violence, though it predates modern migration narratives.
4. Once external rivals weaken, intra-Muslim conflict often emerges. After ISIS lost territory in 2017–2019, clashes with Al-Qaeda affiliates in Syria intensified, with each accusing the other of apostasy.
5. Al-Qaeda’s Ayman al-Zawahiri in 2015 called ISIS "deviants," urging their destruction. Historically, the Abbasid Revolution (750 CE) saw Muslims overthrow the Umayyad Caliphate, followed by purges of former allies, reflecting internal rivalry post-conquest.
Enslavement and Abuse of Jews, Christians, and Others
ISIS explicitly promoted enslavement of non-Muslims, particularly "People of the Book" (Jews and Christians), and others deemed infidels. In 2014, their pamphlet "Questions and Answers on Taking Captives and Slaves" justified enslaving Yazidi women in Iraq, stating, "It is permissible to take non-Muslim women as concubines… their offspring will follow the religion of their masters."
1. Over 3,000 Yazidi women were enslaved, raped, and forcibly converted, per UN reports, with some children raised as Muslims. While Yazidis aren’t "People of the Book" in strict theology, ISIS rhetoric extended this to Jews and Christians, citing Quranic verses like Surah 9:29 to "fight those who do not believe" until they pay jizya (tax) or submit.
Historically, the Umayyad Caliphate (7th–8th centuries) enslaved Christians and Jews during conquests in Spain and North Africa, though this was more about power than a stated religious goal of mass enslavement. Ottoman devshirme practices (14th–17th centuries) forcibly took Christian boys, converted them to Islam, and raised them as Janissaries, aligning with displacement and forced assimilation.
The Taliban’s 2001 destruction of the Bamiyan Buddhas in Afghanistan exemplifies intent to eradicate rival cultures, with Mullah Omar stating, "These idols are an affront to Islam… we will destroy them." ISIS similarly demolished Christian churches and Assyrian artifacts in Syria and Iraq (2014–2017), aiming to displace non-Islamic heritage, per their Dabiq manifesto: "We will erase the traces of disbelief."
1. It's even essential to the lore of Vlad Dracula Vlad Dracula, also known as Vlad the Impaler, never converted to Islam despite Ottoman efforts. His younger brother, Radu, however, converted to Islam and was allowed into the Ottoman royal court and would eventually meet again as enemies (real history rather than fiction).
2. Early Islamic conquests, like the 636 CE Battle of Yarmouk, displaced Byzantine Christian rule in the Levant, though this was strategic, not a stated demographic plan.
3. Modern extremist rhetoric occasionally echoes this, as in a 2016 ISIS video threatening, "We will conquer Rome and break your crosses."
4. As suppressed history, its well documented that once dominantly Christian territories, for example, along with other, more native and indigenous populations were overwhelmed, enslaved and many annihilated. Part of it did, in fact, spark "The Crusades."
Advocacy of Rape and Pedophilia
Extremist groups like ISIS have justified sexual violence, including against minors, under their interpretation of Sharia Law. The 2014 enslavement of Yazidi girls as young as nine, documented by Human Rights Watch, was framed as permissible based on hadiths allowing concubinage with captives.
1. An ISIS fighter in a 2015 video boasted, "We take their women and girls; it is our right," reflecting a deliberate policy of rape. Mainstream Islamic scholars, like Egypt’s Grand Mufti Ali Gomaa, condemned this as a distortion, citing Quranic prohibitions on coercion (e.g., Surah 2:256).
Historically, claims of pedophilia tie to debates over Muhammad’s marriage to Aisha, reported in hadiths (e.g., Sahih Bukhari 7:62:88) as consummated at age eight or nine. While this is a point of contention, no contemporary Muslim leaders cite it to advocate pedophilia as a goal openly, though as shown in the previous, it is indeed advocated which demonstrates examples of Muslim leaders publicly denouncing such things, while later being caught advocating them, and only when backed into a corner, as it were, admit it, proclaim it, and do so proudly. Its cited also in the Quran and Sharia Law, that lying is also a necessary means to "establishing Allah's global empire."
Incompatibility with Western Culture
Western culture, built on Greco-Roman, Judeo-Christian, and Enlightenment foundations, prioritizes individual liberty, secular governance, and pluralistic tolerance. Islam, in its traditional and scriptural form (e.g., Quran and Hadith), demands submission to a theocratic framework that rejects these pillars:
Supremacy of Sharia Law
The Quran (e.g., Surah 5:44-45) and Hadith (e.g., Sahih Muslim 1718) mandate Sharia as divine law, superseding all human-made systems. Sharia’s punishments—stoning for adultery, amputation for theft, death for apostasy—clash with Western legal norms like due process and human rights, as codified in documents like the U.S. Constitution or the European Convention on Human Rights. In 2013, the Pew Research Center found 86% of Muslims in Pakistan and 74% in Egypt favored Sharia as the official law, including corporal penalties, showing its non-negotiable status for many adherents. Western secularism, which separates church and state, cannot coexist with a system that insists on divine sovereignty over all aspects of life.
Rejection of Religious Pluralism
Islam’s doctrine of tawhid (absolute monotheism) and its view of non-Muslims as either converts, subjugated (e.g., dhimmis under Surah 9:29), or enemies (e.g., Surah 9:5, the "Verse of the Sword") undermine Western ideals of equal coexistence. Historically, the Pact of Umar (7th century) imposed second-class status on Christians and Jews under Muslim rule—banned from proselytizing, building churches, or holding authority over Muslims. Contrast this with the U.S. First Amendment or Europe’s freedom of religion: Islam’s intolerance of "false" faiths, as seen in Saudi Arabia’s ban on churches today, can’t bend to Western multiculturalism without abandoning its core.
Gender and Social Norms
Western culture increasingly champions gender equality between men and women as well as personal autonomy, yet Quranic verses (e.g., Surah 4:34, allowing men to "strike" disobedient wives) and practices like polygamy (Surah 4:3) enshrine male dominance. The 2016 Cologne New Year’s Eve assaults, where over 1,200 women were attacked by predominantly Muslim migrants, were defended by some imams (e.g., Cologne’s Sami Abu-Yusuf) as provoked by "immodest dress," revealing a cultural chasm. Western feminism and Islam’s patriarchal framework are oil and water—efforts to reconcile them require ignoring foundational texts.
Conquest Mentality
Islam’s historical spread—e.g., the Arab conquests (632–750 CE) or Ottoman expansion (1299–1922)—and modern jihadist rhetoric (e.g., ISIS’s 2014 caliphate declaration) frame it as a mission to dominate, not assimilate. The Quran’s call to "fight until religion is all for Allah" (Surah 8:39) clashes with Western ideals of peaceful coexistence. Europe’s current migrant crisis, with figures like Mohamed Elmouelhy (2017) boasting of outbreeding locals, echoes this, rejecting integration for replacement.
Incompatibility with Eastern Culture
Eastern cultures—spanning Hindu, Buddhist, Confucian, and indigenous traditions—emphasize harmony, cyclical worldviews, or polytheistic flexibility, which Islam’s rigid monotheism and linear eschatology flatly contradict:
Monotheistic Exclusivity vs. Polytheistic Harmony
Hinduism and Buddhism embrace multiple deities or no deity, fostering coexistence (e.g., India’s syncretic history). Islam’s shirk (polytheism) as the unforgivable sin (Surah 4:48) led to the destruction of Hindu temples during Mughal rule (e.g., Babur’s demolition of the Ram Mandir in 1528) and the Taliban’s 2001 obliteration of the Bamiyan Buddhas. This intolerance—evident in Pakistan’s blasphemy laws today, where Christians and Hindus face death for "insulting Islam"—rejects Eastern pluralism outright.
Theocratic Control vs. Secular or Ethical Governance
Confucianism and secular Eastern systems (e.g., Japan’s Shinto-influenced state) prioritize societal harmony or ethical conduct over divine law. Sharia’s insistence on total obedience to Allah’s will, as seen in Iran’s 1979 revolution enforcing Islamic governance, bulldozes these traditions. The 1947 partition of India, driven by Muslim League demands for an Islamic state, killed millions and displaced Hindu and Sikh cultures, showing Islam’s refusal to coexist as a minority faith.
Subjugation of Non-Muslims
Eastern cultures often absorbed foreign influences (e.g., Buddhism’s spread in China). Islam, however, imposes dhimmitude or conversion on others, as in Indonesia’s Aceh province, where Sharia today restricts Buddhist and Christian practices. The 13th-century Delhi Sultanate enslaved Hindus en masse, per historian K.S. Lal’s estimates (up to 180,000 in one campaign), reflecting a pattern of displacement incompatible with Eastern adaptability.
Eschatological Aggression
Islam’s end-times vision—global submission to Allah (e.g., Sahih Muslim 2922)—contrasts with Buddhism’s non-aggressive nirvana or Hinduism’s cyclical renewal. Jihadist groups like Boko Haram, kidnapping Nigerian Christian girls in 2014 to "breed out" rivals, embody this clash, rejecting Eastern philosophies of balance for apocalyptic dominance.
Why It Won’t Adapt
Islam’s incompatibility isn’t just theoretical—it’s self-enforced.
The doctrine of abrogation (later verses like Surah 9:5 overriding earlier peaceful ones like Surah 2:256) and the finality of Muhammad’s prophethood (Surah 33:40) lock its texts and laws as unchangeable. Reformers like Egypt’s Muhammad Abduh (d. 1905) faced exile or death for suggesting reinterpretation.
The 1989 fatwa against Salman Rushdie for The Satanic Verses shows this rigidity persists—any deviation is apostasy, punishable by death (Sahih Bukhari 9:83:17). Western and Eastern cultures evolve; Islam’s claim to eternal truth forbids it.
1. This isn’t about people individuals, many of whom live peacefully in diverse societies (at least for a time till their numbers grow which is a consistent pattern rather than assumption).
2. It’s about the ideology’s non-negotiable demands—Sharia, supremacy, submission—crashing against cultures valuing freedom, pluralism, or harmony.
3. History and current events, from Spain’s Reconquista to Syria’s civil war, to the more recent examples of violent and mass murders, show coexistence is temporary. Where Islam gains power, it removes and remakes, co-exists. Compatibility would require dismantling its essence, which it won’t allow and frankly cannot do, or it wouldn't be Islam anymore.
Here’s an analysis of how Islam, specifically its doctrinal principles and the actions of some adherents, can conflict with the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and violate U.S. laws. This focuses on the ideology’s core tenets as found in Islamic texts (Quran, Hadith, Sharia) and observable behaviors, not the practices of all Muslims, many of whom adapt to American legal norms.
The First Amendment protects freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition, while U.S. laws enforce secular governance and individual rights—Islam’s traditional framework and certain actions by its followers can directly undermine these, and in fact, we find it is also more often, than any others, that Muslim Marxists repeatedly attack and seek the dismantling of the US Constitution, which cannot be allowed. Of course, they demand for it only when it favors themselves. Cowards submit to such gas lighting nonsense.
First Amendment Violations
The First Amendment states: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." Islam’s doctrines and actions by some adherents clash with these protections in several ways:
1. Establishment Clause: Sharia as Supreme Law
• Doctrine: Islam mandates Sharia (Islamic law) as divine and superior to all human laws, per Quran 5:44 ("Whoever does not judge by what Allah has revealed—those are the disbelievers") and Hadith like Sahih Muslim 1718. Sharia governs all aspects of life—personal, legal, political—leaving no room for secular authority.
• Conflict: The First Amendment prohibits establishing any religion as state law. Efforts to implement Sharia in the U.S., even partially, violate this. For example, in 2011, Oklahoma voters passed a ballot measure (State Question 755) banning Sharia in courts after concerns arose over its use in family law disputes among Muslim communities. CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) challenged this, arguing it infringed on religious freedom, but courts upheld the ban, citing the Establishment Clause. Sharia’s theocratic nature inherently seeks to override the U.S. Constitution, contradicting the secular framework.
2. Free Exercise Clause: Suppression of Other Religions
• Doctrine: Quran 9:29 commands Muslims to "fight those who do not believe in Allah… from among the People of the Book, until they pay the jizya with willing submission," imposing subjugation on non-Muslims. Historically, the Pact of Umar (7th century) barred Christians and Jews from proselytizing or building new places of worship under Muslim rule.
• Conflict: This clashes with the right to freely exercise religion. In the U.S., groups like the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) have faced scrutiny for promoting materials (e.g., 2010 handbooks citing Sharia penalties for apostasy) that imply limits on religious freedom. If acted upon, such doctrines would deny Christians, Jews, or others the right to practice or spread their faith—unconstitutional under the First Amendment. The 1993 Religious Freedom Restoration Act reinforces this protection, which Sharia’s exclusivity would nullify.
3. Freedom of Speech: Blasphemy Laws
• Doctrine: Islam prohibits blasphemy against Allah or Muhammad, with death as the traditional penalty (Sahih Bukhari 9:83:17). The 1989 fatwa against Salman Rushdie for The Satanic Verses exemplifies this, issued by Iran’s Ayatollah Khomeini and supported by many Muslim leaders globally.
• Conflict: U.S. free speech, upheld in cases like Texas v. Johnson (1989) on flag burning, protects offensive expression. In 2012, Nakoula Basseley Nakoula’s anti-Islam film Innocence of Muslims sparked riots abroad, and some U.S.-based Muslim activists (e.g., Imam Zaid Shakir) called for legal limits on such speech, citing Islamic norms. Enforcing blasphemy prohibitions—whether through violence or lobbying—violates the First Amendment. Threats against cartoonists like Molly Norris (2010, forced into hiding after "Draw Muhammad Day") show this intolerance in action, directly attacking free expression.
4. Freedom of the Press and Assembly
• Doctrine: Sharia restricts criticism of Islam, as seen in Quran 5:33, prescribing punishment for those who "wage war against Allah and His Messenger" (interpreted to include dissent).
• Conflict: This stifles freedom of the press and rights to peaceful assembly. In 2015, the Curtis Culwell Center attack in Texas—where two gunmen targeted a "Draw Muhammad" event hosted by Pamela Geller—aimed to silence speech and assembly critical of Islam. The attackers, Elton Simpson and Nadir Soofi, were U.S. citizens inspired by ISIS, showing how Islamic ideology can drive actions against First Amendment rights.
Actions Breaking U.S. Laws which allow the Banning of Islamic Texts such as Quran, Hadith, Sharia and promotion of its Religion within the United States for the protection of its citizens and on the grounds, it is directly opposed and openly promoted as opposed to US Laws and The Constitution, and can rightfully be deemed a Destructive, Terrorism Driven Cult.
Beyond doctrinal conflicts, specific actions by some Muslims, motivated by Islamic principles, violate U.S. legal codes:
1. Honor Killings and Violence Against Apostates (Murder, 18 U.S.C. § 1111)
• Sharia permits killing apostates (Sahih Bukhari 4:52:260) and allows male guardians to punish disobedient women (Quran 4:34). In the U.S., honor killings like the 2009 case of Noor Almaleki, run over by her Iraqi Muslim father in Arizona for being "too Westernized," reflect this. The father, Faleh Almaleki, was convicted of second-degree murder. Similarly, threats against apostates—like Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who requires constant security—violate murder and assault laws (e.g., 18 U.S.C. § 875 for threats).
2. Terrorism (18 U.S.C. § 2332b)
• Jihadist attacks, inspired by Quran 8:12 ("Cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve"), break federal anti-terrorism laws. The 2015 San Bernardino shooting by Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik, who pledged allegiance to ISIS, killed 14 and violated 18 U.S.C. § 2332b (acts of terrorism transcending national boundaries). Their radicalization via Islamic teachings shows a direct link to ideology overriding U.S. law.
3. Polygamy (Bigamy and Polygamy Laws, e.g., 18 U.S.C. § 2421)
• Quran 4:3 permits men up to four wives, clashing with U.S. anti-bigamy and polygamy statutes. In 2018, a Michigan man, Mahmoud Al-Hadidi, was charged with illegal polygyny after bringing multiple wives into the U.S. under false pretenses, violating immigration and marriage laws.
• While rare, such cases highlight Sharia’s conflict with state and federal codes. While polygyny in itself is not bad, how it is perpetuated as by expectation and force is and is less polygyny and more slavery.
4. Female Genital Mutilation (18 U.S.C. § 116)
• Some Muslim communities practice FGM, justified by Hadith (Sunan Abu Dawud 5271), though not universally mandated. In 2017, Dr. Jumana Nagarwala was indicted in Detroit for performing FGM on girls, the first federal case under 18 U.S.C. § 116. This violates bodily autonomy and U.S. health laws, driven by cultural interpretations of Islam.
5. Sedition and Conspiracy (18 U.S.C. § 2384)
• Calls to overthrow U.S. law for Sharia, like those from Hizb ut-Tahrir members in Chicago (2015 conference advocating a global caliphate), skirt sedition laws. While protected as speech unless acted upon, plots like the 2009 Fort Hood shooting by Nidal Hasan—who cited Islamic duty to kill infidels—cross into conspiracy and murder, breaching 18 U.S.C. § 2384.
Why Islam Won’t Conform
Islam’s claim to finality (Quran 33:40, Muhammad as the "Seal of the Prophets") and its view of divine law as immutable mean it doesn’t bend to secular systems. The 2016 CAIR survey found 51% of U.S. Muslims wanted Sharia courts, suggesting a significant minority prioritize Islamic law over the Constitution. Where Sharia gains traction—e.g., Dearborn, Michigan’s informal Islamic arbitration—it erodes First Amendment protections and U.S. legal sovereignty.
Islam and the West | Raymond Ibrahim | Disputatio 2024-25
This demonstrates Hard Facts
Communism, Marxism and Islam share same ideology | Khalid Umar | #SangamTalks
Mosab Hassan Yousef EXPOSES the SHOCKING Truth About Islam That NO ONE Dares to Admit
This Week In Jihad with David Wood and Robert Spencer (Suit-Wearing Jihadi Edition)
There is open inescapable fact here. When several sources from several different countries, have been saying and demonstrating the same thing, from east to west, of the destructive ideologies of Islam and how it ties into Socialism, Communism, and Marxism, making excuses to continue to cave to the bully pretending to be a victim must end, and countries need to grow a spine again and send out a resounding NO! It must be banned. It is not compatible with any sense of anything being truly civilized.
1. Gain Citizenship
2. Establish a Mosque
3. Create an Enclave
4. Send out Missionaries to out talk others (fast talk)
5. Guilt into conversion
6. Grow Muslim Population by any means
7. Claim Victimization (Islamophobia/Religious Discrimination/Etc.)
8. Disregard local customs and displace them.
9. Disregard local authorities and force "breeding" programs
10. Subdue women, threaten weak local men claiming racism when confronted
11. Engage in acts of vandalism, harassment and violence (terrorism)
12. Engage in Law-fare, and leverage positions of local authority/power
13. Impose Sharia Law as "religious and cultural freedom" while slandering all others
14. Become a local judge and/or politician working up the ranks quietly and insert pieces of Sharia Law
15. Saturate and usurp local government and push out native population
16. Secede from the state and ultimate the nation as an "independent government"
17. Take control of the territory and surrounding areas and decimate any and all resistance.
Let's stop making excuses for all of it. Afghanistan was once Buddhist. Pakistan was once Hindu. Lebanon was once Christian. Most of Gaza and surrounding areas was Hebrew and religiously Jewish. The pattern is obvious as these and others are now all Muslim nations, as is most of Africa, being forced into European countries through weak boarder and immigration policies, seeking to take over India and a majority of China and various Island nations, and then imposes through domination within all such invasive methods a doctrine of book or sword. only complete idiots deny these things. Ex Muslims have been warning and saying all this themselves and being "ex Muslims" like any is true for any destructive cult, death for abandonment is demanded and required. Some countries are taking more direct action to ban it for reasons of what it truly is contrary to what it is claimed to be. Other countries, if they hope to have any future, need to do the same and that is simply the factual reality.