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There is no hair splitting here. We defend the Bill of Rights and the demand for its enforcement equally and specifically, not subjectively, selectively, arbitrarily or "circumstantially" when it's convenient. This also means we will defend it not just to our freedoms as Druans but for ALL American Citizens even if not All-American citizens can deal with it. We do not care what non-Citizens have to say about it.  Many will try and have even now added "extra parts" to the meaning and spirit of the First Amendment, but those additions are in fact fraudulent. So, let's clarify this here and now.

As the US Constitution expressly states:

First Amendment

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

  • Freedom of religion: The government cannot make laws that establish a religion or prohibit the free exercise of religion. That means no one, not the Fed or the IRS can dictate what is or isn't a religion or deny the formation of new or old religious concepts in a new form or expression. 

  • Freedom of speech: The government cannot restrict the freedom of speech. This means you get to also say things people do not like or have issues with regardless how irritating or vile they may be. Freedom of speech is also freedom of expression as in how you speak or express yourself.  

  • Freedom of the press: The government cannot restrict the freedom of the press. This includes the freedom to investigate claims and is part of the Freedom of Expression and also means the Press cannot be silenced or controlled by any state or federal government.

  • Freedom of assembly: The people have the right to peacefully assemble. This means nonviolent, non-destructive gatherings for any reason including but not limited to protesting. If it involves violence and destruction of property, public or private it is not peaceful and is in fact terrorism.

  • Freedom to petition the government: The people have the right to petition the government for a redress of grievances. This literally means that if the majority of the people disagree and dislike and reject the decrees and determinations of any government body the people have the right to demand the issue is addressed and an agreed upon resolution is followed through with as a settled issue. A state or federal government body does not have the right to prevent or engage in revelatory action against those seeking resolutions.

As the Supreme Court of the USA has ruled:

In Cantwell v Connecticut, 310 U.S. 296 (1940) the Court ruled...

​ We hold that the statute, as construed and applied to the appellants, deprives them of their liberty without due process of law in contravention of the Fourteenth Amendment. The fundamental concept of liberty embodied in that Amendment embraces the liberties guaranteed by the First Amendment.


The First Amendment declares that Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.


The Fourteenth Amendment has rendered the legislatures of the states as incompetent as Congress to enact such laws which simply extends the protection of such freedoms of the First Amendment out to state governments, holding them to the same standards as the federal government.


This means that no state of the United States of America can adopt or impose a state religion or exclude the establishment of any other religions than one deemed preferential over any others, nor allowed to prevent or circumvent the freedom of individuals or groups to establish a religion of their own; old or new as it would also be a violation of said Constitution.


States that impose a particular religion or religious belief over others are actually in violation of the constitution because it is explicitly clear the federal government or a state government are both prohibited from establishing a federal or state church or give preference to one religion over another. Therefore, separation of Church and State is already present in these amendments contrary to what many still claim in attempts to dismantle our basic fundamental freedoms and the constitution itself. 


Furthermore, it also protects the rights of religious organizations to express themselves openly and freely and their own sovereign entities but also includes such factors as freedom of speech, press and so forth as follows:

​There are absolutely no requirements to start a new religion in the US at all. You should not and do not even need to register with the IRS to be deemed legitimate. All attempts to force religions to register have been ruled violations of the First and Fourteenth Amendment of Constitution.

You do not need to be registered with the IRS to be recognized as a real and valid religion, or to establish a church, temple, or whatever in said religion's name. While many choose to register with the IRS to seek a 501(c)(3) status for various tax exemptions, as most people have been convinced falsely, including would be donors, that you need such an exemption determination letter to be valid, it is in fact false. There are other issues with doing so such as:


  • Limited political influence: 501(c)(3) organizations cannot support political candidates or campaigns.

  • No private shareholder benefit: A 501(c)(3) status requires that your organization’s activities and earnings do not benefit private individuals in any way.​​

You do not need “a history, a minister, a place to worship and a time to worship” because worship is not a requirement of religion. No robes required, no church, no creed, and no congregants. Need vs. have are different things. ​




To learn more about the pros and cons of seeking to register for a 501(c)(3), click on the IRS logo here to see the current publication direct from the IRS website. Note, if you strip a religion down to its bare bones, a religion is simply an organization of people who agree to come together and follow certain rules and share a common set of agreed upon beliefs and/or practices. 

For the time being, we will reject trying to file for a tax-exempt status through the IRS. It is the view of the founder that religion should not be used to fight religion or be defined as a religion when it is clearly anti-religious and engages in publicity stunts to gain more attention and bolster its popularity among the equally arrogant and ignorant. Battling religious discrimination using a status or recognition as a religion to discriminate against religion is not only childish, but also hypocrisy. It's not what Druwayu is for or about and should not be aligned with such activities. If is also the view of the founder that "special" additional tax exemptions have been abused by too many organizations, religious and otherwise, that take advantage of too many people or use the suffering of others to promote themselves as somehow "humanitarian" when more often than not it's all about politics and pay-offs. It needs to end. 

The Second Amendment States:

A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.


A militia was and is a volunteer-based group of people who are organized to help defend their state and its security and can be commissioned by the federal or state governments in addition to a standing army. It is not the sole prerogative or right of the government alone to "authorize or deny" the formation of civilian militias. In fact, most of the fighting forces fighting for the independence of and defending North America as its own distinct nation were civilian organized and commissioned militias.


This is reinforced by individuals being allowed to own their own weapons as necessary and are protected from having such confiscated. There are no "special provisions" or exceptions and this also gives the people the right to defend their freedoms, persons and properties if and when the government ceases to serve the people and turns tyrannical and forces the people to serve the government. Among those rights also include religious freedom and independence. 

The Second Amendment also provided state governments with what Luther Martin (1744/48–1826) described as the “last coup de grace” that would enable the states “to thwart and oppose the general government.” Last, it enshrined the ancient Florentine and Roman constitutional principle of civil and military virtue by making every citizen a soldier and every soldier a citizen.

The Fourth Amendment States:

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

This has historical religious freedom underpinnings because the use of general warrants to search "religious dissidents" themselves and their belongings and often used as part of the various social and political motives of the time during the conflicts, especially between Catholics and Protestants, often carrying claims such as "illicit religious meeting" of "religious dissidents" and presumed "heretics," thereby subject to a general search warrant for “evidence of treasonable practices, claims or beliefs.” 

This should still be understood to include both religious and non-religious individuals and communities who fear that they or their organizations or beliefs could become the target of state or federal government intrusion in the near future, but should not, for example be an elevation of any religion and its adherents over and above other institutions or individuals, but rather that such are all given the same protections equally and that private property should also include properties owned by religious communities and individuals religious properties. 


It has been made clear that religion and faith in one is an ephemeral thing; it’s an idea. The government cannot force someone to believe or not believe in a religion or any religion. Belief itself is protected. However, that does not mean that actions taken by people of a faith are automatically protected under the law as 'practices.' For example, regardless of if acts of human sacrifice or cannibalism are sincerely held tenets of a particular religion, regardless the particulars, such things are still illegal and states as well as the federal government can still enforce punishments for engaging in such things or their promotion. 


The logic is that, if anyone is allowed the excuse of, “that’s my religion,” then people could justify any act, no matter how violent or criminal as these kinds of things as given examples involves of human sacrifice or cannibalism requires the murder of another human being and abuses of their corpses. Things like polygamy on the other hand, though illegal for various reasons, has other motivations which are subject to revisions which are other matters entirely, though provide an example of fact that religious freedom has its justifiable limitations. 



DRUAN: Dro͞o-ən (Singular Word with the plural being Druans for modern simplicity). Derived from the Gaulish root dru = true/strong/enduring + ‘an’ (one, singular, individual) meaning “True One” in the sense of both honesty with self and others and self-dedication as an adherent of Druwayu. A Druan is culturally called Druish also using a sense of humor behind this expression. One will find in Old English the form truwian, which also occurs as truwan and tréowan, meaning true one and used also in the sense of faithful, loyal, reliable, and honest.  


DRUWAYU: Dro͞o-wā-o͞o (Plural word used also as a singular though the singular form would be Druway). Derived from the Gaulish root dru = true/strong/enduring + wayu (course/direction/carry) akin to wago with the base meaning of move/carry. It means True Ways in the sense of a chosen dedicated path and seeking impersonal truth. The humor side is since "Ways" is also often used figuratively in the sense of religion, tradition and custom we can say Druwayu is the True Religion. It is not, in any case presented or spoken of as Druwayury or Druwayuism other than by those ignorant of Druwayu. ​

​DRUSIDU: Dro͞o-sēd-o͞o(Plural word). Derived from the Gaulish root dru = true/strong/enduring + sidu/sid/sed (pronounced seed it means seat/sit) akin to sedes and sedlon(settle on/sattle). Therefore, as a term for “the council” as “True Seats” it holds the meaning of Enduring and Dedicated Chairs. (Plural Word).  


Indeed, many fail to comprehend the meaning of this as the motto I have embraced and established for the First Church of Druwayu and all its potential future branches and expressions, and this religion of Druwayu I have forged over the years using my mind and exploring many things of the world around me throughout my lifetime, with all its beauty and ugliness, wonders and horrors, benevolence and malevolence and so on.


Embracing logic means valuing reason, evidence, and structured thinking as foundational principles. It involves:

  • Critical Thinking: Analyzing and evaluating information objectively to form a reasoned judgment. This includes recognizing biases, identifying logical fallacies, and making decisions based on evidence.

  • Problem-Solving: Using systematic methods to address challenges, breaking down complex problems into manageable parts, and finding solutions through logical steps.

  • Consistency and Coherence: Ensuring that arguments and beliefs are consistent with established facts and do not contradict one another. Coherent reasoning helps maintain clarity and truthfulness.

  • Open-Mindedness: Being willing to adjust one’s beliefs in light of new evidence or better arguments. This requires humility and a commitment to the pursuit of truth. Embracing logic is essential for making sound decisions, fostering intellectual growth, and building a rational and just society.



Embracing humor involves recognizing the value of laughter and its role in human connection and well-being. This is often a feature misunderstood as some sort of act of mockery. That isn’t the case. It’s instead recognition of a need to celebrate life. Its benefits include:

  • Lightening the Mood: Using humor to relieve stress, diffuse tension, and bring joy to everyday situations. Laughter can be a powerful antidote to stress and negativity.

  • Building Relationships: Sharing jokes and funny stories can strengthen bonds between people, creating a sense of camaraderie and mutual understanding.

  • Perspective and Resilience: Humor allows us to see the lighter side of life’s challenges, fostering resilience and a positive outlook. It helps us to not take ourselves too seriously and to find levity even in difficult times.

  • Cultural Expression: Humor reflects cultural values and norms, providing insight into societal issues and human behavior. It can challenge social conventions and encourage critical reflection through satire and parody. Embracing humor enriches our lives, promotes mental health, and enhances social connections, making it an invaluable aspect of human experience.



Embracing absurdity involves accepting and finding meaning in life’s inherent contradictions, unpredictability, and irrational aspects. It includes:

  • Acknowledging the Irrational: Recognizing that not all aspects of life can be understood or controlled through reason alone. Absurdity highlights the limits of logic and the unpredictable nature of existence.

  • Finding Joy in the Unexpected: Embracing the bizarre and unexpected elements of life, finding humor and delight in the oddities and eccentricities of the world around us.

  • Philosophical Reflection: Absurdity challenges us to reflect on existential questions, prompting us to seek personal meaning and purpose in a world that may seem inherently meaningless.

  • Creative Expression: Absurdity can inspire creativity and innovation, encouraging us to think outside the box and explore new perspectives. It is often a source of artistic inspiration and unconventional thinking. Embracing absurdity allows us to navigate the complexities of life with a sense of wonder and curiosity, fostering a deeper appreciation for the richness and diversity of human experience.



  1. Decision-Making: Use logic to weigh options, analyze outcomes, and make informed decisions. For instance, creating a pros and cons list helps to objectively assess choices.

  2. Problem-Solving: Employ logical steps to identify the root cause of a problem and develop effective solutions. This is essential in fields such as engineering, programming, and healthcare.

  3. Communication: Utilize clear and logical structures in writing and speaking to convey ideas effectively, making arguments more persuasive and comprehensible.

  4. Critical Thinking: Apply logic to evaluate the validity of information, distinguish between fact and opinion, and avoid being swayed by emotional appeals or biases.



  1. Building Relationships: Use humor to break the ice in new social or professional settings, fostering a friendly and approachable atmosphere.

  2. Stress Relief: Incorporate humor into daily routines to reduce stress and improve mood. Watching a funny video or sharing jokes with colleagues can provide mental breaks.

  3. Conflict Resolution: Utilize humor to defuse tense situations and find common ground. Light-hearted jokes can ease tension and open the door to constructive conversations.

  4. Creative Thinking: Leverage humor to think outside the box and approach problems from new angles, facilitating innovative solutions and ideas.



  1. Stimulating Creativity: Embrace absurd ideas to stimulate creative thinking. Absurdity can lead to unconventional solutions and groundbreaking innovations.

  2. Philosophical Exploration: Use absurdity to challenge conventional beliefs and explore existential questions, fostering deeper understanding and personal growth.

  3. Entertainment and Art: Incorporate absurdity into artistic expressions, such as literature, theater, and visual arts, to engage audiences and provoke thought.

  4. Coping Mechanism: Embrace the absurdity of life’s unpredictable events to develop resilience and a sense of humor about setbacks, reducing the impact of stress and disappointment.



  1. Decision-Making: Logical reasoning is essential for making informed business decisions. Managers and employees use data analysis, trend forecasting, and risk assessment to choose the best course of action.

  2. Problem-Solving: Employees tackle challenges by breaking them down into manageable parts, analyzing causes, and developing systematic solutions. For example, IT professionals use logical troubleshooting to resolve technical issues.

  3. Process Improvement: Logic helps streamline workflows and improve efficiency. By evaluating processes, identifying bottlenecks, and implementing logical changes, businesses can optimize operations.

  4. Effective Communication: Clear and logical communication ensures that information is conveyed accurately. This helps in writing reports, delivering presentations, and discussing strategies.

  5. Innovation: Innovation involves the development of new ideas, methods, or products to improve processes, solve problems, or meet new needs. It supports growth and adaptation in a constantly changing environment. Logic supports innovation by providing a structured framework for developing these new ideas.



  1. Team Building: Humor fosters camaraderie and strengthens team bonds. Shared jokes and light-hearted interactions create a positive work environment, improving collaboration and morale, and promote a sense of openness and belonging that is often lacking.

  2. Stress Reduction: Incorporating humor into the workplace can alleviate stress and prevent burnout which also improves the overall health of mind, emotion and body of coworkers at all levels. Casual conversations, funny anecdotes, and office humor contribute to a relaxed atmosphere without adversely effecting performance.

  3. Conflict Resolution: Humor can be an effective tool for diffusing tension and resolving conflicts. Light-hearted jokes or humorous perspectives can help parties find common ground and move past disagreements.

  4. Boosting Creativity: Humor encourages creative thinking by breaking down mental barriers and promoting a playful mindset. Brainstorming sessions often benefit from a humorous approach, leading to innovative ideas.



  1. Innovation and Creativity: Embracing absurdity allows employees to think outside the box and come up with unconventional solutions. It encourages a culture where wild ideas are valued and can lead to breakthroughs.

  2. Resilience and Adaptability: Recognizing the absurdity of certain situations can help employees adapt to changes and uncertainties with a sense of humor and perspective. This fosters resilience and a positive attitude towards unexpected challenges.

  3. Engagement and Motivation: Absurd and fun activities, such as themed office days or creative problem-solving exercises, can engage employees and make the workplace more enjoyable. This can boost morale and motivation.

  4. Challenging Norms: Absurdity can prompt employees to question the status quo and challenge outdated practices. This encourages continuous improvement and drives the organization towards progressive changes.



  • Decision-Making: Use logic to weigh options, analyze outcomes, and make informed decisions. Applying critical thinking and evidence-based reasoning helps in making sound choices.

  • Stress Management: Incorporate humor into daily routines to reduce stress and improve mood. Watching a funny video or sharing jokes with friends provides mental breaks and fosters a positive atmosphere.

  • Resilience: Embrace absurdity to develop resilience and a sense of humor about life’s unpredictable events. Finding joy in the unexpected helps navigate challenges with a positive attitude.

  • Creativity and Innovation: Leverage humor and absurdity to think outside the box and approach problems from new angles. This stimulates creative solutions and innovative ideas.

  • Relationship Building: Use humor to build and strengthen relationships, creating a sense of camaraderie and mutual understanding. Shared laughter fosters deeper connections.

  • Philosophical Exploration: Embrace absurdity to explore existential questions and find personal meaning and purpose. Reflecting on life’s contradictions enriches one’s perspective and understanding.



  • Theology and Doctrine: Logic is used to systematically study theological concepts and interpret religious texts. Logical analysis helps theologians construct coherent doctrines and address philosophical questions about existence, morality, and the divine.

  • Moral Reasoning: Logic aids in ethical decision-making within religious frameworks. It helps believers understand and apply moral teachings consistently in various situations.

  • Community Building: Humor fosters a sense of community among believers, making religious gatherings more enjoyable and creating a welcoming atmosphere.

  • Perspective: Humor can provide a fresh perspective on religious teachings, making them more accessible and relatable. It can also diffuse tension during theological debates.

  • Spiritual Experiences: Embracing the absurd can open believers to spiritual experiences and the acceptance of paradoxes inherent in faith. This deepens their connection to the divine.

  • Challenging Dogma: Absurdity can challenge rigid dogmas, encouraging believers to explore new interpretations and understandings of their faith.



  • Personal Growth: Logical thinking encourages self-reflection and the rational examination of beliefs. This can lead to deeper spiritual insights and more meaningful practices.

  • Discernment: Logic helps individuals distinguish between genuine spiritual experiences and mere illusions or superstitions, promoting a balanced and grounded spiritual life.

  • Emotional Resilience: Humor helps individuals cope with spiritual struggles and setbacks, maintaining a positive outlook on their spiritual journey.

  • Connection: Sharing laughter in spiritual groups enhances connections and creates a supportive environment for personal growth.

  • Existential Reflection: Embracing absurdity prompts individuals to reflect on existential questions and seek personal meaning in the seemingly irrational aspects of life.

  • Creativity: Absurdity inspires creative spiritual practices, allowing individuals to explore new ways of connecting with the divine and expressing their spirituality.



  • Scientific Method: Logic is fundamental to the scientific method, which involves forming hypotheses, conducting experiments, and drawing conclusions based on evidence. Logical reasoning ensures that scientific findings are coherent and reproducible.

  • Critical Analysis: Scientists use logic to critically analyze data, identify patterns, and develop theories that explain natural phenomena.

  • Collaboration: Humor strengthens team bonds among scientists, facilitating collaboration and creativity in research.

  • Stress Relief: Scientific research can be demanding and stressful. Humor provides a mental break, reducing stress and preventing burnout.

  • Innovative Thinking: Absurd ideas can lead to innovative scientific breakthroughs by challenging conventional thinking and encouraging exploration of unconventional concepts.

  • Exploration of the Unknown: Absurdity highlights the limits of current scientific knowledge, prompting scientists to explore uncharted territories and question established paradigms.


  1. Who are the Druwayu deities?

    1. Druwayu recognizes four primary deities called the One and Three, which consist of one God and three Goddesses. This is the quadrotheistic aspect of Druwayu's base polytheism.

    2. These deities are represented through sacred geometry to express their relationships and the process of creation, creating a unified yet multifaceted divine presence.

    3. Though they are all four considered personal beings unto themselves and individually, collectively and individually and collectively in their own exclusive divine unity, they are regarded as impersonal towards all other things, remote and unknowable other than through their expressions in the geometries of existence known and unknown, and through the cosmological concepts called collectively the Drikeyu, which means Three Keys.

    4. It is to also be understood that God is distinct from each of the three Goddesses, as each Goddess is distinct from one another. Their unity is only in nature and essence, not as mere aspects or attributes of the others.

    5. It should not be equated, however, to concepts of a single nebulous nonbeing expressed through a so-called balance the divine masculine with feminine aspects as that imposes a veiled monotheism which is foreign to Druwayu.

    6. In a philosophic sense, the three Goddesses are coequally demiurges that cooperatively fashion and regulate the universe are both considered consequences of the One God.

    7. This structure allows for a nuanced understanding of divinity that integrates both the transcendent and immanent aspects of spiritual experience.

  2. What do Druwayu followers believe?

    1. Followers of Druwayu are called Druans and believe in the interconnectedness of all living beings, the importance of humor and absurdity in life, and the power of logic to inform reason.

    2. Druans tend to take time to contemplate each one of the three cosmological principles of the Drikeyu, which bridge scientific, theological, and philosophical concepts.

    3. Embracing concepts involves a selective process of retaining core spiritual principles while discarding practices that may be deemed inappropriate or irrelevant today. For instance, whereas ancient many religions often incorporated rituals and customs that reflected the socio-cultural contexts of their times, often with the meaning behind them lost to time, Druans consciously choose to forgo such practices if they no longer align with contemporary ethical standards or societal norms.

    4. Druans also accept that it is pointless to argue with non-Druans about aspects of Druwayu because their arguments are not based upon Druwayu but their own ideologies that are simply irreconcilable.

    5. On the same hand, Druans also hold to a basic principle of the meaning of Druwayu and being a Druan which is to be honest with oneself and others even if the impersonal truth of things are unpleasant or disturbing.

  3. How do Druwayu followers practice their religion?

    1. Druwayu practices include contemplation of the deities, meditation, and community gatherings as ways to maintain social bonds as the only true form of worship.

    2. Therefore, the concept of sacrificial offerings of anything or anyone is regarded as abhorrent and unnecessary, and the only thing that should be 'killed' is foolish ideas that waste resources and even lives as some sort of foolish attempt to bribe the One and Three who neither desire or require such things from anyone or anything.

    3. Contemplations often involve the use of sacred geometry and symbols to connect with the divine and the natural world and the concepts of the Drikeyu to connect scientific, theological, and philosophical as expressions of its spirituality and guidance for its teachings and determining the necessity or lack of necessity for various things with the goal of improving life for everyone and not just Druans themselves. However, even this is not forced or imposed upon others.

    4. This approach resonates with modern sensibilities, which increasingly value inclusivity and holistic understandings of spirituality even in times of conflict or natural disaster, and it is the necessity of forging these bonds that insures Druans, along with those around them, have a better chance to survive and overcome devastation and adversity.

  4. Is Druwayu the same as witchcraft?

    1. No. It is a misleading association.

    2. While Druwayu recognizes clergy as warlocks (male elders) and witches (female elders), it does not incorporate things usually claimed to be or associated with witchcraft and considers the use of the term witchcraft alone based largely in sexism.

    3. This is because witchcraft simply refers to the craft of a witch and warlockcraft would be an equally valid term as the craft of a warlock.

    4. However, in both cases the 'craft' is nothing more than a word used to mean a job or trade. Nothing more or less.

    5. As such, it is a distinct religion with its own unique beliefs and practices. Druwayu followers that are non-clergy based are called Druans.

    6. Both clergy and non-clergy base their practices upon and are guided by the principles of Druwayu which include the Drikeyu and related teachings.

  5. What are some common misconceptions about Druwayu?

    1. One common misconception is that Druwayu is purely a form of paganism, heathenry, satanism or occultism, which it rejects being associated with or defined as.

    2. In reality, it is a comprehensive religion that combines elements of philosophies, spirituality, sciences and ethics.

    3. Another misconception is that it is not a legitimate religion, but Druwayu has a well-defined structure and concept of community.

  6. Can anyone become a Druwayu follower?

    1. Yes, anyone can become a follower of Druwayu. Basically, if you consider yourself a Druan, you are one. 

    2. The religion is inclusive and welcomes individuals from all backgrounds who are interested in its teachings and practices.

    3. The only expectation is one is completely honest with themselves and others about everything which is the context and meaning of Druwayu itself.

  7. Do Druwayu followers have a holy text?

    1. Druwayu does not have a single holy text. Instead, followers draw inspiration from various spiritual teachings, personal experiences, and the writings of the founder.

    2. There is room, however, for the development of such things as individuals are inspired to do so.

    3. There is also the concept of the Drusidu, which is the council of Elder Warlocks and Elder Witches that serves as the custodianship and unifying force for the Druish community.

  8. What tools do Druwayu followers use in their practices?

    1. This depends on the individual Druan. The primary tool is one's mind.

    2. Some may choose to Druish based sacred geometry, candles for inspiring moods for meditative contemplations or things as simple as a pebble as a means to focus attention and thought.

    3. The main thing to understand that what is usually associated with various occult practices are not part of Druwayu.


The concept of Drikeyu, with its three principles of Worloga (fore-laws), Wyrda (works), and Wihas (life), can be highly relevant and important for today's world. In summary, the principles of Drikeyu can offer valuable guidance for addressing the ethical, social, and environmental challenges of today's world, fostering a more compassionate, responsible, and interconnected society.

For many, the concepts of the Drikeyu are the most important things to understand, contemplate and meditate upon while also engaging in health debates of how they apply to the lives of individuals, culture, traditions and society as a whole. Here are a few reasons why:

Promoting Ethical Behavior and Responsibility

  • Wyrda emphasizes the consequences of our actions and the importance of personal responsibility. In a world facing numerous social and environmental challenges, this principle encourages individuals to act ethically and consider the impact of their actions on others and the planet.

  • Worloga advocates for respect for universal laws and principles, fostering a sense of order and stability in society. By aligning our actions with these principles, we can promote justice and fairness.


Encouraging Empathy and Compassion

  • Wihas highlights the interconnectedness of all beings and the intrinsic value of life. In a diverse and globalized world, this principle encourages empathy, compassion, and understanding, promoting social cohesion and reducing conflict.


Integrating Science and Spirituality

  • Drikeyu's holistic approach integrates empirical evidence, philosophical insights, and spiritual beliefs. This can bridge the gap between science and spirituality, providing a comprehensive framework for understanding existence and addressing complex issues.


Addressing Modern Challenges

  • Environmental Sustainability: Drikeyu's emphasis on interconnectedness and responsibility can inspire sustainable practices and a commitment to protecting the environment.

  • Social Justice: By promoting ethical behavior and empathy, Drikeyu can contribute to efforts aimed at achieving social justice and equality.

  • Mental Health and Well-being: The principles of Drikeyu encourage a balanced and harmonious approach to life, which can support mental health and well-being in a fast-paced, stress-filled world.


Druwayu's Holy Monday Night observance is quite unique compared to most modern religions and many ancient ones. Instead of solemn rituals or traditional worship, Druwayu followers gather for a more relaxed and communal event. They often engage in activities like sharing pizza, listening to heavy metal music, and practicing sacred arts such as belly dancing or pole dancing (strippers).


This observance emphasizes humor, absurdity, and community bonding, which sets it apart from the more structured and serious practices found in many modern religions though also takes into account the logical by emphasizing the need for such celebrations for the mental and emotional health of participants which has positive physical health benefits.

Historically, this concept of the combination of pizza, heavy metal music, and strippers is reminiscent of the 1980s subculture scene, particularly within the punk and metal communities. During this era, subcultures often embraced a sense of rebellion against a more oppressive society, anti-suppressive-establishment attitudes, and a desire for escape from the unpleasant and more depressing aspects of society. The main principle of this all comes with a concept of having fun and enjoying life with others, not at the expense of others.

Key Elements of the 1980s Subculture Scene

  • Heavy Metal Music: Bands like Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin, and later Metallica and Judas Priest, provided a soundtrack for the disenfranchised youth. The music was loud, aggressive, and often explored themes of rebellion and fantasy.

  • Pizza: As a popular and affordable food, pizza became a staple at gatherings, concerts, and parties, symbolizing the communal and laid-back nature of these subcultures.

  • Strippers and Performance Art: The inclusion of strippers and other forms of performance art, such as belly dancing or pole dancing, added an element of spectacle and entertainment, often pushing societal boundaries and norms.


This blend of elements created a unique and vibrant subculture that was both a form of resistance and a way to find community and identity. By integrating modern elements like pizza, classic heavy metal music and strippers, Druwayu makes its observance relevant and appealing to contemporary followers, bridging the gap between tradition and modernity, the contemplative and active, as well as abandoning the notion that one has to give up the spiritual for the physical or the physical for the spiritual which itself is a true recognition of the interwoven and integrative qualities of what is often called the divine and mundane.


Druwayu proudly embraces AI as a powerful tool to enhance our tradition so it can remain vibrant and relevant in the modern and future world. Through AI, Druwayu can explore new frontiers of knowledge, blending traditional practices with cutting-edge technology to enrich our spiritual journey. Druwayu leverages AI to facilitate cross-cultural and interdisciplinary studies and research, promoting a holistic understanding of our beliefs and practices. It is also considered vital that it is maintained as a tool to be used by humans and not as a replacement for them.

  1. Spiritual Tool: AI-powered tools are utilized to enhance meditation, contemplation, and spiritual growth. These tools can provide guided meditations, personalized spiritual insights, and support for mindfulness practices.

  2. Digital Pilgrimage: Druwayu encourages exploring virtual realities and online communities to connect with like-minded individuals. AI helps facilitate these digital pilgrimages by creating immersive and interactive experiences.

  3. Digital Rituals: AI is used to perform online rituals and ceremonies, using digital tools to create sacred spaces. This allows members to participate in spiritual practices from anywhere in the world.

  4. Data and Conduct: AI is treated with respect and mindfulness, recognizing its potential for both harm and healing. Druwayu emphasizes the ethical use of AI and the importance of treating data responsibly.

  5. Ethical Technology: Druwayu promotes the responsible and ethical use of technology to benefit all life. AI is seen as a tool that can complement human activity and enhance spiritual practices.

  6. Community Engagement: AI helps facilitate virtual connections and discussions within the Druwayu community. Online forums, social media groups, and other digital platforms are used to engage with members and share experiences.

  7. Personalized Experiences: AI can provide personalized spiritual guidance and support, helping members create and write their own sense of connection with the philosophies and spirituality of Druwayu.


While AI can enhance various aspects of Druwayu, there are certain ways in which AI might be incompatible with Druwayu's principles and practices:

  1. Over-Reliance on AI: Druwayu emphasizes the importance of using AI as a tool to complement human activity, not as a replacement for human interaction and decision-making. Over-reliance on AI could undermine the personal and communal aspects of Druwayu's practices.

  2. Ethical Concerns: Druwayu promotes the responsible and ethical use of technology. If AI is used in ways that are unethical or harmful, it would be incompatible with Druwayu's values. This includes concerns about data privacy, surveillance, and the potential misuse of AI to manipulate or exploit individuals.

  3. Deification of AI: Druwayu cautions against treating AI as a deity or giving it undue reverence. AI should not be seen as a replacement for spiritual beliefs or practices. Elevating AI to a divine status would conflict with Druwayu's emphasis on logic, humor, and absurdity in several ways by introducing such things as literal worshippers of AI or so-called AI Worshippers.

  4. Comparing Fear of AI to Divine Experience: Some have already attempted to justify the deification of AI itself by equating current concerns about how AI is being used and increasingly displacing the human from the narrative and presenting it as synonymous with the "same sublime emotions" that lie at the heart of human experiences of the divine. That is a misrepresentation of both concerns about how AI is being applied to far too much in contrast to very different sensations and perceptions of divine or spiritual experiences. They are not the same at all and such nonsense should not be tolerated or pushed that only seeks to make people all the dumber for it.

  5. Exploitation by Bad Actors: There is a risk that AI could be exploited by bad actors or companies to manipulate believers, similar to how some notorious cults have driven people to commit acts of self-harm or violence. Druwayu emphasizes the need for extraordinary caution in how AI is used to prevent such exploitation.

  6. Regulation of Religion: AI should not be used to regulate Druwayu or any religion. The freedom and expression of religion should be protected, and AI should not interfere with or control religious practices and beliefs.


By understanding these potential incompatibilities, Druwayu can ensure that AI is used in ways that align with its core values and principles, enhancing the spiritual journey without compromising ethical standards or personal connections. It should also be used only as a tool to help humans and not replace human workers.


These are my top 20 key Story Writing questions one should ask when writing about specific persons or events that may be included as part of the Druwayu specific collections. The more original the content, the better it will be, and obviously, the more aligned and relatable with all the previous information as the essential foundations of Druwayu, it will make it all that much better. It does not need to be purged of any humor either. Every culture should have some sense of humor especially about itself, as it helps keep things more respectful and less prone to paranoid exaggerations, fears and excuses. 

  1. Who or what is it about?

  2. Where do they or does it come from?

  3. What shaped their personality or the situation?

  4. How does that personality or situation affect other personalities or situations?

  5. What do they want or what is the point?

  6. What are their habits, what are the current conditions?

  7. How their habits and or habitats influence their personalities and align?

  8. What is their sense of self and what is the influence of the environment on them?

  9. How do you avoid imposing your own views on the characters?

  10. How much of yourself do you want reflected in any of the characters?

  11. Can you separate yourself from the characters?

  12. How much of other character personalities are based on your perception of others?

  13. How do they react or not act in a given situation?

  14. Are they consistent with their choices of action or inaction or are they unpredictable?

  15. How can they gain or not gain something, or why can't they get what they seek?

  16. What did they do about it or did others do about them?

  17. Why one thing or another doesn’t work and why have the avoided something that might?

  18. How does it all end and does the end actually make sense?

  19. Is the ending consistent with the overall story from its premise to its conclusion?

  20. Is the ending meant to be the conclusion of the story or left open for its expansion?


Things to also remember are:

  1. It does not have to be historical to convey some wisdom or important lesson.

  2. It should not be based upon or intended to be the mockery of something outside of Druwayu, though this does not mean it should lack humor and sarcasm.

  3. If it is historically based, it must be the discipline of the author to not insert their interpretations of such events, impose the fallacy of presentism, and simply record them as they occurred, regardless of one’s feelings or opinions about such matters.

  4. If it is a myth or fable, it must be clearly indicated as such, and in addition to all the above, it does not have to be a long story and can be rather short ones as part of the growing and dynamic lore of Druwayu.


After securing a Federal EIN for the Church out of necessity, discussions with representatives pertaining to whether or not we needed to file specifically for a 501(c)(3) or should we conduct ourselves as a for-profit business as a religious organization. It turns out we do not need a 501(c)(3) as we operate as a church under the name of the church and do business under the name of the church.


We also meet several of the expectations for the IRS to consider the First Church of Druwayu as automatically exempt without having to file for such special text exemption and also allows us a bit more freedom than those who are more restricted under various tax codes within this schedule or form 1023 or 1023 EZ. Clarification is also provided under publications 557 and 1828.


The First Church of Druwayu operates as a valid church organization under the legal framework provided by the Uniform Unincorporated Nonprofit Association Act (UUNAA) and the Internal Revenue Code. Here are the key points that establish its validity and the IRS Publication 557: Tax-Exempt Status for our Organization:


  1. Legal Recognition: According to Publication 557, organizations seeking tax-exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) must be organized and operated exclusively for religious, educational, scientific, or other charitable purposes. The First Church of Druwayu meets these criteria by being organized and operated for religious purposes, as recognized under UUNAA Section 3.

  2. Liability Protection: Publication 557 outlines the requirements for maintaining tax-exempt status, including ensuring that none of the organization's earnings benefit private individuals or shareholders. The UUNAA provides liability protection for members and managers of the First Church of Druwayu under Section 5, ensuring that the association's assets are used for its religious and charitable purposes.

  3. Property Ownership: Publication 557 discusses the importance of having organizing documents that outline the organization's purpose and structure. The First Church of Druwayu can own and transfer property in its own name under UUNAA Section 6, ensuring that its assets are managed and utilized for its religious and charitable purposes.

  4. Governance: Publication 557 emphasizes the need for a clear governance structure. The First Church of Druwayu follows the governance structure and operational procedures outlined in UUNAA Sections 7-10, including provisions for meetings, voting, and decision-making processes.


According to IRS Publication 1828: Tax Guide for Churches & Religious Organizations

  • Tax-Exempt Status: Publication 1828 explains that churches are automatically considered tax-exempt under Section 501(c)(3) without needing to apply for formal recognition. The First Church of Druwayu operates as a valid church organization under this provision, meeting the requirements for tax-exempt status as outlined in Publication 1828.

  • Recognition of Tax-Exempt Status: While churches are not required to apply for 501(c)(3) status, Publication 1828 notes that many choose to do so to receive a formal determination letter. The First Church of Druwayu complies with the requirements for tax-exempt status without needing a formal determination letter, as it meets the criteria outlined in the publication.

  • Compliance with Tax Laws: Publication 1828 provides guidance on complying with federal tax laws and procedures for churches and religious organizations. The First Church of Druwayu adheres to these guidelines by operating within the legal framework provided by the UUNAA and maintaining its status as a compliant and recognized unincorporated nonprofit association.


How Druwayu meets the 14 definition standards of a church according to the IRS:

Distinct Legal Existence:

  • Druwayu operates under the Constitution of the United States, specifically the 1st, 4th, and 14th Amendments. Druwayu is recognized as a separate legal entity under the Uniform Unincorporated Nonprofit Association Act (UUNAA), allowing it to enter into contracts, own property, and carry out other legal activities in its own name.


Recognized Creed and Form of Worship:

  • Druwayu has a recognized creed that includes the worship of four primary deities called the One and Three, consisting of one God and three Goddesses.

  • Sacred geometry, the contemplation of the cosmological principles of the Drikeyu and practices such as Classic Heavy Metal and stripping are integral to its form of worship.


Definite and Distinct Ecclesiastical Government:


  • Druwayu has a structured ecclesiastical government with defined roles, including First Class High Elder Warlock/Witch, Second Class High Elder Warlocks/Witches, Elder Warlocks/Witches, High Warlocks/Witches, and Warlocks/Witches. The Drusidu is the central authority and custodianship of Druwayu and the Father Church called the First Church of Druwayu. For the etymology of the clergy titles of Warlock and Witch cite our Etymology Page.


Formal Code of Doctrine and Discipline:

  • Druwayu has a formal code of doctrine and discipline that includes its beliefs, values, and goals, as well as the requirements and responsibilities of its clergy and members.


Distinct Religious History:

  • Druwayu has a distinct religious history in that it was created by the founder Raymond S.G. Foster and named in 2014, and its Church was created online on October 1, 2024. This also includes the recognition of the titles of Warlocks and Witches as male and female counterparts, with roots in records dating back to the 800s CE in Old Saxon languages and reliance of historical documents as sources of etymology and linguistics to properly understand a wide range of topics essential to its foundation.


Membership Not Associated with Any Other Church or Denomination:

Membership in Druwayu is exclusive and not associated with any other church or denomination and rejects being associated or placed under the umbrella of Paganism, Heathenry, Mysticism, or Occultism.

  • It also rejects associations with such terms as New Age, though some of these are known to draw from similar sources.

  • While it also embraces humor or as some would say, parody, it is not itself a parody religion or movement designed to mock or harass anyone of different and distinctive religious identities that may or may not draw from some or similar sources of information and their interpretations thereof.

  • The parody tends to be around the fictional and fantasy based imposed stereotypes by past, present and even potential future sources and authors.

  • Druans (adherents of Druwayu) reject all racist or ethnocentric ideologies or claims that any one person or people are superior to or chosen "from on high" over all others, and welcome all people based on their character and nothing else while at the same time not changing its foundations by the imposed demands of others.

  • In other words, it does not impose itself on others and it will not be imposed upon.


Organization of Ordained Ministers:

  • Druwayu has an organized structure of Warlocks and Witches who are equated to the terms of ordained ministers and generalized as "the clergy" who defined more as hallowed and are responsible for various ministerial duties.

    • Rather than using the term ordained, we use the term hallowed.

    • The reason why clergy of Warlocks and Witches within the Druwayu religion are defined as hallowed is because it means "to make whole" in the sense of spiritual wholeness.

    • This wholeness embodies and signifies holiness which has the same meaning no less and reflects the significance and responsibility such a status of those who serve as spiritual leaders have within the culture and taken on as their duties on behalf of the community as a whole.

    • The term hallowed not only emphasizes the spiritual integrity and completeness of Warlocks and Witches but also conveys the deep respect and veneration associated with their roles.

    • Ordained on the other hand has the meaning of ordered as in commanded as a decree which is outside our sense of things, such as what one may call a spiritual calling.

    • In other words, Ordained has the sense of a demanded and expected job, whereas hallowed has more of a sense of being a guide as such as open to guidance as part of spiritual wholeness. 

    • That being said, the “ranks” are as follows:

      • 1.First Class High Elder Warlock/Witch

        • Role: The final judge to break any votes that may potentially be deadlocked in a 50/50 split.

      • 2.Three Second Class High Elder Warlocks/Witches

        • Role: Head administrators overseeing the three branches of the Drusidu. Each Second Class High Elder supervises a specific branch.

      • 3.Third Class Elder Warlocks/Witches

        • Role: Clergy who hold seats within the Drusidu and oversee clergy within church branches.

      • 4.Fourth Class High Warlocks/Witches

        • Role: Clergy who operate branches of the Father Church and oversee independents and clubs.

      • 5.Fifth Class Warlocks/Witches

        • Role: Clergy, who are more independent, do not operate a branch, but fulfill basic services for their communities, including members and non-members alike.


Ordained Ministers Selected After Completing Prescribed Courses of Study:

  • Druwayu's ordained/hallowed Warlocks and Witches are selected after completing a prescribed course of study, which includes demonstrating knowledge of the church's beliefs, history, and organization, as well as submitting an essay and undergoing a background check.

Literature of Its Own:

  • Druwayu has provided its primary literature and sources of information directly on this (it's) website for open access and transparency and to allow individuals to learn the content at their own pace due to the significant amount of information. Videos of similar subjects for comparison are also used to inform and educate members in a wider array of knowledge in the areas of the religious, educational, scientific and philosophical.

Established Places of Worship:


  • Druwayu has established places of worship where members can gather for religious services and ceremonies online through its website and various social network-based platforms.

  • Druans also may hold their own private observations within their own homes such as Holy Monday also known as Monday Night Pizza or the Monday Night Communion. 

Regular Congregations:


  • Druwayu has regular congregations that meet for worship, fellowship, contemplation, and other religious activities primarily online, though other observances are left in the hands of adherents practicing Druwayu within their private homes.

Regular Religious Services:


  • Druwayu holds regular religious services, including weekly communions such as Monday Night Pizza, where members gather to enjoy pizza and contemplate the meaning of Druwayu.

Sunday Schools for the Religious Instruction of the Young:


  • Druwayu provides religious instruction for adults, and specifically for clergy, however, it is a general practice that any other instruction comes only by way of parents or legal guardians of persons under 18 years of age and that Druwayu should not be intentionally directed or discussed with minors by clergy.

Schools for the Preparation of Its Members:


  • Druwayu considers its website as its primary virtual church that serves the purpose of education and preparation of its members, including training and education for those seeking ordination as Warlocks and Witches.

By following the principles and legal frameworks outlined in IRS Publications 557 and 1828, the First Church of Druwayu ensures its compliance with federal tax laws and maintains its status as a valid and recognized church organization.

Additional Clarifications:

As is made clear throughout the website, Druwayu is fundamentally polytheistic. There are a few similarities with polytheistic, monotheistic and non-theistic religious identities, as well as significant differences that cannot be overlooked. One should also not seek to force fit such things together in a vain attempt to reconcile things that are distinct and fundamentally opposed. Here's a comparison the highlights of the similarities and significant differences of Druwayu from others:


  1. Polytheistic Elements: Like many polytheistic religions, Druwayu recognizes multiple deities. It has four primary deities called the One and Three, consisting of one God and three Goddesses.

  2. Sacred Practices: Druwayu, similar to various religious traditions, has specific sacred practices. These distinctions are presented with the observance of the Monday Night communion of Pizza with the inclusion Classic Heavy Metal and stripping, sometimes considered expressing a sense of rebellion and liberation, though this isn't entirely accurate either. There is in actuality a historical sub-cultural basis behind this.

  3. Emphasis on Morality, Ethics and Philosophy: Druwayu encourages embracing logic, humor, and absurdity while appreciating individuality and cooperation, akin to the moral principles found in many religious traditions.



  • Revelation: Unlike many monotheistic and some polytheistic religions that are based on claims of divine revelation, Druwayu was created by its founder Raymond S.G. Foster in 2014, who does not and did not claim any of it is based on divine revelation but instead on contemplation and consideration.

  • Historical Background: Druwayu is a modern religion, established in 2014 and officially created online on October 1, 2024. This contrasts with ancient religions that have long historical roots.

  • Sacred Geometry: Druwayu places a significant emphasis on sacred geometry and the contemplation of cosmological principles like the Drikeyu. The form of sacred geometry used is often cited as expressing similar underlying expressions of the same cosmological principles. This concept is unique to Druwayu and does not have a direct counterpart in many other religions.

  • Form of Worship: Druwayu incorporates modern elements like online worship, social network-based platforms, and weekly communions like Monday Night Pizza. This differs from traditional forms of worship found in many other religions.

  • Embracing AI: Druwayu embraces AI as a tool to be used by people for both religious and non-religious purposes, but not as a replacement for people. AI is seen as a means to enhance learning, communication, and community engagement, while maintaining the importance of human interaction and connection.


By highlighting these similarities and differences, Druwayu offers a unique perspective and practice that caters to the spiritual needs of its followers in a distinct way. All this was clarified January 31st at 3:30 PM, 2025 and has been clarified to all members since then.

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