What will be presented here is proper information on 3 Main Holidays as they were known in the most basic sense in various countries in ancient times and what few records remained of such in scattered form mostly recorded after the 1200s or later, long after they were discontinued and replaced by something else, 8 Seasonal markers associated specifically with migration cycles of herd animals, specifically Caribou, and some examples of proper symbolism meaning and etymology for clarification.
This does not mean Druans observe these particular things today, however, they are presented as clarification for a point of record. No one is expected to make such observations if they do not wish to do so, nor restricted from such observations if they choose to do so. Some Druans have adopted them adapting them from the more basic "secular expressions," and do not get offended if someone wishes one of us a "happy or merry" whatever according to their own customs. In fact, Druans simply say such things back out of a respectful courtesy.
For example, the first three main Holidays of Wintertime, Springtime and Summertime are linked more directly with the themes of Renewal, Birth, and Death. As such Wintertime observations are more or less New Year celebrations of peace and friendship with the usual trappings of Yuletide, Springtime observations are or less celebrations of weddings, families and children, and Summertime observations gravitate around hunting, harvest and honoring the memories of the dead. This is of course all observed by choice just as we have our Holy Monday observance of Pizza, Classic Heavy Metal Music and Stripping (substituted often with pole and belly dancing where dancers are clothed).
For our Specific Traditional Observances Click Here

Wintertime: December 21 - January 1. Yuletide and Christmas. All the customary decorations of this season from wreathe and garlands, trees and mistletoe are all part of the decor that is common this time of the year festivities. The word Yule itself, as it is also called, comes from the variants of ġiell, giul, ġeōl, and jól as well as gelos. It’s of Greek to Latin origin meaning ultimately ‘Yell’ in a sense of cheering, and shouting/cheering. It is, ultimately a time of peace, family, friendship and hospitality to neighbors and strangers as a very ancient and holy custom. As a symbol of the season the Deer or Caribou skull is most common, and also often a totem/mascot of family. Many ancient stories consider the path of the Milky Way in the sky the tracks of celestial Caribou and say the world was created from the flesh and bones of one of these celestial creatures brought down by a Great Hunter.

Springtime: April 2 – 14. Also called Lent, a time of fasting before Easter, known as Langantide, literally meaning Longer Time when eggs were boiled and given as gifts. The earlies mention of decorated eggs is from King Edward the 1st. This was based on the simple observation that the hours of light were becoming noticeably longer with the explosion of new life. The Hare or Rabbit (two different species) with a basket is actually based on the darkened craters of the moon as shown here. It also appears to have a basket used to gather things such as food and medical herbs, etc. Because this all ties into the abundant life theme, this character is also said to be the creator of a brew of immortality. The image of a triad of Hares represents the gentler qualities of the Hare which are selflessness (compassion), respect (piety), and giving (charity) and originates in concept from China.

Summertime: August 2-15. Also called Sowan. The name Halloween comes from All Hallows Eve literally meaning all healed and all whole and all holy eve, as in the day before the Catholic Observance of All Saints. The association with so called Samhain is largely fiction because the first mention of it is from the 9th century CE manuscript 'Martyrology of Óengus' and places Samhain on November 1st. All it says of the time is "This is the day of Stormy Samhain (Sowen)." Spelled Samain it only means Summer, not Summer's End or it would be spelled Samain Crích in Old Irish, and Simmer Críoch in Old Scottish. There are strong connections with wild boar at this time as sow and sowan as it pertains swine. The specifics are not fully known as it was also called worm and hay making month. There's evidence that around the 12th century some would honor ancestors at family burial mounds.
THE EIGHT-FOLD CALENDAR. Now that the previous three Holiday have been clarified, the following 8 seasonal observances or "festivals" are named, and also contain specifical names associated with one of the three Goddesses in their dual light or dark aspects just as it is with the one God (neither of which has a good or evil connotation).
Pre-Spring: February 1-2. Pregnant caribou cows inspire the move the herd to leave the ancient pine forests and the shelter of mountains and hills and begin their journey through the mountains to seek the open fields as the glow of spring is seen. Festival of Light in celebration of the first light of the New Year and the association with pregnancy, often having attributes representing cattle and rain rather than snow falling as things become warmed by the Sun. The 1st Goddess Fulla (The name means full). This was often considered a joyful occasion to welcome the returning light of the Sun that would also chase the frost, snow and ice away with the promise of the return of new life. In ancient times this was often celebrated with parades of people carrying torches and fire dancing to name a few of the related activities.
Spring: March 21-22. Snow melts and flowers grow while the caribou calves are born in the foothills and fields as herdsmen light bonfires to keep predators at bay and to pick off any stragglers they can for their own survival. Festival of Birth in celebration of new life being born renewing the world, and associated with eggs, and baby animals, including infant humans and a time to celebrate motherhood and fatherhood. It is the time of the traditional Spring Cleaning where any and all waste materials or left over debris from food, broken furniture, and so forth, would be cast into fires as a way to get rid of garbage more or less. Part of this also included "purging" crop fields with fires to burn away old debris and potential vermin and make it easier for the land to revitalize itself. The 2nd Goddess Bera (As a not, bera means bear as in birth, and birth is also akin to Bird). This is the time when day and night are equally balanced as they will be at the time of the Autumn Equinox, but soon the nights will grow shorter than the days.
Pre-Summer: May 1-2. A calm period for the caribou and herders, the animals graze on the fresh growth and nurture their young while the herders maintain the fires and seek to keep them burning for the reasons already stated. Festival of Flowers in celebration of youth, when young animals begin to play, flowers are blooming, leaves are full of life and mother animals begin teaching the young how to survive, and is as such often learning customs, and guidance. It also is tied to an old belief that by leaping through the fires or over them it would banish any malignant ghost that may have attached themselves so the living and would make them and even their cattle, pets or land in general, sick. Sickness caused this way was often called Ghost Sickness. Other methods including lighting small votive boats with lamps and setting them adrift during calm waters of lakes and streams with the belief such would guide other ghosts safely back to the hereafter and allow the living to enjoy the world for a while. The 3rd Goddess named Lyfa (The name means Life). Being the time when life is in full bloom, people would often light fires they would leap through as a form of purification and with the hope the "fires of light that bring life may in turn bless them with children.
Summer: June 21-22. Under the light of the midnight sun, herders mark their new-born caribou calves, repair tools and tents and tell various stories to pass the time. Festival of Oak in celebration of strength, when the young are able to provide more for themselves and begin to play fight to become stronger in preparation for establishing their place among the herds. It is often associated with sports, exercise, as well as crafting. God as Hernan (The name means Horned One). It's also associated with the time when Light of the Daytime Sun has conquered the Dark of Nighttime when both light and life are at their fullest strength and dominate the hours of the day and fully active and awake everywhere.
Pre-Fall: August 1-2. Caribou bulls, fat from the summer, are sorted for slaughter to remove the week from the herd and save resources, and a time to make tools and clothing from the hides and bones of the animals and cast the remains off for scavengers. Festival of Feasting in celebration of food and abundance, and a time of sharing and giving thanks. It is also a time to make tools and clothing from the hides and bones of animals, trade goods, and also has connections to hunting and harvesting. The 1st Goddess as Fidia (The name means Feeds). This also marks the beginning of harvest time. The hay would have been gathered in, and the time for reaping the wheat and barley was due. It was a time of gathering together and served as a time of giving thanks for the bounty of the Land, Sea and Sky more or less.
Fall: September 21-22. Herders fish for food while the caribou bulls battle for breeding rights to mate with the caribou cows in estrus and also go about seeking other harvested food resources from the trees, plants, fungi and vines. Festival of Love in celebration of selection of mates, consummation of weddings and feasting, fishing, harvesting, hunting, romance, virginity, and weddings as well as mid time harvests. This was the time that tended to involve contests and games of intelligence, skill and strength and when one could potentially find their potential lovers with the intention of being wedded and various games were played as methods of fortune telling with hopes of revealing who one should wed or ask the ancestors to help with finding one a suitable husband or wife if they were so inclined. The 2nd Goddess as Lofia (The name means Love). This is the time when day and night are equally balanced as they were at the time of the Spring Equinox, but soon the nights will grow longer than the days.
Pre-Winter: November 1-2. The herders now travel out of the frost-covered mountains into marshlands following caribou to where green growth is still available, and the people also slaughter the selected and week animals for food. It is also the time the full hunting season begins. Festival of the Hunt in celebration hunting and preparation of the coming cold, storing up food reserves and gathering the last of increasingly scarce resources with return of the dark hours where the Moon becomes the more dominate source of light. It is also often associated with death for obvious reasons as it is the time when the world beings to go into a state of rest and hibernation, and it is also a time to honor the dead, often through recounting their stories and renewing cultural memory. The 3rd Goddess as Hunta (The name is pronounced as hoonta and means Huntress. It's also akin to hund for hound). Another observance involving ancestors also included going to their burials where tombs also served as temples and offering were given to them to revitalize their ghosts.
Winter: December 21-22. After dividing the caribou herds the families move with the caribou to the pine forests where winter fodder is more accessible and the various clans come together and meet again and reside together for a time till the herds begin to move, and gifts are given to welcome and make and keep peace with other herding clans and to show hospitality to the strangers to insure peace among them when sharing the common camp grounds. Festival of Friendship in celebration of friends, family, neighbors and hospitality to strangers, with the tradition of sharing resources and mutual support in the forms of gifts and an expression of gratitude for mutual provisions, survival and wellbeing, and a time where mutual customs/laws are respected to keep the peace among the diverse people who must share a limited space and limited resources responsibly. God as Eldan (The name means Old One as well as Elder). It's also associated with the time when Light of the Daytime Sun has been conquered the Dark of Nighttime when the Dark dominates the hours as well as when light and life are at their weakest and go into a state of rest.
THE TWELVE-FOLD CALENDAR. This will also be simplified starting with reiterating the associated names for God and the three Goddesses with the 12 months and the associations of the months themselves in a generalized sense. Addition explanations of etymology and symbols will be applied as points of reference rather than an exhaustive explanation as it will be assumed many will look into such things themselves or at least verify the associations with racist, evil and bad things are modern fictions.
WINTER/DECEMBER: WULDER (WIELDER) Associated Winter Storms and with festivity and sharing of resources and gestures of peace and friendship.
SPRING/APRIL: SADAN (SEEDER). Associated Light and Life, with young male animals beginning to fight for dominance and to attract mates of the opposite sex.
SUMMER/AUGUST: GRIM (GRIME) Associated with hunting and harvesting and the selection of animals to be slaughtered for food resources.
WEVA (WEAVER), SPINNA (SPINNER) AND KUTA (CUTTER): All three associated with crafting tools, clothes, and mending such as tents used for temporary shelters, making of nets to capture fish and other animals, as well as measuring the conditions of life for all things. They are various known as the Wayward Sisters, the Wyrd Sisters and the Nornir/Norns to name but a few. The following will be the associated sub-names and will show how they connect with the sub-names of Godan.
JANUARY: LITA (LIGHTS). Consort of Sadan.
MAY: BLOMA (BLOOMS). Consort of Grim.
SEPTEMBER: GIFA (GIVER). Consort of Wulder.
JUNE: GRANI (GRAIN/GREENS). Consort of Grim.
OCTOBER: HELIA (HEALER). Consort of Wulder.
MARCH: BRYD (BRIDE). Consort of Sadan.
JULY: RUNA (RED). Consort of Grim.
NOVEMBER: SKADI (SHADY). Consort of Wulder.
We can now show some of the more common associations with each of these 12 solar months of a calendar. One should be mindful there are many variations of these and what is common to one part of the world and its associated environments will not necessarily apply in the same way, as say, how they align with those geared more to northern countries, or more or less regions of the United States of America or Canada.
January: New Year Month - Full Wolf Moon - Feasting and Drinking.
February: Bear Month - Snow Moon and Polar Bear Month - Enjoying a warm fire.
March: Swan/Stork Month - Full Crow and Worm Moon - Pruning trees or digging holes for seeds.
April: Snow Crust Month - Full Pink Salmon and Egg Moon - Planting and picking flowers and herbs.
May: Reindeer Calf Month - Full Flower Corn Planting Milk Moon - Hawking/Falconry and seeking a spouse.
June: Acorn Month - Full Strawberry and Rose Moon - Hay harvest and storage.
July: Hay Month - The Full Thunder and Buck Moon - Wheat harvest and fence mending.
August: Molt Month - Full Sturgeon and Green Corn Grain Moon - Wheat threshing and bread making.
September: Harvest Month - Full Corn and Harvest Moon - Grape harvest and wine making.
October: Rut Month - Full Blood, Hunter’s and Second Harvest Moon - Purging, Plowing fields, harvest, sowing seeds.
November: Hunters Month - Full Frosty, Beaver Trapper's Moon - Gathering acorns as food for pigs.
December: Yule Month - The Full Long Night and Bright, Cold Moon - Killing weak animals for feasts.
As a side note, what we are usually told to be the origins of the names of the 7 days of the week is actually a long-established fiction. In fact, one is going to be hard pressed to find out when such alleged naming conventions occurred. Instead, you will be told what is claimed "how" we allegedly got such names. That being said, I shall provide the actual names and what the true basis for their meaning is. Furthermore, our modern order is actually off.
Sunday is the Seventh Day: Sun is from Sunn – Plural Sunn-an. This one is consistent historically in meaning.
Monday is the First Day: Moon is from Monn –Plural Monn-an. This one is consistent historically in meaning.
Tuesday is the Second Day: Tues is from Tu-an (Twain) - singular Tu mean Two. The context is second day.
Wednesday is the Third Day: Wednes is as variation of Witnas meaning Witness. It is not related to "Wodan" which is actually the source of the word wooden and was also spelled as wotan with the same base meaning.
Thursday is the Fourth Day: Thurs originally was Thurstan meaning Thirsts/Dry/Parched. It's akin to Old English Thyrre and Old Saxon Thurs, as well as Old High German thurri. It does not mean "Thor's Day."
Friday is the Fifth Day: Fri simply means Free as in such as Frith meaning Freed or Frithdom for freedom. It’s not "Freya-day/Frigg-day (f) or Freyr-day/Friar-day (m),” though either can be applied.
Saturday is the Sixth Day: Sadan from Sad = Seeding, also Sadar = Sower (falsely linked to the word Shatan which becomes hybridized as “Satan” later on).
All the oldest indicators make clear that even before these names, originally, they were only named by number. In such a case then the names of these days would be in these elder language roots rather unremarkable and applied as syfend-dag (seventh day), fuirst-dag (first day), tuandan-dag (second day), thriddan-dag (third day), fiyurth-dag (fourth day), fyfth-day (fifth day), and seksan-dag (sixth day). There is also other related etymology to all these matters that I shall take a moment to note before continuing.
Day = Dag. Week = Wik/Wic. Night = Naht. Sun Rise = Sunn Risan (Risen and Rising). Sun Set = Sunn Sidan (Sits and Seats). Times = Timan. Tide = Tidan (Hours). Minutes = Huil (While = Moment). Seconds = Luttil Huil (Little While = smaller moment). Month = Monath. Year =Iar.
There was and is also a limit in counting:
An = One, Tuan = Two, Dri = Three, Fiyur = Four, Fyf = Five, Seks = Six, Syfen = Seven, Aht = Eight, Nyun = Nine, Tian = Ten, Anlyfan = Eleven, Tualyf = Twelve, Dritian = Thirteen, Fiyurtian = Fourteen, Fyftian = Fifteen, Sekstian = Sixteen, Syfentian = Seventeen, Ahttian = Eighteen, Nyuntian = Nineteen, and then the next sets. Tuan-tig = Twenty, þritig = Thirty, Fiyurtig = Forty, Fyftig = Fifty, Sekstig = Sixty, Syfentig = Seventy, Ahttig = Eighty, = Nyuntig = Ninty. Hunderod = Hundred and Thusand = Thousand. Once one understands these it becomes easier to correctly write such out. For example, Anhundred und Ahttig = One Hundred and Eighty. Ahttig-an = Eighty-One.
Then there are:
Heavan = Heave – on (lifted up as in the top of a hill, mountain, etc.). Earth = Aerd/Urd (akin to -gard = yard). Hell = Hel (akin to Hall from Hal, and Heal from Heli, and also Holy from Holi and Hole from Hol). North = Nord, Ast = East, South = Suth, and West = Uast. Sky = Scio, Sea = Seo, Land = Lond. Cloud = Clud (originally clod as a lump of rock and dirt), replacing wolkan = walks/moves), Ice =Is, Rain = Regan. Snow = Sno. Light = Liht. Dark = Dirk, Shadow =Skado (It also was the word for shade as skad), Bright = Berht (also for birth and bird from burd), Shine = Skin, Gleam = Glim/Glam, Tree = Tri (also a word for three, and also triu and trien meaning trees and threes). Root = Rot (Also as Rod = Rood). Wod = Wood, plural Wodu and Wodan means Wooden. Wido and Widu is the source of Widow.

GEOMETRY IS PRESENT IN THE SEASONS: As an example of the concepts of geometry being derived from simply looking at the sky and realizing regular organized patterns in natural cycles and how the things of the sky effected the things on the ground beyond just the weather, I show some important considerations. Using the symbol of the Golden Ratio on the hexagonal axes that I then divide across the center for the Equinoxes, one can see the same alignments occurring in many old standing stone circles which then correspond to various festivities and as such connects with the True Sacred Geometry I previously presented. Underneath that I then use the same inspiration from artifacts like Stonehenge and what all had been found at such sites to create the same connections with other key elements.

Now that this has been clarified, the symbol here shows how this geometry applies to calendar structures often represented in ancient artifacts but seldom recognized properly. We have the three main segmented lines in triangular position aligned with Winter (North), Spring (SE), and Summer (SW) as Holidays (Holy Days). In the center is the triple horns symbol to represent the association with the One God. The opened spaces or three segmented lines natural are associated with the Three Goddesses, each sometimes called metaphorically a Horn Bearer that has its own diverse symbolism. Each of these are then aligned with four segments of the seasons, and we have the four-fold divisions also marked by 1-12 representing the 12 months of the year. Each of these four segmented sets have a total of 9 sub-divisions, which also being marked at 4 points equal 1-36. This ties together the basic concepts of the solar/lunar calendars.
This allows us to now realize the real associations with such as the number 666 which has nothing to do with 'Evil' and has long been a misrepresentation of mistranslations for many centuries. On the other hand, it has also been smeared as 'Evil' on purpose to suppress this information and impose a widespread counterfeit concept that smears this central and fundamental polytheism more or less. In any case, this is all based on taking 1-36 and creating sequence to arrive at 666 based on this calendar-based structure and measurement of time over the period of the year. It is done as follows to make it simple to see and one can count this all up for themselves as it produces the same results.
+23+24+25+26+27+28+29+30+31+312+33+34+35+36 = 666.
There is nothing "Evil" about it unless you really hate basic Mathemetics.

This is as such, often tied to the so called "Magic" Square of the Sun, is also used to try and push the concept of a so called "Evil Solar Cult." It's all nonsense and we can prove it rather simple enough. First, we arrange the numbers of 1-36 on a 6 x 6 grid so that all the columns and rows as well as the two X angles = 111. It is true if you only calculate 6 columns alone that you arrive at 111 x 6 = 666. However, you must also continue to add the rows also as 111 x 6 = 666. If we do stop there, we would get a total 1,332. However, we must add both angles as 111 x 2 = 222. Having completed the total equation and therefore value of the square, it equals 1,554. If we only calculate the rows and one angle we would, of course get 777. Of course, 777 x 2 also has the end result of 1,554.
Now we can look at another math trick that also is often employed by using a similar process of adding each number to the number next to it as a way to reduce the last number count to the smallest possible number. For example, 111 is 1+1+1 = 3. 6+6+6 = 18 and 1+8 = 9. We can now short cut this a bit by using 3+9 = 12 and 1+2 = 3 to represent 1 angle and 6 rows, and then 3+2 = 6 to count for all angles and rows and columns. The other way is of course 7+7+7 = 21 and 2+1 = 3 x 2 = 6. We can also approach this as 1+5+5+5 = 15 and 1+5 = 6. But what does any of it mean? In this case, nothing. It's just math but does show math expressed in nature discovered through observation indicating we did not truly invent math in itself, but simply invented means to express and describe it.
On the other hand, aside from the silliness that 666 is supposedly an evil number, some also consider 777 as "God's Number" though primarily this comes from the base 7 that goes back to the previous examples with the center of the starting point of God as his first manifestoed energy or spirit radiating out into 6 directions which total 7. Now think about what we have here. It's a combination again of 1 (God's first manifestation of self) and 6 directions of self-definition. It also is in fact that the fact that these are straight lines from a central active point that God is manifestly male in quality and nature of being. It also means that 111, 666 and 777 can be called God's numbers though technically all numbers are God's numbers as it were.
Now we can also discover in this the concepts of trigonometry when converging degrees into radians as they are called. 72 symbolizes purpose, unity, and divine order in several cultures using these same concepts. Now, as we can equate 36 to 12 hours, then 24 = 36 x 2 = 72 as a way of also representing a whole day because when we add 36 x 2 it is equal to 12 x 2. This also means as we can divide a 360° as 360°/4 = 90.
If we calculate 360°/2 = 180° we can then convert that to 720° = 4π (radians). The solution is 1° = 1π (radian) over 180°. So, 720°=180°π × 720 and thus the answer 720° = 4π. In this case each whole segment of 9 spaces in the above also each represent 1π (radian). Moving away from the trigonometry, using the same chart above, we have three sections each equated with 4 subsections and those 4 subsections as a single unit also equate to 9 secondary subsections. We cover these collectively using the simple math of 3 primary segments x 12 subsections = 36 spaces, and 36/9 = 4 (which is again associated with the One and Three as 1 + 3 = 4).
Comparing the Lunar Calendar: If we use the same basic concepts here, the general idea is each month (moon time) was associated primarily with 28 days as 7 days x 4. However, there are generally calculated 365 days per year. The lunar base in this case is 28 x 13 = 364 days. To compensate the extra day is added and hence the old term a Year and a Day using such Moon/Lunar based calendars. Now then, if we want to figure out how many weeks are in such a year measurement, then we calculate 364/7 = 52. So, there are 52 weeks in a Lunar year.
However, 52/4 = 13 which is how we can divide a lunar calendar in a few diverse ways. Another factor is for the moon to return to its approximate position in the sky when the calculations began, it would take a total of 19 lunar years to return to said position which is 6,916 days. This means the lunar calendar and positioning occurs earlier than the completion of the Solar which in a 19-year cycle is 6,935 days. However, this creates in itself a repeat of 19 because 6,935 - 6,916 = 19 as one added day per each lunar year. It's one reason why "lunar based" observances move around standard calendars each year.
It would be rather easy to create a simple calendar incorporating these basics as a handheld object no bigger than the same presented here. The 4 segments represent 4 weeks. The 7 segments represent 7 days. Marking off each completed set of 4 x 7 = 28 days allows one to then mark off 1 of 13 segments for each Month or Moon time. repeating this process one can then do the same over a 19 lunar year cycle wherein everything is completed, and a new cycle can be started once again. There are rare, yet actual artifacts that still exist that more or less utilize this kind of system, though most do not have any indication of the recognition of the 19 lunar years which is otherwise called the Metonic cycle. This does not mean no one was aware of it though.

There is of course another simplified example where we use dots to show how the counting works that does not use a quarter segmentation in the center. How one uses this is the count the large dot for one day of the weak, counting off the three smaller ones, before returning to count the next large one. So, this becomes a cycle of 7 large and 21 small dots which results in a completed count of 28 lunar months/days. One can then add an addition 13 dots to complete a lunar year, and then another set of 19 for the full 19-year system. One can also create a hybrid of these examples. Most won't realize even in this base design there is a link to the One and Three. If you understand the concepts of Sacred Geometry, you will see how 7 becomes aligned to the "7-fold" manifestation of the 1-God which leads to the generation of the 3-Goddesses.
To make this connection to the One and Three clearly understood is to simply recognize that in this case, especially the secondary one, the three large dots associate with the One and the three smaller dots with each of the Three so all four are represented as having a 7-fold reflection or expression in this cyclical system, which then extends to the 13 months for one year and the 19 subsequent years or a complete cycle where all four are still present, though more obscured without knowing this base line equation. This also equates to various other areas of mathematics when it comes to the concepts of partitions. One God and Three Goddesses equal a total number of 4. It's more important than most will realize, and many extremely bright mathematicians will recognize it themselves and how this connects at another angle. There are five ways in which one can add up 4. The obvious is in the most basic sense of partitions. Partitions of 4 = 5 or P4= 5:
1+1+1+1 = 4.
1+3 = 4.
2 +1+1 = 4.
2+2 = 4.
4+0 = 4.
To discover them, mathematicians work long and hard to propose a “conjecture” or a mathematician’s hypothesis. If it can be proved, the conjecture is elevated to the status as a “theorem.” The mistake, however, is to assume or presume the One and Three are themselves merely expressions of consciousness or expressions of mathematics, when instead consciousness and mathematics are expressions of them as is all of existence which is the whole point of True Sacred Geometry demonstrating these things in diverse ways, especially once one is able to comprehend what is actually being presented rather than what is often claimed. Furthermore, in this sense, one's belief in the One and Three is not founded upon things we do not know but the things that are known.
There isn't a single symbol that someone somewhere will try to or has linked to some sort of malicious concept or context unfortunately, and when various government officials out of their own ignorance bans certain symbols because of such usage, they are themselves perpetuating the nonsensical crap instead of making known the actual original usage that has no such associations and not focus on the malicious and militant identities s it more or less justifies militant identities usage and more or less promotes them while "denouncing" them. I will not play into such things. In any case I clarify the actual associated managing in the sense of origins of inspiration rather than later applied or assumed meanings of previous centuries.
The word Swastika has been claimed to be "Sanskrit" for Well Being. That word is Edhatu. The word for Fortune is Bhaga. In fact, any of the claimed "meanings" when one looks at those and trace to the Sanskrit language, you do not find Swastika in those lists, expressions or terms. Even if you look into the various words for noble or nobility, it does not occur as this word. Nor is it present in Sanskrit words for "auspicious." The true etymology is suai (sway) + stika (sticks). Sway un this sense means curved or bent plus the stick like lines which are bent to express a sense of motion. Because of this, one would find several designs using two bent ends, three bent ends, four bent ends, and more, all defined as types of swastikas. This explains the more commonly named four-fold version that bears the name now.

The bent arms in the swastikas on the left or the right represent motion, specifically rotation along a circular compass on a central Axis. The equal arm cross with its end points shaped more like hammers simply represented the primary directions of North, East, South and West. Sometimes a smaller one is added for the total of 8 directions. The ancient usage of this symbol, especially on things like urns is more akin to the concepts of the endless cycles of renewal. It also has its connections with the concepts expressed on our page about Wights and how ghosts come to be.
With that being said, one can better comprehend this if they have any knowledge about the associations of planetary and lunar orbits and the angular title of the Earth in relation to the Sun. It's also from these observations of the polar axis we have information pertaining to the Earth's natural wobble that shapes the various conditions of planetary environments and climates. I also included the representation of the Big and Little Dipper as a known phenomenon of planetary rotation that creates over time an alignment that appears to some as a type of swastika.

Other symbols connected to all this include three spheres of different sizes representing the Sun and how it seems to become the largest at Summer Solstice, smallest at Winter Solstice and is the same size between these at both the Spring and Fall Equinoxes. It is the wobble of the Earth at these times of the year that also create the form of a figure 8 which inspired the symbol as a double loop for eternity and the image of a figure 8 snake biting its own tail connected to the basic shape often called the Latin Cross/Crux. That is because, again, the smallest part at the top is associated with the Summer Solstice, the two upper arms at either side represent the equinoxes and the extended longest point at the bottom associated with the Winter Solstice. The three circles of different sizes are also often aligned along the central post connecting this solar symbolism, and sometimes at the base, the Skull and Cross Bones are also added representing Winter as the "Season of Death." Various Octagon shapes are sometimes used to obscure the Swastika shapes. These are presented here for comparisons.

Winter Dominate

Summer Dominate

General Directions in Seasonal Rotation

Hourly top/down Rotation Position.

This example, inspired by several ancient stone circle monuments, demonstrates how this kind of information can be properly applied over time as many such structures show they had been altered even in ancient times to add other details, though some of the details and the motives specifically is not recorded historically in any valid lore or ancient written documentations.
It has 8 small markers and 4 larger ones for 8 directions and the positioning for 'Golden Spiral' applied for the Sunrises and Sunsets. The next has 36 for 360° followed next has 12 for 12 months. 30 represents the association of the 12 zodiac signs (months) segmented into three equal parts, each comprising 10 degrees which are called Decans (30 x 12 = 360).
The large irregular rectangles, each equal 3 as the top parts of trilithons, also aligned with the associated Sunrises and Sunsets and also as 3 x 5 equal 30 which ties into the previously stated decans. Each has three smaller ones in front of them with two tinny ones on either side. This would be counted as 19 which then connects to the 19-year lunar cycle. I have two more added with these parts inspired by Stonehenge of the so-called Alter Stone which was more likely a stone podium if it wasn't also upright serving as a sundial itself, and a central point representing a fire pit more or less for various times of the year when ceremonial fires would be and are known to be lit even in modern times that are known to have ancient origins, even if the context of such things have changed with the cultures.

Combining all these basic concepts into a cultural symbol and linking such with the One God and Three Goddesses and the holidays, and the seasons and the months, and the concepts of the Drikeyu, and so forth, I have made symbols like this one. The center has the triple spiral which one can think of as a triad of ibex horns, 3 dots for the three main holidays which also links to three pout of the 12 months, and the triquetra at each of the triangulated points representing each of the Three Goddesses together aligned to three out of the remaining nine months. If one counts all the dots, they are also 7 in number representing the seven days of the week and the hexagon is associated with the six directions associated with the triple axes of Sacred Geometry and 3-dimentional space. The triple curved lines in the background also in turn express a connection with the Drikeyu.