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Family, Friendship, and Community: The Pillars of Our Existence

We believe in the importance of family, friends, and safeguarding our children—especially in a world that often seeks to dismantle and destroy these foundational elements of our existence. These connections are central to the survival and continuation of humanity as a species. Humans are not meant to be solitary beings; as social creatures, we thrive together. While we reproduce to ensure future generations, our social bonds provide us with strength, purpose, and resilience. Even with only a few close friends, this truth remains evident: without one another, we deteriorate, our health suffers, and our lives are significantly shortened.

The Timeless Value of Connection

The significance of family and community has been a core teaching across every culture, religion, and society throughout human history. In recent years, modern medical science has only begun to validate these age-old truths. Research shows that during childhood, close and healthy family relationships, as well as friendships, can buffer against the adverse effects of life’s challenges on physical health and longevity.

A strong sense of family identity and healthy relationships—grounded in mutual support, trust, conflict resolution, and shared responsibilities—helps build resilience. These dynamics evolve over time, adapting as children grow into adolescents. Together, they form a protective foundation, mitigating the effects of childhood adversities on mental, emotional, and physical health. This is not theoretical; it is observable across all societies and throughout nature.

Our Foundational Principles

This philosophy aligns seamlessly with Druwayu’s core beliefs and practices, including:

  1. The One and Three as the Source of Ultimate Knowledge: Worshiping the One and Three involves active engagement with the sciences and understanding the universal language of mathematics and geometry, which is expressed in, though, and by all things.

  2. Community-Centered Activities:

    • Church services are platforms for discussing discoveries and advancements that benefit humankind.

    • Charity work focuses on improving the community—cleaning, stabilizing, and maintaining pride in the shared environment without compromising historical preservation.

    • Church collections cover operational costs, with surplus funds allocated to scholarships in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields.

  3. Advancing Knowledge and Well-Being: The Church’s mission extends to improving human intelligence, emotional and mental health, physical well-being, and the strength of social bonds among members, families, and communities.

  4. The Drikeyu: Rooted in the concept of the Three Keys, the Drikeyu connects cosmic laws, reciprocal dynamics, and a singular unifying essence. This framework integrates theology, spirituality, philosophy, and science as complementary ways of understanding the same universal reality.


Logic, Humor, and Absurdity: A Holistic Perspective

Druwayu embraces the principles of logic, humor, and absurdity as interconnected elements of existence. These concepts invite us to look beyond ourselves, fostering a deeper appreciation for life and our shared humanity. Despite misconceptions, Druwayu is not a parody meant to mock spirituality; it is a sincere exploration of the human experience through unique and pragmatic perspectives.

  • Logic allows us to approach life’s challenges rationally, breaking down complexity to understand the objective realities of the present. It guides us to deal with things as they are, rather than clinging to ideals of how we wish they were.

  • Humor reminds us not to take ourselves or life too seriously. By finding amusement in life’s unpredictability, we build resilience and connect more authentically with others.

  • Absurdity acknowledges that while existence lacks inherent meaning, we possess the freedom to create our own purpose. This recognition fosters appreciation for the paradoxical nature of life.


Practicality and Balance

Druwayu’s teachings advocate for a pragmatic approach, recognizing the importance of reconciling differing views to achieve harmony. Complementary ideas reinforce one another rather than existing in opposition. This perspective serves as a reminder: it’s not always about the individual. Ignoring the needs and feelings of others leads to conflict; understanding others fosters mutual respect.

While Druwayu embraces complexity, it remains accessible. It accommodates diverse beliefs, including the idea of a “heaven” as a state of kindness and peace achieved in the present, not just as an abstract reward. The focus lies on authenticity—qualities and actions define a person more than blind devotion or pursuit of material rewards.

Striving for a Collective Heaven

We have the power to create a living heaven on earth or turn it into a living hell. The real challenge lies in distinguishing between those who seek harmony and those who impose their visions tyrannically. True freedom and peace require vigilance; preserving them demands effort and, at times, resistance against those who seek to undermine them.

Hatred, when directed appropriately—such as hatred of injustice or racism—can be a force for change. It’s not hatred itself that is wrong but how it is applied. Similarly, imposing rules or laws without consideration of nuance often leads to ethical conflicts. True understanding comes from a balanced perspective, informed by a deep sense of family, friendship, and shared responsibility.

Fostering Joy and Understanding

At Druwayu’s core is the belief that strengthening families and friendships is integral to a fulfilling life:

  • Having fun and embracing moments of joy.

  • Not taking oneself too seriously.

  • Learning to forgive simple mistakes without assigning undue blame or punishment.


These principles foster a sense of connection, resilience, and mutual respect. By embracing this philosophy, Druwayu encourages a thoughtful, compassionate way of life rooted in both individual and collective well-being.

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