A non-disclosure agreement (NDA) is a legally binding contract that establishes a confidential relationship between two parties which is the one party that holds sensitive information and the other party that will receive that sensitive information. The latter agrees that the information they receive won't be made available to others. An NDA may also be referred to as a confidentiality agreement.
By joining The First Church of Druwayu founded by Raymond S. G. Foster on October 11, 2014 in accordance with the tradition of Druwayu created and composed by the founder Raymond S. G. Foster on January 1, 2014, placed under the custodianship of the council also named the Drusidu the founder Raymond S. G. Foster for the administration of this so named Druish Tradition of members called Druans and of the clergy wherein the men are so named Warlocks, and the women are so named Witches as also officers of the Drusidu as the governance of the so named Church, all officers and or recognized representatives of the Church and religion are responsible for the security of any confidential information to which they have access. This agreement is not intended to impede normal church communications, but rather to specify individual discretion and confidentiality.
They shall have an obligation to maintain the confidentiality of proprietary, confidential and sensitive information, documents and data concerning the Church, its staff, members, organizations and clergy, as well as any other church specific activities and business. Church Officers will not discuss or divulge internal church business concerning any of the above entities except to (1) the extent necessary for the normal conduct of business and (2) those that are specifically authorized to receive such information, and (3) as required by subpoena by a recognized federal court judge of the United States of America. The same shall also respect our Terms of Service, Privacy Policy and Codes of Conduct on our website and or any means of communication or transference of communication and information.
Church officers will not discuss or divulge internal church business concerning any of the above entities except to (1) the extent necessary for the normal conduct of business and (2) those that are specifically authorized to receive such information.
Violation of this agreement constitutes grounds for removal from office and or membership and may also if deemed applicable and necessary by the Drusidu and or founder result in termination of such as employment and regarded as excommunication from the Church and religion locally and internationally.
Unless you have been specifically chosen, such as an attorney for the Church, to be a recognized spokesperson for Druwayu and or the Church and its goals and activities, you are advised not to discuss anything with the media, especially if it pertains to any legal or other areas of concerns so as to avoid misrepresentation and to protect you from personal attacks and harassment. This includes any individual "journalists" or "podcasts" or any other such interviews. If anyone asks you as a Druan about Druwayu, direct them to this Church website and end the discussion.
You are also not allowed to divulge who is or isn't a member if you have access to such knowledge as that is trespassing on other members privacy and confidentiality. If anyone asks or demands for such information than end the conversation with it "is not your right or place to trespass on another's privacy or confidentiality." If you choose to make known your membership or identification as a Druan and your culture as Druish, that is at your own risk and on your own discretion yet should extend no further than that. The last thing you or anyone else needs and does not deserve is to have your words twisted.
BY JOINING AS A MEMBER, you agree that you will keep confidential any proprietary, confidential and/or sensitive information, documents or data concerning Church, its staff, members, organizations, and or clergy and other officers that you may have been given permitted access to as a result of necessity for carrying out your responsibilities as a church officer completely private and confidential as per this NDA, Privacy Policy, Terms of Service and in compliance with our Codes of Conduct.