The Church regards the media as a vital component of society that, when responsibly managed and utilized, has the potential to achieve remarkable good. Druans are committed to upholding freedom of speech and religion, as enshrined in the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of North America.
However, the Church shares the public's concerns regarding press practices, which surveys indicate are often perceived as inaccurate, biased, and influenced by special interests. While the Church is not hostile to the press, it adopts a firm stance against distortions, misinformation, and slanderous propaganda.
To address such issues, Church members adhere to an unwritten code entrusting the council, known as the Drusidu, to handle public concerns. The Drusidu, in turn, collaborates with unbiased third-party representatives, such as legal counsel, to ensure accurate representation of Druwayu, the Drusidu, and the First Church of Druwayu's activities.
A responsible press serves as an invaluable instrument for social reform. Many of the Church’s exposés on human rights abuses have gained widespread attention through media reporting. The Church operates with reasonable transparency, balancing this with the defense of its members’ and clergy's rights to privacy. When appropriate, the Church makes public any legal proceedings or activities to keep the general public informed. In return, the Church expects only one thing: genuine investigative journalism, free from political bias or sensationalism.
Unfortunately, some journalists have willfully misinformed the public on a variety of subjects, especially in recent times. As a new religion, Druwayu has no hidden "secrets or mysteries." Nonetheless, controversy is occasionally fabricated by opportunistic individuals seeking profit from sensationalized books or delusional conspiracies. This tendency is not unique to Druwayu; it is a challenge faced by any new or different belief system. Rather than adopting a victim complex, the Church remains proactive. The Drusidu, after consulting appropriate legal counsel, may pursue legal action against those disseminating false claims or slanderous allegations.
The Church is acutely aware of how misinformation can incite bigotry, social unrest, and violence, all of which are unacceptable and inhumane. Consequently, any interactions with the media are approached with careful third-party consultation and representation.
Druans are generally advised not to engage in direct interviews, as such interactions risk misrepresentation by media outlets. That said, members are not compelled to remain silent, and the Drusidu does not exercise dictatorial authority. Members who feel misrepresented may express their frustrations, but such reactions are a personal matter.
For media outlets seeking interviews about Druwayu, requests must be submitted through the Church's "Contact Us" link. Requests should specify the purpose, terms, conditions, timing, and location of the proposed interview. The Church will consult its legal representatives to review such requests and respond accordingly. It is important to note that a response is not guaranteed.