The most common means is someone provides a proposal, the current active council members review it to determine if it conflicts with Druwayu's foundations and primary teachings, and if found to not truly be in conflict, such are presented to the Druish community for consideration. Votes go through active members on this website (not usually observable by non-members or incomplete membership pages) and set for a short period of time for the start of the voting and deadline for all votes to be in. The majority percentage of yes or no for inclusion or rejection determines what is or is not passed and recognized as official. Otherwise, the following were established with the creation of Druwayu itself from the start.
"Hail to the One and Three. I give thanks for another day."
There is no need for some sort of sacraments, offerings or any other forms of worship or devotion and considered in itself a profession and declaration of faith well enough in and of itself. This comes from our most basic view that the One and Three are in no need of sacrifices and there is nothing one can truly do to "win their favor" as attempting to do so is considered a silly act of trying to bribe them somehow. They avail themselves well enough through the Drikeyu and need not do any more as the Druwayu alone holds us to our own accord for better or worse. For as every action as its own reaction, so too does every inaction. All actions and inaction have consequences whether we like it or not.
Active Druans and associated followers gather for a more relaxed and communal feast event honoring and reinforcing the bonds of family and friendship and includes welcoming strangers to partake as non-Druans are not excluded from these gatherings. However, engaging in anger driven fights or starting fights is not tolerated. It is a hallowed tradition to be respected as such.
This combines the concepts of communal tradition of sharing food, drink and stories as a holiday unto itself, promoting peace and joyfulness, as well as the tradition of hospitality to strangers, especially those less fortunate and expression of the willingness to share what one has with one's fellow human beings.
Private observance of this tradition among relatives and friends, and extended family is also how this is observed, especially if there is a member of the family, that for whatever reason, is house bound, such as but not exclusively due to physical or other disabilities. Caring for family is a particularly important element in Druwayu.
The first official Founder's Day was January 10th, 2025. This is chosen based on the 52nd birthday of the founder and creator of Druwayu, known as the First True and High Elder Warlock, Raymond Steven Gottlieb Foster, born January 10, 1973, in Salem Oregon. By his own instruction, it is to be a time of forgiving all debts and trespasses that there should be nothing owed here or hereafter.
Combining features of New Year's celebrations and gift giving as expressions of celebrating the lives of one another for better or worse, the tradition also includes a candle lighting ceremony where one begins recounting their blessings, including those of family, and each person there after lights from the previous.
Once all the candles of all presents have been lit, the first calls all to observe the number of light flames representing how all lives touch another, spreads the same life flame and becoming numerous like the stars in the sky. With a cheer, everyone casts their lit candles fire pit to ignite a bonfire into which written debts are tossed.