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Established this Day of January 10, 2025


By the Founder Raymond S. G. Foster:

First True and Head Warlock of Druwayu

On the Birthday thereof at 4:10 AM PST. 

Note from Founder:

Due to current changes in Federal Laws, especially in regard to any laws in association with the IRS, any laws in reference to the IRS are included for the time being though at this time I have not actively sought a 501(c)(3) application or registration and should be considered as preemptive. Should the IRS indeed be disbanded, these specific laws of compliance will not necessarily result in the change of these Bylaws as they are only cited as a not what these Bylaws are already in alignment with when I wrote them and as I wrote them. 

Article I: Name and Purpose

  1. Name: The official name of the church shall be "The First Church of Druwayu."

  2. Purpose: The purpose of the church is to embrace logic, humor, and absurdity while promoting ethical growth, respect for diversity, and social integrity. The church aims to create a community where members can explore and practice the principles of Druwayu.

  3. Mission: The mission of the church is to foster a supportive community for exploring Druwayu's principles, foundations, and teachings. The church seeks to provide a space for spiritual growth, intellectual exploration, and social engagement.


Article II: Statement of Faith

  1. Primary Deities: The church recognizes four primary deities: one God and three Goddesses. These deities represent the core spiritual beliefs of the church.

  2. Wights: The church recognizes the existence of innumerable beings called Wights, which are considered spiritual entities that inhabit the natural world.

  3. Holy Ones: The church recognizes Holy Ones as determined by active members. These individuals are revered for their spiritual insight and contributions to the community.

  4. Drikeyu: The church recognizes three cosmological principles called the Drikeyu, which form the foundation of its spiritual and philosophical beliefs.

  5. Sacred Geometry: The church recognizes Sacred Geometry as vital to spiritual, philosophical, and scientific clarity. Sacred Geometry is seen as a means to understand the underlying patterns and structures of the universe.


Article III: Membership

  1. Criteria: Membership is open to individuals who embrace the principles of Druwayu and are willing to actively participate in the church community.

  2. Process: Prospective members must review the provided information about the church and write an essay for clergy consideration. The essay should demonstrate their understanding of Druwayu's principles and their commitment to the church.

  3. Rights and Responsibilities: Members have the right to participate in church activities, vote on important matters, and hold leadership positions. They also have the responsibility to uphold the church's values, contribute to the community, and respect the beliefs of others.

  4. Termination: Membership may be terminated by voluntary withdrawal or by a decision of the church leadership if a member fails to uphold the church's values or engages in behavior that is harmful to the community.


Article IV: Church Governance

These are the primary ranks of clergy from highest to lowest which also relate to levels of earned authority and based on seniority of time in association with such roles. Generally, these roles are for life unless such titles have been revoked because of dishonorable acts or deeds. Recognition of such bearing these or similar titles from religious or traditions outside of Druwayu are not recognized as valid, or grants anyone a right to take on such roles within the Church or its branches. Only the founder is given the honorary title as "The First True Warlock" and not used by anyone else in recognition of being the originator. 

  • First Rank:

    • High Elder Warlocks and High Elder Witches: Senior titles above elder members, who have additional responsibilities and authority within the church and over the Drusidu.

  • Second Rank:

    • Elder Warlocks and Elder Witches: Members of the Drusidu, who hold senior positions within the church and provide spiritual guidance to the community.

  • Third Rank:

    • High Warlocks and High Witches: Senior titles above other Warlocks and Witches, who have additional responsibilities and authority within the church.

  • Fourth Rank:

    • Warlocks and Witches: Male and female clergy who serve the church and its members by performing rituals, providing spiritual guidance, and leading community activities.


The term for one striving to become recognized as a clergy member is called a Seeker. This applies to either men or women. Traditionally a Warlock or Witch of fourth rank usually only takes on one or two Seekers at a time serving as teachers to both prepare them for the demands of such duties for members and non-members alike and aid them is developing a better, deeper understanding of Druwayu, it gives seekers a chance to determine if such a commitment within the church is right for them and from which they can discontinue learning.


In turn, the Warlock or Witch who is their teacher also have their reputation on the line because they will be the ones to speak on the seeker's behalf and give their notice if they believe one to be ready for such a role and being hallowed in (which in context is being ordained). Elder Warlocks and Witches of the Drusidu will review their recommendations, review seekers submissions of an essay, challenge them in a variety of ways, including intense questioning, all to test them to see how they endure under stress and how they react to confrontations. This causes many seekers to fail or give up. This is to ensure clergy can conduct themselves properly and their merits.

Warlocks and Witches can gain recognition as High Warlocks and Witches or second rank status either by years of service having reached old age and will retain their titles out of respect even in retirement, and having properly trained at least 10 successor seekers who gained title of Warlock or Witch themselves. Naturally such achievement of title and rank also instills a deeper sense of valued achievement and the importance of such a role that brings true respect to the title of either Warlock or Witch and to gain such status within the Druish community. Those that complain about these difficulties automatically disqualify themselves from gaining such a title as they have missed the point and reasoning behind these purposely imposed struggles and challenges.  

Article V: Meetings

  1. Frequency: The church shall hold weekly services for worship and spiritual growth, as well as monthly council meetings to discuss and make decisions on church matters.

  2. Procedures: A quorum of 50% of council members is required for decision-making. Decisions are made by a majority vote of the council members present.


Article VI: Committees

  1. Standing Committees: The church may have standing committees for finance, community outreach, and planning based on need. These committees are responsible for managing specific aspects of the church's operations and activities.

  2. Formation and Dissolution: Committees may be formed or dissolved by the council as needed to address the changing needs of the church.


Article VII: Financial Policies

  1. Management Practices: The church shall maintain transparent budgeting, accounting, and auditing practices to ensure financial integrity and accountability.

  2. Donations and Expenditures: Donations are on an at-will basis to support event development and activities. Financial matters are managed by a financial representative, such as a personal banker, and approved by the council. The church shall provide regular financial reports to its members.


Article VIII: Amendments

  1. Process: Amendments to the bylaws require a two-thirds majority vote of council members. Proposed amendments must be submitted in writing and reviewed by the council before being voted on.


Article IX: Dissolution

  1. Guidelines: In the event of dissolution, the church's assets shall be distributed to aligned charitable organizations that share similar values and goals. The council shall oversee the dissolution process to ensure compliance with legal requirements.


Article X: Conflict of Interest Policy

  1. State Law: The church shall adhere to Oregon law (ORS 65.361) regarding conflicts of interest. Council members must disclose any potential conflicts of interest and recuse themselves from decision-making when necessary.


Article XI: Document Retention and Destruction Policy

  1. Federal Law: The church shall comply with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act regarding document retention and destruction. This includes maintaining accurate records and ensuring the secure disposal of sensitive information.

  2. State Law: The church shall adhere to Oregon law (ORS 65.771) regarding document retention and destruction. The church shall establish a document retention policy to ensure compliance with legal requirements.


Article XII: Indemnification

  1. Federal Law: The church shall provide indemnification for council members as required by federal law. This includes protecting council members from legal liability for actions taken in good faith on behalf of the church.

  2. State Law: The church shall adhere to Oregon law (ORS 65.387-65.414) regarding indemnification. The church shall establish an indemnification policy to ensure compliance with legal requirements.


Article XIII: Non-Discrimination Policy

  1. Federal Law: The church shall comply with the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.

  2. State Law: The church shall adhere to Oregon law (ORS 659A) regarding non-discrimination. The church shall promote an inclusive and welcoming environment for all members.


Article XIV: Child Protection Policy

  1. Federal Law: The church shall comply with the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA), which sets standards for the prevention and treatment of child abuse and neglect.

  2. State Law: The church shall adhere to Oregon law (ORS 419B) regarding child protection. The church shall implement policies and procedures to ensure the safety and well-being of children in its care.


Article XV: Health and Safety

  1. The church's teachings are not a substitute for professional advice.

  2. Members are encouraged to seek professional guidance when needed.

  3. The church shall promote a safe and healthy environment for all members.


Article XVI: Ethical Guidelines

  1. Members are expected to act with integrity, promote inclusivity, and support fellow members.

  2. The church shall establish a code of ethics to guide the behavior and actions of its members.


Article XVII: Community Guidelines

  1. Members shall respect the beliefs of others, engage kindly, avoid spreading misinformation, and refrain from harassment.

  2. The church shall establish community guidelines to promote a positive and respectful environment.


Article XVIII: Literature of Its Own

  1. The church's website serves as the primary source of educational materials and resources.

  2. The church shall maintain and update its website to provide accurate and relevant information to its members.


Article XIX: Established Places of Worship

  1. Frithgards: Sacred Grounds designated for worship and spiritual activities.

  2. Virtual Worlds: Virtual Sacred sites where members can gather and participate in online worship and activities.

  3. Private Homes: Personal spaces for worship and spiritual practice.


Article XX: Regular Congregations

  1. The church shall hold online community or private home gatherings for worship, fellowship, and spiritual growth.

  2. These gatherings shall be open to all members and provide opportunities for connection and support.


Article XXI: Regular Religious Services

  1. The church shall conduct contemplation, meditation, and community gatherings to promote spiritual growth and well-being.

  2. These services shall be led by clergy and provide opportunities for members to engage in meaningful spiritual practices.


Article XXII: Personal Responsibility

  1. Members are encouraged to approach the church's teachings with an open mind and critical thinking.

  2. The church shall promote personal responsibility and self-reflection as essential components of spiritual growth.


Article XXIII: External Links

  1. The church is not responsible for the content of external sites linked on its website.

  2. Members are encouraged to use discretion when accessing external resources.


Article XXIV: Donations and Financial Transparency

  1. Donations are on an at-will basis to support event development and activities.

  2. The church shall maintain financial transparency by providing regular financial reports to its members and ensuring that donations are used responsibly.


Article XXV: Events and Gatherings

  1. Participation in church events and gatherings is voluntary.

  2. Members are expected to respect guidelines and local laws.

  3. The church shall organize events and gatherings that promote community building and spiritual growth.

Article XXVI: Federal Laws Compliance

  1. First Amendment: The church shall uphold the freedom of religion as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. This includes the right to practice and express religious beliefs without government interference.

  2. RFRA: The church shall protect religious freedom as outlined in the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA). This act ensures that government actions do not substantially burden the exercise of religion unless there is a compelling governmental interest.

  3. Title VII: The church shall prohibit employment discrimination as outlined in Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This includes prohibiting discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin in employment practices.

  4. 7 CFR Part 16: The church shall ensure equal opportunity for religious organizations as outlined in 7 CFR Part 16. This regulation ensures that religious organizations are eligible to participate in federal programs on the same basis as other organizations.


Article XXVII: Disabled Leadership

  1. The church shall ensure equal opportunities for disabled individuals in leadership roles.

  2. This includes providing reasonable accommodations and support to enable disabled individuals to fully participate in leadership and decision-making processes.


Article XXVIII: Child Protection

  1. The church shall implement policies to protect children from abuse and comply with relevant laws.

  2. This includes conducting background checks on individuals working with children, providing training on child protection, and establishing procedures for reporting and responding to allegations of abuse.


Article XXIX: Oregon State Laws Compliance

  1. ORS Chapter 65: The church shall adhere to Oregon's nonprofit corporation law as outlined in ORS Chapter 65. This includes requirements for governance, record-keeping, and reporting.

  2. ORS 128.610 to 128.750: The church shall comply with Oregon's charitable corporation requirements as outlined in ORS 128.610 to 128.750. This includes regulations on fundraising, financial reporting, and the use of charitable assets.

  3. OAR Section 137, Division 10: The church shall adhere to Oregon's charitable solicitation requirements as outlined in OAR Section 137, Division 10. This includes regulations on fundraising practices and disclosures to donors.

  4. ORS 307.140: The church shall comply with Oregon's property tax exemptions for religious organizations as outlined in ORS 307.140. This includes requirements for maintaining tax-exempt status and reporting property use.


Article XXX: Code of Conduct

  1. Behavioral Expectations: Members are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that reflects the values and principles of Druwayu. This includes treating others with respect, honesty, and kindness.

  2. Disciplinary Actions: The church shall establish procedures for addressing violations of the code of conduct. Disciplinary actions may include warnings, suspension, or termination of membership.


Article XXXI: Privacy Policy

  1. Member Information: The church shall protect the privacy of its members by safeguarding personal information and ensuring it is used only for church-related purposes.

  2. Data Security: The church shall implement measures to secure member data and prevent unauthorized access.


Article XXXII: Volunteer and Service Opportunities

  1. Volunteer Roles: The church shall provide opportunities for members to volunteer and serve in various capacities, such as event planning, community outreach, and administrative support.

  2. Recognition: The church shall recognize and appreciate the contributions of volunteers through acknowledgments and awards.


Article XXXIII: Educational Programs

  1. Workshops and Classes: The church shall offer workshops and classes on topics related to Druwayu's principles, spiritual growth, and personal development.

  2. Resource Materials: The church shall provide educational materials and resources to support members' learning and growth.


Article XXXIV: Interfaith Relations

  1. Collaboration: The church shall seek opportunities to collaborate with other religious and spiritual organizations to promote mutual understanding and respect.

  2. Dialogue: The church shall encourage interfaith dialogue and participation in events that foster harmony and cooperation among different faith communities.


Article XXXV: Environmental Stewardship

  1. Sustainability Practices: The church shall promote environmentally sustainable practices in its operations and activities.

  2. Community Initiatives: The church shall engage in community initiatives that support environmental conservation and awareness.


Article XXXVI: Communication Policy

  1. Internal Communication: The church shall establish clear channels for internal communication among members, clergy, and the council. This includes regular newsletters, email updates, and an online forum for discussions.

  2. External Communication: The church shall maintain a positive public image through transparent and respectful communication with the broader community. This includes managing social media accounts, press releases, and public statements.


Article XXXVII: Conflict Resolution

  1. Mediation: The church shall establish a mediation process to address conflicts and disputes among members. This process shall involve neutral mediators who facilitate discussions and help parties reach a resolution.

  2. Appeals: Members have the right to appeal decisions made by the council or clergy. The church shall establish an appeals process to ensure fairness and transparency.


Article XXXVIII: Member Engagement

  1. Feedback Mechanisms: The church shall establish mechanisms for members to provide feedback and suggestions. This includes regular surveys, suggestion boxes, and open forums.

  2. Member Recognition: The church shall recognize and celebrate the contributions of its members through awards, acknowledgments, and special events.


Article XXXIX: Technology and Innovation

  1. Digital Tools: The church shall leverage digital tools and technology to enhance its operations and member engagement. This includes online platforms for worship, communication, and education.

  2. Innovation Fund: The church shall establish an innovation fund to support new initiatives and projects that align with its mission and values.

Article XL: Community Outreach

  1. Service Projects: The church shall organize and participate in community service projects to support local needs and promote social responsibility.

  2. Partnerships: The church shall seek partnerships with other organizations to enhance its outreach efforts and maximize its impact on the community.


Article XLI: Health and Wellness Programs

  1. Support Groups: The church shall offer support groups for members dealing with various life challenges, such as grief, addiction, and mental health issues.

  2. Wellness Activities: The church shall promote physical and mental well-being through activities such as yoga, meditation, and fitness classes.


Article XLII: Cultural and Artistic Expression

  1. Art and Music: The church shall encourage cultural and artistic expression through art exhibits, music performances, and creative workshops.

  2. Cultural Events: The church shall host cultural events that celebrate diversity and promote understanding among different cultural groups.


Article XLIII: Youth and Family Programs

  1. Youth Activities: The church shall provide programs and activities for children and youth to support their spiritual, social, and personal development.

  2. Family Support: The church shall offer resources and support for families, including parenting workshops, family counseling, and family-oriented events.


Article XLIV: Leadership Development

  1. Training Programs: The church shall offer leadership training programs to develop the skills and abilities of current and future leaders.

  2. Mentorship: The church shall establish a mentorship program to support the growth and development of emerging leaders within the community.


Article XLV: Annual Review and Planning

  1. Annual Review: The church shall conduct an annual review of its activities, programs, and financial status to assess progress and identify areas for improvement.

  2. Strategic Planning: The church shall engage in strategic planning to set goals and priorities for the coming year, ensuring alignment with its mission and values.

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