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The First Church of Druwayu uses pentacles as part of some symbols that has nothing to do with Satanism or Occultism
! In fact, despite the ignorance and insane fascination with Satanism many have, unfortunately, with such spiritually empty and dead end paths, their usage as signs of protection and banishment are far more ancient. However, because of a lot of the nonsense, Druwayu does not use such designs as often as it did previously. The following will explain what the symbolism is actually based on and not the nonsensical occult claims one often encounters.

Merit Penta
Penta Stag 0


Compassion, Clarity, Courage, Endurance and Dedication. These are essential for all people to embrace and embody since these concepts have ever increasingly been diminished as important and essential values in all walks and aspects of life. Compassion teaches us to consider others. Clarity encourages accuracy and is the basic meaning of wisdom. Courage is not about 'not being afraid' but rather having the will to face the things you fear and all challenges regardless, and with the goal to overcome them or at least make you best effort to do so. Endurance is about not giving up or giving in easily. Dedication is about staying committed to accomplishing something and supporting what is important to oneself and to demonstrate one's own reliability. Properly understood, all five support one another, and that is also why Human and Life is added to this star. 


The design goes back to 2009. It was originally created as a spoof of the nonsense from the so-called New Age and Pagan communities. It has and never had anything to do with Satanism only to have all their sites and links connected to one reference or another to Satanism in one form or another. Being originally and clearly distinct from the "Chruch of Satan" created in the 1960s, there was only a hand full to assumed its "Satanic" associations. For the most part that claim was crushed by 2011. Then a new annoyance took shape and exploded in popularity with its lawsuit happy nonsense and some plagiarism of the Church of Satan and hijacking other art claiming ownership they don't own. That was called the Satanic Temple formed in 2013.


This uses a Stag Skull (not a goat skull or head). The Stag represents protection but also provision, the wild and untamed power of life itself but also its willingness to sacrifice himself to protect his herd, and thus the skull, and the twin antlers also representing the necessity of offense and defense.


The torch is actually based on a Tau Cross design and the flame of course represents guidance but also protection. Thus, the flame represents light of truth (that reveals all that is hidden) and guidance through the dark (so you don't become lost) but also protective fires that preserves life by consuming and destroying sickness. 


The inverted star is very ancient and represents the world and birth of new life but also was used as a sign of protection of life. That is because it was considered to be composed of 5 A letters, which to note, A in this modern form is actually and inversion of the original form which was originally derived from the image of a bull/ox head and his horns. This is also why another name for the pentagram is a pent-alpha. It was actually the upright that represented death and "ascension" to the hereafter.


As many understand, there are 360°, which divided by 10 = 36. 36 has often been used to invent so called "evil" associations because the sequence of 1-36 = 666. This sequence is of course set up by adding the next number as: 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15+16+17+18+19+20+21+22+23+24+25+26+27+28+29+30+31+312+33+34+35+36 666. However, this is also associated with the 12 months of the year and therefore the Zodiac as well as each month can be segmented into 3 sets of 10, each being called a decan representing 10°. This set of 3 or triad as 10 x 3 = 30° as 3 decans. 30 x 12 = 360°. Now, if one calculates the V angle of each point of the pentagram, they will end up finding an angle of 72°. 72° x 5 points (p) = 360°. One can confirm this also as 360° / 5p = 72°.

If we then proceed to do something like use the number 72 to represent a whole circle of 360,° and then use the circle as representing the Earth and then another for Heaven as the "sky" (as some do) and combine them in the symbolic union of Heaven and Earth represented in a double circle or vesica piscis, where the center is used as symbolic eye and lens, it becomes 72 x 2 =
144 which itself solves the 144 number mystery often used in various texts, often followed by extra zeros to hide this as 144,000. We can sequence this again as 1+4+4 = 9, and we can then apply this in concept to just about anything, including days, so we can just as easily equate it to days as 144,000 days = 394.520548 rounded to 395 years. At such a point it becomes all arbitrary concepts. So, it is enough to consider 144 as a symbolic union of "Heaven and Earth" or as some might also say, Spirit and Matter. Some equate this as 72 males and 72 females with the association of such concepts as 'Father-Sky-Spirit' and 'Mother-Earth-Matter.'

This also represents the union of two pentagrams as a decagram often used as a symbol of transcendence of the mortal and immortal realms as it were, often referred to as the spirit world and the living world, and as such, also expresses the concept of the god-man which is sometimes used as a term for a demigod, a god incarnated as a human, and a holy man through which a god is perceived as expressing his power and will through but not so much in the sense of possession, though this is also sometimes implied when such is being referenced as "indwelt" by a divine spirit/being. Its really a matter of context. Aside from that, examples of the geometric calculations are: 

Fibin Angle.png
penta triangle
Decagram Eye


The Image, as shown here combines the concepts of the Upright and Inverted Pentagrams into the Decagram within the
360° circle, and the two interlocking ones as the Vesica Piscis (which means fish bladder which is kind of gross and why some rather use the Italian name of Mandorla, which means almond) which actually refers to the center form created and used as a base pattern for an eye, such as the All Seeing Eye and Eye of Providence. However, if one is understanding this much, then they should realize that the dual sphere = 2 + the 10 points of the decagram = 12 + it's center = 13. This is then linked to a lunar month calendar also. Counting the outer = 14.  


Knowing this as the basis why 14 is usually considered the "invisible number" because it represents the 'Infinite Outer' and can be sequenced down to 1+4 = 5 once again. One can also find another feature that is often obscured, yet often openly represented without anyone fully aware of the significance. When its center eye shape used as a symbol of the "entrance to the female womb" as the "door of creation," one also finds an Obelisk as a phallic male symbol as the "key of creation" in the center. It becomes a metaphor of the so called Hieros Gamos (holy play) in reference to Sex Rituals as rites reenacting the union of Male and Female, of Heaven and Earth and of the Divine and Mundane.

The usage of such sex rites was applied with the belief that failure to do so properly would result in the destruction of civilization and life as a whole. Engaging in anything other than the union of the male and the female was considered an intentional act to bring that destruction and therefore an act of evil, hence anything involving unions or weddings/marriages of males to female and female to males was deemed evil and punishable by death. It became expanded to include restrictions of any sexual act not involving wedded men and women in heterosexual relations and whereby the All-Seeing Eye or Eye of Providence would also turn into the Eye of Judgment and Eye of Destruction.


We are seeing other examples where these basic shapes are increasingly being associated with something terrible, which also only demonstrates the kinds of deceptions being perpetuated everywhere on many fronts. I have already shown how these connect with the pentagram (five-pointed star alone) and pentacle (five-pointed star in a circle); often associated with the Platonic Solids (Tetrahedron for fire, Octahedron for air, Cube for Earth, Icosahedron for Water, and Dodecahedron for 'Essence'), however, I am now going to provide the other basic meanings and associations in their simple equations.


  1. Circle: Unity and Eternity of Natural Cycles though this also holds the basic sense of an unbroken whole and in that carries over into the concept of continuation.

  2. Triangle: Fire of the Sun with the triangle being the basic shape of a flame and in association with its three sizes between the solstices and equinoxes: Later applied to its face, light and heat, and later still as light, heat and atmosphere.  

  3. Cube: Derived from the basic shape of a brick originally composed of mud and later from stone to become a symbol detonating the solidity and stability of the earth and of form/structure. 

All these things in turn are connected with the more nuanced concepts of harmony, balance, and symmetry, which has expanded further to include things like fractals, fragmentation and the three types of tessellations which are designated as regular, semi-regular and demi-regular, and then the concepts of mutual similarities and mutual differences just to name a few. However, those who forget or choose to ignore the fact that this very same geometry is a foundation and realization of spirituality and religions of old is when many forget too much and leave room only for the nonsense of mysticism, occultism and paranoid superstitions of bloody sacrifices and ignorance, willful or otherwise. 

In the spiritual or "religious" sense, it is this same 'True Sacred Geometry' that is considered the special language of the One and Three and through exploring all the knowledge, wisdom and understanding of these matters properly, one is led to a pure truth which is considered the proper means of 'worship.' This worship is done by putting one's mind to full usage in order to learn all they can about the inner workings of our bodies, the qualities and workings of the world around us all, and that which is beyond it to the best of our abilities wherein one finds true reverential respect for the things of the One and Three.  



Going back to our realization that a 360° circle = 72 which also represents a pentagram as 7 Star, if we were to also apply this to 7 days of a week, then the end result of this calculation would be 72 x 7 = 504 which when sequenced also reduces to 5+0+4 = 9 which itself can be divided as 9/3 = 3, the triad. We can also approach it if we count a pentagram as = 5 x 7 = 35 and sequence that as 3 + 5 = 8 representing the 8 directions. Of course, we can further reduce this as 8/4 = 2 and 2 can only be divided by 2 = 1, though one would think it as he same as 2-2 = 0. However, it is 1. So, in this we have once again the presence of the connection with 1 and 3 as two separate but equally present calculations. 


This example is more or less a rough illustration how the there are many diverse and various approaches wherein we find the shared connections between the common symbols of the cube, hexagon, hexagram, pyramids, triangles, tetrahedrons, triads, pentagons, pentagram, pentacles, octahedrons, cubes, and when unfolding a cube, how we can get the basic shape of a cross from 6 squares.  It further demonstrates how these occur within nature in many diverse ways. We see it everywhere. 

When one realizes this all and can set aside much of the nonsense often applied to one such thing but not to another and by which many playing off the ignorance of others, whether from a theistic or atheistic disposition, it can all be scrapped for the crap arguments and nonsensical claims that occur on either side of that paranoia coin. And indeed, both push paranoia. Atheists who push paranoia about theists, and theists who push paranoia about atheists.   

Star Pentas


Contrary to a lot of modern thought and in part because of such as Hollywood movies in the 1960s using it as a symbol of evil, the inverted as well as upright star forms, though most commonly inverted, was a popular symbol in the Hellenistic world (between 323 BCE to 30 CE) as a magical and religious symbol that had been designed or applied to avert evil or sickness thought to be all caused by "evil and malignant spirits." It's often stated Pythagoreans used it with the word for health which is Ugiatha spelled out by five letters Upsilon, Gamma, Iota, Theta, and Alpha, and not Hygia as some claim taken from hugieinḗ for hygiene meaning cleanliness.

The Hebrew one used proto-Hebrew derived more directly from such as Phoenician, and later forms of more modern Hebrew to spell out Jerusalem with five consonants: ירשלם which equals YRŠLM. However, going even further back one can see such five-pointed stars as five rays extending from a central point in such as Ancient Egyptian art, especially tombs, and likewise was considered the actual "Star of David."


It was later carried on into such as Coptic Christianity and adopted by various Catholic and other related and break away religious movements and churches for many centuries such as in these examples, where it not only represented the Divine Incarnation but was specifically associated, and still is by many, with the Star of Bethlehem. Again, there is no "demonic" association.  

Knightly Virtue


Aside from being associated as the Star of the Nativity followed by the Magi and as symbols of birth, death, resurrection and ascension, it was also used in Medieval times as representing the virtues of knighthood, specifically friendship, generosity, chastity, courtesy, and piety. This is reflected in the story of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. It's not clear what the positioning was, however, it is described as being a golden yellow on a red background more or less like the one presented here as an example where I use the inverted form as it would follow the more common associations. Most use the upright in their various illustrations.


The association with mystical elements of earth, air, fire, water and spirit is more of a modern invention. It was not till later occult works of self-named Eliphas Levi applied Gnostic concepts to everything in which the basic concept is the material world is evil, and the spiritual world alone is good so one must be destroyed for the liberation of the other more or less. Basically, a death cult and imposed everything inverted as representing evil and materialism and sin, and everything upright as representing goodness, spirituality and salvation more or less.


Other Jewish sources noted that the pentagram, not hexagram was the official seal of Jerusalem at around 300-150 BCE. There are many of them on old archeological sites where it is inverted and sometimes include flower designs showing the life connection. It's not till after a lot of occult sources came into play such as more or less modern Kabbalists that likewise applied their own spin of the "five" associations similar to that of virtues of knighthood and defined them as instead being justice, mercy, wisdom, understanding, and transcendent splendor.


The Sigil of Baphomet as designed by The Church of Satan founder Anton LaVey in 1966 which uses Hebrew Letters to spell out the word Leviathan. The Stag Skull and Star was created as a personal family symbol using my last name; hence it being called the 'House of Foster' seal in 2009 with no association with any form of Satanism. Another spin off of Satanism is The Satanic Temple, which didn't exist till 2013. When looking at and comparing the 'House of Foster' seal (Stag Skull and Star) with the other two, one can rightfully call the one from The Satanic Temple and act of plagiarism of The Church of Satan symbol and that the Stag Skull and Star is clearly distinct from both.  It's officially discontinued as a First Church of Druwayu (FCD) symbol and retained now as previously stated as a personal Family symbol similar to a Family Crest or Coat of Arms. This may change in the future.

Comp Sym


The reality is, "Satanists," regardless how they define themselves, can only trace the specifically "Satanic" usage of pentagrams and pentacles to the 1960s. This got popularized by Anton LaVey because of close ties and connections with various people in Hollywood media at that time and onward. He also jacked the 'goat head' symbol from the book La Clef de la magie noire (1897). This same work also has a man on the reverse side placed within an upright pentacle. 

Plagerizing devils.png


This was then embellished by so-called Christians who know nothing and knew nothing of the history of their own religious identities and symbolism and instead run to every nonsensical claim to justify their paranoia, which then these idiotic "Satanic" identities further feed off of resulting in both feeding off of one another to the point of beyond insanity and stupidity, and all again falling into the same kind of nonsense of the mutually pushed paranoias of both theists and atheists, or whatever other term such try and rebrand themselves to pretend they have something "new" to offer, especially when in fact it's just rehashing the same garbage and offering nothing new. That alone is another reason why Druwayu is different. 

Evil Secret


Regardless of whether you look into so called Gnosticism, Freemasonry, Ancient Order of Druids (AOD) of 1718, the Rosicrucian Order "AMORC (Ancient and Mystical Order Rosæ Crucis)" founded by Harvey Spencer Lewis in 1915 pushing the same usual nonsense of being a "continuation of ancient mysteries of Europe and Egypt," to so called "Wicca (mispronounced as Wicka)," Neo Paganism, Neo-Druidry, Satanism, and on and on and on, all pushing the same Mythical Occult rhetoric as repacking of the same nonsense, they all push the same Philosophic constructed Occult Deity presented as A-sexual yet existing also in both a male and a female set of hypostases.

This perpetuates the concepts of men and women mutually able to embody either or of these "emanations" as "avatars" and these  "emanations
"  are also often equated in the same concept of "thought forms and archetypes" by which they gain "supernatural powers" and become identified with this "singular one" as its mutual incarnations themselves which in turn justifies self-worship, for worshiping such aspects of this "It" is worshipping the self-projected upon the "One." Such things are notoriously intolerant of anything that exposes it for what it truly is. 

This becomes expanded into such concepts where it is expressed this "One in turn uses as a conduit to connect with the inner self of the individual and collective society," and gives way to a potential "transfiguration into a higher form" as a type of apotheosis wherein the "separation" between the One and the Many fades as one "ascends" into closer connection till the illusion of individual self or the ego ceases to exist and is erased and only the One Remains as a true form of "Divine Redemption and Liberation" from the trap of physical life. It is all part of this same occult ideology which when cleared of all this excess betrays a cult of death and oblivion. Even Feminism is rooted in this where the goal is to also erase all sense of gender distinctions. It is also a counterfeit of the Divine Unity of the One and Three. 



I have shown many ways where science and religion and philosophy also are transcended when considering the concepts of the Drikeyu properly. And indeed, they are. I have shown with the basic symbol or design of the pentagram that science and religion are also combined and from these various philosophies can be extracted if approached properly (most don't or over apply things to Pythagoreans).

With that in mind, I combined the Greek letters Psi, a symbol used for knowledge and therefore science and just so happens to look like a trident, so I thought that was cool, with Alpha and Omega as the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet but do not in themselves actually mean First and Last or beginning and end as it is often applied in a religious sense to the Divine. I created this combination in December 2024 to express the concept of the union of said concepts of Science and Religion accordingly. 


Another thing that will be clarified within this Academy is “science” and “religion” are not eternally unchanging terms historically as they have lost their original meaning and are terms that were coined recent, with meanings that vary across contexts. Before the nineteenth century, the term “religion” was rarely used. The term “science” as it is currently used also became common in the nineteenth century. Prior to this, what we call “sciences” fell under the terminology of “natural philosophy” or, if experimental, it was called “experimental philosophy.”


  1. The relationship between religion and science is the subject of continued debate predominately by the small minded and one sided that never come to any consensus, rehash the same arguments, and never move forward with any real resolution even though there are clear factors where there are agreements.

  2. Both fail to see early on the things we call science and religion today which are fairly modern in the context as to how they are used as terms is that historically theists and scientists which were more or less clergy and natural philosophers as the old terms had it, understood that they both had their specific areas of focus and were not incompatible. Simply put, most Clergy held the basic concept of God exists and nature expresses that, and the Natural Philosopher wanted to know why it works the way it does and "how God put it all together."

  3. Both also, contrary to modern thought, sought to eliminate and reject foolish practices based in superstitions and perpetuated paranoia of extremists. This is a view still held by the few better educated in such subjects even though it isn't noted and seldom presented as such. Both also very much understood the various religious texts were written by human hands and subject to errors and that is why many theological colleges were composed in the first place. In addition, such Natural Philosophies were also part of the curriculum.


The most common thing most tend to confuse is the concept of theory verse a hypothesis. This has to do with poor education these days failing to explain something that is very simple to understand and really is not that complicated. A theory is simply a set of proven facts placed in a structure creating a structured concept or working model. A hypothesis is simply an idea that has not been tested and proven to be either true or false.


  1. In the sciences (plural) a theory is a set of tested and repeated proven individual facts by independent sources gaining the same results into a collective model that is subject to change as more proven facts are uncovered or discovered.

  2. A hypothesis is an idea that hasn't been tested by different individuals or has only been claimed a result by one source but has not been demonstrated to be either true or false. Science works with the natural, where the ‘rules’ apply, and where the 'rules' simply no longer can be applied as they are known the sciences run into a roadblock.

  3. Evolution started as a hypothetical concept till it was able to be tested. Evolution is not stuck as some assume in basic "Darwinian concepts" as such things have significantly advanced. His base idea was correct, but the details were limited.

  4. Many other scientists have otherwise tested, found, and proven the case even with observable examples of evolution occurring in the present within various species more rapidly than in others, and there are transitional species in the fossil records, but not an entire catalogue as not all bones fossilize and therefore are not preserved.


This brings us to the concepts often used as the "God of the Gaps" and the "Science of the Gaps", AI and poor education confuse these two things all the time incapable to distinguishing the two when they are very specific and not that complicated to understand either. Because far too many sources continue to misrepresent, confuse, and distort these things, making more people dumber in the process, these need to be simplified and clarified.


  1. The God of the Gaps is using God as a fill in for things we don't know instead of holding a belief in God by the things we do know. More or less, it is a process of ceasing to search further into unanswered scientific questions and simply resort to the "God did it and good enough" disposition instead of actually seeking to find answers and used as a blockade for pursuing further scientific inquiry.

  2. The Science of the Gaps are statements that claim to be scientific but are not based on scientific methodology and cannot be proven, though presented as "true" even though they are not. In other words, it is a term used to describe a set of beliefs, claims or statements that pretend to be scientific but has no scientific support and used as a blockade for theological discussion.


One way that has been claimed to distinguish between science and religion is the claim that science concerns the natural world, whereas religion concerns the supernatural world. Another way is akin to this in as much as science is reserved to the things of the observable physical world and universe, whereas religion is religion is reserved for the things of the unobservable non-physical world and universe.


  1. Depending on who one asks and what the predisposition of those persons happen to be, science is considered true and religion false, or in reverse, religion is true, and science is false. From then on it breaks down into silly and often petty arguments and pointless debates.

  2. The other tendency is to present that science has the benefit of being able to be falsifiable and corrected over time, whereas religion proclaims it cannot be falsified and does not need to be corrected and trying to do so or change it is to be condemned. The fact is, both sides of such extremist certainties are false.


The atheism-theism debate reduces to some simple alternatives at its core.


  1. Was there a first cause?

  2. Why is there something rather than nothing?


The two key factors here are the actual sciences have partially answered some of the various arguments around all of this. For example, one of the common arguments of atheism was a set of following claims or assumptions now shown and demonstrated repeatedly to be erroneous.


  1. Often used as an avoidance to "Creation out of Nothing" its biggest problem is it requires the principle of sufficient reason, which directly holds that as a concept it is non-well-founded phenomena are impossible and goes into an endless circular argument of causal chains. In other words, it doesn't actually "explain" anything. The situation is not that hard to understand.

  2. First, if this series of causes ends in the singularity, and the singularity from which the universe came out of has no cause, then infinite regress is impossible. If there is something that can be shown to have caused that singularity than it still must eventually reach a point of an un-caused cause outside of the universe then we do have creation out of nothing.

  3. Second, if there is an outside of the universe than there is a potential in both causes for a God of some kind, as one of the arguments for it being impossible for a God of any kind to exist is that there is nothing outside of this universe, then he can exist to be the creator of that singularity, while also being in and of himself as his own un-caused cause.

  4. Third, if the singularity caused itself, it is still creation out of nothing including no other cause and does not explain why there is something instead of nothing or the conclusion must be that there is no such thing as non-existence as existence exists by itself and what is called nonexistence is in reality simply a form of existence that is unknown and unknowable. In all these cases Infinite regression fails and there is actually an increased probability for the existence of a God of some kind rather than no God of any kind.


Contrary to the ignorance of most, the concept of the act of creation says nothing about the age of the Earth, pr the Universe, nor does it specify a mode of creation, nor does it reject or deny the potential and reality of such things as adaptation and resulting evolution over long and short periods of time. This allows for a wide range of possible views within science and religion and the only arguments at that point boil down to opinions and assumptions.


  • In fact, what is often a frustration to both sides of such arguments of atheist-theist jargon, if not outright gibberish from both sides of the table, is the concept of the Inflation or the Big-Bag Theory expanding out of an original singularity of which there is more than able evidence to support and demonstrate repeatedly as part of the now standard model with all its complexities, is it is not at all incompatible with the concept of creatio ex nihilo (creation from nothing).


Simple Conclusion: We are all imperfect and imposing a perfectionist ideal on anything is already imperfect in and of itself. As long as someone has something to write about this or that there will be doctrines. As long as someone has an opinion about this or that, there will be dogma. It doesn't matter what the subject itself may or may not be, they will all have doctrine and dogma on some level and that is the key realization why we must strive for objective and impersonal truth than subjective and personal opinions.

It's also perfectly acceptable and reasonable to state uncertainty about anything not as a "coward's way out" but rather the observations from all human history that often when one professes a certainty about anything, save for a very select few of exceptions, are usually entirely wrong. What you do with this conclusion is up to you.


The upright star associated with the general sense of deity non-specifically, has five 'Omnis" applied to it with the center applied as Animus as in the animating force of all life. The primary words are Omniveritas means All Truth, Omnicompetence means All Capable, Omnipotence means All Power, Omnipresence means All Present, and Omniscience means All Knowledge. Often times Omnicompetence and Omnipotence are confused, as are Omniscience and Omniveritas, though they are not the same things at all. Much of the context of these attributes are also poorly expressed often leading to various nonsensical arguments and pointless resulting debates.


For example, able to do anything does not mean will do anything. Being All Powerful simply means being an infinite battery of power where all such a one needs to do to end things is 'cut off the power supply.' All Truth means truth about anything and everything including about the reality or fiction of anything which works with All Knowledge about how things work and how things do not. All present simply means such a presence is sensed or expressed in and through all things transcendently, imminently, impersonally, mutually and personally.


It's those who do not fully comprehend or have been misinformed about the actual meaning and context of such words and concepts by those with limited comprehension of such things who then struggle to describe them properly. In any case, it is in the opposite position of the inverted often associated with the Human in a generic sense and the presented best five merits thereof.  


Using the same basic concepts as the Merit Star mentioned at the start of this discussion, I added the "Infinity Sake" which is actually based on the Analemma of the Sun and a rod wherein the snake and rod also link to the associated symbol of the Rod of Staff of Aesculapius, which is also based in Greek Mythology and also the basis of the Hypocritic Oath which is as follows for those wishing to know:


"I swear by Apollo the physician, and Aesculapius the surgeon, likewise Hygeia and Panacea, and call all the gods and goddesses to witness, that I will observe and keep this underwritten oath, to the utmost of my power and judgment.

I will reverence my master who taught me the art. Equally with my parents, will I allow him things necessary for his support, and will consider his sons as brothers.

I will teach them my art without reward or agreement; and I will impart all my acquirement, instructions, and whatever I know, to my master's children, as to my own; and likewise, to all my pupils, who shall bind and tie themselves by a professional oath, but to no one else.

With regard to healing the sick, I will devise and order for them the best diet, according to my judgment and means; and I will take care that they suffer no hurt or damage. Nor shall any man's entreaty prevail upon me to administer poison to anyone; neither will I counsel any man to do so.

Moreover, I will give no sort of medicine to any pregnant woman, with a view to destroy the child. Further, I will comport myself and use my knowledge in a godly manner. I will not cut for the stone but will commit that affair entirely to the surgeons.

Whatsoever house I may enter, my visit shall be for the convenience and advantage of the patient; and I will willingly refrain from doing any injury or wrong from falsehood, and (in an especial manner) from acts of an amorous nature, whatever may be the rank of those who it may be my duty to cure, whether mistress or servant, bond or free.


Whatever, in the course of my practice, I may see or hear (even when not invited), whatever I may happen to obtain knowledge of, if it be not proper to repeat it, I will keep sacred and secret within my own breast.


If I faithfully observe this oath, may I thrive and prosper in my fortune and profession, and live in the estimation of posterity; or on breach thereof, may the reverse be my fate!"


It was modified in 1960 as:

"I swear to fulfill, to the best of my ability and judgment, this covenant:


I will respect the hard-won scientific gains of those physicians in whose steps I walk and gladly share such knowledge as is mine with those who are to follow.


I will apply, for the benefit of the sick, all measures [that] are required, avoiding those twin traps of overtreatment and therapeutic nihilism.


I will remember that there is art to medicine as well as science, and that warmth, sympathy, and understanding may outweigh the surgeon's knife or the chemist's drug.


I will not be ashamed to say, "I know not," nor will I fail to call in my colleagues when the skills of another are needed for a patient's recovery.


I will respect the privacy of my patients, for their problems are not disclosed to me that the world may know. Most especially must I tread with care in matters of life and death.


If it is given me to save a life, all thanks. But it may also be within my power to take a life; this awesome responsibility must be faced with great humbleness and awareness of my own frailty.


Above all, I must not play at God.


I will remember that I do not treat a fever chart, a cancerous growth, but a sick human being, whose illness may affect the person's family and economic stability. My responsibility includes these related problems, if I am to care adequately for the sick.


I will prevent disease whenever I can, for prevention is preferable to cure.


I will remember that I remain a member of society, with special obligations to all my fellow human beings, those sound of mind and body as well as the infirm.


If I do not violate this oath, may I enjoy life and art, respected while I live and remembered with affection thereafter.


May I always act so as to preserve the finest traditions of my calling and may I long experience the joy of healing those who seek my help."


In many ways the revised one has a certain lack of devotion perhaps, though this is also because it strips much of the spirituality and religiosity from the art. Such is as such things are all the same. 


Using the base symbol of the Stag Skull and Lit Torch on a Pentagram and enclosing it in a circle instead of a pentagon, I apply the color format in a more 'Patriotic' expression of Red, White and Blue. The coloring distribution within this design feels more pleasing to the eye overall in my opinion as the creator of these designs and as the founder and creator of the whole of Druwayu's foundations from the ground up as it were. 



I have shown many ways in which the pentagram and pentacle are connected with and retain other shapes and how such can be broken apart and recombined to form others, which is never shown. Instead, it is all the superficial generalized and often regurgitated jargon and paranoia driven nonsense that is often perpetuated instead. This begs the question as to why even something as simple as the previous aspects of information are, why do so many sources keep more or less feeding off of and plagiarizing one another and never bring anything new or coherent to the academic table? The simple answer is most sources or producers (reproducers) of such things haven't learned or discovered anything and do not know as much as they claim. 


To prove my point, I have collected the following links to various older and newer video sources that has been shown to me by others at one time or another that for me has become mostly a snore fest for the lack of new information or originality. I can only conclude then that most perpetuators are ignorant, or the suppression of the facts are intentional which seems to be the only reasonable and logical conclusion. So be mindful that the following things are not endorsed by me or Druwayu or the First Church of Druwayu as a whole. They are only examples of the usual junk. Some of the introductions are ridiculously stupid so I haven't bothered adding those to this list. When such also start talking about "mystical vibrations" and other such nonsense, you do best to disregard such things as its old "New Age" type nonsense.  There is in fact very little that isn't overloaded with silly occult and satanic based garbage. 

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