Just because something is NEW does not automatically mean it is FAKE or INVALID. We are also not scamming anyone. Consider this as well as you have the right to believe or disbelieve what you want as you choose.
Our Rights for Religious Freedom ARE PROTECTED in the United States. There are two areas of law here in the United States that protect your rights regarding religious freedom the first would be the First and Fourteenth Amendments of the Constitution of the United States and the second would be a court ruling regarding Ordinations by Mail (which a form will be developed later to do remote hallowing/ordinations).
Remember, you do not need to be Hallowed (ordained) to be recognized as a Druan and joining makes you a member of the church. Most of your general questions will be answered in our FAQs that have been compiled over time based on many of the common questions we have received from a diverse range of people.
One also does not need to be hallowed to embrace Druwayu as part of the tradition or cultural identity and to be counted as a Druan as long as said Druan understand this Druish culture and tradition. Those who say otherwise are not spokespersons or recognized representatives of the church or the religion, much less the culture so be cautious of those who make claims contrary to what is posted and published on our website.
Amendment 1
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
COMMENT: This This is the part of the Constitution which gives legality to all free expression of religion, including Ordination by Mail.
Amendment 14
1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
COMMENT: This provision basically reinforced that States may not interfere with our Constitutionally protected freedoms, including our free expression of religion.
5. The Congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article.
COMMENT: Congress most recently used this authority and passed the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993.
We must strive to keep Church and State Separated and preserve the constitution, even by defending the freedom of religion for those with whom we do not agree with which already preserves the freedom from religion by those who are non-religious, contrary to what is often being proclaimed by various anti-religious networks as one of many attacks on our US Constitution that preserve and protects our basic civil rights and liberties.
Preserves religious freedom. One of the primary reasons for the separation of church and state is to safeguard religious freedom for all citizens. This also includes freedom from religion in that one religion cannot be imposed upon anyone. By ensuring government institutions do not promote or favor any particular religion and prevents a theocracy, citizens are free to practice their beliefs without fear of persecution or discrimination. This protects the rights of minorities and prevents the dominance of any one religious group. This by no means demands or requires any religions to agree with one another but prevents such from being state or federally weaponized against anyone else or used as a justification for acts of suppression and denial of their constitutional rights and freedoms.
Prevents religious coercion. When church and state are entwined, there is a risk of religious coercion and even imprisonment among other such actions, where the government may impose religious beliefs or practices on its citizens (theocracy). This undermines personal autonomy and can lead to the marginalization of those who hold different beliefs. By keeping religion separate from government, individuals can make their own choices free from the influence or dictations of the state or federal government.
Promotes respect and diversity. Separation of church and state allows for and embraces pluralism and diversity already and given the same equality of opportunities. By preventing the establishment of a state religion, it allows for the coexistence of different faith traditions, beliefs and practices as well and protects the freedom and rights of individuals to have no association or affiliation with any religion. This creates an environment where individuals can engage in or not engage in interfaith and or religious dialogue and choose to learn or not learn from one another and celebrate the richness of diverse religious and non-religious expressions.
Protects religious communities. Separation of church and state also safeguards the autonomy and integrity of religious organizations and spiritual communities and even new religious movements (NRM). By keeping government interference at bay, religious communities can freely carry out their religious developments, projects, duties, practices, and teachings without external influences or imposition, nor are they required for forced by the state or federal governments from accepting persons or practices contrary to their beliefs. They are better equipped to fulfill their spiritual and religious missions and address the needs of their respective communities without being subject to political pressures or other socially imposed manipulation.
Provides a path for rational decision-making. State and Federal Government decisions should be based on logic, reason, rationality, evidence and the common good of all citizens, not on the religious dogma of a specific group nor imposed upon a religious group. Separation of church and state provides a path for policies and legislation to be formulated through the will of the majority than the dictates of a specialized few, driven by the needs and objectives of the entire population, not one specific or preferential group identity. This strengthens the foundation of good governance and encourages leaders to make informed choices that benefit our nation and remain compliant to the will of the people, for the people and by the people within our democratic republic and as the elected representatives of the people, not directive dictators of it.
In past and modern history we have repeatedly seen the negative and destructive consequences of world governments that have imposed theocracies and anti-religious policies or laws that both deny the autonomy of the people to choose their religious or nonreligious dispositions in life. That is precisely why these separations and freedoms must be preserved and maintained so one does not get imposed over the other which would inevitably be detrimental to everyone. Only the willfully ignorant and militant choose to disregard these historical facts and necessities for such civil rights and civil liberties.
The First Amendment to the United States Constitution because of the Freedom of Religion states that the country shall have no official religion. This is maintained as necessary even with the fact that the Majority of Americans identify as being some expression of Christianity contrary to what is usually presented and most Christians are also against any extremism regardless the identity.
This makes the whole continuous "debate" on role of religion in the 'founders’ vision and of Christianity in the nation’s identity frankly irrelevant especially when one have the honesty to note that some of the 'founders' of the United States of America were openly Atheists, Agnostics, Deists and Christians. Some also identified as Quakers, Lutherans, Protestants, and Dutch Reformed to name but a few so in this there were already a diverse range of Christian sects with some basic fundamental contradictions and some were new religious movements of their time.
Depending on the extent to which Americans of Christian background were influenced by Deism, their religious beliefs would fall into three categories: non-Christian Deism, Christian Deism, and non-Deist Christianity. The same also applied to many of the more open atheists and agnostics. It's only the interest of those seeking to intentionally undermine our country and society with intents to impose and promote needless and often ridiculous culture wars.