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I believe in the One and Three:

  • The One and Three are The One God and Three Goddesses, absolute and eternal, beyond all, yet infinitely transcendent and immanent.


I believe in the Drikeyu, the Three Keys:

  • The Three keys are the Worloga, Wyrda, and Wihas, representing the eternal laws, eternal dynamics, and eternal essence of all things. Through these, we learn all truth, knowledge, wisdom, and understanding through which the One and Three are expressed.


I believe in the True Sacred Geometry:

  • It is the means by which the One and Three are knowable, comprehending their relationships with each other and all things here and beyond.


I believe all things are sacred gifts of the One and Three:

  • We honor this in the communion of Monday Night Pizza, promoting goodwill and starting our week with strong and supportive community bonds and unity.

  • We celebrate with Heavy Metal as Sacred Music for its energy, strong lyrics, and sense of freedom and personal empowerment.

  • We celebrate with Stripping as a Sacred Dance of life, promoting exercise that improves health, fitness that builds confidence, and a proper sense of pride in the body as the temple of self, free from needless shame.


I believe in the entrancement of Logic, Humor, and Absurdity:

  • By logic, we strive for consistency, conducting according to strict principles of equal and clear correspondence leading to objective, self-evident facts rather than subjective assumptions, presumptions, or blind adherence to erroneous beliefs.

  • By humor, we improve mental, emotional, and physical health, elevate overall moods, and demonstrate true worthy leadership.

  • By absurdity, we embrace and recognize our limitations and foolishness, yet also embrace our natural freedom to create our own meaning and purpose, individually and together.


I believe in the importance of the community of Druans:

  • Commitment to our Druish culture and adherence to Druwayu, the True Ways.

  • Strengthening the weak, empowering the strong, and together overcoming all challenges in life and death.


All Hail the One and Three!



We recognize some core tenets which the teachings reinforce and are the primary foundations of what can be called our moral and ethical compass. These things stand today as a guide for furthering the education and understanding of what our response should be to the needs of individuals and those in our midst.


No one loses their dignity and right to life because of politics, disability, poverty or wealth, age, gender or race. This emphasizes people over things, being over having. This calls us to provide means for the less fortunate and destitute to have hands up and not just temporary handouts. 


All have a place in a true community composed of families, friends and neighbors that must be mutually supportive and beneficial and all to be treated equally but also equally subject to the same expectations, duties and obligations. Our responsibilities to each other across all barriers of politics, disability, poverty or wealth, age, gender or race, economic or ideological differences.


People have a fundamental right to life, healthy food, clean water, safe shelter, secured private property, self and mutual defense, proper and effective health care, access to education free from indoctrination and employment that is fair productive work, fair and justifiable wages, as well as business opportunities to create necessary and fair competition without external barriers. Therefore, the economy exists to serve people, not the other way around.


We are all responsible to be good stewards and custodians of all life and to hold all accountable for failing this obligation, for the preservation and proper use, rather than mere consumption and exploration of life and resources is to also tend to our needs for we are part of creation and not superior to it. Therefore life while we have it here or some potential hereafter has its natural purpose to enhance and spread more life wheresoever we can; even beyond this world itself. This also means realizing when it is necessary to kill and when it is not necessary to kill; for that is life's way.



We recognize spiritual gifts are many and open to all though they are often misrepresented and misunderstood. How one uses them if they authentically have any of them is the determining factor. Unfortunately the destructive use tends to be the most often focused on even when moist do not fully realize what it is they are observing, while others tend to “interpret” such things so as to pretend they conform to their own personal views or narratives. That will not be done here. They will be made clear and specific for everyone to know what they actually are:

Influence: This is considered one of the more powerful of spiritual gifts that can draw many in and cause them to favor one who has this power within them. Many leaders of different movements and nations have exhibited this power. Unfortunately, many have brought about mass destruction because of it as well. That is why it is so dangerous if used selfishly. If used properly it can just as easily counter such destruction and be a force to bring about true peace for many years. 

Understanding: This is the gift of being able to know things as they are in the sense of their purpose, meaning and function and being able to make use of such things properly. This can be anything from words to some sort of technological device one has never seen or used previously and will be able to understand how to use it without instruction. Another word for this is comprehension of just about anything.

Counsel: This gift is the ability to properly guide others without telling them what to do, how to do whatever or how they should or shouldn’t feel, and instead properly guide them towards a better outcome in a given situation. It also works with Influence because those who have experienced counsel that is based in spiritual power often feel a compulsion to confess things they wouldn’t normally confess without knowing why and will often feel a deep seeded calm to their thoughts and emotions. Some might feel so relaxed by their voices the person will fall asleep.

Selflessness: This gift is usually called compassion or mercy and means that they are inspired or have been given the gift of empathy to both sense and recognize when someone is suffering even when it’s not apparent, and will with the other gifts involved either know or have some sense of the cause of it.  Such selfless ones will share in their burdens so as to lighten their loads so to speak until they are set free from that suffering or some help is able to be provided to free them from those burdens and potential needless suffering. Those who experience one with this gift tend to shed tears because they don’t judge anyone and accept them as they are and for who they are, feeling healed in some way.

Truth: This is another of the more powerful spiritual gifts as it allows one to sense and distinguish clearly with little to no effort if someone is telling the truth or trying to deceive them. Often those with this gift of truth in a sense see all things as they are, and not as they pretend to be. This also means one with this gift will have a natural aversion to anything that is spoken or speaks in a deceitful or misleading way. Such a person is more or less the ultimate lie detector.


Knowledge: This is a powerful gift tends to exist in some degree with Truth and Foretelling. One with this gift only has to look in the general direction of someone and will know all there is to be seen and known about someone, even things they don’t want to, without prior knowledge and leaves others feeling as though the eyes of one with this power is looking right into their very soul which can be extremely unnerving. 

Fortitude: This gift is the power of endurance. This is often expressed in several ways such as the ability to withstand threats and conflicts, have the strength to overcome obstacles and barriers, both physical and nonphysical ones alike, and may even in some cases include resistance to physical injury or sickness as if there were some sort of invisible shield or armor enveloping them. As an emotional power it will move one to face any and all threats and challenges regardless of any personal fears and allow them to be suppressed so they fight on.


Helpfulness: This gift literally inspires one who has it to lend aid without necessarily knowing ahead of time where they are being moved to lend aid at or to whom the aid is intended, but will more or less know when they get there. If it is an authentic gift, such people will show up at random or seemingly at random, and just to happen to be at the right place at the right time with the right solution and know they have this gift. Likewise, as suddenly as they show up, just as suddenly they leave without warning. In short, they enjoy and allow this gift to guide them where they must be guided to fulfill their duty. Many mistake them as being supernatural beings because of this power and the sensation such people radiate. 


Foretelling: This is another of the more powerful gifts and literally means the ability to speak of things long before they occur with complete accuracy, which can range from hours to centuries depending on the scope and intensity of the vision. Unlike other so-called fortune-telling, also called prophecies, if it is a true gift, it is not obscured or expressed in arbitrary and vague ways set up for subjective interpretation by others. It’s clear, direct and very specific and can be disturbing as well, and it is also extremely rare.


Wisdom: This powerful gift is often misunderstood as the word wisdom is misapplied. The simple factor is it means complete clarity of mind, as is free from any and all confusion, especially as a gift, and means one with this gift will not be able to be misled or confused ad will know how to apply things properly to bring about the most productive end results. However, they can potentially confuse others easily.


Dedication: This gift of unwavering loyalty and reliability that motivates one to remain faithful and trustworthy without fail. It natural works with fortitude but on a deeper level as an inner drive to be dependable and to be someone that can be called upon at any moment as needed and when needed. It also helps one to be devoted completely to their particular path and reinforces ones sense of self worth and purpose. Such who have this gift do not have certainty about things. It is more of a factor that if they gave an oath, they mean it and won’t break it for anyone. 


Wonders: This gift is one of the rarer and often random ones that come and go without any forewarning. For example, one might have a sudden knowledge of danger and be turned away from entering an elevator just for it to soon after go crashing down without them in it. Unusual or superhuman strength can occur so one can save someone else but never again be able to perform such a deed again. Someone might pull a gun on them and they suddenly know how to disable and disarm the gun and the person using it without it firing. These things are what wonders are, also called miracles, and they can be shocking to the recipient and the one who has observed or experienced it occurring. 


  • REMAIN SKEPTICAL NOT CYNICAL: One should always strive to use the filter of skepticism in that they do not blindly accept what is claimed to be true or believe in something because it "seems" better to believe than doubt. Doubt is a necessary filter that separates the thoughtful from the gullible. However, one must also guard themselves against slipping into cynicism as it can result in its own form of gullibility by the false conclusion that all people are motivated purely by self-interest and disregard for the thoughts, feelings and emotions of others.


This then leads one into the deeper despair of pessimism which is the view there is nothing truly good, or good will always go bad, and human evil will ultimately prevail as an inevitability. Indeed, pessimism is its own form of cowardice and self-justification to be cold, uncaring and inconsiderate while trying to also hide one's own self-inflicted and needless depression and often seeks to tear others down who are happier than themselves out of a certain jealousy because of their inability or refusal to snap out of it. 

  • THINK FOR YOURSELF AND BE TRUTHFUL: This means independently form valid and justifiable opinions and make decisions on your own without help or demands of or from other people. This also circles back to the previous in that public statements from the various groups involved should not necessarily be taken as reliable, especially when they demand you conform to a specific view and more or less tell you how you are to think and feel and according to their demands and expectations. You have a natural right to think and feel for yourself, though with that comes the actual obligation to be completely honest about it with yourself and others.


In other words they impose themselves upon you so as to compel you to impose yourself upon others. One should never allow themselves to impose themselves upon others or be imposed upon. That is what true freedom is, and it has to be fought for to maintain. This means that one must also fight constantly for their freedom to speak, think and express themselves without being forcefully silenced and being intelligent enough to realize one must also defend the same rights and freedoms of those with whom they completely disagree and no matter how "offensive" they are to the individual. One's feelings are irrelevant of the necessity of such freedom, and it is that simple.

  • ​FOLLOW THE FACTS: Following the facts is the same as following and tracking the evidence down regardless of where it leads and accept the truth as it is even if the conclusion to the search is uncomfortable and contradicts your beliefs or assumptions. Truth is entirely impersonal more or less, and as such there is no such thing as "personal truth." So called personal truth is nothing more than personal experience and personal opinions that does not apply to everything and everyone else because it is personal and therefore relative and not impersonal and therefore objective.


Impersonal truth does not change if you like it or not. Your feelings and opinions about such are simply irrelevant. This means you should not accept or reject anything, nor believe or disbelieve in anything without thinking about it and investigating it, because what may be claimed to be true may actually be untrue and what is claimed to be untrue may actually be true. This is why one must challenge all claims and not simply accept anything an authority figure, or crowd of supporters or protestors proclaim or demand one submits to regardless of the truth or fallacy. If it's not based in or simply is not true it is not worth following or supporting and must be spoken out against with supporting facts regardless of who or what tries to suppress them.


True Focus

This means knowing what is worth focusing on in order to find a proper and lasting solution to a challenge and not waste the mind on things that are irrelevant to the circumstance or situation of the moment and disregarding needless distractions that interfere with arriving at that solution. The stronger this ability becomes, the easier it becomes to pull away from needless distractions of the mind and the external. The downside is one can lose all awareness of their surroundings.

True Awareness

This means that even while focused on specific things to remain fully aware and present in the moment, being aware of what is occurring around you, and not becoming lost to all senses of the external or becoming trapped in their own mind as it were. It therefore must temper one’s focus while in turn not becoming overly distracted by all external occurrences and is therefore necessary. Without focus, however, one will be hyper aware of everything and can become lost in confusion and endless distractions.  

True Thought

This means being mindful that all things have consequences as the dynamic of life are reciprocal, that comparison of self to others or other things is the theft of your own change for joy and contentment, even when we do not fully grasp the significant or the apparent insignificant of things that outlive us for better or worse, setting in motion in every moment the causation of all outcomes. Even our beliefs or lack of beliefs are part of this. True thought is therefore a full and constant state of mindfulness that every action, reaction, interaction and inaction is consequential, including one’s thoughts, words and choices. 

True Choice

This can also be called consideration. True choice ultimately is selecting the most viable and beneficial things that are useful to you as well as others, and not just for you or just for others, while rejecting anything that is only achieved and enjoyed at the expense of others or yourself and rejecting all things that are clearly unnecessary and learning and recognizing what is necessary. This is then extended to the necessity of periodic abstinence, which simply means retraining oneself from overindulgence in anything.


Making choices such as when killing or injuring is needless or necessary, not taking what isn’t given or giving what has been given if stolen from someone else to the original owner, not engaging in sexual misconduct, enjoying what you will alone or with others so long as it is not at your expense or the expense of others, avoiding excess (materialistic or otherwise) and only accepting what you need, and freely letting go of what you do not need that and giving such to others who do need (true charity/kindness).   

True Effort


This is personal and dedicated self determination to do whatsoever it is one sets about to accomplish and to overcome self-defeating emotions or thoughts that discourages one from making such efforts by defeating the and overcoming the discouragements. The fallacy of this is the perspective that it will necessary or is motivated by a strong desire for boundless happiness, or freedom from suffering. This also works in harmony with the previous four truths as the power of one’s will directed towards the ability to not give up while having a set goal or intention to be achieved, which in itself can also develop self-discipline to delay immediate gratification and resisting short term temptations in order to gain more and meet goals with more enduring longevity that is far more gratifying.

True Work

This is often expressed in the sense of work ethics or ethical work based on the choice of what one will do or will not do in regard to their overall livelihood and gains in such as profits. This also included not doing things haphazardly or without consideration, evaluating the benefits and detriments, the rewards and the losses, as well as what one embraces as their set of principles that determines the worth of their actions (also works) and make determinations in both their personal and professional lives. This is also reinforced by true effort. For example, true work includes making a choice to do or not do a job or to sell or not sell things that will cause needless pain or harm to others or oneself and avoiding things that are fundamentally inhumane.


Therefore, it is the totality of one’s deeds publicly and privately intended to be beneficial rather than detrimental and directed to continuously demonstrating one's dedication and reliability. It also means doing what needs to be done or accomplished on one hand and also applies in the sense of work you have actually done rather than only claimed to have done and not take claim to the work done by others. In the sense of honest work, it means any job, career or trade one has taken on that does not involve anything considered or defined s inhumane, illegal or unethical.    

True Word

This is perhaps the most basic, simplest and also most underappreciated concept, despite it being essential to every aspect of one’s life. The most basic sense is what one says, or claims is demonstrable, consistent, verifiable, accurate, reasonable, logical, rational, genuine, authentic, enduring, and in accordance with clear and observable fact or reality.  To put it in another simple way, the truth of one’s word determines their worthiness of trust, and this also must be in alignment with one’s true work, as in what one has actually done instead of claims to have done yet hasn’t.


This then aligns to the whole concept of one’s word and work wards their worth, because this al contributes to one’s true reputation over and above any blindly imposed and unreliable opinions or accusations. In this what one says in private is the same they say in public, and they have dedicated themselves to not engaging in willful acts of deception, misdirection, distortion or taking things out of content or imposing meaning based on assumed, presumed or speculative associations and pawn them off as facts when they are only hypothetical.


In the same sense, it also included admitting to mistakes, not making promises one does not intend to keep, giving no oath to something that isn’t true and that you know is not true, and knowing the difference between impersonal truth and personal experience, opinion or assumptions. It also carries with it a demand to seek the truth of the spoken or written word in proper meaning and context as well as saying what one means and mean what one says, and to avoid saying anything one does not mean and to clarify misunderstanding or allowing things to be blindly accepted at face value. True Word comes down to the simple and distinct points of fact or fiction, authentic or fake, subjective or objective.  

True Kindness

This is all about being reasonably nice to people, not imposing yourself upon others, regarding others with the same basic respect as well as expectations you have for yourself, treating others better than you may be treating yourself, as well as having a selfless urge or motivation to relieve the physical, mental, or emotional pains of others. It is also called being hospitable as in hospitality which is simply being genially friendly and may also include unconditional generous reception and entertainment of guests, visitors, or stranger.


This can also be defined as politeness in one's attitude and behavior toward others. This also includes a sense of empathy which properly means awareness of and having a sense of the feelings of others. All this, to be true simply has no basis in ulterior motivations, or out of requirement or expectation. It is instead kindness for the sake of kindness and nothing more, while also having a disposition of enjoying being kind simply to be kind. It does have its limits as unconditional does not mean limitless.


One cannot show or express true kindness when one is only being kind because it is expected or demanded of them. One is not expected to show any sense of kindness towards those who abuse them and repays your kindness with intentional and open disregard and insults them for their kindness by word and or deed. While one may forgive such things out of kindness one should not and is not obligated to remain kind, nor should tolerate such continuous insult and disregard because then they are being untruthful with themselves and others and needlessly suffering by it.



  1. One may know a lot about different things yet know nothing about most things. Just because one is well informed or educated in anything in particular does not make them automatically an authority on other subjects for which they have not given the same amount of attention of research, learning and challenging the conclusions therein.

  2. Nothing is meant to be perfect or last forever in this limited physical world in which we find ourselves, and anyone who proclaims or demands anyone to seek some sort of perfection as a form of purity or supremacy deceives you and themselves for perfection is stagnation and stagnation leads to extinction, and the goal in life is not to seek some sort of “perfect” balance, but rather natural harmony.

  3. In essence we are already as one while also diverse in our individuality. Therefore, there is neither a need or justification to embrace or adhere to anything that proclaims that we must all seek some sort of “ultimate union” with something we are already in essence as one with as it becomes pointlessly redundant.

  4. Anything that proclaims or demands we must all abalone out individuality and proclaim our individuality as illusory are not seeking to bring you any greater knowledge but rather ignorance in greater abundance making you a slave in mind to their own and denying you the natural right to individual will and independent thought.

  5. Always take the time to examine your beliefs to make sure they are truly your own and not merely the assimilation of a collective of the imposed and demanded beliefs and whims of others own self justifications at your expense. If you do not believe in something, seek to determine why you do not. If you cannot be honest with yourself, you are useless and cannot be honest with others and likewise will be too weak of personal will to oppose the demands of others. Indeed, a strong mind is essential to all aspects of yourself. If necessary, abandon everything and reinvent yourself for yourself instead of wasting time trying to “find yourself” as if you misplaced it under a bed or in a bush

  6. Change for the sake of change is seldom a positive or beneficial change, and more often than not, especially when forced and imposed, will inevitably lead to the destruction of those willingly succumbing to such things, forced to endure such things and those who imposed such things to begin with. Therefore, only change what is no longer beneficial or productive and preserve that which is, for that is the way of nature regardless of anyone’s objection or opinion about such things.

  7. It does not matter if you think a leader is good or bad. If you do not question them both you are already their mutual mental slave. Hold both to the same standards you would hold yourself and others to. If you don’t, you have no cause to complain about anything.

  8. Having an open mind does not mean having a mind without the filter of scrutiny. Those who proclaim you lack an open mind as a “bad thing” is a waste of your time because they have already deceived themselves. Truly the most dangerous yet effective form of brainwashing and indoctrination is self-indoctrination and self-brainwashing by way of the old mental poison of confirmation bias.




Sometimes called being pretentious, it is also false pride, which is of an inflated sense of self. It includes but is not limited to acting like you know more than you really do, or like you're more important than you really are, characterized by having an excessive preoccupation with oneself and one's own needs to the exclusion of and at the expense of others. It is exhibited most clearly by bragging and boasting about oneself coupled with their arrogance and conceit.


It is truly the essence of greed and selfishness in its worst possible expression. It is often used as self-justification and for inventing excuses to behave and act selfishly or abusively, as well as to knowingly mislead and deceive others into believing they are the ones who are inadequate and their frustrations with a narcissist is because they are the ones making everything about themselves and inconsiderate. It’s a tactic a narcissist uses to control others.



Another companion of the first two, it boils down to the sense that only your own mind is real and has any validity and anything external to your mind or sensibilities are either unreal or irrelevant because any knowledge outside of one’s own mind or perspective is uncertain. It is often disguised in the terminology of “personal truth” which is not truth in and of itself but subjective rather than objective opinion based on personal experience and often an erroneous interpretation of those experiences. 


Though it sounds as a reasonable and persuasive argument that only your own mind is real ad you cannot be certain of the reality of the minds of other in the solitude of oneself locked away in a room, it gives no reliable or positive justification for it to be anything more than objectively nonsensical and is a claim the world revolves around them alone. All knowledge does not come from one’s own mind. If it did, they could know and accomplish anything without learning. ​


Cowardice is not about being ‘afraid.’ While fear may be a part of it, true cowardice is refusal to face challenges head and admit to one’s wrongs and face the consequences. It can often lead to the betrayal of others such as confidential trust, abandonment of them at the first opportunity to save one’s own neck and leaving others to suffer in their place, and setting others up to be placed in danger so the coward doesn’t have to, wherein a true coward becomes a traitor who will gain the trust of others only to betray them later and are unworthy of trust and completely unreliable.


Cowards also tend to be bullies to those they know or believe won’t or can’t fight back and so verbally, mentally, emotionally and physically abuses them but will often run at the first sign of someone they know or recognize as more than willing and able to fight back and defend those whom they are being abusive to and threatening. One should strive to never be a treacherous coward and always ready to stand against them as they also tend to pretend to be victims when they are the ones causing the problems. 

Self Deceit

Once more, it’s allied with the previous two Errors of Self. Often not so clearly stated, Self-deception is a process of denying or rationalizing away the relevance, significance, or importance of opposing evidence and logical arguments as well as but not limited to demonstrable facts beyond mere opinions or hypotheses. Indeed, it can also be called Willful Ignorance wherein one is being stupid on purpose. Its knowing better and pretending you do not and continually pretending a lack of knowledge till one convinces themselves of the truth of their ignorance.


It then becomes an act of deceit by proceeding to convincing oneself there is no real impersonal truth so that one does not, will not and sees no need to acknowledge their deception or their errors and can then blame it all on others so as to never truly take any sense of personal responsibility in the process. It all comes down to intentionally avoiding information about the negative consequences of actions, rejecting information one knows to be true and pretending it doesn’t exist or doesn’t matter. It also serves as an excuse for others willfully and blindly going along with whatever they are told and an excuse to blame someone else when confronted.

Blind Conformity

It’s fine to conform knowingly in a sense of being co-supportive and mutually beneficial. However, blind conformity is simply submitting without question to the will, demands and expectations of perceived leaders and peers and their particular whims without challenge or question. It is otherwise called a bandwagon syndrome in which people do something primarily because other people are doing it, regardless of their own beliefs, which they may ignore or override. This tendency of people to align their beliefs and behaviors with those of a group is also called a herd mentality.


This occurs even when one does not truly agree with such as a group’s stance on something but goes along with it anyways out of expectation. As such, blind conformity in the sense of “going with the flow’ to avoid altering its course. It becomes a condition of one giving up their independence and submitting to the whims and arrogance of others, more often to one’s up detriment all the while pretending to be free to express oneself and exercise their independent will and natural rights of autonomous self-determination.

Historic Revisionism

History is not the right of anyone to re-write or erase regardless of if it is considered good or bad. The good gives us our inspiration to strive for the better, and the bad teaches us what not to repeat and to avoid. A people without a past and with a false teaching about actual history which is itself and act of deception and often provides keys to brainwashing people into accepting something as new and different that isn’t but simply a repackaging of the same deceptions, same abuses and same cruelty that lead to its abandonment in the first place. 


That is the whole point of preserving history accurately and uncovering lost history so that we are not doomed to repeat it. If it doesn’t make you uncomfortable you never learn anything that should be avoided. If it angers your, than you are either listening and learning, or making an excuse to justify your own bias and pettiness. We must never succumb to participating in the suppression or falsification of history regardless if we like it or not. It’s not there for your personal comfort and self-interests. Also, a people without a past often find they have no future. We must never impose presentism onto the past. 

Monopolizing Everything

While this is the one authentic and only actual Druwayu, many identities and organizations focus on pointless and misguided efforts to establish a monopoly on anything and everything they try to take claim to that does not actually belong to anyone. We must therefore avoid trying to claim such a monopolization of things we do share in common with others and not try to falsely absorb things that are simply incompatible with Druwayu as a whole which does have an underlining consistency and structure, even though most superficial reviews tend to skip over those facts.


Furthermore, another core tendency of such monopolies is to suppress, silence, and destroy any and all competition and consume whatever is left over from that act of imposed conquest. As we do not seek to impose ourselves or Druwayu on anyone else and instead simply share it with others to accept or reject as they will, we must not yield ourselves or Druwayu to be imposed upon by anyone or anything.

Tyrannical Authoritarianism

Being an authority on a subject and an author of concepts is not in itself wrong. Being recognized with an invested dirty and therefore authority to administer specific laws and policies as agreed upon by the people as a whole on majority vote and choosing such persons based on their merits alone is reasonable. However, Tyrannical Authoritarianism is often expressed as Social Darwinism and Marxism which is detrimental and destructive to all who embrace such concepts. For clarification:

  1. Social Darwinism promotes the view that the strong should see their wealth, power and authority increase, and the perceived weak should see their wealth, power and authority increase as a natural consequence of selective competition, and more or less false into the perception that might makes right and nothing else and is supported by Marxism.

  2. Marxism is both socialist and communist. Even in its new and fashionable incarnations, which are themselves based in deception, such things do e not, have not and cannot fulfill people’s economic needs or their yearning for freedom because it places all wealth and it distribution in the hands of the state, removes incentives for individual efforts to compete which is necessary for a healthy culture and economy, and does not account for different needs of different people who are only allotted the same specific amounts of wealth, often at the bare minimal of survival and well below the poverty status.



  • It always favors state control over the economy which in turn means it favors the already wealthy and therefore “politically and financially strong and powerful.”

  • Individuals have to submit to central economic planning of those who control the state regardless of their clear and often unrestrained incompetence and nepotism.

  • It also regards the concept of individual human beings having inherent dignity and right to autonomous self-determination as flawed and dangerous and something that must be suppressed, silenced and crushed at all costs.

  • It seeks to completely splits the culture into distinct and opposing, clashing classes of the wealthy oppressors and the and the poverty stricken oppressed.

  • This then quickly turns into a society being reduced into a totalitarian police state where there are no freedoms, just compliance, and failure to comply is enough grounds for immediate execution without question, trial or challenge, at least for the oppressed.

  • Often the enforcers are themselves the oppressed but gain a slightly better status or at least living situation by being paid and provided for in some way as long as they abide by their duties but do not truly own anything themselves.

  • Failure to enforce also leads to an immediate execution by one’s own peers regardless of the lack of ethics or moral compass because all are merely cattle to serve the whims of those in positions of authority and maintaining the illusions of power.



It is as it sounds. It is abusing oneself in any manner such as condemning oneself as worthless, of no importance, less important than everyone else and can be considered the extreme opposite of narcissism. This overall is a general lack of a sense of value or worth in one’s own existence and can often times be taken to the extremes of self-injury with or without suicidal intentions and may also result in taking unnecessary risks to health and life, including engaging in unsafe sexual practices and placing any sense of worth based on the acceptance of others.


It can also result in other forms of self-destructive behavior that has developed by intent and has become a habit one has sank into and can be things that might not seem to be self-destructive at first, such as going to parties all the time, excessive drinking, having frequent and multiple sexual partners, taking risks known to be dangerous and at times with little to no concern if others are present and may be potentially harmed or killed as a result of their actions, such as driving at excessive speeds at night without any vehicle lights on in the wrong lane on purpose. One who succumbs to such things self comes back from it.


  1. We recognize that our intelligence and potential make us different from other species of this world we share existence with, and that is what bestows upon us a unique responsibility towards our environments and planetary ecology as the custodians rather than the usurpers of nature and life.

  2. We acknowledge a depth of power far greater than that is apparent to the average person, which some may describe as supernatural or others simply as an aspect of nature that may erupt from time to tome without any notice. However, not everyone accesses and expresses it the same way and to claim otherwise is to deceive oneself as well as others.

  3. We recognize there are singularities and dualism and to try and force all under a concept of rigid balance and duality is a misrepresentation of life and nature as a whole. In that Druwayu is not a dualistic tradition or culture.

  4. We do recognize the necessity of some form of authoritarian hierarchy, yet one tempered by the will of the people and not as usurpers over the people, and without the recognition of such authority of leadership of such as elders, no culture or society can endure long or consistently.

  5. We honor and respect those teach rather than preach, and those who guide rather than demand, and impart such education without imposing themselves or their own opinions or decrees and refuse to submit to those that demand they perpetuate propaganda over facts, or those who impose policies of their own private creation over laws determined by the majority will and ruling of the people.

  6. As Druans, we are in no way threatened or intimidated by those wishing to denounce Druwayu because it is contrary to their particular assumed beliefs and teachings, or the facts of actual rather than invented histories designed to mislead and confuse the masses.

  7. We do not recognize the concept of a single all encompassing evil an parallel to an all encompassing singular good, nor give worship or devotion to some evil entity defined and conceptualized by some other couture or religion. This is not the same as saying we do not recognize the realities of good or evil, yet in that, we do not allow for the excuses of blaming or crediting one or the other type of things for any such thing chosen and initiated by the will of very real human beings themselves.

  8. Druwayu has never been intended to be some sort of ‘popularized” anything to be promoted or demoted as so many other things have been more or less actively perpetuated and distributed. This is also why much of the foundations of Druwayu as has been retained within this work has seldom been shared with others, other than a select few regardless if they necessarily comprehend all of the content or not.

  9. We reject any who proclaim their traditions to be “nature based” when clearly so much of their “traditions” foundations are based more on their own petty and perpetual persecuted victim complexes as justifications for their own bullying, sexism, and hate filled mental, emotional and often times physical abuses of others. That is also not compatible with Druwayu or its central foundations such as the Drikeyu.



  1. We recognize that our intelligence and cognitive potentials gives us a unique responsibility toward our environment, one another and ourselves as individuals.

  2. We acknowledge a depth of power far greater than the apparent to the average person but do not perpetuate needless superstitions rhetoric or appeal to claims of the supernatural but rather recognize this power as lying within all things as the underlying bond of all.

  3. We neither need to condemn or justify sexual pleasure, nor use our culture, customs or traditions as an excuse for anything sexual or anything else.

  4. We recognize both outer and inner aspects of our being as the physical and psychological, emotional and instinctive as parts of the whole interwoven, and not as independent features or qualities of our total individual beings.

  5. We do not recognize or tolerate any totalitarian or fascist hierarchy, but do honor those who teach, respect those who share their greater knowledge and wisdom, and acknowledge those who have courageously given their live to insure our freedom and safety without compromising one for the other.

  6. We share in the goal is to live wisely and well rounded without doing needless harm to others and seeking to live in harmony with Nature in all of its clear and apparent wonders, beauty and even ugliness and always strive to explore it to the fullest of our abilities, yet do not demand all other must do the same.

  7. We believe in the promotion of life in a continuation of evolution and development of consciousness giving meaning to our individual and collective lives as we exist within this Universe we know and our personal and shared roles within it.

  8. We respect and acknowledge the free will and autonomy of the individual’s right to self determination so long as they respect and acknowledge the same for others and do not impose their own in place of others or others imposing their own on us or anyone else.

  9. We seek to end, to the best of our abilities any animosity towards any other religion, culture or philosophy of life to the extent that they reciprocate this same respect for peaceful coexistence with us and care little for arguments over things of the past for which we have no direct influence or involvement, and neither do they.

  10. We are not threatened by debates on any subject, be it aspects of our own culture, customs and tradition, our titles or anything else, the origins of various terms, the legitimacy of various opinions or demonstrable impersonal facts, and should not profess a claim of direct connections with anything seemingly similar to the past, nor impose presentism on the past, or seek to engage in historical revisionism derived from presentism.

  11. We do not accept the concepts of either absolute good or absolute evil, nor do we deny there are good or evil things, do not seek power through the suffering of others, nor accept that personal benefit can be derived only by denial of anything or anyone, nor accept any concepts of personal demands to strive for impossible things such as absolute perfection or purity just as none can ever reach perfect zero.


  1. To clear out all the trapping of the concepts and snags of world religions and philosophy that has fallen into the rhetoric and fallacies of mysticism and occultism.

  2. To remove falsely imposed superstitions and misrepresentations that I have considered the nonsensical side of spirituality.

  3. To try and seek means to experience spiritual reality if it is real or end it if it’s not and to be honest with myself and others pertaining to such matters.

  4. To seek how things actually work and worked rather than simply make assumptions or apply needless or excessive embellishments.

  5. To focus on demonstrable and verifiable proof and counter all deceptions, including but not limited to such things as etymology which is fundamental to knowing and understanding what was meant by those who came long before us here and now.

  6. To remove all childish or silly concepts and seek peaceful coexistence with all including all modern imposed sexist nonsense of misogynists and misandrist on all sides of any debates, and more or less the nonsense of racist, ethnocentric separatist ideologies that should have no place in such matters as these.

  7. To acknowledge, and appreciate the distinctions and qualities of men and women and welcome both as equals in the quests of truth which is achieved when we accurate knowledge, clarity of wisdom and proper understanding of diverse kinds of subjects.

  8. To do away with clear and obvious unnatural things and perversions of the natural, or the decrees and whims of the violent and insane who use whatsoever identity or ‘definition’ as a mask as means to do such things, especially at the cost of the needless suffering and expenses of others.

  9. To seek to refine such knowledge over time and eventually share such refinements with the greater populations in hopes to create a stable and more human society and overall honorable and trustworthy tradition, culture and civilization.

  10. To remove all confusion imposed or invented and to counter all forms of deception, including the deception of self and others derived from many false and erroneous sources that either have no true knowledge or idea of what they are talking about or are blatantly lying to themselves and all others.

  11.  To temper and hone one’s mind and emotions and seek to improve the health of the mind, emotions and the body, rather than submit to purely reactionary responses and blind whims by using proper self discipline and self control that promotes thinking over reacting and mindful considerations over emotional responses. 

  12. To create a culture of peaceful reasonable coexistence as well as peaceful exchanges and sharing, as well as mutual support and defense, and a culture where authority is shared among all people and not vested in the hands of a single person or small group of self-appointed dictators and tyrants, while also not imposing oneself upon others or allow others to impose themselves upon the individual as itself a demonstration and expression of the truest sense of respect of self and others.  



  1. To seek to act and behave in harmony with the Drikeyu and not try to impose my own will or whims upon or in place of such thing because such us doomed to failure.

  2. By seeking to live and conduct oneself in harmony with the Drikeyu one is indeed acting in accordance with the wills of the One and Three.

  3. My life or death will not and does not pay for some sort of “debts” for sins or crimes or mistakes of all people, and it is instead through the sufferings we all endure, we learn both the importance of loyalty and obedience, but also the necessity of dedications d devotion.

  4. In this I can and will say to you that by setting aside any nonsensical doctrine of some sort of so called holy or profane sacrifice, so as to not end up being the latest installment of a bunch of babblers with no actions, exploring and contemplating the Drikeyu will help one come to gain some sort of insight to what can be called the will of the One and the Three, rather than desperately imposing their own and “hoping” for some demanded desire to be fulfilled “just because.” It’s not how that works.

  5. All things are indeed subject to the Drikeyu and by the Drikeyu are subjected to the ways and wills of the One and Three. By putting the Drikeyu before our own desires, dispositions and wills and contemplating their importance and significance, we are also opening u ourselves to likewise execute and fulfill the wall of God and the three Goddesses to the best of our abilities, we are giving true and proper “worship” to him and them that is not based in kind of blind devoting or superstitious fears.

  6. It is important that we do our best to getting out of our own ways and allowing the human to be human and the natural to be natural and reality to be reality regardless of any and all subjective conclusions or claims or excuses.

  7. I do not claim to be some sort of divine or infernal being incarnated in human form. I do not pretend to be or claim to be some sort of special vessel of a deity or avatar of the power and presence of One and Three.

  8. I do not claim to be a master of everything or a knower of all things, claim to be the only source of all and absolute truth.

  9. I do not elevate myself in place of or over that of the Drikeyu or the One and Three.

  10. I do not deny the potential for an afterlife or reincarnation. However, I also do not claim firsthand knowledge by experience of such conditions either and would give no trust in someone that did or does make such claims.

  11. I do not expect or demand anyone lay down their lives for me or anything or anyone else, yet also am not opposed to forfeiting your own life if that is what it takes to defend the lives and freedoms of others one would want personally done and given to oneself.

  12. I reject all the main concepts of what is often called “sin” as some sort of perpetual guilt as it contradicts the very concept of redemption through the simple act and choice to “repent” as in turn away from such things and not to continue doing things you know to be wrong in the first place, since the basic sense of a sin is more along the lines of a mistake and has often been falsely aligned to concepts associated as irredeemably evil, though I also do not deny the concepts of good/benevolence and evil/malevolence.

  13. You also cannot believe what you do not know or do not understand regardless who will claim otherwise. All do have free will though it limited as well by circumstance and the same freedoms of personal wills of other people and beings, which itself is part of the reciprocal dynamics of all existence known and unknown.

  14. I shall make it clear as well that one should not waste their time seeking various ‘wonders’ and ‘signs’ as if such things could demonstrate any truth outside of the principles of the Drikeyu that is always impersonal and takes no sides but its own.

  15. I reject all such concepts of ‘your truth’ and ‘personal truth because these are not “truths” but rather subjective personal experiences and opinions seldom based in actual facts.

  16. I do not claim to be the embodiment of all truth, to be the only source of guiding one’s ways by which they conduct themselves, or the source of the lives of others or even my own life. I never trust such things that have been so poorly taken completely out of their original context that has likewise misled far too many for centuries after centuries.

  17. I personally recognize that the actual meaning of being “the truth, way and life” means you must seek to “follow and express and tell the impersonal truth and not claim things you do not know and admit you do not know things just as much as you must admit things you do know, that being ‘the ways’ means being an example and expression of the basic teachings and tenants of the culture and tradition, and ‘the life” means living in the impersonal truth, adhering to the established ways, and expressing such by how you conduct yourself and live your life to the best of your abilities.

  18. I do not claim all your sins should be punished when they are in reality simply mistakes, and do not equate such mistakes with all you evil deeds, or that all your evil deeds are somehow forgiven just because you have confessed to such, are that by following me, someone or something else you will be saved from some sort of punishment and escape responsibility for your words and actions and then automatically fly up to the sky, which is the actual meaning of heaven, when you die in a state of unrealistic purity and perfection.

  19. I reject any sense that ritual and ceremony promotes spirituality and ineffective ritual or ceremony somehow kills it, when in reality ritual and ceremony are themselves actually symbolic expressions of the essential concepts and beliefs of one’s spirituality, and so forth, not the other way around, and are not even necessary to be expressed if one does not hold a true sense of such as being a necessity.

  20. Finally, I do not see remotely a conflict whatsoever between the concepts of creation and evolution beyond some sort of silly and often foolish imposed interpretations or proclamations of doctrine sources. To deny various sciences are just as subject to confirmation biases and must have a certain amount of “trust” in things that do not have any actual proofs beyond base concepts would also itself be a deceitful proclamation.


We recognize our elders as bearing the titles of Warlocks and Witches as those who hold a seat within the Drusidu as the governing and custodial authority of the traditions and culture of Druwayu and all who identity as Druans regardless of where they are from or where they dwell. The following is the guidance and therefore guidelines of how a Warlock or Witch, and therefore elder of Druwayu in whole or in part should likewise consider, contemplate, embrace and express with due diligence and reverence for it is essential to the quality of character of anyone who should bear either title of such elders herein.

  1. No one is superior or inferior to anyone else regardless their diverse skills or abilities.

  2. Always seek to remind one another they are needed so that none are left to feel needy.

  3. Seek to treat others as you want to be treated but do not allow any to abuse that.

  4. No one is a burden, and everyone depends on everyone else one way or another.

  5. Needless fear and deceit are the weapons of those who pretend to be superior.

  6. We all need one another to survive and thrive and do not need to control each other.

  7. Our distinctiveness of individual minds is not weaknesses but rather our strength.

  8. Our individuality of minds and personalities are not illusions.

  9. There is no such thing as personal truth, just personal experience and opinion.

  10. Truth is impersonal and is always the same regardless of who recognizes or speaks of it.

  11. Those how make those who speak the truth enemies are themselves enemies of all.

  12. Every life of every individual is not expendable and for that reason every life matters.

  13. The needless suffering or evil in the world is self-caused and can be turned away from.

  14. We must honor and respect individuality and utilize all skills mutually and responsibly.

  15. We are all responsible for something and responsibility is also reciprocal.

  16. We do not need to seek to control one another to be responsible for one another.

  17. We are all the same species with the same needs and the same forgivable flaws.

  18. We must not deceive ourselves or others with demands for the illusions of perfectionism.

  19. We do not need to seek oneness with anything because we are already one in essence.

  20. We are all the diverse children of the same ultimate source of all things.

  21. We are not the same as the ultimate source of all things or merely debris of that.

  22. We are to be custodians of life, not the controllers and destroyers of it.

  23. We must live in harmony with one another and the laws and dynamics of nature.

  24. We must respect the choices and freedoms of all in order to protect and defend our own.

  25. There can be no peace or true progress among those who proclaim themselves above all.

  26. We must not allow another to be silenced with whom we disagree or do not like, less we ourselves become silenced in due course.


By these Twenty-Six guidelines a Warlock and Witch learn and then fulfill their different responsibilities as custodians of Druwayu, adherence to the creed, path of self-honing, and the eleven core principles which all are connected and complimentary when one contemplates it all.


The following is more of a general list of 27 things for one to be mindful of in regards to Druwayu as a whole and to be held as the common shared views of Druans as specific answers to specific questions without having to be asked about such things and how it does or does not relate to Druwayu as a whole. Again, these are general perspectives of this culture and tradition.

  1. Weddings: Marriage is respected and is not entrapment. We do not impose any specific permissions or denials of personal relationships among adults 18 years old or older. It is their choice and no others. The customs and the laws of the land are respected. We also respect the vows of marriage as the same as any oath that must be kept and honored and should not, in order to maintain our own honor, trespass knowingly on such oaths.

    • If it is a monogamous or a polygamous structure, it must be by the free will of all parties involved and arguments for or against one or the other are nonsensical as what is often used to condone one and deny the other have been mutually applied and demonstrably opinions based in personal biases, ignorance and delusional self-justifications all around. 

  2. Funerals: What one has determined before they have departed from this incarnation as to how they wish to be buried is respected and not argued over. If it has not been written in a final will it is up to their families to decide.

  3. Sacrifices: We do not kill humans or animals for some sort of ritual service, expectation or demands, and find such things as abhorrent and disgusting. When we must kill an animal for food, we do so only for food respectively and make every effort to make it quick, so the animal does not suffer. We don’t eat people.

  4. Offerings: Offerings are not the same as Sacrifices: We do not expect any kind of special offering ritually or otherwise. Offerings are personal gestures that must be motivated by the will and desire of the individual and is not something that is to be expected or demanded, as it is viewed as cheeping the meaning behind the offering and becomes nothing but a payment.

  5. Doctrine and Dogma: All doctrine means is what is written down. Nothing is viewed as absolutely infallible or ineffable regardless how old or new the source. Therefore any claims about anything, verified or not is little more than dogma which in itself simply means an opinion. All demands proof.

  6. Heresy: All heresy means is ‘choice’ regardless the claims of far too many who throw such words around with no true sense of the meaning. Everyone has the freedom of choice regardless who agrees with it or not. Therefore no one is punished or condemned for choosing anything.

  7. Proselytizing: Proselyte simply means ‘selected from.’ The words composed of pro (from) se (separate) lithos (lyte/ite = stone). In proper context it meant to ‘take from a different source” and “change” in the sense of conversion, which is why it is applied in the sense of a convert.  We simply do not demand anyone to convert.

  8. Apostasy: All apostasy means is to stand away, simply meaning ‘to leave.’ No one is demanded to ‘stay’ with Druwayu and not punished, otherwise it becomes slavery which we do not tolerate. While it is often claimed if means defect which means to ‘do the opposite,’ it is false. One is free to come or go as they will.

  9. Blasphemy: All blasphemy means is ‘speaking badly.’ Everyone ‘speaks badly’ about something and its nonsense to contemn someone for doing so. Some do need to be called out on their bullshit. We do not punish anyone for that. All have a right to their opinions and we don’t have to accept all of them either.

  10. Sexuality: Self control of one’s urges is not a bad thing,  especially when it comes to preventing the contraction or spreading of painful or incurable diseases. It is also what raises us above other species that are driven by impulses and not by thoughts. Additionally, we must never impose our desires upon against the will of others. Any act of rape or molestation is not tolerated. Any sort of ‘sexual interest’ or abuse or mutilation of a child is absolutely not tolerated under any circumstance or so called justification.

  11. Gender: There are only two sexes; male or female, and only two gender roles in the process of reproduction; male or female for gender is merely a different word for sex when sex is not being used as a word for 'sexual interactions.' In humans, Males, from the onset of puberty, produce sperm and sire offspring through the female but do not and cannot conceive or become pregnant. Females are born with all the eggs they will ever have that can be fertilized where the eggs naturally mature with the onset of puberty and, but they do not and cannot sire offspring. Males and females are factually physically different regardless of what rare or less common biological defects occur. 

  12. Identity: What one thinks they are does not equal what they are. What one claims to be does not make them to be the thing they claim to be simply because they claim to be so. If a man claims to be the wind, it does not make him wind. If a woman claims to be the rain, it does not make her rain. If one is named the wind or the rain, then they are Wind and Rain only by name, not by nature, form or being. If one has earned a title reflective of their duty or employment, then it is simply a title. They are not the same as the title itself. Do not be deceived. 

  13. Nature: You cannot claim to respect nature if you ignore things of nature that are inconvenient realities you have difficulties accepting as reality. If you claim to respect the nature of things but then reject the reality of what is natural, than you are unworthy of trust and are deceiving yourself and make excuses for other deceivers. We respect nature but we do not worship it. If one speaks to a stone and commands it to “get up, dance, eat, drink, talk,” or any other such thing it will do nothing. It has no mind, nor will, nor urge. You can smash it to sand. You can carve it and shape it, yet it will feel nothing. Applying what is not human to the human is delusional. Applying what is human to what is not human is idiocy. 

  14. Preferences: We do not need, nor should, tolerate all preferences of what one may take a greater liking to, or a desire for, or interest in, such as but not limited to what is unhealthy and inappropriate, such as an adult having an inappropriate or unhealthy liking for a child or an animal, especially in a sexual manner, or one who takes pleasure in causing pain, tormenting and unnecessary suffering of another living thing. Nor should we tolerate one needlessly abusing themselves or others. If one has a preference to avoid relationships and instead engage in acts of sexual violation of another, it should not be tolerated regardless what the gender of the trespasser is. However, if it is such a preference is harmless to themselves or others then so be it, as the same applies to you.

  15. Autonomy: All people have the natural inherent right to self determination and uncensored, unfiltered, truthfully informed, and not coerced decisions, as well as the consequences there of. In this, we must not allow anyone imposed themselves upon any one of us, nor impose ourselves upon others. In this we must let children be children and let adults be adults. This also means we must not allow adults to impose adult matters, interests or concerns upon children, nor the have childish things imposed upon any adults, nor deny differences between child and adult.

  16. Changes: All changes are not good. All changes are not bad. Change is a normal feature of the impermanence of everything. However, change by intent simply for the sake of change is seldom change for the better, and certainly provides no true progress or benefit to the majority, and more often than not is a detriment to all. Nature itself is always in a state of constant change regardless of your feelings or opinions about it. We can either adapt to it or parish, one and all. Adaptation is change with purpose, and the purpose is survival. Trying to force nature to conform to our whims is futile and blind arrogance.

  17. Holidays: Holidays are simply called holidays. Some may have specific names; however, they are not in the same alignment as most sources present such things and are not simply appropriations of something else. One is free to observe or celebrate any holiday with others even if it is not part of our own culture, and all within our own culture are free to create holidays so long as one understands the very meaning of the word holy is to make whole, as well as heal. This means such times are meant for strengthening and renewing our mutual bonds as well as times to restore or heal our relationships with one another or take time to rest and heal in a more physical sense. That is what makes such sacred when it is made clear that this is the whole point and meaning of holiday. 

  18. Gatherings: Gatherings are also simply called gatherings just as meetings are simply called meetings, unless they are specifically something like birthdays. They do not have specific connotations or associations with any one specific observance or celebration, nor always have some sort of spiritual or religious connotation. We gather where we want, why we want, when we want, if we want; though even in that we do not seek to gather were there are others already and respect the space of others as we want our own respected. It is again that simple. 

  19. Initiations: We do not have “initiations” to become a Druan. If anyone claims to be a Druan or a Druan Warlock or Witch and claims we do, ignore them and give them no further attention unless they make themselves a physical threat to you and your well being. They are deceivers and neither Druans or any member of our clergy. We do provide this information for the education of Druans and it is also a requirement for all Warlocks and Witches of Druwayu as elders to fully understand the importance of their roles, their responsibilities and purpose as such elders of Druwayu.

  20. Special Garb: Generally speaking, Druan Warlocks and Witches do not dress up different than anyone else or have to have some sort of costume or eternal trapping of religiosity. However, some Druan Warlocks and Witches may dress up in stereotypical garb out of humor and mockery of frauds, or to parody false claims about such things. This does not mean in the future specific outfits for Druan Warlocks and Witches are restricted either. We also do not do that whole “parade around naked” bit.

  21. Cemeteries and Memorials: We respect cemeteries and memorials to the departed like anyone else and will not engage in any acts of desecration. In this sense we do consider these types of places sacred regardless if such locations are the burial sites of others with their own traditions, cultures and spirituality or not. We do not worship the dead but we do honor them. This also extends to memorial objects having a historical context even if we do not like the history because history belongs to everyone, not a select few.

  22. Special Alters: We don’t not need or require special altars or figurines to represent such things as the One and the Three. In fact, we don’t represent them in anthropomorphic form at all. If someone chooses to make a shrine of their own choice, four candles with one in the center and three around them tends to suffice.

  23. Ritual Tools or Weapons: We do not practice such things like so called magic by any spelling in part because we are not Magi. We do not need to use some sort of ceremonial ritual weapon either. As a general rule we embrace actual sciences and technologies so have no need for pointless objects, and use the same sort of tools like anyone else with no supernatural meaning. If we carry a weapon of any kind it is because of our basic view of our natural right to have every means possible to protect ourselves as well as one another and in defense of our individual and mutual autonomy and rights of self determination. Only in that sense can a weapon is considered our sacred right.

  24. Children: Our core value is children should be protected at all costs and their natural development never infringed or trespassed upon, especially when it comes to their physical health and mental well being. Imposing adult concepts and ideas upon children is for us considered a clear sign of true evil as it is our general view true evil cannot keep its claws off of children. This also means we will not tolerate the mutilation of children or any other abuses of children under the claims of “affirmative care” because the only thing “affirmative” about it is it is to ruin them before they ever have a chance to determine their own lives as adults on their own.

  25. Abortion: Our core value is that all life is important and to be valued as sacred and respected. And life as in abortion should not be terminated after the 4th week of pregnancy when central nervous system of a human embryo has started to take definitive form. 4 weeks is plenty of time to report and have efforts to make sure such things do not take, especially in the case of rape. Abortion should not be used as a form of contraception and if such are concerned with the potential for pregnancy they must themselves take responsibility to either use contraceptives or be rendered infertile or sterile to prevent such “unwanted” conceptions. The only other justification is if carrying on with such a pregnancy will result in the death of both the mother and the unborn.   

  26. Responsible Cloning: Because our core value is that all life is important and valued as sacred and respected as such it is our view that it should be a medical right and need for people to have their own genetic material used for cloning and replacing such as lost or damaged limbs, organs or transplanting nerves that no longer function properly and not up for a political or theological “debate.” For a Druan it is a matter of the right to personal life.  When it comes to cloning to restoring species, if possible that are known to have gone into extinction because of the ignorance of human development, as custodians of life we should do so. We should not try and "restore" species that went extinct long before humans existed.

  27. Birthdays: When it comes to birthdays, we embrace them as the celebration of an individual’s life and one that should not be neglected, for doing so is a form of dishonor and disrespect for the person in question. The only time in which we will not observe and honor someone’s birthday is if they have requested that it is not celebrated or observed regardless what their personal reasoning’s may be. Otherwise it is to be an occasion of joy celebrated with family, friends and neighbors as it is itself a means of reinforcing bonds of the individual with the people around them and the people with them. However, children must also be raised not to become spoiled or selfish and taught to recognize the reason their birthdays are celebrated and how being demanding and disrespectful of those who have come to honor their lives is a shame and insult that cannot be accepted or tolerated.


This is often underappreciated and also often misrepresented. However, we can also clarify this in such a way that counters the real motivations for all the smears back and forth found in mainstream religions and occult movements which I will also prove here as my personal opinion that one is free to do with as they will. I have no control over that. I don’t care to try either. I just won’t willfully allow others to try and force me into anything no matter what the threat may be, and I have fought my whole life to maintain that disposition and won’t stop even when this life of mine is concluded. Ultimately it will boil down I am under no obligation to explain myself to anyone for anything and my thoughts are my own and I don’t care if you agree with them or not.

  1. If someone identifies as anything else from some actual tribal culture and actual ancient history of their religion, and not those things that claim to be older, especially when it is known when they came into being, that happened to manage to survive into this present age against all odds, I am not going to condemn or attack those identities simply because I do not submit to or believe in such specifically. However, if such claim to represent such identities should become threatening or demand I submit to their conclusions and chosen identities as a contingency for their fair treatment of me as a human being or their friendship and condemnation of me and seeking my destruction because I do not, then I will mock them personally and not be so tolerant of them personally. I will treat an atheist the same way and I do not care what other “identities” others claim to be. It’s all

  2. If something is wrong and I have been able to first research such things on my own and have cross references and more than sufficient evidence as well as proofs showing such things are wrong, be it etymology or even claims regardless what those claims are, I will not hide or deny them because someone else can’t handle they have been proven wrong or yield and ‘apologize” for being correct. On the same hand I am not going to go out of my way to “prove others wrong” that haven’t bothered me and certainly not going to do so just to try and create a controversy for the sake of creating a controversy. However, right is right and wrong is wrong. When someone has already admitted they were wrong if they were actually wrong and made a mistake if they did, then get over it and move on. Stop having a temper tantrum over it. And use your damn brain for more than space filler. 

  3. If someone makes a mistake, they made a mistake. Mistakes are fine and forgivable but refusing to acknowledge mistakes when one knows they have made a mistake is not forgivable till they admit to the mistake. On the other hand, it is not a mistake when someone knows what they are doing is wring and only call it a mistake because the outcome didn't favor their personal desires or interests. If they admit to their mistakes and do not repeat them then they can be forgiven only when they stop repeating them. Until then it is less a mistake than a chosen action or any apology made will be inauthentic and unworthy of trust. In the same course, one who holds grudges is also unworthy of being trusted as such grudges can easily turn far more dangerous and render them the unreliable and unworthy one.  

Self Star


The Seven Pointed Star within a Triangle, upright or inverted, is often distorted to mean a host of several other things so as to obscure the fact that this is all based in the concepts associated with based in the realization of how to not only create a false sense of a spiritual experience, but to utilize some or all the methods of association to twist one’s mind, bend their will, and redirect their urges towards what another is imposing, often tricking one into believing the choices they have made and actions they have engaged in are their own, and as such employs several things as shown here that need to be explained. 


  1. Mind is replaced often with the word Soul. Will is replaced with the word Spirit. Urge is replaced with the word Body. This is to hide the fact that various rituals using the following seven-fold methods of bending one to the desires of presumed “masters and mistresses” do not have to require direct contact and more or less inserts such things as “trigger words” and manipulative suggestibility.

  2. The seven-fold methods are likewise called the seven senses, though this is itself inaccurate, and such inaccuracy is done on purpose. They are generally applied as what can be called properly the Seven Methods which are auditory, vocal, olfactory, gustatory, visual, tactile, and kinetic, all designed to make the mind more open to subtle suggestibility and also can and does take into account the usage of repetition.

  3. Auditory is anything you hear that is rhythmic, vocal is anything you speak or is spoken ranging from chants to prayers, olfactory is anything you smell be it pleasant or unpleasant, gustatory is anything you consume and taste and usually includes such as intoxicants, visual is anything you see such as symbols, images, written words and colors, tactile is any sensation of touch by you or someone else, and kinetic has to do with movement such as dancing and twirling, sleep deprivation and so forth. All of these are designed to trigger various mental, emotional and physical responses, especially in regard to memories as well as cultural associations to ultimately compel and inspire an action as well as state of mind.

Done correctly and often with very little actual effort, it can all fire off various hallucinatory and visual and emotional experiences that can sometimes be beneficial, yet if done incorrectly by accident or on purpose, it can also cause various temporary and potentially permanent states of confusion and psychoses. In the modern world much of this can be accomplished primarily through audio and visual means by placing one in front of a Television and bombarding them with rapid words which veil triggers, and the usage of flashing images, colors and sounds to more or less rewire the brains of the observers.


This has been among the many methods used even in various marketing campaigns to convince people more or less emotionally and psychologically to want to buy and consume their protects and even cause a certain sense of urgency-based addiction to the said products without even as yet including such as various consumed chemical agents and intoxicants. Playing on one’s emotions is also a major method in all of these things because one is moved towards strong emotional responses in order to intentionally independent, logical, rational and reasonable thoughts. That is precisely why such things are designed to “push your emotional buttons.” 

It also goes hand in hand with the known fact that an emotional person is actually easier to manipulate than one who is less emotional and thinks before reacting. Social conditioning by more or less social engineers also employs the same methods to gain the same intended results in their general social targeted audiences while also encouraging peer pressure tactics to further tear down resistance to such things.  

That again is all part of Subliminal Messaging. Subliminal messages are stimuli, like sounds or images that are too faint or quick for most people to consciously perceive or catch right off and as such thought they're below the threshold of general conscious awareness; they still stimulate the brain and affect behavior as well as perceptions without one consciously aware of it occurring For this reason, subliminal messages have often been used as a simple way to influence people’s thoughts and encourage them to change their behavior more often than not, adversely rather than beneficially.

Furthermore it should be noted that this kind of research and experimentation on unaware human subjects has occurred for hundreds of years, especially by those seeking to control the minds and emotions of those whom they rule over to keep them loyal and compliant as well as divided and distrusting of one another and placing all trust, no matter how insane such may seem in retrospect, solely upon such leaders or rulers so as to also keep them in positions of power and pass on the methods to their various successors. This is also where one will find the dangerous side of so-called psychology with its roots also in occultism.

Helpful intentions behind such methods are often pawned off as “it can help you lose extra wight, stop you from overeating, help you stop drinking alcohol or quitting smoking or drug usage.” The reality is most of those claims are in fact fraudulent and used as gateways to draw people into yet another area of being manipulated and scammed with the additional resulting mental and emotional devastation such things also often employ.


So those who also proclaim such things are only the area and interest of diverse and various religious institutions are claims that are also complete bullshit and itself an example of a claim based in culturally and socially imposed collective brainwashing from several sources and on several fronts.

The same claim that once you know how to recognize such methods of manipulation being applied and imposed upon you that it becomes impossible for you to be further manipulated in such a way. That is in itself also nonsense. In reality it simply helps you become more aware over time of such methods which helps defend you from such things, yet there are always other methods used as indicated.



It’s almost silly that such as this must also be clarified and explained. The fact is, regardless of who says it, they are in fact the same basic thing with the same basic concept where one is seeking to have their will imposed on a specific need to situation, either through focus of the will or seeking the assistance of another entity involving some sort of offering.


Otherwise, the only difference is based on the content of the words and the fact that the word prayer is Latin when Spell is more Germanic in origin which has its roots in Scandinavian. One will claim they are entirely different because one asks for help and the other involved “focusing your energy to help yourself.” The truth is if you are seeking help from another entity, you are already focusing said “energy.”

Otherwise, what does spell mean in and of itself? Three basic things; one is speaking out a word letter by letter, one is simply telling a story out loud as prose rather than verse, and the other simply means speak rather than recite. “


Sitting for a spell,” for example was an expression meaning to take time to rest, which often included stopping and sitting and listening in on a story being told such as by way of bards for entertainment but also as a way to spread news long ago.


How one chooses to express or perceive such things as the same or different is of no real consequence. Its entirely context based which is why in this particular thing, they are in fact the same, regardless of if some symbolic act or gesture is involved or not.  

However, if we reduce both to such generalizations when we find prayer is defined as meaning a spoken request or petition or plead, and a spell defined and described as an act of a Priest or Priestess (Both words simply mean Elder) preaching and teaching what things mean and signify; and to explain and interpret,” it becomes laughable prayer alone is associated with Priests and Priestess as a “good thing” but spells are acts of Warlocks and Witches as a “bad thing” than it’s the same as saying priests and priestess should remain silent and Warlocks and Witches should pay. 


It just shows how often people spew things they have been conditioned to spew with no sense of the words and terms coming out of their mouths. If ‘a spell’ is also a bad thing than one should not call their various texts as gospels, which is and has been shown already and many times over to come from godspel meaning good tale/story/news and so on.  

Furthermore, this betrays just how nonsensical it is when “spell” is claimed to mean a series of words that in rhyme or poetic chant that have a “supernatural” power to influence persons, places and things, it further demonstrates the volumes of complete nonsensical gibberish being claimed and taught even from academic centers and sources which should be embarrassing to them for allowing such false context and concepts being heaped upon such matters and as such cannot be justified by anyone who is being completely honest with themselves and others. 


Some may then try and use the word incantation which means a “chanted song” as in enchant literally meaning ‘to song’ from en- ‘upon, into, in, to’ +  cantare “to sing” derived from the root Latin word kan = song. This is where things also get funny of you have a sense of humor though this is all true. It’s all loaned into Old Irish caniaid "sings," Welsh canu "sing;" Old English hana/kana “cock” provided by Greek eikanos literally “bird who sings,” as in a cock, also called a rooster.


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  1. Do not give opinions or advice unless you are asked for them.

  2. Be certain that if those who ask for them can deal with your opinions or advice or don't give them.

  3. Do not tell your troubles to others unless you are sure they want to hear them because most don't.

  4. Be selective who you tell your trouble to unless you are fine with it being spread to others.

  5. When in another’s home or office or place of work or business, show them respect or else do not go there.

  6. Expect others to show you the same respect you show them at their home or office, or place of work or business being treated as you have treated them.

  7. If a guest in your home or office or place of work or business annoys you, inform them of their trespass.

  8. If a guest in your home or office or place of work or business disregards your annoyance don't hold your tongue.

  9. If you make a sexual advance and it is rejected, stop doing so.

  10. If someone complains you give up too early, they are a waste of your time.

  11. Do not take property that does not belong to you.

  12. You have every right to take back property that was stolen from you.

  13. Another person regardless your "feelings" is not your property just as you are not their property.

  14. Do not complain about anything to which you need not subject yourself. Let others be the fragile snowflakes.

  15. You have every right to complain about what does affect you personally regardless of who has issues with it.

  16. Do not harm or mutilate children for any reason or for any claim that is clearly harmful and mutilation.

  17. Do not tolerate adult matters and adult content being imposed upon children.

  18. Do not kill animals unless you are attacked and need to protect yourself or for your food. 

  19. There is no sport in killing animals for thrills or ones that are trapped in cages. Such is a coward's game.

  20. When walking in open territory, bother no one, yet also be well trained and armed to protect yourself and others if it becomes necessary for it is better to be dangerous to a threat than a needless victim and statistic.

  21. Enjoy, partake of and indulge in life but do so cautiously for one moment of careless pleasure seeking can lead to a lifetime of needless suffering and sickness or an unnecessary early demise.

  22. Compassion is more than fleeting love for it is care and consideration of both self and others. However, in that, maintain also compassion for yourself and do not waste it on hypocrites and traitors.



It does not matter if someone else accepts or rejects or complains about Druwayu. They can have all their little fits and demand we have to justify it to anyone other than ourselves. That applies to anything and everything. Nor do we have to have our validations by others giving to denying their validations of Druwayu or us as Druans.


  1. We are under no obligation to explain anything to anyone if we do not wish to do so and their approval or denial is their own problem and petty imposition of themselves upon us while demanding no one else is allowed to impose themselves upon them.

  2. Such are the kinds that play the victim while being the assailant and you needed tolerate or cater to their petty whims and arbitrary demands and blatant cowardice and hypocrisies.



Not all Hindus or Buddhists or Jews, or Christians, or Muslims or even Atheists, or whatever, are all bad people; it’s nonsense that so many continue to push such things. Religion does not make good people do bad things. Bad people do bad things and dumb people cannot tell the difference. When it comes to Satanists, we tend to not be that tolerant because everything about Satanism and other various parody and occult movements are all about being abusive assholes to other people while pretending to ‘represent’ and defend so called victims and intentionally try to be "spooky and scary" when they look and sound ridiculous. If you are going to be an atheist than be one but it is no excuse to be a malicious asshole either or you or no different than those whom you condemn. 

All religions have had their founders at some point in time. This is not even a question. What they are all based in also is diverse and varies obviously. That makes all of them just like any culture or civilization a social construct, sometimes with far better and more enlightened and educated foundations than others and many claim to be enlightened and perpetuate some of the most ignorant and horrific an disgusting things clearly. There is no perfect culture or religion either. Anyone pushing such narratives also demonstrates their ignorance and that is when such ignorance often spins out of control into needless violence and hatred and eventually can and does change such things for the worse rather than the better. It’s also a fact that some of them are better than others and others have a very short shelf life when subjected to better and proper and accurate and reasonable scrutiny.


As to what is not made clear, re-lig-ion means ‘gather/connect again," from the combination of re- 'again' + ligio 'connect/gather' and often used figuratively for "many." It was a political based concept of Old Rome wishing to "reunite" the former conquered regions under its dominion before it collapsed and fragmented under its own weight and has always been the core feature of Imperialism that is frankly a blight on every generation as such goals are perpetuated. However, this actual meaning contrary to how it is used as a "legal" definition demonstrates how definitions are imposed contrary to the actual meaning and context of many words mostly out of majority ignorance. Such is secularism as secular simply means as said, "of the age."

  1. That means as a word and a concept it was created from and based on the age it was derived and has been showing its cracks for some time.

  2. Secular literally means “of the age” or simply ‘generation’ in the context of a point in time. It does not automatically make them fictional either.

  3. Therefore, religion itself even in the general and loosely applied concept is all based in the secular society having been ‘constructed’ from the concepts as known, understood and perceived by the generation it originated in and its evolution through the later generations for better or worse as a result. 

  4. Thus, it is true and incontestable that all religions are secular social constructs based on a collection of social concepts and culture regardless of what it is or who formed it or what it is called relative to the time in which it sprouted from and the minds of those who germinated them. 

Among such things that tend to not have a long shelf life are those things that intentionally began with an intention to purposefully mock something else as a parody of something else often being a compilation of a lack of knowledge of the subject beyond superficial observation, bad arguments and intentional exaggerations of very little intellectual and philosophic value.


  1. Additionally, it cannot be ignored a lot of this including all the narratives are rooted deeply in monotheism and draw from monotheistic terms, concepts and perceptions even if such are known fallacies, even modern sciences.

  2. Other things that are being mocked and assaulted more or less without valid points or based on choices of a few rather than the many often stick around longer because such mockery and slander can be likewise refuted as misrepresenting the facts which then justifies continued adherence and may even win over converts because of it. 


Things based on particular political things can either last centuries or fade in a few years as barely a footnote in history. However, the claim that there is a distinction between the religious and secular is a factual error. This also breaks down to key points that prove this, and something nor clarified or taught anymore even in public schools through such as world cultures curriculum. One should always strive to know the differences and not play into the conclusions of the willfully ignorant, no matter who they are or who they seem to be.



Who has the authority to determine if any of these things are valid or hold any merit? The simple answer is ultimately you. Yes, it can be stated that many of these teachings are found in all religions, in part at least, and that is true. However, because that is true even among cultures that had no direct contact with one another even in ancient times and when some precisely began initially is simply not able to be known, it should be made clear that they are indeed based on experience and likewise there will always be some who will agree with some of them and not others.


Why? Because you are delusional if you believe you can make everyone happy. However, because there are so many things where these diverse sources do agree and based on experiences in different and diverse climates and living conditions through the ages, to scoff at them as having no validity is also complete nonsense from one who takes such a position out of willful or unintentional ignorance. One is also being a full of they assume such things can all be practiced without fail all the time. However, the fact one tries is where the true merit resides. 

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